122: Trailblazing Cannabis ft. Jane West – Transcript

Jane West, 8th Revolution

Editors’ Note: This is the transcript version of the podcast. Please note that due to time and audio constraints, transcription may not be perfect. We encourage you to listen to the podcast, embedded below if you need any clarification. We hope you enjoy!

This week we are joined by Jane West, Founder of Jane West, to discuss: 

  • The story behind the Swat Team storming her 4/20 brunch
  • Breaking stigmas for women and parents
  • Normalization of Cannabis

About Jane: Jane is the Founder and CEO of Jane West, the most widely distributed female owned cannabis brand in the world.

Her company produces over fifty products including custom designed glassware and consumption accessories available worldwide, as well as THC consumables sold in 12 US states and five Canadian provinces. She has raised over $1.7M to date and her successful equity crowdfunding rounds earned her over 3500 investors from 42 counties and every US state and territory.

In 2014, Jane founded Women Grow, currently the largest professional network in cannabis. Inc. magazine named her “the most widely recognized female personality in cannabis” and InStyle magazine included her in the ‘Badass 50’ list, highlighting the women who are “changing the world”.


#Cannabis #WomeninCannabis #420Brunch

At Eighth Revolution (8th Rev), we provide services from capital to cannabinoid and everything in between in the cannabinoid industry.

8th Revolution Cannabinoid Playbook is an Industry-leading report covering the entire cannabis supply chain 

The Dime is a top 50 Cannabis Podcast 

 Contact us directly at [email protected] Bryan Fields: @bryanfields24 Kellan Finney: @Kellan_Finney 

[00:00:00]Bryan Fields: What’s up guys? Welcome back to an episode of The Dime. I’m Brian Fields. I’m with me as always, as ke Finnie. And this week we’ve got a very special guest, Jane West, founder of Jane West. Jane, thanks for taking the time. How you doing

[00:00:13]Jane West: today? I’m doing so great. Thank you so much for having me. I’m thrilled to be on the

[00:00:17]Bryan Fields: show.

[00:00:18] We’re excited to have you Ke, how are you doing?

[00:00:21]Kellan Finney: I’m doing really well. I’m really excited to talk to Jane and other Colorado local, helping push the industry forward. So how

[00:00:27]Bryan Fields: are you, Brian? I’m excited as well. Jane is our most shouted out guest on our podcast, so it’s nice to have her in the hot seat and, and to learn and dive in and all things about her.

[00:00:36] So, Jane, for our listeners, can give a little background about yourself.

[00:00:40]Jane West: Yes. Um, I started in the cannabis sector at 38 years old in 2013, right at the dawn of adult use cannabis in Colorado. Um, I, in my background, I have a master’s degree in social work and I worked mainly for nonprofits producing events, but I’ve always been a cannabis [00:01:00] lover and once it was clear that you could walk, adults could walk into a store and get this wide variety of products and the normalization that would go along with that.

[00:01:08] I wanted to make some cannabis friendly events and that we were in a gray zone for a while in Colorado. And so I founded Edible Edible Events Company. We produced one event a month, and uh, the first event was January 24th, 2014. It got tons of press. Um, so much press actually that, um, my corporate employer asked me to resign from my position, and that was just for like being.

[00:01:34] Just holding host weed party. So that made it onto the cover, The Denver Post. Um, at the time I definitely was not ready to go all in in cannabis, and I definitely didn’t even see myself as a ceo. I, you know, and I was, at that point in time, all my sponsorships were coming in bags of cash, as they almost still do.

[00:01:52] So, uh, Point is, um, it really gave me a lot of notoriety. I pivoted and started [00:02:00] producing events with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, uh, classically cannabis. We even did an event at Red Rocks, um, on a high note, and that made like the cover of the New York Times. Um, but because of the popularity we were getting, uh, Mayor Hancock, who definitely has been like pretty anti-cannabis.

[00:02:16] Um, despite all the benefits that has brought Denver and Colorado. Um, He was like, These events are getting out of, out, you know, the too gray. And they sent a SWAT team to my four 20 Waken bacon brunch at a small, uh, female owned bakery. And that was, that was became a pretty big news story too. I ended up with criminal misdemeanor charges and wasn’t, you know, able to do anything related to cannabis for 18 months.

[00:02:43] And it was at that point that I founded Women Grow because women, I mean, I had been on all. Different articles from like Al JIRAs to cnbc, sp, you know, features on marijuana in America. And women were reaching out to me from all over the world, How do I get in the campus [00:03:00] industry? How do I do what you do?

[00:03:01] I wanna work for you, I wanna do this, I wanna do that. And you know, I wanted to help them find their place. I almost immediately. Identify that this is, has to be, they have to organize themselves state by state. Because I tried to help a few individuals and just learning how different each state was going to evolve and how critical it was.

[00:03:21] You had the right business context in your state. Um, was like the gonna be the. The central issue that most of them faced instead establishing a cannabis business, um, where they live. And so we, I found a women grow. I worked on that for 18 months, hire the next generation of staff. And then in 2017, after having about two and a half years learning the sector, meeting so many people, traveling to so many states, being in so many girls and learning so much, um, I went on on my own and started building my own brand.

[00:03:51] So I started with consumer product goods, glassware of line of dugouts, everything custom designed for what I saw and what I wanted, you know, my aesthetic [00:04:00] of cannabis to be like. Um, and then over time we’ve gotten into actually branding cannabis. It’s one of the number one questions I get is what should I buy and where should I buy from?

[00:04:10] And even if I’m looking at someone’s, you know, menu board, it’s very hard for me to provide. At the same time I’ve watched the way the cannabis industry is involved, and I think it is really important to be supporting locally owned diversely held cannabis businesses. And so I do both of those things by expanding my brand with cannabis operators.

[00:04:33] So, so we now have cannabis partners and 12 states and five provinces of Canada. Um, and they carry, Jane must branded products in day and.

[00:04:45] I’m glad

[00:04:45]Bryan Fields: you shared those things. And before we dove into the, the consumption lounges, I wanna speak more specifically about your background. Like did you, were you always a trailblazer? Was it something that you recognized earlier before the cannabis started or was something that you kind of just fell into and [00:05:00] recognized your, your fit?

[00:05:01] How did that work?

[00:05:02]Jane West: Um, I mean, I’ve always been pretty driven and I’ve always been fairly irreverent, which I think you need around here in the cannabis sector, um, with so many opinions out there. Um, what I really wanted to do, um, throughout my twenties and thirties, I worked in New York, um, at the United Nations, and I really wanted to work in disaster.

[00:05:22] That was like my first big, like, that’s what I thought I would be doing. And so, um, like for the American Red Cross, I worked with, um, African refugees and like that, that was what I wanted to do, um, and in emergency services. And so, um, I was wor and that that’s what led me to get my master screen social work.

[00:05:40] Um, but yeah, I, you know, I think that I’ve always wanted to do, I, I find inspiration in a lot of places. And I also am always trying to just like pave my own path. And now that’s even more important. People are [00:06:00] watching what I’m doing all the time and also like trying to model their own businesses out there.

[00:06:05] And I wish there I had more people that were the CEOs and owners of their cannabis companies that I could watch. And want to emulate or want to model my business after. And there’s just not enough independently owned businesses out there, um, for me to have a bunch of comps. And so, um, so I try to just keep showing people that there’s a way to do this and to build your business without selling out to public trade companies, without selling out to s without, um, you know, like letting your idea get so diluted that it’s not even.

[00:06:42] Inspiring anymore because that is like the only way to keep going around here, especially in year eight now that I’m in, is to be inspired and motivated that you can actually do something really different. Um, because otherwise it’s just, it’s just not [00:07:00] worth it. It’s so hard. It’s so much work.

[00:07:02]Kellan Finney: Was that, uh, some of the motivation behind the brand name?

[00:07:07]Jane West: Yeah, definitely. I mean, I, um, with, with everything related to Jane West, uh, some of my first inspiration. And, and what I wanted to have the brand be like in terms of like our shelf presence and our brand impressions. Um, well first of all, it’s really important to make cannabis simple for everyone. I agree.

[00:07:25] In my opinion. Cause it’s still, like, for most people it is still very confusing. And I still have people that like pick up my, like steam rollers and things and like are like, Do I put my mouth here? Like all the time? And you’re like, Oh my gosh, wait. We’re like trying to tell ’em about terpenes and they literally don’t know how to, you know, use, use this device.

[00:07:44] And there’s reasons for that. We all know because all the suppression of, of, of quality educational information is the most likely to be suppressed and removed. Um, we went into the studio after all my glassware and dugouts landed. [00:08:00] In 2017, it made 25 videos just showing people like, This is how you use this.

[00:08:05] This is how you do this. You put a half a cup of water into the bomb. Like that’s how much you know, information that people need to like, use these basic thing, um, basic products and have a better experience. Um, and so with a cannabis flower and the branding, it’s about making it simple and understandable.

[00:08:21] So we do everything in day and night. I don’t feel like sat sati and enga you. They’re, those are not, those words I don’t think are going away anytime soon, especially from hearing the way people talk in dispensaries and there is a truth to it and what people are looking for in their flower and the way the flower’s grown.

[00:08:39] And so day and night is, Is that same delineation and it’s instantly understandable and it’s translatable. Like we have partners in Spain, in other countries, and um, it helps people. And then everything we do is in dosed sizes, so it’s the right amount of flour. I think 0.35 grams is like a serving size.

[00:08:58] So that’s the size of my [00:09:00] joints, and that’s the size of, that’s the amount of flour in each one of our prepec pipes. And that’s the per, that’s the amount of flour that fits perfectly in the bowls we’ve designed, um, to really just have that like replicable, trusted, reliable cannabis experience, um, and really give people the confidence they need to be better consumers.

[00:09:20]Bryan Fields: That intention of

[00:09:21]Kellan Finney: detail is unheard of. I mean, I, I’ve seen so many different bull sizes for long. It’s wild. So like, I have to give you mad

[00:09:28]Jane West: props. There’s so many parts about bulls. I’ve studied them so much and that’s why the, um, the triangle bowl on my steam is one of my favorite things because you want the most green as possible.

[00:09:39] Yeah. But because glass wants to be a circle, most bulls are big circles. You char the top of it and then, you know, That’s your experience. So there’s so much that can be done to innovate in Classware. It’s amazing.

[00:09:52]Bryan Fields: And, and staying with the, the packaging. Right. I know you said day and night the, the products on the website were white and black.

[00:09:58] And I thought that was a very [00:10:00] creative way of delineating between the two because I was assuming there’d be more color in influx on it, but then I thought more about it and that color is abundantly used by everyone else. Yeah. And the simplicity of it is helpful and people who are overwhelmed because it’s comforting to see something and say, Hey, this makes sense to me.

[00:10:17] So is that kind of the inspiration behind.

[00:10:19]Jane West: Definitely that is def, like that’s definitely a component of it. And also just like if you walk through, um, the makeup section of any major department store, like almost all the packaging is, is even though makeup is colorful, almost all the packaging is like simple, black and white.

[00:10:36] Um, and also just having people be able to. I mean, most women buy, there’s so many products sold in day and night from creams to cleaning supplies, you know, And so having that like understandable purchasing pattern is also really useful for people. Um, additionally, oh wait, was I gonna, No, you’re gonna have to [00:11:00] edit this part out where I’m thinking about the thing about Black.

[00:11:02] Oh, I know what I was gonna say. Um, beyond that, I need to make sure that my brand. Has universal like, uh, representation across all of North America. because we have shelf presence on over 500 dispensary shelves. And in Canada and in, like for instance, Florida, there’s crazy rules about what you can and can’t have in terms of your outer packaging.

[00:11:28] And so no going into designing everything, knowing that. That even if I come up with the coolest thing, I’m not gonna be able to have it on the outside of the package anyway. Um, and then that’s what really led to like that simple just JW logo design that we do have trademark now, um, because, um, that JW meets or exceeds all standards across North America for being able to brand a cannabis.

[00:11:53] product

[00:11:54]Kellan Finney: I think it’s so clean too. You look at a lot of the most successful consumer packaged goods, right? Like [00:12:00] Apple, if we’re gonna call an iPhone, a consumer packaged good, right? Like the packaging is so simple, but I think it resonates with consumers so well. And so I give you mad props on that. And I mean, I think cannabis too just has so much noise in it that it’s actually refreshing to see something that’s so clean and simple.

[00:12:16]Jane West: I wish it was even cleaner. But the pa, the, I mean, the packaging loans are just completely outta control, which

[00:12:21]Bryan Fields: is, Yeah, well, they’re, they’re making it easier by making it harder for every single person, but I think it’s really smart of you to associate the, the makeup tendencies, because I think consumers, when they’re purchasing products, especially for the first time, they like to lean into things that they’re familiar with.

[00:12:35] So how do we get more women to feel comfortable kind of making that move into cannabis, right? Ones that are maybe more common with wine and looking or are open to that. How do we change that and move them in?

[00:12:47]Jane West: Well, I, I, Think of multiple things. Well, number one, the cannabis industry is becoming like almost b2b, where.

[00:12:59] Like we [00:13:00] are listening to ourselves and forming this industry, and all the companies are listening. Um, but also, you know, we’re now we’re dealing with these public markets and all these other things, but that all of that, the finance sector, uh, VC world, publicly traded companies, those are we female friendly places already to begin with, you know?

[00:13:18] And so there’s ways that the cannabis industry is, is evolving, that women are still being addressed by the major companies. As if we’re some niche market. And so that is one thing that definitely has to change is that like we are regular consumers and heavy consumers and there should be a wide variety of products for everyone.

[00:13:40] Just because it’s for women doesn’t mean it’s like smaller and a color and has like lipstick on it. You know, like that’s, that’s two pigeonhole. So all companies seem to do better, um, in terms of offering a wide variety of products. There’s a lot of products out there for women’s needs for, from like, uh, [00:14:00] different, you know, period pain or, um, sex enhancement and things that just aren’t widely available.

[00:14:06] And, um, they, if they were more widely available, I believe more women would be incorporating them into their lives. Um, so that’s one part. Um, the second component is that, um, okay, wait. I was writing the thing. Sorry, I made notes. Oh, do people probably don’t just stop talking in the middle of the thing. Are you gonna edit

[00:14:27]Bryan Fields: We can do, We can do it if you want.

[00:14:29]Jane West: Okay. Um, the other thing that, the other component of it is normalization and so, That’s what I tried to do from the very beginning, back in 2013, like they were posting, or major publications were posting articles about my events in an art gallery with live music and chefs and women in like, you know, cocktail dresses.

[00:14:53] But the pictures that were being run alongside of it were like a guy with a bong in his lap. Because it was like [00:15:00] weed events are back. Right. And. Without social use, without like being able to go in public and with, without any shame, like consume cannabis like you would, not in the back alley, not, you know, and not in like some of these lounge situations that are evolving either, like without social use, that part of normalization where you see.

[00:15:22] That cannabis is for everyone, That everyone can benefit from it, that everyone consumes it. That it’s not like the stoner stereotype that is still prevalent and is still the imagery that is being utilized with articles that are out there. You know, there’s just, it’s not a picture of, you know, an older woman in her backyard enjoying a joint, you know?

[00:15:44] And so, um, it has a lot to do for me with what we can do to make it better, is to normalize. The consumption of cannabis in a manner that it, it seems every day it’s not abnormal. [00:16:00] Um, and like when I look at Bravo television shows, which I’ve been approached by so many different people for so many different things, but ultimately, The weed parts keep getting cut, you’re still not seeing it, you know, and it’s because like advertisers don’t wanna be up against it and major networks aren’t gonna carry someone inhaling and exhaling.

[00:16:20] Like I’ve seen the list of the rules. And without that out there, without that imagery, like people are still gonna, it’s still taboo, It’s still in the back alley, It’s still something that’s not commonplace. And so, um, that’s really a key component, like for the amount of. Close up shots they have of a wine glass in all the television shows, like really directed towards women.

[00:16:44] Um, if just a temp of that was a close up of a joint or a, or a woman standing there like with the bong in her hand, like normal, the, that’s what’s really gonna start changing minds.

[00:16:56]Kellan Finney: Yeah, you speak of normalization, right? And you mentioned [00:17:00] how the VC world is significantly different, right? And so with your brand, I think your brand was one of the first brands to be listed on a crowdfunding site, Republics, right?

[00:17:10] Yeah. Yep. So can you kind of talk us through that conversation with Republics? I mean, clearly they thought your brand was.

[00:17:18]Bryan Fields: Not ruffling

[00:17:20]Kellan Finney: any feathers. Right, Right. To be able to be listed on there so you’re closer to normalization than a lot of the other brands in industry or companies out there. So you kind of talk us through the process of being listed on republics, those conversations that occurred during that

[00:17:34]Jane West: process.

[00:17:35] Yes, definitely. So after raising 1.2 billion, 2 billion from VCs for my first Roundup products, like, and it took a really long time because I was not gonna just have like all rich white guys owning, you know, running the comp, owning the most key equity components of the company. And so my company is 80% held by women and people of color.

[00:17:54] Um, but after like that round, I wanted something different and I wanted to [00:18:00] show. Other women, other small business owners, other locally own businesses. Like there’s another way other than just having these one on one conversations with one investor where like you could spend a whole month and then it’s, then they’re gone and what have you done?

[00:18:14] You’ve made impressions on one group, but by being able to have a crowdfunding page as a cannabis company, you’re able to. I’m able to have all of my products on one page, show them everything I’m creating. I can’t even do that in the real digital world where all of my glassware and dugouts have to be on one site and the CBD has to be on another site and the content has to be on third site, and they all need different bank accounts.

[00:18:40] So, you know. Being able to have my whole deal page out there for hundreds of thousands of people to see was huge. And that is the key component of what I’m doing. And in terms of building brand equity and building the company to me, and a brand impression where someone leaves going, Jane West is a cannabis, global [00:19:00] cannabis brand, that’s a win.

[00:19:02] And so having people that didn’t even invest but went into the site and read it all, that’s like, that’s a huge win. When I started looking at crowd funding and the different, um, things that the Obama’s 20 thirteens Job Jobs Act allowed everyday people, you know, created this retail investor land. Um, uh, I was really inspired.

[00:19:21] And I also found, and this is also like good advice, I think, for people who are trying to find their way in the sectors. Like when you get inspired by something, keep going there, keep going in that direction. Cause I was looking at people’s decks for the VC world and. It felt like, so kind of out of my league and different terminology, and then when I’d go to the crowdfunding sites and talk to other CEOs that did it successfully, it would, it was really inspiring to see like how they did it and they’re able to do it themselves.

[00:19:48] Um, so I went to Republic. I did have to like constantly prove to the s sec that I’m not plan touching and, and I still am not, I’m still selling, you know, packaging to our partners through licensing and royalty [00:20:00] agreements. Um, but that was really hard to do. I’m very motivated and I encourage, um, the other, your listeners to go to Main Vest, which is really embracing cannabis.

[00:20:11] It’s it’s true debt structure. So our recent safe round on there didn’t do very well. The fact that you can have, you can be plant touching an edibles company, a cultivation. And have your, your, your brand listed, have people investing in you. Also for people starting new businesses, I direct them there because you have to have all your financials, you have to have your business plan, You have to show investors what you’re building.

[00:20:35] And so for new entrepreneurs to see that and to be able to drill down into all those different businesses on main best, or the few cannabis companies that were on Republic, that’s really valuable. It’s almost. Like going to a cla, a crash course and creating decks for cannabis brands. So, um, the other reason I was really excited about crowdfunding and the work that had to go behind it was, It was [00:21:00] clear that I was preparing my company for the next level.

[00:21:03] So in order to do it, in order to raise funds on these SCC regulated sites, I need gap compliant reviewed financials. I need to be, you know, ready to be audited at any time. I, um, need to really have tight awareness. All of the numbers of the company and being, going through that process, um, and going through the review stage.

[00:21:25] Now I can date back three years, which is, you know, critical for if I’m looking to an exit. Um, because that was like a requirement of doing it. It was not fun, like completing a Form C and all these documents like, It was definitely one of those things that I questioned whether or not I would be able to actually do it, like mostly on my own.

[00:21:46] And, and I did, and you can, and other people can too. And so, um, but the process of doing it and answering all those questions and knowing the kinds of questions that, that you have to be ready to answer for in terms of invest relations [00:22:00] that is like such. Incredibly valuable experience. Um, and I, and that’s one of the reasons why I encourage so many other people to like, just at least look at it and consider it.

[00:22:11] Additionally, I’m not a wealthy person, , and I don’t know that many wealthy people. And so, um, when people were like, Oh, you’ll have a friends and family round, that’s where you just like, call people up and they give you like $50,000 and I’m like, Oh. I, I don’t know those people . So, so equity crowdfunding also allows for people like my parents and my brother and my business partners and my old colleagues to get to like actually have a piece in the company at the amount that they are able to do, you know?

[00:22:44] So, um, and additionally, once I started learning more, Fundraising to begin with and what an accredited investor even is like, This is back in the day, but still, But I was like, Oh, this guy wants to gimme 5K and that person wants to gimme 10 K. Maybe like, [00:23:00] I think I got a few small people. Then the next question was, will they accredited investors?

[00:23:05] Uh, no. What’s an incredible investor? Oh, someone who’s already rich . So you can only take the money from people that are already rich. So, um, learning about that and how much everyday people are kept out of being able to invest in startups they believe in, um, was bothersome to me. And so seeing this option, like, and being inspired by being able to build my audience and build my brand.

[00:23:29] Build my network. Uh, that was what really like sold me on equity crowd funding. And so at this point we have over 3000 investors from 42 countries. Wow. And every US state and territory. And so that alone is a huge brand equity builder. Um, dispo in, in addition to that, you end up with funds that you can use to fuel your company.

[00:23:52]Bryan Fields: It’s amazing. And the story of going through it has gotta be incredibly challenging. And as you’ve listed out in cannabis is even harder, which just kind of layers [00:24:00] on top of everything. But I think it’s really commendable that you were able to accomplish that and even more so that the response has been so many people across the globe investing in someone like yourself who’s leading the charge forward.

[00:24:10] But there’s one topic that’s really important to me that I wanna get your opinion on being stoned and parenting. What, what are your thoughts and do you think the word being high is part of the problem?

[00:24:22]Jane West: Um, well, I think the word being stoned is worse than being high. Um, I know for a long time people were like trying to get the word elevated out there, you know, But it is, it is what it is.

[00:24:34] Like normalcy to me would be just, If someone’s like, Oh God, I was so drunk last night, you’re not gonna believe what I did. And like listing off the thing. You know, if someone is as comfortable being like, I was so high last night, I da, da, da. You know, if conversations are happening more normal like that, like just calling it what it is, you know, um, versus trying to like reframe it all.

[00:24:58] That’d be good. Um, I [00:25:00] think one of the issues, it’s, it’s what people think it. The most concerning part is when you use this terminology is when the person using the terminology does not use bot cannabis at all and doesn’t even quite understand what they’re talking, you know, what, what exactly they’re saying.

[00:25:20] Um, I think the words are problematic because of the relation to other drugs that maybe are, you know, more, um, You know, hard, harder drugs and things that like, getting high. Like what do they even mean? Uh, what are you even talking about ? So, um, I do think it comes down a lot to framing and one of my biggest things that I’m trying to help women especially, um, talk about is like, what are they afraid of?

[00:25:50] You know, what are you afraid of? And most women will say, um, it’s about losing control. That’s what they’re, you know, worried about. I mean, if [00:26:00] you’ve watched girls be like, I drunk, people are more out of control than any type of like stoner I’ve ever seen. So really like learning like what its effects on you, that it’s, you know, it’s just not quite what this stereotype is, but again, This goes back to being able to social use, to being able to have your friends at maybe a festival go over to the side and instead of getting a 24 ounce beer, smoke a joint and then have like a normal afternoon altogether, enjoying yourselves with your substances of choice, um, that’s gonna really trigger people like, Oh, this isn’t quite what I thought it would be.

[00:26:40] Um, you’re reminding me of when I first started the events and I went to different cater. To be my caterer for the event. And I got turned down. I was surprised. I mean, I’m bringing them business right for once a month for an event that’s gonna get a bunch of press. Um, and like one woman was like, Well what will [00:27:00] happen when people start vomiting from the weed and then they’ll blame it on the food.

[00:27:05] And I was. Why is that’s not what’s happens, you know, and just, you, you, you, it was really like, it really highlighted for me, like how far we have to go with educating people about cannabis. Um, hopefully, With everything that’s occurring on in psychedelics, that all of this will like become part of the bigger conversation.

[00:27:28] Cause women are saying the same thing about ketamine, about mushrooms, about L S D. And I think once we get more women utilizing these products in safe environments, Confidently cause it’s really about confidence. You know, it’s, these are psychoactive drugs we’re taking. So if you’re already predisposed to think that something might go wrong, it might.

[00:27:51] And if you’re already predisposed to be like, I love cannabis and this is gonna make my day so much better, , then it probably will. Um, [00:28:00] and so it’s really just about changing those viewpoints.

[00:28:02]Bryan Fields: It’s all about, It’s so important too, because I wanted to share stories. I was with couple of friends and we were gathering around, and one of my friends.

[00:28:12] Not shaming so much of my, my buddy, but saying that, you know, he had a tough day at work and went outside to smoke a joint and then continued to parent and was completely normal and she was upset about that. And I asked her, I was like, Have you ever grabbed a glass of wine after a tough day and continued to parent?

[00:28:28] And she goes, Yes, but it’s different. And that’s when I was like,

[00:28:33]Jane West: Why? Culturally, I mean, in my opinion, it is not different at all. In fact, actually, I mean in my. Especially when your kids are a little bit younger. A few puffs definitely makes like an hour of play dough so much more fun. Million times. And yeah, and I just absolutely know.

[00:28:53] It’s almost like insulting candidly to patients and individuals that use cannabis every single day for [00:29:00] even their medical purposes that like you’re assuming they’re incapable of. Taking care of their lives. We’ve proven in all of these states over and over again that that’s simply not true. Um, and so yeah, again, more normalcy, but it is, it’s unfortunate that there’s these like.

[00:29:17] Hire these, hire these judgemental standards and like so much subjectivity around the topic. Um, and it’s why like so many women are turning to like vape and they like edibles. Um, and maybe not so much smoking, but the smell of. Cannabis or the smell of, you know, combusted cannabis. Um, and that’s one of the things I’ve always tried to change because I love flour and there’s a reason flour is still king.

[00:29:43] Even though as like, I’m sure Helen does in like 20 14, 15, you’re like, There’s never gonna be flour again is gonna take over the world. Everyone’s just gonna eat it and bath it and put it another scanner. And so that’s just not the case cuz Flower does what [00:30:00] women want out of pills. It’s like an almost immediate, um, effect that you’re looking for.

[00:30:07] And so I know that’s out there and that’s why I’ve always tried to create small, dosable flower products of quality product that will re like, lead to a reliable, reputable experience and, uh, get more women to try it. Alcohol is a poison, and I am inspired by some of the more, like, uh, there’s a lot of influencers out there in like their twenties that are talking about that, more about like how it is, it’s not healthy for you, It’s not, you know, it’s, it’s inhi, it, you know, lowers your inhibitions, but is that necessarily the right thing?

[00:30:45] And for a lot of women, like, like I smoke cannabis before yoga. Almost every time, and like, and it helps me with the breathing. It helps me with my mind, body awareness. And so, um, just more people [00:31:00] talking about how they incorporate in their lives would be helpful. Unfortunately, we don’t have. You know, the, the places to build those audiences, we can’t talk about it openly on Instagram and these different places, and there’s not a lot of educational content that’s customer facing.

[00:31:17] So it’s really just about like waiting time and having more and more people utilize the product and things to their friends. And then that’s really how most women that I know have started trying new products is like one of their friends tries. They really like it and then they have that confidence and they try to, and they realize how misinformed they had been.

[00:31:44]Kellan Finney: Do you think that consumption lounges are like the needed catalyst to kind of finish the transition from a cultural stigma perspective? Right. Because it’s been legal in Colorado since 2014 and it’s just been like a really slow grind. Yeah. You know what [00:32:00] I mean? Changing all of these people’s opinions, but I think like you’re speaking on.

[00:32:04] Seeing other people consume it in these different form factors. And the best way to do that would be a consumption lounge. Do you think that is the catalyst?

[00:32:11]Jane West: Um, I, in a, in a way I do. I, It’s just not enough normalization. Because it’s still like this one little place you go and the vast majority of consumption, I don’t know anywhere where there’s also alcohol.

[00:32:24] So that’s also not normalization, you know? And so, I mean, to me it really just needs to be like a little bit like what New York did, cuz I’ve been in New York a couple times since. Um, you could just smoke on the street. And I do like that. Like I walk out of, you know, the hotel I always like, I love seeing at the standard and I walk down the block and yeah, there’s no like kids around and I light up a joint and I smoke it and I know like I’m, I’m safe there.

[00:32:49] And so that, that those types of changes are what I, I, I think need to happen more. Um, Like, I’ve [00:33:00] seen also, like in my, a lot of the women and people that have moved to Oklahoma, um, where there’s like just this really robust cannabis family. Um, and that, that’s where I’ve seen more like normalization, where like it is, there are kids there and they’re just on the other side of the yard, but it’s okay that you’re consuming this over on this side and it’s very normalized and, um, and just part of everyday life.

[00:33:25] And that’s, those are the things that we really need to start seeing more.

[00:33:29]Bryan Fields: One of the things that excites me most about cannabis is the fact that I, I think as more women become, let’s say, on board in certain areas, women are the decision makers and the couples. So as those trends continue, move forward, I feel like there’s a massive unlocking that will will continue to happen.

[00:33:45] I read a statistic that said, 43% of all couples say the woman is the decision maker in the family. And for me that is probably a hundred percent. She is the decision maker. So do you think as women become more comfortable with cannabis, we will see the changing of some of these stigmas, maybe the adoption on [00:34:00] shows on Bravo?

[00:34:00] Do you think things like that will happen? I hope

[00:34:02]Jane West: so. It better, I mean, how much longer is this gonna keep going on? Um, You know. Yeah. That was some of the major, major talking points when we first started, when I was doing my first pitches, was like, women are the chief medical officers of their family, you know, buying even like CBD products and different things for their kids.

[00:34:19] Um, and so, um, and they, they control what comes in the house. They’re making those purchasing decisions. Absolutely. And so that is why it is key to be able to, um, have those right products directed at them and have a dispensary experience that’s tailored to them. Um, I feel like there’s a component here with interstate commerce and the ability to purchase products like we purchase our current products like on Amazon and online like we do.

[00:34:52] Um, that maybe will be a big domino if we can, you know, if I can get Flower from Humboldt and this product from [00:35:00] there and, and have this network of, of, of, uh, businesses that. I’m purchasing from that isn’t just limited to my geographic area and the one dispensary on my Corner that it, which is not the way really anything works that we consume daily.

[00:35:19] Um, so that, that, that will hope, that would really make a lot of change in my opinion. Um, but you’re just, no matter what your product is right now, You’re limited to in the dispensary setting, um, to who is willing to drive to your location and come into your retail store and purchase it from you. And so reducing some of those barriers, um, for these products would be excellent.

[00:35:44] And we know people are buying alcohol online and getting cases a bit shipped to them. And we additionally, Schedule one drugs are being shipped all over this country every single day. You know, the VA sends them everywhere. And so the ability to do [00:36:00] this is right there. And so, so having so like that would really into the actual existing purchasing patterns of women right now,

[00:36:10]Bryan Fields: what is one way cannabis has helped you that most others do not realize?

[00:36:16]Jane West: Oh my goodness. What is one way. And cannabis has helped me that most others do not realize. Um, Well, I would repeat the part about yoga and the fact that I truly do consume cannabis, um, in relation to exercising and, uh, working out even. Do

[00:36:43]Bryan Fields: you have, do you have a specific product that you go to in those examples?

[00:36:46]Jane West: Um, No, I mean, just like all the different, you know, I go to yoga a lot. That’s like my fa my number one thing. And, um, and so just like all the classes are different, like I’m down with that. So at night I’ll definitely be more likely to consume a [00:37:00] night. Varietal. Um, and if I need like a little more energy cause I’m not really feeling the class, then I would definitely go with more of a day varietal.

[00:37:08] Um, for things like uh, orange Theory and like the more like boot campy workout classes, that’s like definitely more of a gummy that I’m gonna take about 45 minutes before the class. Um, but really just like it gets you more into the music, it gets you more into not thinking about like how many more reps you have to do.

[00:37:25] Like, you’re just more in flow. And I think a lot of women wouldn’t necessarily think that. Um, but also, you know, there’s reason there’s not like wine and yoga classes. There’s like, if you really take a look at it, you start to see some of the differences out there, you know? Um, and so yeah, it’s really just additionally, I.

[00:37:47] And this comes a little bit from my social work background too. I feel like cannabis helps you clear your mind and, and in a way that sometimes it’s hard for me to [00:38:00] describe because it’s not about forgetting. Because you know, oh, you’re forgetful. Or short term memory or whatever. Like, it’s about just like clearing your mind from all the small thoughts you have every single day that are keeping you up, that are distracting you.

[00:38:13] From being present with your children, from being present in your job from like, at like all those little noisy voices. Um, I think women have a tendency to have more of those and really, like, can cannabis, I, I believe many of the women in my network, I know it helps them. Calm those voices, focus on themselves, go inward and be like better and be better.

[00:38:40] That’s like better with Jane and Is has always been our number one, um, tagline, and it does, it just makes your day better and it makes them better. That was

[00:38:49]Bryan Fields: perfectly said. Uh, I do have to go back and ask about the SWAT brunch though, because it would, you’d be wrong to not ask about that. Ah, were you shocked?

[00:38:59] Were you [00:39:00] surprised? Oh my gosh, I was so shocked. What, what was the feeling when the SWAT walked in?

[00:39:03]Jane West: Okay, first of all, it was Easter Sunday too, so like, there was lot, there was lots of, there’s so many things going on that day. Um, it was 4 20, 20 14. And it was a small bakery on Broadway. And, um, a gentleman walked in at the very end and I thought he was a reporter the way he was like standing or whatever.

[00:39:22] And he had bought a ticket, which was key. Cause that was part of their whole like bust is that like I could buy a ticket online, so it must have been public. So, uh, he came in and came over and, and was asking me, Oh, are you Jane? And none of that. And he like reached in his pocket. I thought her sure he was getting.

[00:39:38] A business card to give me, and instead it was a badge. And then as soon as we turned, that was when like, I mean there were like people with guns. There were at least six men in all black. And then there was the gentleman, and then there were some more professionally dressed guys. And basically, uh, Mayor Hancock had sent this same team to like five different event [00:40:00] events that were happening on that four 20 to like shut everybody down and.

[00:40:04] And give criminal charges and stuff. And so, yeah. Um, we had just been talking like, just moments before we walked in about like how we could do this brunch every week. Like there’s so much demand, you know? And um, and the one thing I do remember, I mean, there’s lots of parts. I remember there were women outside painting pots, painting pots with a pot with thing and like everybody’s laughing, having a great time.

[00:40:30] Um, there was a couple there were at. Six couples at that, at that event that had flown in from other states. And uh, and there was this one couple from New Jersey that like, I, I mean, that guy got so white. I, he was so afraid that like something was really gonna happen legally to him, you know, as an nd And that, that’s a part that like really I felt the worst about.

[00:40:53] And my memories of it was, How scared people suddenly were of like, Oh my God, we, [00:41:00] it was, it was wrong. They are gonna bust us. You know? And so, and that’s, that just contributes to more of the anxiety and fear related to cannabis. So, um, it was quite a morning and then, so then the whole, it, it also was at the very end, which was a good thing because they couldn’t find it.

[00:41:15] Cause it’s kinda a private event. Uh, they couldn’t find where we were at first. And so, uh, and then, and then I went that afternoon cuz I, the other job I was trying to work up at the time to make money was to like, uh, run people’s booths at events. And so I was running a concentrate company’s booth with all these vintage pinball machines up at the Denver mark for.

[00:41:39] For the big cannabis cup thing. So, uh, I went up there in the afternoon and just tried to forget about it.

[00:41:45]Bryan Fields: Uh, it’s a pretty classic story though, right? You’re saying a bunch of people painting and then you’re like, someone asks you, how’d your day go? And you’re like, It wasn’t bad. The SWAT team visited and they didn’t stay.

[00:41:52] They, uh, they just

[00:41:53]Jane West: wanted them. The, they did everybody and, you know, made it hard on everybody. But that really was the first, you [00:42:00] know, that was only month three, and it was the first time that. The war on drugs and the war on people and how, um, it’s all just about enforcement. Like what they choose, what they, I hate to say they, what, what is chosen to be enforced versus what you can get away with.

[00:42:20] And who, um, really like took home, because I was in the courtroom at least six times over that summer following that. And every time I was the only white lady. I, most times I was the only white person and everyone else being seen in front of the judge, um, were, you know, black and brown men mostly. And, and these are the end being Denver is a really white city.

[00:42:45] So if these are all the people getting tickets and criminal charges for this product that is being widely sold, like what is going on? And so, and that was what really started, like I started, you know, getting more connected with ssdp and I started [00:43:00] adjusting my talking points so that I would be using part of my platform to address like how, um, Stark.

[00:43:08] The, the differences in enforcement and who’s really, you know, winning and losing from legalization.

[00:43:15]Bryan Fields: Since you’ve been in the canna industry, what has been the biggest misconception?

[00:43:20]Jane West: Oh my goodness. Uh, the biggest mis that people are making money . Um, is it, I mean, when business really decide, it’d be more like that, that.

[00:43:31] You know, it’s profit and losses all together. So, um, finding, you know, so that’s one big misconception is that, you know, there’s a lot of product to sell, but it’s very expensive to sell it. Um, in terms of misconceptions, um, I would have to say also like the, I’m learning a lot more about psychedelics and things and like, I, I want all the miscon, like it’s the best if we can.

[00:43:58] Knock over as many of these Dominos as [00:44:00] possible from the beginning. So I do wanna have like a mushroom line. I do want women to try these other, uh, psychedelic drugs confidently. And so, um, I think that just everything related to the schedule of drug, these drugs that we as a country have removed access to, and especially the most natural ones, cannabis and mushrooms.

[00:44:25] Totally can grow your own. Totally. You know, you can do this on your own. Um, medicate the self medicate with these product. , Um, and, and teaching people that, that this doesn’t have to be something that you are going to a retail store and purchasing this thing, um, that it is something that like should at least be accessible and, um, and something that you can be far more hands on with.

[00:44:52] Then than you expect. My neighbor, um, grew a plant. He went and bought a clone and he put it in the, [00:45:00] in the backyard garden last summer. Just, and didn’t do anything different to it than, um, the tomatoes right next to it. And he ended up with 22 ounces. You know, I like harvested it and dried it and put it together and sure, maybe it wasn’t like true and perfect like boni style, but it was great and that was so much flour.

[00:45:21] And so I think one of the things that, that cannabis consumers, especially as we start to normalize it, need to be talking about and demanding is home grow and the ability to grow your own and grow a plant in your backyard and consume it. And um, and that’s something that I think people do have a misconception.

[00:45:39] About, about how hard it is, um, because it really is meant to be grown outdoors. , it’s a plant and so it’s not as hard when you’re doing it the right way, uh, like outside. And so, um, that’s something that I hope people start like thinking about more. Like, wait, why can’t I just quote to myself

[00:45:59]Bryan Fields:[00:46:00] Before we do predictions, we ask all of our guests.

[00:46:02] You can sum up your experience in a main takeaway or lesson, learn to pass onto the next generation, what would it be? Hmm.

[00:46:12]Jane West: Um, I would mainly want you to remember that we are only serving a small slice of. The audience that cannabis can make better and whatever product, whatever brand, whatever business you can envision that you would wanna buy from, that, you would want, you should be pushing to make that a reality.

[00:46:40] Because, um, what we see right now is the result of. Publicly traded companies and lots of different decisions being made about what’s out there on the shelves. But what people need is, you know, the answer to that when you’re throwing your hat in the ring and you’re getting into the cannabis sector. Like, keep following [00:47:00] your dreams of what you wanna see out there, especially if you don’t see it right now.

[00:47:04] Um, and then I guess the second thing that I always remember and it really helps is, uh, I don’t know anything about. At all. I don’t know anything. I, every day I’m learning new things. You can never start assuming that you are necessarily an expert, and that’s kind of how you become an expert. Um, and so just keep following that path because.

[00:47:29] There’s only a small slice being offered right now to, to two small business owners of what you can and can’t do in the sector, and there’s so much more out there. Don’t limit yourself by the playing board that’s been created, and that exists in 2022. Start building a new playing board for two, three years from now and um, and then you’ll be able to have more of an effect.

[00:47:56] On what you do and your future and your [00:48:00] business when you’re part of actually the wing.

[00:48:03]Bryan Fields: So well said. Love it. Thank you. All right.

[00:48:06]Jane West: Prediction. There was one thing that I haven’t gone through yet that I was, that I, I was gonna mention do it cause it’s like this little note card that I made when I first like started the brand and it was my inspiration behind the Jane West component because there’s just not autonomous brands out there with, there are in almost everything else.

[00:48:24] And so from the 18 hundreds. Basically in the 18 hundreds, the following men started companies selling alcohol. Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels, Gerard Heineken, Joseph Seagram, Jose Krivo, and Ed Anheiser, Fado, Bacardi, Ado Bush, Joseph Cos, Frederick Miller, Richard Hennessy, John shs, and Peter Smirnoff.

[00:48:49] And every single one of those. Is still in American homes and on shelves today, and they all started their alcohol companies within the same like 50 years of each [00:49:00] other. And every single one is their actual name. And so like that was one of the like, okay, this is, I, I blew, like, that was one of the inspirations behind having the actual name brand.

[00:49:11] And, um, you know, backing, I think there’s, that’s one of the reasons why there’s a lack of trust and a lack of identification with so many cannabis brands is that there’s just not a face. There’s not a person behind it, you know, it’s like, A tree with like one of the balls removed or something, and like, it’s just not memorable or identifiable.

[00:49:33] And so the more people that start businesses and really are like defending and building something for certain, like the reasons they’re in it for, I think that’ll build more consumer confidence too. I love it.

[00:49:46]Bryan Fields: Cool. All right. Prediction time. Yes. Jane? Yes. With with new markets set to open. What can Newark consumers understand about buying legal cannabis products to help them [00:50:00] on their new journey into the cannabis space?

[00:50:04]Jane West: Um, I think that new customers should, It’s always good to kind of keep a log of what you’re buying and how the experience, how the experience went. I would stay diverse, keep, you know, trying new things and trying different things. Um, but as you continue on your journey, you’re gonna wanna start asking questions.

[00:50:27] Like, for me, the question is more like, who grew? Who owns that company? Where is this flower coming from? Is it grown outdoors or indoors? How was the extract? Taken from the plant. I think that’s one of the first questions that customers need to really learn about is like, what is the difference between distillate and full spectrum oil?

[00:50:51] Then we start going down all these different rabbit holes. But the point is, is that like you, you should be asking questions. It’s always helpful to be documenting your experience. [00:51:00] Make sure that you know, these are small businesses that are, hopefully, hopefully there are small businesses in your neighborhood and community that you can.

[00:51:11] You know, invest in by going. And being a customer there. So find the business that you really wanna truly be supporting cuz it really does matter and every day some of the best purveyors and some of like the best products out there, you know, these businesses are, are having a really hard time because they don’t have the audience, they don’t have the ability to advertise.

[00:51:32] So make sure that you are spending your cannabis dollars consciously. and, um, and enjoy your journey, ? Um, I would definitely, for like new consumers, I would, um, also like decide something you’re gonna do when you, after you’ve consumed it, and like prepare yourself for that. Like, whether that’s like something you wanna do creatively or.

[00:51:55] Like for me, like cleaning my house, things like that, that just make it better. [00:52:00] Um, you know, kind of like prepare yourself, like you’re gonna go on a little journey and, um, be ready for it and be excited about it. And I have a feeling that you’ll be better afterwards and, um, keep discovering new things about cannabis products.

[00:52:18]Kellan Finney: I think that a lot of new consumers favor high potency cuz it’s like one of the only metrics they can grab onto in terms of like what they’re getting in terms of bang for their buck. So I would say to try to avoid making purchasing decisions based on potency. And then I think the other thing that a lot of new consumers that happens to a lot of new consumers is they

[00:52:40]Bryan Fields: kind of get.

[00:52:42] Maybe brainwash.

[00:52:43]Kellan Finney: I don’t, I think it’s an aggressive word, but I can’t think of another adjective. They kinda get brainwashed from Bud Tenderers, right? Yeah. Especially in

[00:52:51] Colorado.

[00:52:51]Bryan Fields: Influence influenced,

[00:52:52]Kellan Finney: Influenced, that’s a much better word, influenced, especially in Colorado, because most dispensaries in Colorado are vertically integrated, and so [00:53:00] when they walk in and they’re like, Hey, what products should I buy?

[00:53:03] Or this, the bud tenders automatically been trained to help push the stores product like that they grew. So I think that. That’s the other thing to just be really aware of is when you walk into dispensaries, the first product that the bud tender is going to put in front of you is most likely something that makes the dispensary the most money with the highest margin, and it may not be what you’re really looking for.

[00:53:25] So those are kind of the two things that I

[00:53:27]Bryan Fields: would say. What, What’s your thoughts, Brian? I think being open to new experiences. I think sometimes people get associated cannabis with like the college experience. Like I had this edible one time in college and it made me really sleepy. Well, that’s not the same type of edible you’re gonna have now.

[00:53:41] And I think people can get past. If you don’t wanna smoke, you don’t have to smoke. You can consume in other ways. And I think as soon as we can. Unlock the stigma and remove that and allow people to feel more comfortable. Being present is such an unlocker in so many ways, and being able to reset your day after you’ve done a million A things.

[00:53:57] And the more specifically I’m thinking about my wife, who’s, [00:54:00] she’s a school teacher, she’s dealing with those challenges and she comes home, she’s leading the child, and she has to deal with me and then. She, she tries to go to sleep and there’s 10 do million things on her mind and just trying to help her reset.

[00:54:10] I think if she can find a low and slow product, but, and then not, and not get caught up in that and just kind of take the notes, like you said, Jane, I think that can really make a difference for

[00:54:18]Jane West: her. That’s really about confidence, you know, That’s what people need to, to feel good about trying this new product and really have a positive experience.

[00:54:30] Love it.

[00:54:31]Bryan Fields: So, Jane, for our listeners, they wanna get in touch, they wanna learn more, and they wanna buy Jane’s products or invest. Where can they find you? Ah,

[00:54:37]Jane West: well, um, you can go to jane west.com and find out everything about what we’re doing. There’s tabs there for signing up for an investor newsletter and also every single product I need is there in the shop, and it’ll take you out to the different stores that you can buy it from.

[00:54:51] You can follow us on Twitter, Atj West. Um, Instagram’s deciding whether or not I get my account back, but you can follow a shop, [00:55:00] Jane West and, um, yeah, just, you know, support. We have partners in 12 states that are like my growing some of my favorite flower and perfectly sized products, so find out if they, you can find our map of partners online.

[00:55:15] I’d love for you to stop by some of those dispensaries where I know you’ll get a great experience and the education that you’re looking for.

[00:55:22]Bryan Fields: Awesome. We will link those up in the show notes. Thanks so much for taking the time. Thank you for having

[00:55:27]Kellan Finney: me. Thank you.

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