A weekly podcast with Karson Humiston, Founder of Vangst — OCTOBER 2022 Cannabinoid Monthly Playbook

Karson Humiston, 8th Revolution

How Vangst qualifies and simplifies the hiring process:

If a customer posts a job, they can require a badge. They can see if the candidate has the badge, and customers can actually do specific searches. A cannabis company could search for a budtender, MED badge in Colorado, and I could even go as far as saying, “I want to search for someone with Flowhub experience, metrics experience, and LeafLink experience,” and we’ll serve up that supply of candidates.

That’s how Vangst is building our moat, which is to have the largest supply of credentialed candidates ready to come to your job. The difference between posting a job on Vangst versus Indeed is that on Indeed, you might get 900 candidates. They might not have the badge. They might not have the training. They might not have the skills you need. But if you post on Vangst, you can have these very deep, industry-specific skills.

Understanding the role and the pain the candidates will solve:

We really try to dig in with them (the client) and understand what is the pain today, and what are you trying to get, as a business, because of this person. What is this person going to do down to the day-to-day to achieve your goal? How are you going to measure this person? What does success look like three months from now?

How Vangst works to identify the true need and align with the organization:

“We need a VP of sales.” But, when you really drill in, they don’t need a VP of sales. They need sales. They need people to pound the pavement and sell their product. They need the owner to hire three salespeople for the same price that they would get for that VP.

Karson Humiston, 8th Revolution

Karson Humiston, Founder of Vangst

They need to manage those three salespeople to go sell. If they spend the money on a VP, they are going to get there and say, “You want me to go sell this product? I’m the VP. I need to hire 10 people, and I need Salesforce and HubSpot, and I need a data analyst. I’m the VP.I need a team.”

Growing as a founder:

Karson Humiston, 8th Revolution

Editors’ Note: This is an excerpt from our Monthly Playbook. If you would like to read the full monthly playbook and join the thousands of others you can sign up below.

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