Editors’ Note: This is the transcript version of the podcast. Please note that due to time and audio constraints, transcription may not be perfect. We encourage you to listen to the podcast, embedded below if you need any clarification. We hope you enjoy!

This week we are joined by Adam Terry, Co-Founder of Cantrip, to discuss: 

  • How the Minnesota law is changing the beverage market
  • The Future of Cannabis Distribution
  • How to unlock the Cannabis Beverage Category 

About Cantrip

Cantrip is, at its core, a fun way to consume and experience cannabis.

We’re a sessionable, social beverage that is made for everybody looking for a way to hangout without the hangover.

About Adam Terry: 

Adam is the CEO and co-founder of Cantrip. He’s a chemist that has spent over a decade working in extractions, coffee, cocktails, and developing cannabis products. Adam set out to create a new product with one goal in mind – to bring to market a cannabis product that was all about fun with friends.

Cantrip was designed at the nexus of Adam’s interests in interesting beverages, the joy of cannabis, and connecting people through shared experience. As a person who does not connect with the binary gender system, Adam has made it his mission that Cantrip be a product truly created for all to enjoy.

#Cannabis #CannabisBeverages #Cannabiscommunity

At Eighth Revolution (8th Rev), we provide services from capital to cannabinoid and everything in between in the cannabinoid industry.

8th Revolution Cannabinoid Playbook is an Industry-leading report covering the entire cannabis supply chain 

The Dime is a top 50 Cannabis Podcast 

 Contact us directly at [email protected] Bryan Fields: @bryanfields24 Kellan Finney: @Kellan_Finney 

[00:00:00]Bryan Fields: What up guys? Welcome back to an episode of The Dime. I’m Brian Fields, and with me as always says Ke Finney. And this week we’ve got a very special guest, Adam Terry, co-founder and CEO of Canr SELs. Adam, thanks for taking the time. How you doing today? I am

[00:00:13]Adam Terry: doing great, Brian. Thank you for, uh, having me on the dime today.

[00:00:16] We’re excited. Dive in. Ke how are you doing?

[00:00:19]Kellan Finney: I’m doing really well. Really excited to talk to Adam, learn a little bit more about, uh, cannabis beverages and uh, how are you doing Brian? I’m

[00:00:26]Bryan Fields: doing well. And Adam, for your location please. East coast or West

[00:00:29]Adam Terry: Coast? Uh, East Coast. Let the

[00:00:33]Bryan Fields: record say

[00:00:33]Kellan Finney: Kaan. Another one.

[00:00:35] Another one. It’s

[00:00:36]Adam Terry: alright. We gotta ask you The only, the only place for cannabis is important.

[00:00:40]Kellan Finney: Wow. We’re Where’s the bold statement? I like

[00:00:43]Bryan Fields: it. I like it. Coming out firing . Certainly clipping that. So Adam, for our listeners that are unfamiliar about you, can you give a little background about

[00:00:49]Adam Terry: yourself? Uh, yeah.

[00:00:51] So I’ve been in the cannabis industry since, uh, early 2015. Uh, I have a background in engineering product design, [00:01:00] and you know, it’s basically been my whole career, uh, post-college, focusing on cannabis, focusing on cannabis products. Spent a couple years extracting a lot of oil in California, and then I’ve spent more years back on the east coast in Massachusetts working with MSOs, designing labs, designing products, and then eventually creating my own products back in, uh, in mid 2020.

[00:01:20] And that’s where we get to. Can

[00:01:23]Bryan Fields: any, any hesitations early on to get into cannabis? Was it something you knew you always wanted to be involved with?

[00:01:29]Adam Terry: Uh, if you want to go really back in my cannabis career, I started consuming cannabis in high school, and then I joined the pot club at UMass. Uh, when I went, uh, I went to UMass Amherst, which had one of the oldest, uh, cannabis activist organizations.

[00:01:45] Uh, in the country. It was the oldest club on campus at UMass when I was there, and they threw a big festival every year for it. So I always knew the thought that it was gonna be something I could never put on my resume. Uh, I did not expect to go into cannabis professionally. I wasn’t sure [00:02:00] where I’d end up professionally.

[00:02:01] And then I moved to California, uh, and when I was in California, seemed there was a big need for engineers who were willing to take the risk of going into cannabis. So there really wasn’t any hesitation. I just kind of jumped straight into it. Really Not that many regrets other than I probably can’t get a job outside cannabis at this point, but we’ll see.

[00:02:18] I don’t think, I, hopefully

[00:02:20]Kellan Finney: when you’re going through kind of these product developments, well it made you settle on a beverage.

[00:02:25]Adam Terry: That’s a funny question because we were just talking about headset before the, uh, you know, the recording started and, uh, in 2018 and 2019, it was adamantly against beverages because as someone who worked for a multi-state operator who was job, it was to design everything down, straight up the flower.

[00:02:43] My position was always, there’s no way we can fit a beverage facility inside this vertically operated facility. You know, usually at that time they were giving us maybe 5% of the total footprint for manufacturing operations. Usually something like 500 to a thousand square feet and some of these [00:03:00] smaller MSOs.

[00:03:01] And so I said, Why would we dedicate, you know, a good chunk of our footprint to what is gonna be, you know, half percent to 1% of our revenue and it’s gonna be the lowest margin product we make. Uh, I also went to Colorado that year in 2018, and every beverage I tried was pretty terrible. So I thought there was no way to make a good tasting beverage.

[00:03:20] And then in 2020 I decided to make a beverage myself at. And I realized this is not only possible, um, you can make a great tasting one. And it’s really started to unlock for me when I thought about volume versus margin, because the beverage had an opportunity to get repurchasing behavior in a way that I didn’t see as possible in edibles.

[00:03:39] You know, a typical edible pack is, you know, 20 servings in Massachusetts, 10 servings in California and Colorado. And for my wife and I, we were only consuming, you know, one gummy maybe a week or you know, two gummies a week between us. So it would take, you know, a couple months to get that repurchase. I thought if I could make a low dose beverage so that you would want to consume more than one in a [00:04:00] single, um, you know, situation that you could get people to repurchase more frequently.

[00:04:04] And that’s really where beverage started to unlock for me, uh, and when I started truly earnestly working on can trip in summer of 2020. So you made

[00:04:12]Bryan Fields: the beverage at home, you started working on cant trip on the side. How, how quickly after that did you decide this might have legs? We wanted to. Take on a put time and effort into this project?

[00:04:23]Adam Terry: Yeah, well, I, uh, I left my previous job in early 2020 due to unrelated reasons. Uh, mostly, uh, there was some things going on with the company. The big band hit us pretty hard in 2019 as a company. Uh, the company I was previously working for made most of their money off of Vapor cartridges in Massachusetts.

[00:04:41] So I like to say that Charlie Baker personally killed my career. Uh, so I was pretty dedicated to it pretty quickly. Uh, it was something I really wanted to do. Uh, I, as somebody who’s been a product developer, I really wants to create a product to my own that I could focus on the branding and the product, uh, myself.

[00:04:57] So Can Trip was really [00:05:00] figuring out which product I wanted to do, and I definitely had a lot of people tell me. Bother with the beverage, go make a cartridge if you’re that good at making things. But to me, it seemed the, the, uh, the cartridge market was saturated and there was no way I was gonna sell to MSOs cartridges when they were already producing them.

[00:05:14] Now a quick aside on that is I was very wrong on that because that was exactly what I told Liam O’Brien at Fernway. Uh, right before they launched, I was like, I don’t think this is gonna work, because Amazon are, they make their cartridges now firm place like a 35 million company in one state. So I was very wrong on that.

[00:05:31] Uh, but moving to the beverage, I still saw an opportunity for something like six or 7 million in revenue in the first year for the beverage market in Massachusetts. No one else was online. This was before Levy launch. Uh, this was before really anybody had launched except SIP at com can. So I thought that the opportunity was there for the taking.

[00:05:50] So my goal was to, you know, fundraise and get to market as quickly as possible. We managed to, uh, close our first round of fundraising in March of [00:06:00] 2021. We launched in June of 2021 using a manufacturing partner in Massachusetts. And that put us as I think the second or third that bridge on the marketplace, uh, right alongside Levy, um, High Five, and at the time I think can had launched one flavor in Massachusetts.

[00:06:15] Um, and, you know, those are still the top performers in the market today. So first mover advantage is still key.

[00:06:23]Kellan Finney: So you started working as an engineer out in California, manufacturing the ingredients, and then transitioned into product development, and now you’re kind of running your own business. What does that transition from?

[00:06:35] An engineering kind of technical based skill set to kind of more of a business focused mindset. Can you kind of walk us through that transition that you’ve been going through?

[00:06:45]Adam Terry: Yeah, I, I, it is definitely an interesting question. Not everybody in engineering ends up moving into business, uh, from the more technical side, but engineering as a discipline really is business with a focus on understanding the science and technical aspects of [00:07:00] business.

[00:07:00] Um, at least that’s the way I always viewed it. Certainly you can get really complicated in the academia of different things within the discipline of chemical engineering or any other type of engineering. But at the end of the day, the, the way I saw it is that as an engineer, my job was to communicate what are the economics and the effectiveness of our manufacturing processes.

[00:07:21] And so focusing on things like THC recovery and the extraction process, uh, and other KPIs really put me in a position to help communicate to my bosses where we did need to spend money. And as I went further down that rabbit hole, um, I started to get more involved with the business end of things. And that, uh, particularly interested me, um, as I moved into the product development phase.

[00:07:44] You know, the first thing you do in product development is you develop your bill of materials and you say, How much is this gonna cost me to make roughly? Because, you know, really wanna make a product if you’re not gonna be able to make money on it from a, a retail price point. I think product development is really, uh, when I moved into that [00:08:00] area after kind of finishing the lab designs that I did for these MSOs was where the business really sparked for me.

[00:08:07] Because product development is such a cross-functional field. I mean, you really have to be taking in the concept of, you know, what’s gonna sell from marketing and sales. You have to be, uh, driving unit economics. You have to be thinking about, um, capital spend. And so all of that really is what it takes to start a business in many ways.

[00:08:25] You know, I think I’m a little bit light on the sales and marketing expertise really. So I was back then, I’m a little bit more versed now, But the, you know, doing all of that together really put me in a, in a key position to understand how cannabis businesses work, um, what is necessary to make them work, why they’re unique from other businesses.

[00:08:42] And because I had spent my entire career sort of enveloped in that, rather than, you know, having moved into it from other industries, I think it put me in a, in a. Great position to be able to run a cannabis business more than any other type. And so far it’s been somewhat successful. [00:09:00]

[00:09:02]Bryan Fields: And one of the things that you did not share were some of the obstacles that are just unique for cannabis, right?

[00:09:05] Operating a cannabis business, kind of layers on different challenges. So getting started early on with Can trip. Were there unforeseen obstacles when you got started that you, you hadn’t thought about prior that now looking back seemed kind

[00:09:15]Adam Terry: of obvious? Uh, certainly. I mean, in many cases there are things you foresee but you can’t do anything about.

[00:09:22] Uh, I think is is a better way to put it. Uh, distribution costs certainly we’re higher than we anticipated. Uh, you know, having in Massachusetts there’s no third party distributor model, or at least there wasn’t, you know, three years ago. We have had logistics, um, come online in Massachusetts, but it’s not the same as California where there’s a distribution license type and it’s an entire business for many of these people.

[00:09:46] Um, we really only have a couple fully full-fledged distributors now in Massachusetts. And even then, it’s not the same. Because in Massachusetts, uh, they can’t really buy the product from you wholesale. It’s essentially consignment distribution where they can [00:10:00] warehouse it and they can distribute it, uh, to people.

[00:10:02] But you don’t get paid for the product until the dispensary pays for it. So, uh, in, you know, that can cause a lot of cash flow issues, but also just the expense and the cost of it. So it’s really key to have internal logistics for distribution if you’re a manufacturing license in, in Massachusetts. And that unfortunately was not something that our first manufacturing partner had in the state.

[00:10:21] You know, I like to think that we were one of the earliest, uh, companies doing the style of manufacturing. We were where we actually provided the equipment and the personnel, um, and the expertise in know how to set up these manufacturing lines inside somebody else’s license. And that worked off sort of a service, um, agreement with them, which at the time our attorney said he hadn’t seen elsewhere in the state.

[00:10:43] So we were one of the early people to really be able to bring a brand that wasn’t, um, you know, owned by auf manufacturing license into the state. Um, at least, you know, in a small and independent way. And that allowed us to remain a little bit more capital efficient. Um, in terms of our raise, it means that we didn’t [00:11:00] have to overshoot and, you know, that, that really helped us get off the ground in a strong way.

[00:11:05] Uh, where we were, I think Bdsa actually had us listed as one of the top 10 retailing beverages in any type country within 60 days for a launch. That’s incredible. Was there any

[00:11:15]Kellan Finney: other major differences between like the California market and Massachusetts market?

[00:11:19]Adam Terry: Oh, I mean, between my time in California, I mean, I worked in California in 2015.

[00:11:23] Yeah. So the differences were myriad and almost indescribable in terms of the level. I mean, it was almost unregulated when I was out there in 2015. It was medical, right? You know? Yeah. I mean, I had a med card and we all had to have med cards. You did have have one You did. We were operating within the parameters of the law that existed, which I’m pretty sure like the regulations went as far as like medical marijuana is now legal and you must have a med card and non-profit.

[00:11:48] I’m not sure how much else exist. Like vapor, I was making largely vapor cartridges out there, uh, for a brand that still exists. And, uh, they just, there were no, you didn’t have to test your [00:12:00] product. Uh, we still did because, uh, frankly, you know, it’s a marketing aspect if you want to like, sell your product at the time.

[00:12:08] It’s like, who’s got the highest THC results? Um, and do you remember

[00:12:11]Kellan Finney: when they brought pesticide tests online for the first time?

[00:12:14]Adam Terry: I actually had already left California when they, when they dictated that, um, which was a whole thing because actually it happened right after I left. So I still had many friends there.

[00:12:22] Said we had to basically remove everything from our facility, scrub it down and start over, uh, because there was pesticides on everything at time, everything. So I left California in like, uh, October. 2016 or, uh, I, I left the state the end of that year, but I left that job in October, so right before the election happened and Prop 64 passed.

[00:12:43] Yeah. Part of the reason I left is because I was looking at the regulations, I was looking at the facility I was working, and I said, There’s no way this company ever meets these regulations. And I believe they do, uh, at this point in time. Uh, but I, I think I was still largely right, almost nobody met the regulations when they actually went into effect.[00:13:00]

[00:13:00] And so it took years for them to start even actually trying to enforce these things because, you know, there was no BioTrack then in California. There was no metric. Uh, and it wouldn’t be until I moved back to East Coast and started working in New Hampshire that even saw BioTrack or received a sales system for the first time.

[00:13:17] But it was also one of the very few people on the east coast at that time who actually knew how to extract cannabis professionally. Uh, and so that was one of the motivating forces and be returning to the East Coast was I really felt like an opportunity for people who knew how to extract and infuse things.

[00:13:32] Um, in a way that just didn’t really exist in 20 or early 2017, uh, in Massa. .

[00:13:40]Bryan Fields: So slightly switching gears can trip. What are the early flavors and how did you come up with the dosing mechanism for how, for how much you put in

[00:13:47]Adam Terry: each can? Yeah, that’s a good question. Uh, early flavors, lemon, basal ginger peach and grapefruit hibiscus were what we launched with, uh, a little insider infos, that the first product I wanted to make was actually something I called [00:14:00] Berry Dream.

[00:14:00] Just Andrew Berries have these great really tart pink berries. Uh, they’re also known as the five flavored Barrier ocha. Uh, and there’s actually a local grower in Massachusetts, but the berries were very expensive and more to the point, I don’t think anybody knew what they were. So I decided to go something a little bit more accessible to the human population.

[00:14:17] Um, from the very beginning I wanted to have terpenes, uh, infused in them as well. That was really important to me. Just for flavor purposes, I really wanted to create flavors that blended with the taste of cannabis because I had created a lot of products that were essentially, you know, raspberry with cannabis underneath, or cherry with cannabis underneath.

[00:14:32] And I never felt like that was the ideal way to blending. I was a bartender for a very long time. I have a, you know, I like to think I have a fairly well developed palette, so I focused on creating things I thought would blend with the taste of cannabis and terpenes were an important part. Um, just really exciting to work with up beverage.

[00:14:48] I mean, uh, I honestly, if I did go back to bartending at some point, might start to use terpenes directly in cocktails because they have such marvelously complex flavors and you only need a tiny drop. So we like to think it as like a garnish [00:15:00] on the, the cocktail. The grapefruit was also originally grapefruit elder flower, which eventually changed hibiscus, uh, because I like the flavor and I like the pink.

[00:15:07] Grape Forbis continues to be one of our most popular flavors. Um, in terms of choosing the dosing, it was originally gonna be two and a half by two and a half. In terms of THC and cbd, I really want to low dose products, so less than the, uh, the maximum allowed in Massachusetts, which is five milligrams.

[00:15:22] Cuz I want to encourage people to drink more than one in evening and make it taste good enough that they would, you know, seek to, you know, we all have that problem where you eat a really good canvas infused gummy, and then you want to eat more gummies, but, uh, you probably shouldn’t because you’ll get way too stems.

[00:15:36] Uh, which is why it’s important to buy a bag of uninfused gummies when you do go to take a gummy, in my opinion. But the three by two ended up as a, it just felt better honestly when trying it. And I thought it was gonna be easier basically to hit our testing ranges with, uh, with an integer than try to say like 2.5 specifically.

[00:15:55] Because as anyone who’s tried to do cannabis testing, particularly in the beverage space node is, you know, there is [00:16:00] going to be testing variants. And so if you claim to be two and a half, but like you’re 2.7, I think. There’s less forgiveness there than if you claim to be three and you’re at 2.7. Um, to be honest.

[00:16:11] So it’s, it’s all in that range, um, which I think is perfectly kind of acceptable. And there’s, I think a 5% variance in cannabis testing is as good as you can really hope for on average. And I’ve seen a lot of MSOs like data sheets that suggest they have much wilder swings than that. Um, but part of it is the consistency of creation and even bigger part of it is just the consistency of testing between different matrices.

[00:16:32] Um, beverage is a particularly difficult matric, uh, matrix to test. Uh, and so a lot of, uh, testing labs, especially in their earlier days, struggle to actually recover all the THC that’s trapped inside the, the emulsification.

[00:16:45]Bryan Fields: Is it challenging trying to balance the formulation of those different characteristics of the products and then have the, the cannabis actually highlight with all the terpenes?

[00:16:52] Is that, is that a challenge or with, based on your skillset with the, the background and the bartending, that was something that you were comfortable with and just easily navigated. . [00:17:00] Yeah.

[00:17:00]Adam Terry: It’s not that hard for me to create a, a beverage that doesn’t, actually, most people don’t detect any cannabis taste at all, and it’s because it’s blended in there.

[00:17:06] I mean, I don’t know if I could create a lemon line that wouldn’t have any cannabis taste, but frankly, at the, the dilution levels we’re talking about, we have a 12 ounce beverage that’s roughly 355 grams of fluid. We’re putting in five milligrams of, uh, cannabinoids. So that leaves you a lot of room. I will say though, that I have, you know, I have tried out 50 milligram beverages with my own recipes and you can definitely taste the, can a little bit stronger.

[00:17:29] Um, but you know, some people still don’t really notice that some people have, you know, of really will willful blindness when it comes to cannabis flavor. To be honest, I think it’s people who’ve tried edibles more and more frequently. They get used to it and they stop noticing it. But for the most part, people don’t really taste cannabis in any of the can trips.

[00:17:45] Uh, and that that is intent, uh, intentional by design. And that’s just something that’s is relatively easy for me. When you spend years trying to make cocktails that don’t taste like cough syrup, you start to figure out what the elements are and it’s usually keep it simple, certain, you know, know how [00:18:00] certain flavors work together and then build from there.

[00:18:02] Um, you know, you can break flavor. Do I do something called flavor analysis when I. Go to make new things where I take what I want in terms of flavor, I break it down as to what I think in terms of its tasting notes, its constituent flavors are, and then I seek those flavorings and build them back up. I just did the same with the root beer, and I’m a lot more pleased with the root beer that I built from, um, sort of like constituent flavor components than the, you know, default beer flavoring that the, the flavor has provided.

[00:18:28] So that’s one of the things I do love best about my job is, is creating these things. Is there any

[00:18:34]Kellan Finney: flavors that just absolutely don’t work

[00:18:36]Adam Terry: with cannabis? Uh, sharing is actually always a really difficult one I find to work with. With cannabis. I don’t, I think it actually has more to do with c b D, you know, I’ve talked to some food scientists about why that might be, there might be a, you know, a interaction between the benzel, the high that is a primary constituent of the cherry flavor.

[00:18:54] With cannabidiol itself, I really struggled to make a good tasting like sea, like cherry [00:19:00] cbd. But, uh, for the most part, I haven’t struggled with it as much with thc. Um, and a lot of it has to do with dilution rates. Uh, but you know, for the most part you can make almost anything work. It’s just what is your tolerance for that cannabis flavor?

[00:19:14] Are you willing to blend in something, you know, more interesting to kind of work with it? I just think generally, like using a fruit or citrus flavor on its own, you’re always gonna taste the cannabis below it. Um, but I had these sort of like herbal and spice twists that we use kind of in cleansing with that bitterness a little bit better.

[00:19:31] Um, I would also, you know, suggest that Citrix acid and tartness do a lot to sort of counteract the, um, uh, the bitterness of cannabis. You know, bitterness is a very specific flavor profile. Cannabis is more than just bitter. It’s got earthy toms, it’s got a very specific cannabis taste to it as well. Uh, but bitterness is there and tartness usually counteracts bitterness, um, in a similar way that an acid counteracts base.

[00:19:56]Bryan Fields: to clarify your products have THC and CBD in them? [00:20:00] Not

[00:20:00]Adam Terry: all of them, uh, but most of them do. Uh, our original low dose line has three milligrams of THC and two milligrams of cbd. We have our higher dose line at five milligrams of THC in Massachusetts. And I don’t know when this podcast is gonna air, but by next month we might have 50 milligram beverages out in Minnesota.

[00:20:17] Ooh,

[00:20:17]Bryan Fields: breaking, um, what, why was that important in the combination? Was it to try and reduce the, the psycho activeness of the products or was there another reason behind it?

[00:20:25]Adam Terry: Yeah, I think it creates a more social experience. I think having CBD there, you know what, I think what ultimately we found is that it does counteract this psycho activeness, or at least the way that people notice psycho.

[00:20:39] And that has actually in some ways been a detriment. Cause people will be high, not think that they’re high. Um, this is happened with my mother-in-law, uh, who drank one and said, uh, you know, I didn’t feel anything, but I also never heard her stop talking for three hours. Uh, . At, at a time. So I’m absolutely certain it worked.

[00:20:57] And so there is definitely like less of a, [00:21:00] a THC forward effect when you add that cbd, which is why for the five milligrams we chose to not put, uh, additional CBD in there and we get pretty good feedback on it. But overall, the cbd, at least I, from a personal standpoint, I find it lot easier to continue to hang out with people when I have some CBD in my system.

[00:21:18] I also am a big proponent of, you know, using CBD along with thc. Cause I think THC works better. I also think CBD for me doesn’t, you know, have much impact unless there’s THC with it. You experiment with any otherize. I’m experimenting with some for a line I’m working on that should come out next year. Um, definitely.

[00:21:38] What’s the,

[00:21:39]Kellan Finney: what’s the biggest challenge with working with those minors? Is it the price or is it just the, the different

[00:21:43]Adam Terry: chemistry associated? Yeah, I haven’t even gone into like full pricing yet, but that’s almost certainly gonna, I haven’t found like, significantly different chemistry between cannabinoids when it comes to flavors, uh, so far in a, in several years of working with them.

[00:21:55] I was doing a, a different consulting project with cbg, uh, relatively [00:22:00] recently, and I didn’t notice any material impact of using a different cannabinoid. I mean, they’re, they’re pretty close, like chemically speaking, and while minor, like small changes can create big effects, they don’t always. Um, and so, you know, so far I haven’t found any cannabinoid that is like particularly thorning to work with.

[00:22:18]Bryan Fields: So when your mother-in-law mentions to you that she’s not really sure if she’s feeling it, that’s one of the bigger challenges, right in, in the low dose beverages is that people are assuming one thing and then they, they experience it and while they might be feeling it, they’re unsure if they are. So how do you have that conversation to make her feel comfortable so that others that are not your mother-in-law can experiment and then continue to buy your product?

[00:22:40]Adam Terry: I honestly don’t have a good answer to that. If I did, I’d probably sell a lot more can trip. The, uh, the fact is like, I think we see in Massachusetts, you know, we had our theory of the case, which took below dose. I think that is, uh, you know, validated by the biggest can beverage company and that the world right now is can who primarily started out on these micro doses?[00:23:00]

[00:23:00] I don’t think that held in Massachusetts. Lev is still the biggest, uh, player here in the state. They only make five milligram beverages, and we see that as soon as we launched our first five milligram beverages, they started outperforming the Lotus immediately. I think people want to feel like they’re high the same way.

[00:23:17] If you drank, uh, beer and you didn’t feel like you were getting drunk, you’d say something like, say something was off. No, and honestly, it’s, you know, as much as it’s frustrating because I do know that if someone drank the second can trip, they’d probably start feeling more stoned. These things are still pretty expensive overall at retail.

[00:23:33] You’re talking five to seven bucks a can. So people want to feel something off one. Um, and I think the five milligram dosing profile has been largely more successful in this state than a low dosing profile. Uh, and we may have to make adjustments in the future, uh, to, to account for that. Well, I don’t,

[00:23:49]Bryan Fields: Hold on a second.

[00:23:49] I don’t disagree, Adam on, on that. But if someone has one beer and they don’t feel anything, they’re not showing Inclination is the drinking second beer, which I think is, is where we want people to be with the low dose [00:24:00] beverages.

[00:24:00]Kellan Finney: But people like you can go buy three, two beer, right? Which is lower alcohol concentration than normal beer.

[00:24:05] People don’t buy three, two beer. They buy regular beer that has 2% more alcohol in it because they know that they’re, you know what I mean? Like, people aren’t gonna buy the three, two beer. So like, I think that, like with beer, it’s a psychological difference, right? Like you already know that if you drink four beers, you’re gonna get drunk.

[00:24:22] That first one just didn’t kick in fast. And like when you’re young, you drink a couple beers, it’s a completely different situation, but by the time you’re like in your mid twenties and you’ve done it, been around the rodeo a couple times, it’s a like a psychologically different experience. And I think with cannabis, because there is the prohibition, you’re seeing this massive other difference in my opinion.

[00:24:41] So I think it’s like, it’s trying to compare apples to oranges with cannabis and beer because like consumers know that if they drink enough beer they’re gonna get drunk. They don’t know if they’re gonna get high from drinking cannabis cuz like my mom literally says that she can’t eat enough edibles to get high and she just doesn’t eat edibles.

[00:24:57]Adam Terry: That is its own problem that, you know, can’t trip, [00:25:00] uh, faces as well, which is just some people have incredibly high thresholds or you. Infinite threshold. There’s some people that just don’t get high in edibles, but I think that’s exactly right, co. And I think the other part of it is you buy a beer in a liquor store and it’s gonna cost you at like two to three bucks a can, uh, at the end of the day.

[00:25:16] And can, Tripp is gonna cost you, Most places are five for a lower dose and step in for the higher dose. Uh, and it’s, it’s kind of frustrating cause a lot of people still, a lot of retailers do actually charge seven for the lower dose one, which means they’re taking more than a hundred percent markup on the, the wholesale price.

[00:25:33] And it also means that they’re moving less velocity and people are less willing to buy a couple of them. So there’s a couple frustrations that also come along with not controlling your retailer, not controlling your retail price. Um, you know, we thought we could affect that through wholesale pricing and it just really didn’t move, uh, in the way that we wanted, but, It’s scale, it’s points of distribution.

[00:25:54] All those things kind of make it so that beverage is gonna continue to be a really tough market, uh, in [00:26:00] any of the regulated marijuana states, uh, until things significantly change. And I’m glad Can’t Trip went in when it did because I said this when I was actually fundraising. If I can’t get this online in 2021, we’re not doing this.

[00:26:11] Because that was, I think, still the last good opportunity to get online for beverages in Massachusetts. Uh, you know, we will luckily be able to ride that wave into New York State and be one of the very first people online in the regulated marijuana market there. Um, we’ll hopefully ride that wave into Connecticut and the other Northeast states, but.

[00:26:31] You know, I, I see other brands coming online in Massachusetts and you know, I know they exist, but they only register on the boards. When you look at p DSA or headset or anyone, um, the exclusion of a couple powder drinks that are kind of crushing it out there, um, there’s just only so much shelf space and only so much total addressable markets.

[00:26:49] So if you don’t have a chunk there, then you’re gonna be really struggling to, to carve out space.

[00:26:55]Kellan Finney: Brian and I looked at beverages out in Colorado, I think, was it last year, Brian? [00:27:00] Yeah. And it was just the, kind of the exact same, uh, what you just described was what we kind of determined from just our analysis of the market, just cuz it’s such a mature industry that life, like you just said, there’s just no way to carve out your own piece after people have been sitting on those shelves for a couple years, you know?

[00:27:20] Yeah.

[00:27:21]Bryan Fields: There’s just so many products. I was in Canada and I went to a dispensary and I opened up the fridge. I was like, Where’s the beverages? He pointed me the fridge. I opened up the fridge and there was. Hundreds of different products. And I was like, this is the most overwhelming experience. And I just did what, like a, a very poor, simple producer did is I just reached for like one and eye level that was like a flavor that I like and just grabbed the first one.

[00:27:41] Cause I was like, this is, this is overwhelming, right? There’s too many choices. Grabbed that and just left and was like, I can’t believe how many people are competing for such a tiny, tiny purchasing decision on a tiny, tiny ship. And it’s risk. Extremely

[00:27:54]Adam Terry: competitive. It’s extremely, And it’s, it’s even crazier to think that like, it’s also one of the most difficult [00:28:00] things to set up in a regulated cannabis licenses, uh, beverage line cuz most places are cannabis village.

[00:28:06] Do not. Build in large amounts of storage space. They do not build in floor drains. They do not build in the kind of electric and water infrastructure that you need for these things. And it costs, like, you know, depending on how big you build it, but it can easily run into the millions just to get a ba pretty basic setup online.

[00:28:22] Um, for pretty regular volume. You can do like a small scale thing for about a hundred grand. But to get into any sort of reasonable production quantities, you need to be spending, you know, between 500 and a million at a minimum. And, you know, a lot of places are gonna sit down like, Well, I have the same license, can make beverages and it can make vapes.

[00:28:40] So which one is gonna do better for me? Even if B vapes are also incredibly competitive if beverage is just as competitive, origins lower. You know, it’s, it’s real tough, but, you know, big is also a tough marketplace. Um, so, you know, you gotta make your choices on how you build your, your menu and your facility.

[00:28:58] But that’s also one of the things [00:29:00] that drives prices beverage is, is it’s not like I have a plethora of options to go to and I can just go to the manufacturing on the street. I mean, we, we, one of the biggest canning lines in the state when we started, and that was like, I could basically do like 10 cases an hour,

[00:29:13] It was pretty small and slow. We were like in a corner, but we, uh, we made it work and, uh, you know, we were nowhere near what Levy was doing, like a hundred cans a minute, uh, on their line when they, uh, when they upgraded, I think like midway through their first, uh, first year. But yeah, there’s still only really like five successful brands that say in Massachusetts and beverage space.

[00:29:35] And there’s maybe like three or four more and a lot more coming online that I’m hearing about. But I don’t see how any of them are gonna, uh, really get shelf space. Who do you think,

[00:29:44]Bryan Fields: Go ahead, Brad. Who do you think is a, a targeted consumer for infused beverages?

[00:29:51]Adam Terry: Definitely what we’re finding is that it is a lot of people’s gateway in, um, and bore, Jordan actually said this I think at fencing it back in April, which I thought [00:30:00] was a pretty keen insight from a man who has said some pretty wild things about beverage, uh, thereafter

[00:30:05] But he said that people are coming in through more highly formulated products and beverage is nothing if not one of the most highly formulated products in the cannabis space. I think that’s right. You know, it’s a familiar format for people. I think overall five milligrams in a beverage does hit different than five milligrams in a regular edible.

[00:30:22] And I think it hits like softer, um, I think can be as like as or more bio available, but it seems to hit differently where it doesn’t like impact people as much. And this is from an array of beverages I’ve had with multiple infusion technologies, including my own. I find that it’s generally, you know, something like a 10 to 15 minute up.

[00:30:43] Um, peak at around 30 minutes and then offset between 60 and 90 minutes. Um, even at the five milligram range, sometimes it’ll last a bit longer. I think that can depend on how much makes it into your liver or not. But for the most part, it seems to be a softer high. So I can drink multiple five milligram beverages in a day [00:31:00] and get pretty stoned, but feel pretty fun.

[00:31:01] Whereas when I eat, if I eat multiple five milligram gummies in a day, I’m really gonna get that like Del or that hydroxy 11 THC effect that’s gonna make me way too stoned. So they’re a little bit safer. They’re harder to screw up, I think, when it comes to your own dosing profile. And I think they’re just more recognizable.

[00:31:20] So people can’t really focus on, you know, don’t have to learn to. Then I’m telling her to vape. It always drew me nuts when I made vapes. Like people would constantly like complain that it was too complicated to use when there was like a button to press . Uh, it’s like the button was like, I had to write directions, be like, press the button as you inhale, and people are like, I don’t really know.

[00:31:38] That sounds a little tricky to me, as opposed to like dab rigs where people are heating nails and free base in cannabis. Um, , I digress, but the, uh, I think the, the general demo, like that’s not really a demographic, right? Like people coming into cannabis and if I gunned to my head demographic skews towards, uh, women overall and skews towards honestly higher earners.

[00:31:59] I [00:32:00] think we’ve seen in, uh, there was like an internal study by one of these companies that suggested that people who purchase beverages on average are making like over a hundred grand a year. People who purchase concentrates on average are making like 40 or 50 grand a year. So definitely skew towards some more wealthy, which I think tracks with, you know, the cost of these things per milligram of thc.

[00:32:19] but the, the demographics used towards women and wealthier women. So I think we’re gonna see like a lot of millennial professionals focused on these things and, and doing the purchasing, but also just a tremendous amount of people coming into the cannabis industry. And I think that’s kind of what makes us, uh, sort of the gateway, the gateway drug of cannabis.

[00:32:36] Yeah, Grant

[00:32:37]Kellan Finney: grant’s also, like, it’s also something that, uh, consumers are comfortable with from like a inebriation standpoint, right? We were talking about beer earlier, like people are comfortable drinking something out of a can that’s gonna inebriate them versus smoking or any other like, form factor.

[00:32:55] And most people don’t eat an edible or eat like a gummy bear or piece of chocolate and expect to be [00:33:00] messed up from it like a couple hours later. So I think it’s probably the most comfortable, uh, avenue in for

[00:33:06]Adam Terry: most new consumers. I mean, honestly, this is, I don’t know if this is the next topic, but this is for me is like the segue is to why, um, Beverages are gonna continue to struggle so long as they’re contained with only, only within dispensaries.

[00:33:22] Um, and I think it’s, for me, it’s, it’s a lot because people who might try beverage aren’t necessarily showing up to the weed store in the first place. And these dispensaries really limit like who’s coming to get things. And it’s a lot harder to sell a five milligram beverage to somebody who’s already buying joints and dabs, um, than it is to sell a five milligram beverage to somebody who might be just picking up groceries or like, you know, uh, butt light for the weekend.

[00:33:48] And so, really point, Minnesota’s really represented an interesting opportunity for the beverage market. And you’ve seen players including Cant Tripp like Rush in there because the points of distribution are so much broader and pretty [00:34:00] immediately, uh, you know, stores are taking this on. We’re seeing massive growth inside.

[00:34:04] There’s just a gold rush going on in Minnesota right now for cannabis background. Do you wanna, do

[00:34:08]Kellan Finney: you wanna educate our listeners to what’s going on in Minnesota that’s

[00:34:10]Adam Terry: different than Massachusetts? . Yeah. So the, the key to Minnesota in terms of the legal difference is that Minnesota has legalized Delta nine thc, the same molecule that is, you know, typically of interest in regulated marijuana markets, but derived from hemp and the legal, the, the distinction between hemp and marijuana as far as I can tell, is simply a legal distinction.

[00:34:33] Having nothing to do with the actual, you know, uh, component genetics of the plan other than is a hemp is considering anything is grown under the hemp program. So the, you know, compliant with the 2018 US Farm Bill, uh, and also having less than 0.3% of Delta nine thc either when of both when it’s grown and then when it’s sold to a consumer.

[00:34:55] There may be nuances within there too, but essentially, you know, if you grow hemp, you have to get [00:35:00] rid of it. If it’s over 0.3% delta I thc, um, and you can continue to process it from there. If you do, I think you get some remediation options too. Not that familiar with the ins and outs, but at the end of the day now, there’s a program where if you can get the, the THC derived from hemp, um, inside Minnesota, then you can manufacture, You don’t need a special license that takes, you know, 2 3 years to get and, you know, uh, Fort Knox level security system to, to make it.

[00:35:27] And the, the only limita, the only two real limitations are it must be still less, than 0.3% Delta in thc. So compliant with the farm bill that’s checked off pretty easily by most beverages, because most beverages are in the, you know, one 1000 of a percent range or one 100th, uh, when it comes to actual biomass. And then the, uh, the other limitation in Minnesota is that you get up to five milligrams per serving.

[00:35:50] Uh, or 50 milligrams per container. Uh, so those are the, the two matrices that you get to play by. The regulations are otherwise pretty light in Minnesota. [00:36:00] And what that has allowed is at a pretty thriving market. So instead of, you know, there’s 5,000 breweries in Minnesota, they actually minnesota’s a home, like a, a hub for manufacturing, brew, and distillery equipment.

[00:36:12] It’s actually where I got all the equipment for my other business, which is a distillery. The, uh, the, all these beverage lines can now be used for canvas, which means that you have a lot more options, which means you can get more competitive pricing, which means pricing can go down. You can also have traditional distributions.

[00:36:27] So somebody who doesn’t need to spend years waiting for a license can distribute these products across the state. And so we have basically a normal three tier, uh, system. As Brian, you have noted, uh, numerous times, uh, not only in this call, but. Twitter over and over again. There’s a lot of challenges in cannabis, which is why you should download the, the Dime Playbook.

[00:36:46] Uh, but the, yeah, it’s a CPG on its own is one of the most difficult businesses, uh, there is out there. You are paying real money to make a fiscal product that needs to be moved to a place, sold to a consumer. [00:37:00] When you add the CAM challenges, everything gets that much more difficult. This is why you don’t see beverages below $7 for five milligrams in Massachusetts, unless they’re, you know, on sale or in bulk pricing.

[00:37:10] In Minnesota, there’s a real shot. You can buy something for four or five, oh, less than four bucks. At the, at the shelf, because you have all of these preexisting channels and infrastructures, you can take advantage of that, you know, almost every other business gets to take advantage of. Uh, and so that is really opened the opportunity.

[00:37:26] And more importantly, a lot more people are gonna be exposed to your product because you can sell it in grocery stores, liquor stores, uh, restaurants. There’s really no limitation on where you can sell it. Long as the municipality hasn’t banded, you must be 20 or one year old to buy it, so you must still card people.

[00:37:41] Um, but you know, there, there’s also some gray area it looks like when it comes to liquor stores itself, because in Minnesota, this is one of the strangest laws I’ve ever heard about liquor store, Minnesota. There’s a list of things you were allowed to sell at a liquor store, uh, which is unlike I think every other state where there’s a list of things you can’t sell at a liquor store.

[00:37:59] Uh, [00:38:00] and cannabis is not technically on the list of things you can sell in a liquor store in Minnesota, but I think there’s some gray area because you consider it a soda. You consider it. Other things, I don’t know. The attorneys out there are honestly still kind of figuring this all out and so is the State House.

[00:38:14] But for the moment it’s pretty lightly regulated. There are probably more regulations in the future, but it has created this huge opportunity for, um, beverages and Can Tripp was one of the first, if not the first, uh, cannabis beverage that is also in a regulated marijuana market out there. Um, can is also out there as well.

[00:38:33] And then, uh, almost every brewery seems to be coming up with ad beverage now, which is interesting cuz I’ll be back out there next week and get to try a few more of them. But most of them I have tried, if not been stellar. Um, a lot of people are not so used to working with cannabis in a beverage and it’s not the easiest thing to create a taste for.

[00:38:49] So I think people are trying to figure that out, uh, right now. And that’s, that’s left a lot of opportunity for people to kind of sorted all of their stuff out already.

[00:38:57]Kellan Finney: I mean, pretty incredible. It can be just sitting there next to like [00:39:00] a Bud Light or a Budweiser, or Milos

[00:39:02]Adam Terry: or whatever you wanna call it.

[00:39:04] Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was great to go to a bar and purchase my product at a bar. It, interestingly enough to like the early days of California, there’s some amount of self-regulation that seems to be happening. A lot of on-prem locations are, uh, restricting THC s to like three cans, Uh, makes sense during a visit.

[00:39:22] So this way people aren’t getting, like, we don’t have a lot of clarifying precedent around what happens if a bar gets somebody high and sends them home and they get into a car crash, Right? Like, whereas we have specific laws in this country around what happens if you do that for alcohol. Um, the bar is liable.

[00:39:36] So that’s, you know, one of the, the things that they’re gonna have to face and insurance underwriters are scrambling to figure out what’s going on. I talked to. Different marketing companies out there, you know, who own billboards and other media. They’re like, we don’t even know what to do yet because, uh, you know, there’s other, like, you know, Massachusetts requires warning language on billboards and things like that.

[00:39:56] Um, but they don’t have anything to like for that. So it’s all very [00:40:00] new. Um, but it’s really interesting because in a lot of ways this was kind of already legal in Minnesota and they just kind of clarified the laws, which is one reason they passed in the first place was to clarify like preexisting law around how much teach so you can put in a product under the Farm bill, because the farm bill does allow you up to 0.3%.

[00:40:19] And if you guys are out there doing the math, uh, a lot of edibles meet that, uh, that, you know, arrangement. So there’s a lot of s that could be, you know, sourced from hemp and sold thc, you know, in any state that doesn’t ban it. It’s really unclear what’s going on, but there. There were already existing beverages in the Minnesota marketplace before this law passed.

[00:40:39] There were already existing edibles, and if you do some Googling online, you can absolutely find right now somebody willing to ship you delta i THC deriv from that to your house. So whether or not the government decides to do anything about that is hard to say. You know, as it stands right now, the FDA doesn’t actually consider it legal to be selling CBD across state lines in food products, uh, because there’s something called the drug [00:41:00] preclusion rule because Epidiolex, uh, which is an epilepsy treatment with CBD, is the active ingredient that was passed through phase three trials and approved in 2018, actually, which was kind of funny.

[00:41:11] Uh, the farm bill passed, uh, later that year, and suddenly the question of what can you put CBD in was, was really unclear because technically the FDA considers it a drug. You can’t put drugs in food. You know, you can’t take Viagra and put it in a bunch of gummies and sell it, uh, you know, over the counter to people.

[00:41:30] Well, you could. But you probably can’t. So the FDA already considers it kind of illegal to ship CBD overstate lines in, uh, in uh, even derived from hemp. And Delta I THC would follow under the same exclusion, which is that, you know, it’s delta I THC may be derived from hemp, but it may hit that your 0.3% standard, but there is a drug maral which excess, uh, which would then, you know, further debilitate these things.

[00:41:53] So the FDA actually just appoint a new person, I think in charge of cannabis policy. I think his name is Noah [00:42:00] Bien Mo. Um, and he is actually some cannabis regulatory experience. So that was an interesting move when coupled with Biden’s, sort of pardons last week that’d say, say to me that the FDA is gonna take a post or look at.

[00:42:11] It’s unclear what that’s gonna mean for the marketplace. It’s certainly, I think, still riskier to be selling in Minnesota from like a, a pure perspective of, you know, the regulations could change and then your business has to change with it, but the opportunity is so great that can Trip said was worth it.

[00:42:24] And so did, Can who’s, you know, can Tripp is probably one of the, the lowest funded cannabis beverages, uh, in the regulated marijuana markets and can is probably the highest funded one. So we’ve, uh, we’ve really, I think, matched, uh, matched your energies here and, you know, I appreciate can for what they’ve done.

[00:42:40] They’re a great brand with great marketing and of good people. So, uh, I’m really excited to be kind of like in that same space alongside them.

[00:42:48]Bryan Fields: So, just

[00:42:48] to clarify, a 21, an older individual can go to a supermarket and purchase a cannabis beverage in Minnesota. .

[00:42:58]Adam Terry: Yeah, that’s,

[00:42:59] that’s [00:43:00] correct. As long as the supermarket is well in sell.

[00:43:02] Um, and we’re definitely seeing convenience stores, gas stations, uh, pick this kind of stuff up. I mean, imagine any place you see of beverage do you could technically do that. No. So do you think

[00:43:11]Bryan Fields: the consumers will know though, that these are cannabis products? They’re not though. They’re have products, right?

[00:43:18] Yes. But if you consume them and you get high, like, well,

[00:43:21]Kellan Finney: piece

[00:43:22]Adam Terry: cannabis. First of all, hemp is cannabis. It sort of squares, squares and rectangles. Right? Hemp and marijuana are both, uh, forms of cannabis. Same. Same, but different. They, well, they’re legal designations, right? So they should know it’s cannabis.

[00:43:35] All of our packaging says in big, bold letters that THC in this product. You know, there’s a certain amount of self-regulation, which I think is also important by the companies themselves to say, like, from a public health perspective, I don’t want anyone drinking this who is not prepared to drink th.

[00:43:49] Especially as uh, you know, if we move into other, um, stronger products as you can do in Minnesota with the appropriate scoring of your servings. I don’t want somebody drinking norm soda thinking it’s a regular arm [00:44:00] soda and drink 50 milligrams of thc. So it’s pretty big and bold and you know, there debates about that cuz like maybe the government then, you know, that makes a bigger signal to the FDA to do something about it.

[00:44:10] But I’d rather make accurate statements about what’s inside the can. Um, you know, in the interest of my consumers. Cause I don’t think it looks very good for the brand either to be pushing something which is deceptive. Um, so ours says cannabis infused, we use still warning language, similar but not identical to what we would use a Massachusetts because we feel that it’s important.

[00:44:31] You know, make, you know, clear attritions to, you know, the FDA is not approved this product, um, you know, keep this product away from children. We actually use the contains THC symbol that you see in Massachusetts directly on the can as well. Um, so it, you know, it has a lot of the same designations that would indicate it is a cannabis product.

[00:44:49] You know, we’ve never put big weed leaps on our product, but I think THC does, does a pretty good job of communicating what it is in cannabis infuse. So there shouldn’t be any confusion. I hope there isn’t. I haven’t heard any, [00:45:00] uh, any feedback about people being confused about it yet. But

[00:45:03]Kellan Finney: are there any huge differences from a regulatory standpoint on what you need to include on the label in Minnesota versus Massachusetts?

[00:45:11]Adam Terry: Yeah, Minnesota has a lot less language surrounding that. The only that’s thing that you must put on there is the dosing information. All of the same information you put on for any food product and the statement, keep this product away from children. You don’t even have to put anything that technically like you should.

[00:45:27] What’s in it, right? THCs in it. So you should put that on there. But there you don’t have the same, like, don’t drive or operate a machine well under this product or you know, there’s a lot of very long, uh, you know, warning language in Massachusetts that is not required in Minnesota. But we put pretty similar statements on the, the product in Minnesota because we do feel like, uh, those statements were generally created in the best interest of public health.

[00:45:50] Um, and we want to comply with that. The self

[00:45:53]Bryan Fields: regulations and you having to interpret what you think is best just leads to so many more challenges across the industry because not everyone likely will take [00:46:00] the same path as you. And one of the things that concerns me most just hearing this is if you’re sitting at a bar, right?

[00:46:05] You take two couple shots of James in feeling really good and go, Oh, that’s Adam Terry’s brand over there. I’m gonna take a 50 milligram beverage. I’m gonna have one of those. And the combination of alcohol and cannabis is gonna lead to some other hurdles that none of us can even foresee because the combination of those is gonna be altering.

[00:46:19] So Adam, what did you think about the potential combination of those, those two beverages? ?

[00:46:25]Adam Terry: Yeah, that’s a pretty good question. It’s definitely a call that bartenders are gonna have to make and servers, um, you know, there’s a, a history already existing of bartenders having to make pretty tough and discretionary calls around overserving.

[00:46:39] I would certainly, you know, we’re actually, we’ve been talking to our distribu distribution essentially by not putting the 50 milligram beverages in on premise locations and focusing only on off premise locations. And that’s one of the reasons for it. We just don’t think it’s necessary, you know, if bars are only willing to give you a three five milligram beverages, why would they be willing to give you a 50 milligram anyway?

[00:46:58] So I think from a, [00:47:00] a liability standpoint, I don’t expect to see those higher dose beverages in bars. They’re mostly gonna be for take homes. And interesting thing is, so there’s actually an exemption in Minnesota for the child resistant requirement for beverages. Um, so we can use regular lids out there, which is not what we use in Massachusetts.

[00:47:15] We use those specialty like XO lids, but we actually have chosen to use the XO lids specifically for the high dose products in order to ensure that they’re reclosable, so that people don’t feel compelled to drink the whole thing in one sitting. They can, you know, actually close it. And these are special design lids that will keep it carbonated, uh, and keep it completely sealed so they can put it back on the refrigerator.

[00:47:35] So, you know, people may not choose to self regulate. Uh, and I don’t in this, in some, in many scenarios, I don’t see that as an advantage. There’s other things around like restriction, restricting yourself on marketing that I think would be a disadvantage if we took, uh, if we, you know, hamstrung ourself, um, waste certain people do.

[00:47:53] In Massachusetts, for example, in Massachusetts, uh, there’s a specific language that says you may not use cartoons on [00:48:00] packaging. And I don’t know what qualifies as a cartoon, but I’ve seen a lot of illustrated characters on packaging in Massachusetts. None of them are like loony tunes. Like, but I think Lowell Smokes is a good example of this.

[00:48:12] It’s literally like a goat man, if I remember correctly, on the front of their package. And that seems to fly in Massachusetts. How is that a cartoon? Is it on a cartoon? I don’t know. It doesn’t seem that appealing to children, which I think is the most important part. Um, I think it’s probably terrifying to children to be honest, but the, uh, uh, you know, what is a cartoon like?

[00:48:29] Can I put how far in a human depiction can I go on a, on a label before I’ve crossed that step? And what is the enforcement mechanism? So, you know, like those types of things I would fear, but like, you know, I’m not gonna you. There are certain restrictions m so you can’t on a label, like make something that is deceptively, uh, you know, close to a non-cannabis product or like a well known product.

[00:48:53] So I couldn’t make something that look really close to Coca-Cola. Um, another interesting point of like non regulation is that [00:49:00] Fireball, the brand has a brand of gummies in the THC cannabis space, which is literally the same as a non-cannabis brand. And. They just sell it. I’ve never seen an enforcement action against them.

[00:49:13] Product’s probably pretty good, but I just wouldn’t think it would be allowed to use, Like, I wouldn’t think Coca-Cola could show up to Massachusetts, make a Coca-Cola, infuse beverage, put their, like normal branding on it. And you know, I don’t think the CCC would allow that. I guess fireball’s small enough that they would, they get away with it.

[00:49:28] But, uh, you know, those, those kind of challenges I see it as advantage to self regulate. Like I, the testing regulations in Minnesota say that you can’t have more than trace amounts of microtoxins and, um, a couple other like microbial points, but it does not define what trace amounts are. So we have to define what trace amounts are.

[00:49:47] You know, in our beverages they’re all like non-detectable amounts, um, because it’s actually pretty easy to make a clean beverage, uh, if you know what you’re doing. But, you know, regulating on the cannabinoid [00:50:00] amounts, regulating on how batching is done, those are not super well defined in the Minnesota regulations.

[00:50:06] Um, And so by being good actors and providing that information to our consumers, we build a brand of trust. Like people can trust us because we are putting warning language. In fact, I think putting warning language and putting barcodes that can be well traced and putting proper nutrition facts in your label, people are so used to them that they recognize that as the right thing to do and things look sketchy if they’re not on there.

[00:50:29] So I think we actually look better by putting all that warning language on. And like that’s so true that when people make counterfeits, um, I saw the first like counterfeit can like ca the brand, um, the, the other day and they had all the warning language on it. Most of these places do, I guess maybe cause they’re trying to make it look as rep replicated as possible because things look sketchy when they don’t have like government warnings.

[00:50:52] Even look at your liquor bottles next time you pick up a liquor bottle. Like there are government warnings on there that are required and they do not look correct without them. It’s [00:51:00] just, it becomes part of the scenery. So you think, uh,

[00:51:05]Kellan Finney: cannabis knuckle ever be combin. We were talking about them separate.

[00:51:08] Uh, and also, can you combine them Minnesota based on the current regulations?

[00:51:13]Adam Terry: Uh, that’s a good question. I don’t think so. Um, I don’t know when Massachusetts, that 50

[00:51:20]Kellan Finney: milligram beverage you’re talking about could be a really good like mixer, you know what I mean? It sits, sits next to the Jameson and you just make a mixed drink with a little splash of it, you know?

[00:51:29]Bryan Fields: Did we just make, did we just make the next Four Loco?

[00:51:33]Adam Terry: I, Yeah. Four Loco famously banned K’s over here trying to find anyway that he could mix. Uh, he’s like, We’re, we’re gonna

[00:51:39]Bryan Fields: make Six Loco

[00:51:40]Adam Terry: right now. I, I gotta say, I’m not a big fan of mixing alcohol and cannabis beverages. I don’t think they work very well together, honestly, in terms of like the effect and feeling this where my guy who spent a lot of his, you know, early twenties, uh, cross fade.

[00:51:53] Um, so it’s not like I’ve been against in my entire career. I found particularly canvas beverages, like they don’t feel great with [00:52:00] alcohol. Um, like, like more so than like smoking, uh, itself. Um, so I don’t know, can trip’s never gonna get there? Uh, I don’t think we’re ever gonna make an alcohol piece thing.

[00:52:09] I don’t know what the rules are in Minnesota, but to give you an example of what happened in Massachusetts, cuz I do have a liquor business in Massachusetts when cannabis was legalized, uh, the ABC c, which is the governing body of liquor in Massachusetts, sent a letter to every licensee saying, You may not put, to not even think about whispering cannabis into your beverage.

[00:52:29] Uh, like you cannot buy them in Massachusetts. I would expect to see that trend continued. I mean, ultimately you can add cannabis to alcohol if you want. You just shouldn’t be. I don’t think you should be able to buy them in the same product. I don’t think it’s a very good idea, but the exception of like, you know, concentrated tinctures, It is funny because tinctures, like definitionally speaking are made of alcohol.

[00:52:50] Um, Right. But in cannabis, people pretty quickly move to putting them into oil instead because the, you know, it’s pretty, pretty tough getting that green dragon directly on the tongue. [00:53:00] So what we call a tincture in cannabis is actually frequently not a tinctured by, you know, the classic definition of it, but I digress.

[00:53:08]Bryan Fields: What is one fact operating in the cannabis industry that would surprise or shock others?

[00:53:15]Adam Terry: Demand is not as good as you think it is. , like you don’t have a guaranteed demand for the product going into it. You still as competitive in marketing. Um, and overall because of the restrictions on distribution and manufacturing, the demand is lower than it really should be.

[00:53:31] Like pist demand in Massachusetts is roughly 1.2 billion last year. I think if you had this stuff, At least I think edibles, um, and beverages broadly, like if you made those, uh, freely available in, you know, liquor stores, uh, much of kink you have in Minnesota and then restricted, I think, you know, cannabis Flower and concentrates, basically anything that’s more potent, you’re basically 70% of cannabis sales are now, so babes concentrates flour, actually maybe more like 80% of [00:54:00] the overall market.

[00:54:00] You were restricted that to dispensaries, but then opened up the low dose products all your edibles into regular distribution. I think it would’ve been a $3 billion market last year. I think the, the potential of edibles is largely untapped, so long as we were restricted to these specialty places. And so demand is actually lower than people think it’s gonna be.

[00:54:18] Is one of the hardest things, um, about cannabis because we have VCs in cannabis, right? Like you, you guys are very familiar with beside in and, you know, Measure eight and all these other venture capitalists. Venture capital means something very different consumer package goods than it does in tech. Tech has potentially infinite upside and relatively low necessity for investment and tech.

[00:54:40] You’re investing in largely labor and some sales and marketing in consumer packaged goods, particularly cannabis. You’re investing in infrastructure, you’re investing in building things, you’re investing in, um, ingredients and materials. It’s so much harder to do, and the return is like the potential, maximum return is so much lower.

[00:54:59] The entirety of the cannabis [00:55:00] market in the United States is something like the, what, 40 to $50 billion range. Uh, at least the legal market. You could, I think, open that up to 200, 300 billion pretty easily if you were to open up these edibles into more broad distribution points because people will just not go to the weed.

[00:55:17] Like people who would normally consume cannabis, I think, uh, basically because it was available are not going through the specialty weed stores. They’re out of the way in many cases. Even when they are convenient, you have to, it’s like a whole BRI roll to get through these security places in California and Colorado.

[00:55:33] A lot of ’em still look like head shops. Even when there are like certain nicer stores you can go to. Most places you’re gonna go to or like look like a head shop and a lot of times they have a metal detector out front cause people are showing up with guns and you have to pay it all in cash. All of these things make it like a blaring signal in most people’s subconscious that cannabis is still legal, it’s still something you should engage in.

[00:55:51] It’s still sketchy until we as a country wake up and start putting things where they belong. And again, I do think you could ask the higher [00:56:00] security levels, I think. , you put the weed in the weed store where the weed people go and they will still show up. You will still sell that much flour and concentrates.

[00:56:08] But if you can open up these lower dose products that primarily it’s, it’s not really your flower consumers and your, you know, your, uh, more the traditional consumers going to, you would see demand skyrocket. And that is really the biggest misunderstanding people have about campus. It’s not, you just go in and demands there.

[00:56:27] I’ve seen, I’ve seen people inside campus who’ve been doing it for a few years make that mistake too, particularly those who are used to limited license date, uh, early days in Massachusetts, it was, if you can get a product after market, you could sell it. I, you know, when I was a product developer for an mso, I never had a quote unquote failed product because anything I could get to market would sell.

[00:56:47] Um, but that did not apply when we tried to move some of those same products into California and Colorado. Uh, and so, uh, if you are out there thinking your demand just exists, um, it does not. You have to do it, and you have to do it right. [00:57:00] And, uh, , Sorry, quick aside, cause I know I’ve been going very long on this question.

[00:57:04] I had a guy reach out to me who said he wants to start a cannabis beverage business in New York. And then he has like some people that he knew in distribution and like, I had to basically call this guy and be like, Do not attempt to do this thing that you’re about to do because you don’t even know that.

[00:57:19] Like, he, he alluded to something indicating to me that he, he was like, I think there’s like more regulations around the cannabis business than other businesses. And I was like, Stop. You need to do a lot more research before you attempt to do this thing. Cause he thought like, there’s gonna be a lot of demand there.

[00:57:33] I know how to make a beverage and distribute it. I got this great food scientist, but he hadn’t even read the regulation. Like, realized. It’s just not even in the same world. Like there’s a completely different world. Unless you have somebody who lives and breeds it, you will not be successful. So, you know, shout out to people who read the playbook.

[00:57:50] Uh, hire people who have cannabis experience to start to run your business. If you’re out there and you’re like, I’m just gonna do it and we’re gonna figure it as we go. You have a much higher failure [00:58:00] rate. So bring at least one person on your team who’s been doing this for a while. There’s a lot of us out there now.

[00:58:04] This industry is getting a little bit older. There’s people who have, you know, entire careers in cannabis, so hire them.

[00:58:10]Bryan Fields: Uh, I got shamed for, for that statement that having someone with experience cannabis experience on your team is helpful. And I got shamed. Um, I think

[00:58:18]Adam Terry: I saw that thread ,

[00:58:19]Kellan Finney: but hey, shout

[00:58:20]Bryan Fields: out to everyone who, who took that advice and shout out to everyone who didn’t take that advice, and certainly wishes they did because it’s hard.

[00:58:26] It’s hard. So, Adam, before we do predictions, we ask all of our guests, if you could sum up your experience in a main takeaway or lesson learned to pass onto the next generation, what would it be?

[00:58:42]Adam Terry: That was a good question. And can you cut out all the gaps? Baseball, I think, uh,

[00:58:48]Bryan Fields: take your time.

[00:58:50]Adam Terry: If I could summarize into like, one lesson learned. Yeah.

[00:58:54]Kellan Finney: Doesn’t even, doesn’t even have to be cannabis can just be a life lesson too. ,

[00:58:57]Adam Terry: I mean, pick people you wanna work with. [00:59:00] Like is you’re, if you’re gonna spend your time, especially if you’re an entrepreneur out there and you’re thinking of starting a business and you’re picking, you know, your co-founders, your first team members cant Trip is a wonderful team full of people that are, you know, I always think to myself, these, these other people who are on my team, these are the people who care about cant trip in the world the absolute most.

[00:59:19] And if you, someone, anyone’s on your team, you know, at the, at least at the executive or founding level, that is not all in with what you’re doing, you know, it’s gonna be painful. Um, so, you know, pick your partners carefully. Pick your, uh, you know, the people, uh, who work for you carefully. People still drive everything.

[00:59:37] Everything is soft skills. At the end of the day, you can be technically inclined to the ends of the earth and you will get nowhere in your career if you can’t work with people. Um, and so ultimately, you know, develop your soft skills, develop your leadership skills, and, you know, pick who you wanna work with because you’re gonna spend 40 hours plus a week doing this.

[00:59:56] So you may as well like what you’re doing and who you’re working with. [01:00:00] Well said.

[01:00:01]Bryan Fields: All right, prediction time, Adam. At the BENGA conference bore, Jordan said five to 10 years out, I think cannabis beverages will represent 50% of the industry. Adam, what needs to change for us to get to beverages being 50% of the cannabis

[01:00:19]Adam Terry: industry?

[01:00:19] Thank you for framing it that way because like whether or not think that’s gonna happen and how it would, what we would have to do to get there. Two completely different things. Completely. Like I want to know what bores knows that I don’t because probably a lot, probably a lot if we’re gonna be honest.

[01:00:35] Yeah, that is true. Okay. Like I meant about a couple specific things. Bores Jordan is a smart guy who knows a lot of things. Uh uh, you know, purely is I’m organization and they’ve been very successful in a lot of things they’ve done. What I wanna know that I think Border of Jordan must know is how the FDA is gonna treat hack based, uh, cannabis.

[01:00:52] Like it’s just what we talked about in Minnesota. But like I said, there are people who have been selling builtin I THC products in the United States since [01:01:00] 2018 under the Farm Bill that are derived from hack. They’re mostly operating under the radar because they don’t wanna get slapped down by the fda.

[01:01:06] They mostly, the one successful ones are not making specific claims about efficacy. But if you could centralize and distribute cannabis beverages, all of which are less than 0.3%, I can’t think of, you’d have to have a very, very concentrate beverage. You maybe like the small shots, if you do like a hundred milligrams of thc, even then you might be less than 0.3%.

[01:01:26] I’d have to do the math about how small your shot can get and how concentrated if you could do that. I definitely see, uh, cannabis beverages, this being, you know, 50 plus percent of the market because you’ll be able to get ’em everywhere. You know, imagine if Target picks this up. Imagine if Walmart pick this up, Whole Foods, those places will never carry like raw flour, uh, in there.

[01:01:46] Like you’re never gonna go to Whole Foods to the bulk section. You just see cannabis that you can pick out, which would be super food.

[01:01:52]Bryan Fields: It’s a super food next to Kale. .

[01:01:54]Adam Terry: Yeah, next to Kale. Uh, and they’ve dried out some specifically for you to eat. Um, the, [01:02:00] uh, if you could see, like, but I think that’s very possible for beverages.

[01:02:04] And I think if lawmakers are smart and if we do this in the most logical way possible, you would allow that and you would allow largely edibles to be out there to, you probably, I think, put those behind the counter or put ’em in some sort of glass case. But I think, uh, uh, you know, they’re not more dangerous than alcohol, which is out on shelves all the time anyway.

[01:02:24] Right. And we have ways of restricting that they’re possibly safer than alcohol. And frankly, these low dose beverages, they can do volume. And there’s plenty of players out there that know how to centralize and distribute beverages nationally. So this is entirely possible. And if basically we build on what Minnesota has boldly as a state codified in their own state laws and start to open up other states doing the same thing, beverages should very quickly be, you know, $10 billion.

[01:02:56] They could be 40 billion in a couple years and be competing with the rest of the industry. [01:03:00] So if he has some inside Intel, Boris, reach out to me. I’m on Twitter, I’m very available. , I’m sure somebody you know, has my email address. I know that we’re only two degrees away from each other cause it’s not a big industry.

[01:03:13] Uh, let me know. We can do a deal. Purely launched endless coast. I, I’m Foley until this moment. I had forgotten they existed. , even though they’re in my own state, they seem to be doing okay, but they’re also, uh, anyway, my point being, um, let’s work together. Let’s find a way to do this. You know, there’s a lot of lobbying out there and I think that, you know, my, my view on the biggest failures of cannabis legalization have been twofold.

[01:03:37] It’s been largely, we didn’t really get the kind of cannabis legalization that like the heaviest traditional consumers want. They’re not getting the quality that they want a product. Uh, and honestly, shareholders are not really winning in cannabis right now. I mean, if ask anybody who bought cannabis between 2017 and 2020, you know how their portfolios are doing and they’re, you know, they’re all gonna say, I’m long [01:04:00] cannabis, 10, 20, 30 years, maybe that that’s helpful.

[01:04:03] But I don’t, A lot of these guys, I’m pretty sure retired before then, they’re gonna be taking hits on these long plays. I’m long cannabis as well, don’t get me wrong. But if I bought an MSOs in 2018 and still was holding onto it, I’d be in a pretty, pretty sore spot. Shout out, uh, to Rick. But the, uh, at the end of the day, the, like, this is possible.

[01:04:25] We just have to do it right. And if we, I mean, like, look at, I said this on Twitter, Look at New York. If you just allowed Bodega Guys to sell bodega, we, you’d probably solve your social equity problem. And no one’s gonna die as a result of it. It’s happening in New York anyway, why don’t we just legalize that.

[01:04:40] Cord has been saying that they’re gonna put on dispensers by the end of this year. And you know, Rosa Lux and B is out there on Twitter tracking. It take like minute by minute and it just doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen. It’s gonna happen. I really don’t think it’s gonna happen. I, you know, uh, and even if it does, you’re talking like one or two stores as you suggested for a photo op and like, what [01:05:00] does that do for anybody except a politician?

[01:05:02] We should just like open up like New York State and let people sell weed out of bda away from hemp farms. They, they are doing that. They’re doing anyway. So what is the difference is like, and they’re not getting arrested for it. So like why is anybody showing up to Attain or any other dispensary in New York if they can get it cheaper and more conveniently from the guy that they’re buying their coffee and bagel from in the morning.

[01:05:22] I mean, it’s just , it’s like absurd to me. And no, you know what? People are doing it in New York basically without any consequence. And I haven’t heard a single story of somebody dying from marijuana use in, at a New York, uh, New York City. It can be done, it should be done. And. Honestly, I think we should probably just move to that system, find a way to, you know, tax and regulate that and we would survive, absolutely survive it just like there, the level of regulation we compromised with the rest of the world, like the rest of the country on, in order to get marijuana legalized in the first place has been one of the biggest hindrances to actually succeeding in this industry.

[01:05:57] And, uh, you know, [01:06:00] that that’s my biggest failures of the cannabis are like actual value for people out of cannabis. You know, it shouldn’t be, it shouldn’t have to have, I’m sorry. It like creates what something for you guys to, to push to people this playbook. It shouldn’t have to exist. You should be able to just go grow weed and sell it.

[01:06:15] And yet we have to go through this whole rig roll and then pat ourselves on the back for being so cool because we could put the right amount of cameras in our dispensaries so that people could be on camera and then still not be able to use a credit card of those dispensaries. Drives me nuts. Drives me absolutely nuts.

[01:06:30] Anybody. Right. Ran over. I, I

[01:06:32]Bryan Fields: just wanna let you know, Adam, that most people use our platform to pitch mass audience about building brand awareness. You took this opportunity to go singularly focus on boar Jordan, the chairman of Pure Leaf, which I, I commend you, right? Like, I have not got confirmation that he listens to this podcast, but I’ll make sure to take off his friends here.

[01:06:48] So a big shout out to you on that one. Kelly, do you want to take a shot at how cannabis beverages would become 50% of the market? I think

[01:06:56]Kellan Finney: I agree a lot with what Adam said in terms of accessibility. I [01:07:00] think another thing that could be a game changer, which scientifically speaking, I think Brian, we’ve got in this conversation, and I don’t know if the science is there to support it, but if some miracle happens and someone’s able to produce a cannabis beverage that creates similar experience as alcohol does in terms of a social experience and getting, like, releasing more endorphins, getting you more amped up.

[01:07:31] encouraging ex or introverts to go have more conversations like alcohol does. Then I could see cannabis beverages growing very quickly under those conditions. But those are the only conditions I see it occurring.

[01:07:47]Adam Terry: So you want cannabis beverages to just be alcohol . That’s exactly what I said,

[01:07:54]Kellan Finney: so, ok. Its so awesome.

[01:07:56] All I was like, invent it. It’s

[01:07:58]Bryan Fields: called alcohol. OK [01:08:00] guys. Oh, okay guys.

[01:08:01]Adam Terry: Let’s

[01:08:03]Kellan Finney: what? Alcohol

[01:08:03]Adam Terry: Without the consequences. That’s exactly what its,

[01:08:07]Bryan Fields: So let’s, let’s take a step back and let’s think about this, right? If Boris Jordan’s making this statement at the conference, there’s probably a reason behind it. I can’t imagine he’s just shooting from.

[01:08:15] I mean, granted, I had no idea that they had a beverage. And based on what you said, Adam , they are not doing so well. So I’m sure that he’s aware of that. But I think at the end of the day, what is necessary in order to get it to 50% is to have it outside of traditional channels like, excuse me, outside of dispensary channels, more into the traditional channels, exactly like you said.

[01:08:32] And how that happens Is a Budweiser a a mosin in order of these big conglomerates to go to the government and say, We are going to produce cannabis beverages. We’d like them sold a traditional retail like everyone else. Here’s our money. Make this happen. And then when that happens and when it’s sold alongside alcohol in supermarkets, it will absolutely explode.

[01:08:54] Because at the end of the day, you’re right, there are differences in the consumer behavior. But at the end of the day, when you go to a [01:09:00] backyard barbecue, most people don’t want to take an edible. They want to have something in their hand from the social standpoint. So the ability to have a cannabis beverage that they can buy the supermarket next to their high noons, excuse me, they can’t buy it at a, at a liquor store.

[01:09:11] Excuse me. They can’t buy high noons at a supermarket. They’d buy at a liquor store. But next to a traditional Cores light or Bud Light will allow the unlocking of that mass consumer that everyone is seeking in order to get to that, that type of number. Yeah,

[01:09:23]Adam Terry: there’s plenty of supermarkets across this country where you can buy high noon right there.

[01:09:26] Cause like New York thing, That’s a New York thing. It’s, it’s a lot of like a blue liberal state thing where they don’t allow Yeah, yeah. You to be, to be honest.

[01:09:36]Bryan Fields: Well, all the mag guys are gonna come from me

[01:09:37]Adam Terry: now. Ah, yeah. Well, uh, the, uh, honestly, I think, I think you’re right about that and the, you know, it’s just, Yeah, it around the address.

[01:09:47] Endless coast, by the way. I don’t know how well they’re doing. I want, I forgot about them, but they’re out there somewhere. They’re out. I believe, I believe in purely if I’m gonna state that for the record, like if, if, if PepsiCo can literally go to the government and pay them a certain amount of money, get this done, that’s actually [01:10:00] kind of devastating for our democracy.

[01:10:01] That’s how this works. That’s, that’s how everything works. I, I honestly hope is not quite that simple. I think probably not. There’s certainly a lot of money involved, but I think there’s also a lot of rigor role involved. Uh, but yeah. PepsiCo wants to partner on this. Uh, Please. Pepsi reach out. Yeah. Is that broaden off of an audience?

[01:10:15] I wanna, that I respect? I I Do you wanna stay for the record? Any beverage company who’s not in cannabis wants to reach out and talk to me. You can absolutely, uh, find me. I’m very, very available on Twitter, Very available through a lot of channels. I’m very easy to get in touch with. So, yeah. PepsiCo, please give me call.

[01:10:30] I’m sorry. Coca-Cola please actually do that.

[01:10:32]Kellan Finney: I know what’s sexy is how much it costs. Cold. Cold to make one can of CocaCola sense. It is. Like, I was

[01:10:38]Adam Terry: like, what? Yes. We haven’t even talked about liquid death on this call. Oh yeah. Million dollar valuation. We’ll have to hold that for another

[01:10:46]Bryan Fields: one. So Adam, for our listeners, they wanna get in touch.

[01:10:48] They wanna buy can trip. Where can they find you?

[01:10:50]Adam Terry: Uh, you can go to our website, Cant trip seltzer.com. Follow us on can, uh, on Instagram at Cant Trip Seltzer. Uh, I’m pretty available on Twitter as well. My [01:11:00] Twitter name is hard to pronounce cuz I’ve reversed the first letter of my last name and the first letter of my first name.

[01:11:04] So it’s Ti Adam Airy. Uh, but just Google. Adam Terry, Uh, I’m very, very visible. I’m on LinkedIn, uh, I’m on Signal if you have, uh, sketchy stuff that you wanna text me about, uh, . Yeah, and we have a contact form on the website, so reach out and uh, if I like you enough, I’ll give you my personal email address.

[01:11:22] Awesome. Thanks for taking the time. This was fun Adam. Thanks guys.

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Editors’ Note: This is the transcript version of the podcast. Please note that due to time and audio constraints, transcription may not be perfect. We encourage you to listen to the podcast, embedded below if you need any clarification. We hope you enjoy!

This week we are joined by Hillary Peckham, COO of Etain Health, to discuss:

  • Cannabis in New York
  • The Future of the  Medical market
  • Partnership with Riv Capital

About Hillary Peckham:Hillary Peckham is Chief Operations Officer of Etain, overseeing production, formulation and extraction, as well as dispensary operations and patient education. Recognized as one of New York State’s “30 Under 30” business talents in 2016, Hillary has managed the rapid roll-out of Etain’s successful manufacturing and dispensing operations throughout the state.

About Etain Health: Women-owned and quality-obsessed, Etain crafts medical cannabis products that make a difference.


[email protected]


#Cannabis #WomeninCannabis #NYCannabis

At Eighth Revolution (8th Rev), we provide services from capital to cannabinoid and everything in between in the cannabinoid industry.

8th Revolution Cannabinoid Playbook is an Industry-leading report covering the entire cannabis supply chain

The Dime is a top 50 Cannabis Podcast 

Contact us directly at [email protected] Bryan Fields: @bryanfields24 Kellan Finney: @Kellan_Finney

[00:00:00]Bryan Fields: What’s up guys? Welcome back, Episode of The Dime. I’m Brian Fields. I’m with me, as always, is Ke Finn. This week we’ve got a very special guest, Hillary Peckham, c o o v team. Hell, Hillary. Thanks for taking the time. How you doing

[00:00:14]Hillary Peckham: today? I’m doing great. Thank you for having

[00:00:16]Bryan Fields: me. I’m excited to dive in. Ke, how are you

[00:00:18]Kellan Finney: doing?

[00:00:19] I’m doing really good, Brian. I’m excited to talk to Hillary, learn a little bit more about the New York Cannabis market. And how are you doing,

[00:00:27]Bryan Fields: Brian? I’m doing well. I’m excited to talk to Hillary and talk about New York. So, Hillary, just for the record, uh, your location please.

[00:00:36]Hillary Peckham: So, I, I, our, our offices are in Westchester County, but we have four dispensaries and retail locations throughout the state of New York.

[00:00:43] There it is, Kyle,

[00:00:44]Bryan Fields: and let the record state another New Yorker for us. . So Hillary, for our listeners that are un right, you can give a little background about your.

[00:00:52]Hillary Peckham: Yep. So I’m the Chief Operating Officer of Etan llc. I’m also one of the founders, so my mother, my sister and I, uh, [00:01:00] started entering the cannabis industry in 2014 when New York State first passed the Compassionate Care Act.

[00:01:07] And we started looking at what the opportunities were, and we were really compelled to enter the medical cannabis industry in New York because it’s our home, but also because we had firsthand experience of how. Palliative and end of life care can be mismanaged. And then for myself, how pain can be mismanaged and wanted to be able to provide a better quality of life to patients, especially local ones that are, um, in our communities.

[00:01:33] And so we were awarded and. A license, one of five licenses in the state in 2015. Um, and we’ve opened our stores about six months after that. And we’ve been, um, part of the medical cannabis industry here in New York for, um, you know, seven years. And we have a vertically integrated operation, um, which I oversee.

[00:01:55] So we cultivate, we manufacture, and we retail and distribute [00:02:00] all of our products throughout the. I love it.

[00:02:02]Bryan Fields: I’m excited to dive into all those specifics, but I guess I gotta stay with the first question. Earlier on, I read a, a story that said you had a little hesitation about joining up and kind of entering the space.

[00:02:11] Can you kind of share a little bit about that

[00:02:13]Hillary Peckham: story? Well, that’s twofold, right? Because, you know, not only was it entering the cannabis industry, which really was not something that was in my purview. Um, I had studied piano in college. My sister studied ceramics. Um, and I, this was not something that we really participated in.

[00:02:31] Like that. Um, and it was until I learned about all these anecdotal stories of people having sort of life changing outcomes from using cannabis that I got on board, but it’s also a family business, right? So that comes with its own challenges. So I was like, do I really wanna go into business with my mom?

[00:02:46] And I’m so glad that I did. Um, For all, all of the reasons, uh, beyond the family part, I really enjoy watching and working with my mom, but, uh, the opportunity to provide care and compassion to people in New [00:03:00] York has been sort of unparalleled for me. Was there

[00:03:03]Kellan Finney: like a, a single moment once you got the ball rolling that you were like, you know, all of my worries were for nothing.

[00:03:09] Was there like a moment that you could remember?

[00:03:12]Hillary Peckham: Um, you know, my mom and I had kinda spoken about doing this and she. Was a little non-com committal, but I could tell she really wanted to do it. And finally I said like, Listen, if if we’re gonna do. We’re gonna do this to win. And she said, Okay. And so then , we jumped in and it was really wonderful.

[00:03:34] After that, uh, we immediately met, uh, the organization, Women Grow, which had just launched its first, uh, meeting in New York, which we attended. And, uh, found this amazing group of women who really sort. Uh, took me in and my mom and helped us network and, and get the expertise we needed. So it was like immediately we found, uh, our group of people and we were able to continue as soon as we [00:04:00] were solidly committing

[00:04:03]Bryan Fields: Working with family definitely has this inner working some challenges, right? Distributions of responsibilities, kind of the, the, the relationship dynamic of you and your sister and your mom. Those are all challenges. So when the three of you are sitting around deciding you’re gonna do this, how, how does the first step work?

[00:04:16] Is it we’re gonna separate responsibilities, we’re gonna have conversations, you know, take us through that

[00:04:20]Hillary Peckham: insight. So it’s actually, you know, uh, I’ll say worse as a joke, but worse than that. But , my husband works for us and my brother-in-law, my cousin and my, uh, my twin brother as well. So we have a lot of family, uh, in the company.

[00:04:37] So I think sort of quickly we realized. We would need to delegate and give people specific roles so that we weren’t up in each other’s business, which obviously happens anyway cuz we all are a close family. But my sister’s in charge of cultivation. My, uh, brother-in-law in charge of production and he’s an engineer.

[00:04:55] So all the manufacturing and automation that goes into our products, uh, [00:05:00] my. Husband is the cio, so he’s in charge of all the information and technology data, um, collection. I’m in charge of operations, uh, just cuz I’m very bossy. And then my mom is the CEO, . Um, and, uh, we all answered to her. Uh, and then, um, we’ve just created, you know, Structure.

[00:05:18] I think the value of having family is you have a group that’s extremely committed, and I think all of us were aligned in the goal of providing high quality products that we’re changing people’s lives like before anything else. And so we have been able to be very nimble and extremely lean because all of us are willing to take on more tasks than just the responsibility we.

[00:05:40] Would’ve been assigned. So my sister works on marketing and branding, so does my husband. Um, you know, different product development and things like that we do with my brother-in-law. So it’s, um, very dynamic, but I think a huge asset and part of the reason why Etan has been successful for so long in the cannabis industry.

[00:05:57] How

[00:05:57]Kellan Finney: do you guys, uh, separate, uh, shop talk from [00:06:00] like personal talk when you’re having family dinner?

[00:06:02]Hillary Peckham: I don’t think you do. Yeah. . I think that’s the answer. Uh, so. You know, we have been pretty good. It got a little hard in, in Covid where I remember, you know, there was just a weekend where I was like, I don’t want anything to do with any of you , but, um, um, uh, of finding other things to do or like take family trips and, and, and find other, other things to talk about.

[00:06:25] Um, I have a one year old and my sister has, uh, a four year old, and so that’s been really fun. But otherwise, you know, it’s, it’s been very much just work oriented.

[00:06:34]Bryan Fields: Yeah, real hard line of separation between, uh, family and work when they’re pretty blurred. So, uh, speak, speaking on cannabis, was there something from a medical benefit that earlier on you guys connected with as a family that led you to wanting to be

[00:06:47]Hillary Peckham: involved here?

[00:06:48] So my grandmother was diagnosed with als and that is a terminal illness, and she was put on 2225 different medications and all of those have [00:07:00] interactions with each other that can be worse than the disease itself. And a doctor had actually recommended that we try to find cannabis and at that point there wasn’t a legal mechanism to do so.

[00:07:10] So we weren’t able to do that for my grandmother. But she had, um, well my mother, who was her caretaker at the time, Started researching and was, I like, I think this is a great opportunity. And then for me, I had had a hip surgery that failed and so I actually lost the use of my right leg for two years.

[00:07:28] And so I had to relearn how to walk. Um, and I personally saw how pain is mismanaged. So I was in college at the time and the only thing that I could be given was really Adderall and Percocet to try and get through my day, which is. Not providing me quality of life. And so I became very like anti pain medication.

[00:07:46] Um, and seeing the opportunities that this provided primarily, like long term pain patients for relief, um, just sleeping at night and those kind of things was something that really captured my attention. And so, um, we went into it [00:08:00] having had these personal experiences and then we have another family business.

[00:08:04] So literally all we. Talk about is family business is one or the other. And, uh, that has a lot of industrial property. And originally we thought it could be sort of an alignment through the, um, Through the two companies, but it was, uh, because of cannabis laws and banking and everything, we had to fully segregate them.

[00:08:24] But, uh, we thought we could use the underutilized property that we owned and we could, uh, operate a cannabis business. Um, it very quickly diverge from there, but, uh, with those synergies, that’s sort of how we, we set off on our path.

[00:08:41]Kellan Finney: So, I mean, you said that you originally, when you were speaking with the doctor, they, they told you to kind of go seek out cannabis, but there wasn’t any available. What was that search like? Once the doctor was like, Hey, there might be this plant that could help, and you’re like, Well, where do I get it?

[00:08:56]Hillary Peckham: So I think my mom asked my littlest [00:09:00] brother for help , and, um, I, it’s really not something that has been, uh, part of my family’s culture.

[00:09:07] So we were no help to my mother. Um, and, uh, we were kind of stuck. I think Connecticut had a medical program at that point that had just gotten up and running, but my grandmother was very concerned. The federal illegality and things like that. And, uh, eventually, like when the opportunity was like, we could do this for you, she, um, she declined because she wasn’t, uh, uh, willing to try something new, which I understood at that point.

[00:09:34] She was trying all sorts of different medications. Yeah.

[00:09:38]Bryan Fields: Was there doubt that you’d win the license?

[00:09:41]Hillary Peckham: So I think that, There was doubt from everybody else, but I was very sure that we were a good candidate throughout it, which now I’m looking back and I’m like, I was very, um, bullish on that. There were, as you should be.

[00:09:55] Yeah. Um, there were, I think 42 [00:10:00] applications. Uh, we were the only family owned and the only women owned. Applicant and we really tried to prioritize communities that we know, um, and to have a geographic diversity within our dispensary locations. I thought we had a really good team, um, and we weren’t able to execute once we got the license.

[00:10:19] So I, I knew that we would be able to. To do that. And so I didn’t have any doubts, but definitely there were a lot of people who, uh, especially I looked very young, so I looked like at that point I was, you know, forever ago I looked like I was 12. So a lot of people just really questioning, uh, why I was doing this or how we would, could possibly get a license, but it worked out.

[00:10:41]Kellan Finney: So the day you guys got the license, what was that? Walk us through those feelings. Was it like a celebration? Was it like, Hey, let’s get to work? How did that, uh, transpire?

[00:10:49]Hillary Peckham: So one of the people who definitely didn’t think we were gonna get a license was my dad . Um, and so I was actually at their house when uh, we were awarded the license and um, [00:11:00] we didn’t have corporate offices or anything cuz it was just me, my mom, my sister.

[00:11:04] Uh, and like two other people, and we would just work out of my, uh, parents’ house. And so that was our corporate address. And so all these news trucks, uh, rolled up, uh, thinking that, uh, their house was where we were gonna be growing, all of the cannabis. And we live in like a pretty affluent and conservative neighborhood in Westchester.

[00:11:27] Uh, so that was not the messaging that we had really wanted. . I also had been waiting for weeks for this, uh, announcement to come out. So was not particularly well groomed or shout

[00:11:43] out. We actually were hiding, like under the windows, um, uh, so the news trucks wouldn’t see us, and our neighbor came over and told us, told them that we weren’t home and sent them off. So that was sort of how , how we kicked off the morning and then, and then we had [00:12:00] a, a family dinner and celebration that evening.

[00:12:02] Yeah.

[00:12:03]Bryan Fields: And then my understanding of you is you’re an action oriented person, so I’m sure everyone got a list of responsibilities needed to execute over the upcoming.

[00:12:11]Hillary Peckham: For that afternoon, we, we actually started construction on our manufacturing facility. That was a, We kicked it off. Yeah.

[00:12:20]Bryan Fields: So take us through like how that is, So you have some assumptions going in.

[00:12:23] You’re thinking one thing, you get the license and now you start. The thing is, what’s a challenge that you didn’t foresee happening that kind of took you along the way that looking back you’re like, ah, that definitely was a lot harder than I thought it going in.

[00:12:35]Hillary Peckham: So I, I think. The application was detailed, so detailed that you had to basically build a business before it existed, and that gave a lot of benefit because you knew exactly what to do.

[00:12:48] But it’s a whole different reality when you’re under a very tight timeline. So we were given by law 180 days to get fully operational, which meant growing all your plants. At that point, only [00:13:00] extracts were allowed. So you had to extract it. You had to create your products under standards that did not exist in the industry.

[00:13:07] So there were pharmaceutical standards, testing methods that were being created, like as you were getting up and running. And you also had to be working on your retail locations, which meant signing leases, um, renovating. All the security requirements up and running and, and getting those going. So it was a huge undertaking.

[00:13:25] Um, and the, the time was really the, the main hurdle. And there’s a huge difference between putting it on paper and then actually doing it. And so I think what we found, especially back then was a lot of people claimed they had expertise that was not, And so we just had to figure out how to do it on our own.

[00:13:44] And I don’t think that much has changed today in the industry, unfortunately. And so we, we had a lot of, um, sort of missteps figuring it out on our own or trusting people, um, especially back then when there weren’t references or anything like that. [00:14:00] Um, but we, we all figured it out. I, I definitely was like sleeping at our manufacturing facility , uh, overnight because we were only getting a few hours of sleep towards the end of the timeframe there.

[00:14:11] But it was, uh, you know, looking back on it, I look back on that time very fondly because it was, you know, a very core group of people. Um, that many of them are still with us today. It was very family oriented and we were all just figuring it out together as a team and then meeting that goal of getting operational was really wonderful to do together with them.

[00:14:31] Yeah, I

[00:14:31]Kellan Finney: mean, it’s the typical kind of startup story where you’re just working as hard as you can and putting as much time in as will allow and, uh, just, just to be successful or just have the opportunity. So what was, uh, kind of some of the conversations that happened internally when New York passed rec?

[00:14:49] Uh, sales or the ability for rec sales, did you guys, was it immediate, Hey, we’re definitely gonna go jump in the adult use market and kind of pit and like play in both realms, or what was that dialogue internally with [00:15:00] your family? So

[00:15:01]Hillary Peckham: I think that when we first got the license, we just intended to stay medical because that was really our focus.

[00:15:07] But many years passed between the program opened and adult use. And then, uh, there were many attempts at the adult use legislation before it actually passed. So we had a long time to kind of adapt what was gonna happen in New York. I think very quickly it was apparent to us that there’s no way to. Stay in business if you are only a medical provider, particularly in New York, where the medical program has sort of failed to thrive.

[00:15:35] So it’s too small to support the 10 companies that exist today, much less of it shrinks. When adult use comes online, it’s gonna get very difficult to support in the future. So very quickly we, we recognized we needed to get on board with this and how we were gonna adapt our business strategy to accommodate it.

[00:15:53] And so we. We’ve always been very supportive. And additionally, the way that I have always seen the Etan [00:16:00] brand is more of like a health and wellness product, um, than a pharmaceutical. And I think the family a agreed with me with that and that, uh, entering the adult use industry allows greater access to people who are using cannabis.

[00:16:15] Betterment of their lives. And I think that our products are really, um, complimentary to that kind of, uh, view of cannabis where, you know, maybe it’s a night’s sleep, maybe it’s a sore ankle, um, maybe it’s just ongoing knee pain or something like that. Our products have a purpose that bring, uh, a better quality of life.

[00:16:33] So adult, the adult use industry would just expand our reach through that. So we’ve always been very supportive of it.

[00:16:39]Bryan Fields: What would you like to see the medical program do

[00:16:41]Hillary Peckham: differently? So I, you know, unfortunately, I think it’s a little too late. Right. Um, I think that, uh, with adult use being so imminent, um, and they’re gonna, gonna open the program with so many more dispensaries for adult use than they’ve allowed in the medical program.

[00:16:59] I, I worry [00:17:00] about the viability in the future, like at all. Uh, and I think there’s some great qualities of the medical program in New York. The quality of products really is unparalleled and they’re very trustworthy. Um, but, uh, I, I don’t know that that will last, uh, into the future. Um, I’d like to see, you know, more product categories being allowed.

[00:17:18] We were never allowed food products and those kinds of, Things, uh, but we also were able to make adaptations to that. So we made a water soluble powder that you can cook with, so that allowed our patients to be able to make their own products through that. Um, but I, I’m not sure, you know, at this point, I think, uh, really bringing greater awareness to the fact that the medical program exists, that, uh, for people who are looking at this as, um, Uh, medical treatment, the program is exceptional.

[00:17:50] You get access to pharmacists and doctors who can help you and guide you holistically, both with traditional pharmaceutical medication and cannabis to give, uh, and [00:18:00] treat your whatever you’re sort of aing from. Um, but I’m not sure that there’s much to do at this point. I think what’s really gonna be imperative to making sure that the medical program lasts is allowing medical products to be sold out of all dispensaries, which includes the new ones coming online for adult use, um, and allowing the current operators early entry into the adult use program to make sure that, um, We have enough revenue to sustain both sort of segments of the business.

[00:18:34]Bryan Fields: I’m glad you brought up the powder. Uh, I am a medical patient and I am a frequent powder user, Froman l So I’m excited to ask you this question. What is the go to combination or food mechanism for the powder?

[00:18:48]Hillary Peckham: Oh, you know, it’s actually probably not what you think it is. It’s just tea . A lot of people really like to mix it in tea or coffee.

[00:18:54] So, um, my sister though, if you go and check out our Instagram, she has a lot of different baking recipes. [00:19:00] She’s an amazing cook. Um, I’m hopeless, so she does all of the content there, . So I, people have gotten extremely creative. She does like a whipped cream and things like that, that are really amazing. But it makes us so easily an illiquid that for most of our patients who are, um, over 40, over 50, uh, it’s very, very familiar to them to use it that way.

[00:19:23] Is it your favorite product? Uh, the powder, the lozenges are really, really tasty. So, um, the lozenges,

[00:19:32]Bryan Fields: the lozenger are tasty. Uh, I put the powder in my ice cream. Uh, I’d highly recommend that because it is delicious. My wife calls it my smiling ice cream because after it, I’m certainly smiling.

[00:19:42]Hillary Peckham: Excellent. Um, our, uh, we launched a new vaporizer, the Motif Pen, and that is our most popular product.

[00:19:49] I think. Uh, we really tried to hone in on the temperatures, um, and ease of use of the device, and so that’s really taken off and that’s our best seller

[00:19:57]Bryan Fields: by far. When New York Con [00:20:00] consumers are walking into a dispensary for the first time, is there certain products you think are a good fit for our first time or who’s kind of getting their feet wet versus more that are more experienced products?

[00:20:09] Do you have any recommendations for them?

[00:20:11]Hillary Peckham: So I think when we created sort of our whole scope, And family of products. We tried to keep in mind that there’s gonna be a range of ex experiences that patients have had when they walk in the in the door. So our products are highly potent. So if you were to buy a tincture, it’s dosed by a drop, not by like a huge milliliter or anything like that.

[00:20:31] So we’re a easily able to titrate our products sort of up and down. I would recommend something like a powder, um, or a tincture where you can easily dose. it As opposed to, say, a capsule where there’s just a fixed dose per capsule. Um, but what we are also able to target with our products is sort of fast and long term relief.

[00:20:52] So a vaporizer would give you very quick, rapid onset relief, and a capsule would give you a much more delayed onset, but a [00:21:00] longer lasting. Um, experience. And so, uh, what we do with the pharmacist and the doctors is we create a program that gives you the most opportunity to have success throughout your day, depending on also your experience.

[00:21:15] So the more you use cannabis, the more you’re going to be able to take a higher dose or need a higher dose.

[00:21:21]Kellan Finney: When you guys, uh, bring a new product to market, is it, uh, kind of like launch it in every store and see how it does, or do you guys use one retail location as kind of like your beta testing, uh, platform to see how those products do?

[00:21:33]Hillary Peckham: So we launch it in all of our stores. There’s a huge threshold for getting a new product to market. So we, um, We generally launch it everywhere. Right now what we are doing is launching a new strain cuz flowers allow. Um, so we’re launching a new strain every month. What is it? We also just launch, it’s this month strain.

[00:21:52] You know, uh, you caught me off guard here, . Um, but we’ve been doing one or two every month usually. Um, [00:22:00] uh, and we have four approved ratios of THC and cbd, which is how this is, is dosed. So we do sort of all of those and then we just launch pre-rolls. Um, and, uh, I think we’re gonna have a few new developments.

[00:22:14] We’re looking into gummies and those kind of things over the next year, uh, for launching. But our, our markets in each of the dispensary locations are very different. Um, and it’s hard to predict how they’ll react. So we kind of just, uh, launch in all four stores and then see where we need to allocate more product moving forward, where things are more popular.

[00:22:35] I

[00:22:35]Bryan Fields: wanna turn to the inner workings of the, the business for a vertical integrated company is extremely challenging. You’re managing some words up to six different businesses simultaneously. So how does, like something like that go on and can you take us kind of the inner workings on some of the challenges of, of overseeing an opportunity like that?

[00:22:53]Hillary Peckham: So I think right now the, the biggest challenge is the changes that are upcoming and, and the, and the unknown. Um, [00:23:00] but really the, the main focus is on regulatory compliance. And so that really dictates every, everything that we do. And so you have to make sure that not only are you following. the State regulation, but you’ve got like OSHA workplace safety recommendations.

[00:23:15] You’ve got the federal CGMP regulations for how to handle food products and pharmaceuticals. And so those really are, um, sort of the main core foundation of how, how we, um, How we function and it’s with sort of the mindset of compliance. Uh, but you have to learn everything. And, and then, um, now we’re getting big enough , uh, that it’s nice to have people who can just specialize in certain areas.

[00:23:39] Uh, but you’re gonna have to be able to oversee everything through, through to, to sail. Um, each segment of the business very much is its own. Sort of unit, uh, and requires a different mastery of expertise. And so that’s where it came in handy that we had those expertise sort of within my family, . Um, uh, [00:24:00] but uh, if you don’t have a compliance mindset, particularly in New York, but in the cannabis industry, I just don’t think you’ll be successful.

[00:24:09]Kellan Finney: Is there one section of the supply chain that is a little more, causes more headaches from a compliance perspective than other

[00:24:16]Hillary Peckham: section? I, I, No, I don’t, I don’t think so. They, they’re

[00:24:22]Kellan Finney: all equally headaches, ,

[00:24:25]Hillary Peckham: uh, they’re, they, they’re all very different. So they all present different challenges. Um, sort of at, at retail, you have no idea what you’re gonna get, like the people that walk in, in the store.

[00:24:34] Yeah. Um, we currently grow outta greenhouses so that. That changes, that environment changes seasonally, so you’re always facing sort of a different climate, which is gonna impact your plants a little differently. Um, and then, uh, production is very steady, uh, but we’re looking at adding new products and how to scale things up and so that’s sort of an efficiency jigsaw puzzle to put together.

[00:24:59]Bryan Fields: So, [00:25:00]

[00:25:01]Kellan Finney: I was gonna say it’s gotta be, uh, pretty simple with being vertically integrated. Not simple, maybe that’s the wrong word, but being vertically integrated provides the opportunity to optimize the flow of material, right. Instead of like having to manifest stuff within the, the track and trace software, you’re able to kind of just keep it all in house.

[00:25:20] Is that

[00:25:20]Hillary Peckham: Yeah, absolutely. And I think we’re able to stay very lean because particularly up in our, our facility, we’re able to. Our talent in multiple areas. So we can train them in all different product buildings also, like they, they assist in cultivation or we swap a lot of people. So we’re able to, um, utilize.

[00:25:41] The employees that we do have in a way that’s highly efficient. And then, um, having your own retail and being able to manage that too. We’re able to know exactly the order quantities that we need to build and, um, and manage the all in house. So there are definitely efficiencies that you see [00:26:00] in a vertically integrated company because the medical market’s so small.

[00:26:03] Um, you know, we’re not realizing the full capacity of that. It really comes at scale, but it definitely is an opportu.

[00:26:10]Kellan Finney: And it helps that you guys, your family and you’re sitting there talking, so reviews from consumers will make their way all the way back to the grower. And so there’s that whole kind of inner working dynamic from like a perfecting all these products and reviews and all that stuff feeding back into the,

[00:26:27]Hillary Peckham: into the system.

[00:26:28] Yeah. We take it very personally, but it’s also very direct to the people who are building all the products, so we know exactly what people are saying and how we should adapt.

[00:26:38]Bryan Fields: That’s always strong and I forget consumer feedback on what is working and more importantly, what needs to change. Because those reviews are really critical in helping you, you know, navigate that path forward, Especially the unknown west, but in

[00:26:48]Hillary Peckham: cannabis, absolutely.

[00:26:50] And so we’re able to take, you know, feedback that we get at the store and then directly use that in our manufacturing and cultivation processes and make changes to make sure that it’s what the [00:27:00] customer wants. And so, uh, that’s something that I think is really unique, um, and something we take very serious.

[00:27:06] Sometimes it’s just hard

[00:27:07]Kellan Finney: to hear from your

[00:27:07]Hillary Peckham: sibling. Well, if it’s from your sibling, pressure is taken very seriously.

[00:27:15]Bryan Fields: mom’s got a favorite daughter. Is that, is that what your angle right now?

[00:27:20]Hillary Peckham: Never.

[00:27:21]Bryan Fields: Oh. So let’s, let’s continue on the, the partnership with RIV Capital. Take us through that conversation. You know, how, when did that start and how long does something like that start from like a early conversation to, you know, signing p.

[00:27:34]Hillary Peckham: I think a, a big misconception is how much work goes into a deal like that. Um, I definitely didn’t know, and especially being a small scale, um, a very lean operator, the amount of bandwidth to to do that was, um, really intense for us. It also kind of dovetailed, I literally had my, my daughter as we kicked it off, but we, uh, saw the, um, adult use industry, uh, [00:28:00] coming.

[00:28:00] They had just. The M Mrta, uh, and we knew that in order to leverage the full capacity of our license and the opportunity that this license provided, we needed to find a partner. Additionally, New York is discussing a very high entry fee for our category of license into the adult use industry, um, and we couldn’t do both that huge fee and scale our business appropriately.

[00:28:26] Appropriately. So we knew we needed to take on, um, a capital partner. Um, debt is very expensive in the cannabis industry, so that wasn’t something that we were inclined towards. Uh, so we kicked off the process. Um, We started sort of looking at a financial advisory firm in a bank, um, around June of last year.

[00:28:49] We kicked off the process in, in September, October, um, and then we signed, uh, April 1st basically. Um, and so we went through multiple rounds of [00:29:00] trying to find the right part. Um, and we landed on RIV Capital and part of the opportunity there is they’re a very young company as well, and this is their first foray into a plant touching business and direct operations.

[00:29:15] And so we’re able to really, uh, use this as a partnership to expand the EAN brand. And hopefully get that to expand nationally together. And so for us, where we really, really care about the brand, the products, and the quality, uh, to be able to continue on past this deal and continue to sort of see our vision come to life, uh, was a huge opportunity and something that we’ve really valued that

[00:29:40]Bryan Fields: has to be a layered conversation of challenges and, and personal perspectives.

[00:29:44] So what made you feel comfortable saying that? These are the ones we, we wanna partner.

[00:29:51]Hillary Peckham: So I think that they really valued the Etan brand, what it stood for. I think they see a long term opportunity for it, sort of in their house of brands that I think [00:30:00] is the vision. And uh, you know, it just took a, a lot of time and a lot of conversations with, with each other to get there.

[00:30:07] Um, and it definitely was complicated, um, and a very long deal process. But it was one where, um, We knew this was the partner, uh, we knew we needed a partner, um, and that this would give us the biggest opportunity to continue forward with the, the what we had already built. And to expand on that,

[00:30:26]Bryan Fields: before that you started looking for partners.

[00:30:28] Were there other people who had approached you for a similar partnership prior, before you had started processing the the need for taking on additional

[00:30:36]Hillary Peckham: capital? So people offered to buy us out, you know, the day we got the license, , and we always said no, and we really were not looking to sell. Uh, it really became a function of necessity knowing that New York was discussing up to a 20 million licensing fee, uh, just to get into the adult use industry.[00:31:00]

[00:31:00] I. And you know, that number, I think they’ve, they’ve walked away from it, but it’s taken, you know, almost two years for them to walk away from that number. So it, it really wasn’t something we needed to do until we had those kind of details and, um, So, uh, we really turned everybody away. Up until the point we were like, Okay, if we’re gonna do this, we’ll control it and have our own narrative to it.

[00:31:26]Bryan Fields: The 20 million is, is pretty steep when you’re looking at it. It’s uh, it’s a pretty bold number to be putting out there.

[00:31:32]Hillary Peckham: Yeah, it is very bold. . So, um, and it’s, and it’s one that, you know, especially in New York, we were the only women. Only the. Family owned, only small business. Um, we had up until recently, you know, 50 employees.

[00:31:46] Uh, whereas most of the other companies in New York are, um, all but, uh, pharma cans I think is still private, but the rest are, uh, public companies with a lot of capital, um, inability to fundraise very quickly, [00:32:00] which is just not an option, option if you’re, you’re private and family owned. And so, uh, it really would’ve just kicked us out of the industry altogether.

[00:32:08] Um, and then, As I mentioned, we just didn’t see long term viability as being a standalone medical operator, so we just sort of saw the writing on the wall that it would wind up with us going outta business, and so we needed to be proactive in our next steps.

[00:32:23]Bryan Fields: Yeah, it’s a smart pivot and for them to just assume, right, like capital is so easy to come by, especially here in cannabis.

[00:32:28] Like, uh, it’s a bold, it’s a bold number for sure, and one that we could probably have additional conversations for at a later point and see, you know, how was that the right number? Was there a different approach that they should have

[00:32:37]Hillary Peckham: taken? Yeah, so the, I mean, right now it’s still speculative, which, which did cause a little bit of heartache for us because we don’t know what that number is.

[00:32:46] Um, but it was up to 20 million. And so we knew that, uh, at a minimum it was probably gonna be something in the millions. Uh, and that would be taking away directly from our ability to also scale the business. And if we’re not able to, [00:33:00] Have product to sell in the adult youth industry either cuz we couldn’t afford the licensing fee or the equipment and, and employees to be able to build it.

[00:33:07] That wasn’t gonna put us in a position of strength. So, uh, we knew we couldn’t, uh, stay as is. They

[00:33:14]Kellan Finney: also don’t need to make it a limited license state if they’re gonna put the price tag at 20 million personally.

[00:33:20]Bryan Fields: That’s

[00:33:20]Hillary Peckham: interesting. You know, never, I never thought of it that way, but, you know, ,

[00:33:25]Kellan Finney: right? It’s like, it’s if, if, if the price of the ticket’s so expensive, then it’s gonna automatically eliminate a lot of people looking to buy a ticket, right?

[00:33:34]Hillary Peckham: Yep. And, and that was something that I, you know, I, I was pretty vocal about and yeah. Um, is, Is, uh, par, particularly if you’re looking for, uh, diversity at every level of the industry. Um, fees like that will limit who has access to, uh, being a business owner, um, at a vertical level. So what,

[00:33:54]Kellan Finney: you guys are a family owned business, right?

[00:33:56] And this topic, right, of raising capital. How did the family. [00:34:00] Kind of come to the conclusion to work with Rib, to go out and raise the capital. Was it y’all sat down at dinner and had a vote? Or how did that whole

[00:34:08]Hillary Peckham: kind of t Yout have, you know, workday and normal business hours like this? No. You know, um, it’s not all meals.

[00:34:17] Um, but we, uh, I mean it was very much. In a unified way. So, uh, we all were part of the process, uh, involved in, in the next steps, like what our priorities were, and everybody had a voice at the table as we, as we moved along.

[00:34:35]Bryan Fields: What is one factor statistic operating in the cannabis industry that would shock others to know?

[00:34:42]Hillary Peckham: I I think the dirty secret of the cannabis industry is no one’s making money. I, I think everyone thinks that there is so much money to be made, but when you factor in particularly 280E Just about nobody is making money in the cannabis industry. And so I think [00:35:00] people need to be very wary before they enter or they take on loans or leverage themselves in any way, um, for what the financials actually look like.

[00:35:09] And so I, I worry, uh, that people get caught up thinking it’s gonna be a great business. Um, and right now it is still very, very tough. And so, um, Uh, no one usually people outside the can industry never believe that. And then you get in it and, and everyone’s in the same boat. ,

[00:35:30]Bryan Fields: Yeah. Many, especially here in New York, just anticipate the New York market is just absolutely thriving and that the cannabis attorney as a whole is thriving.

[00:35:37] They see numbers on the media and just naturally assume, oh, everyone is just printing money. And couldn’t be really farther from the.

[00:35:45]Hillary Peckham: Yeah. And, and I worry particularly, um, you know, there’s a lot of promotion for the industry, but I think there’s a lot of unknowns. How many licenses, how many dispensaries there’s gonna be, what the viability of those are, like what the end goal is.

[00:35:57] Those, those kind of things haven’t really been, [00:36:00] uh, Put out there. And I think that, uh, without those kind of metrics, it’s gonna be hard to know if you had a dispensary license, if that’s really viable. And those are the hardest businesses to operate. So, um, and, and make any money with. And so I, I, I worry about people getting caught up in, in sort of the green rush here.

[00:36:21] Um, just like every other state, there being some pretty poor outcomes very quickly once people get their first two a e bill. So, do

[00:36:32]Bryan Fields: you have any feelings on the gray market in New York? What does that mean? The, let’s say the unlicensed dispensaries where the, the storefronts that are operating and presume themselves as like a, a regular storefront, but or not a licensed entity?

[00:36:48]Hillary Peckham: Well, I think the OCMs been pretty clear. People operating right now without a license are doing so illegally and it can limit their access into the adult use [00:37:00] industry. For us, it is frustrating because we have been a legal entity regulated, um, intensely for seven, eight years now. Um, and, uh, there’s a.

[00:37:15] Variety that’s available at those stores than what we’re able to produce in the medical setting. Um, and there’s a lot more of those stores open right now than there are medical stores, . Uh, so I think that as, as, uh, someone in, in the industry and being subjected to a completely different set of rules, it’s frustrating to watch.

[00:37:36] So I’m hoping that eventually there’s some enforcement procedure to.

[00:37:53] Industry and start selling before it’s, um, before it’s open. I mean,

[00:37:57]Bryan Fields: it’s a

[00:37:58]Kellan Finney: good sign that there is clearly [00:38:00] large demand,

[00:38:00]Hillary Peckham: right? I don’t think anyone ever questions.

[00:38:04]Kellan Finney: I was just trying to sugar cut it cause it is. Um, yeah. Yeah. It’s a really negative situation for someone that’s operating under the way you’re supposed to do it.

[00:38:12] And you see all these other entities just kind of cutting corners. No taxes, no license fees. They

[00:38:18]Bryan Fields: probably aren’t worried about

[00:38:19]Hillary Peckham: two aed. No, I’m sure they’re not. We’re having a great day and I, and I think that, Um, right now we’re waiting on regulations and what our next steps are. Also, without knowing our next steps as a business, it’s very hard to understand where we’re gonna go, um, and how, how we could eventually compete with these entities.

[00:38:39]Bryan Fields: When you started your journey in the cannabis space, what did you get? Right? And most importantly, what did you get wrong?

[00:38:47]Hillary Peckham: I think we’ve changed just about everything from where we started and where we are now. So I I think that, um, being very nimble is what we got. Right. And then, uh, I don’t see an issue with sort of getting [00:39:00] everything wrong as long as you’re willing to change it. So , I think we got everything wrong, but we’ve been able to adapt to make sure that we are, um, uh, making those changes very quickly and as the market demands them.

[00:39:14]Bryan Fields: 20 years from now, we will look back and say, That was barbaric. I can’t believe we did that in the cannabis industry. What

[00:39:20]Hillary Peckham: is that? Oh, lord. Well, I think that, uh, currently the, the regulations that we operate under are, uh, Ha have not made much progress from seven, eight years ago. Um, when our primary regulator was the Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement in, in New York State, um, and very much still treated as though we are sort of drug traffickers.

[00:39:50] Um, like it was in that, in mind that we are are dealing elit substance. And so if you look at the regulations that we have today, um, and [00:40:00] how sort of little. Moved on them over time. Um, I think it will be kind of silly once, especially once adult use opens, but we get 20 years out from now and we see, uh, all the opportunity that we have if you had expanded regulations.

[00:40:17] I, I also think people misplaced fear. Um, and uh, you know, you have all these illicit shops and things like that and there, uh, you’re not seeing. The direct link of cannabis to any of the, the concerns that people have in the communities of, you know, uh, intoxicated driving, um, child. Uh, adolescent access, those kind of things like, uh, be a huge concern right now.

[00:40:48] And so I think, you know, placing that on a regulated entity is, is very misplaced and just shows like a lack of education that I hope comes over time and, and helps adapt people’s opinions of cannabis. [00:41:00]

[00:41:01]Bryan Fields: Where we do predictions, we ask all of our guests, If you could sum up your experience in a main takeaway or lesson, learn to pass onto the next generation, what would it.

[00:41:10]Hillary Peckham: Oh my gosh. I think the main thing I’ve learned is how to, uh, Learn and promote others , uh, in a way and using that to, um, sort of better myself. And so I think that the biggest opportunities that I’ve seen and and growth is when I’ve allowed other people to do things, uh, and sort of given up control and really tried to.

[00:41:41] Just around myself with good people that I trust and make sure it’s people you trust, I think would be really important. But, uh, we’ve been able to accomplish so more, uh, so much more, uh, by allowing more people to kind of thrive and give them opportunities within this [00:42:00] company. Um, and that’s been both very rewarding and, and helpful for me to grow and learn as an employer and a business

[00:42:08]Bryan Fields: owner.

[00:42:10] All right. Prediction time. Hillary, it’s 2024. What is the biggest challenge over the last two years that new operators were not preparing for?

[00:42:25]Hillary Peckham: Wow. These are, These are fun questions.

[00:42:50]Bryan Fields: Uh,[00:43:00]

[00:43:03] Hey, Brian.

[00:43:05]Kellan Finney: Oh, we’re back. Oh, we’re recording again.

[00:43:07]Bryan Fields: There we go. Sorry about that . No problem. Uh, would you like me to ask again and then we can slice them together? We’re good

[00:43:15]Kellan Finney: at quit recording when you pieced out and I was kind of talking too cause you were frozen. So sick. Sick, real. If you wanna just transition the question over then to you.

[00:43:25] And then Hillary was, I was like in the middle of it when you pieced out.

[00:43:28]Bryan Fields: So yeah, they’re doing some work in my house. They pulled the internet out. That’s sick. Uh, just , just your, just your classic, uh, variable. Kelly. Your answer. .

[00:43:39]Kellan Finney: Uh, I completely agree with Hillary. She kinda, she took the, took the thunder, but she’s completely right.

[00:43:45] I mean, you look at Michigan for instance. Uh, everyone built these businesses based on like current market. Values for certain product skews, right? And they have it in their spreadsheet and they went and raised money off of that. And like everything’s [00:44:00] predicated on that price point typically. And then they get into it 6, 8, 12 months and all of a sudden the price point drops significant over that time period.

[00:44:11] Like you don’t see this in any other industry in terms of the amount of price compression that occurs, Right. And how quickly it occurs too. I think it takes a lot of business owners. Just

[00:44:21]Bryan Fields: by ,

[00:44:24]Kellan Finney: Right? Just, I mean, you’re watching products drop 90%. Yeah. Or something ridiculous from a whole wholesale perspective.

[00:44:30] So I think that’s the biggest kind of, uh, blindside situation that happens to a lot of new. New entries into the market space market. What do you think, Brian? I think

[00:44:40]Bryan Fields: what Hillary said about being nimble and flexible is, is so critical. I, I, I just don’t think people recognize that this is not your standard business.

[00:44:48] While things are as stable, you need to be flexible. You need to be nimble and you to be prepared for things to be harder than ever before. And even for someone like us who isn’t plant touching, has no experience in those, those fields still [00:45:00] get smashed with obstacles over and over again that are just.

[00:45:03] We can all agree silly, but is is just the challenges that face the industry and it’s just part of the experience of the, the learning curve. And you know, at the end of the day, I think a lot of people who are gonna get in, interested in making a ton of money are gonna be, you know, hit with some different resistance and think it’s gonna be harder than they ever thought.

[00:45:23] So. So Hillary, for our listeners, they want to get in touch. They wanna buy eighteen’s product. Where can they find.

[00:45:29]Hillary Peckham: You can find us all over. So we have an Instagram page, Twitter, um, our website is just www.etanhealth.com. Um, or you can email [email protected]. Any questions we have, Facebook, everything, uh, so that we’re pretty easy to find, um, and we love hearing from everybody.

[00:45:48] So, uh, please reach out. Everyone go by

[00:45:51]Bryan Fields: the powder in New York. Yeah. , thanks so much for your time. This was fun. Really.

[00:45:56]Hillary Peckham: Thank you. Thank you.

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Editors’ Note: This is the transcript version of the podcast. Please note that due to time and audio constraints, transcription may not be perfect. We encourage you to listen to the podcast, embedded below if you need any clarification. We hope you enjoy!

This week we are joined by Jane West, Founder of Jane West, to discuss: 

  • The story behind the Swat Team storming her 4/20 brunch
  • Breaking stigmas for women and parents
  • Normalization of Cannabis

About Jane: Jane is the Founder and CEO of Jane West, the most widely distributed female owned cannabis brand in the world.

Her company produces over fifty products including custom designed glassware and consumption accessories available worldwide, as well as THC consumables sold in 12 US states and five Canadian provinces. She has raised over $1.7M to date and her successful equity crowdfunding rounds earned her over 3500 investors from 42 counties and every US state and territory.

In 2014, Jane founded Women Grow, currently the largest professional network in cannabis. Inc. magazine named her “the most widely recognized female personality in cannabis” and InStyle magazine included her in the ‘Badass 50’ list, highlighting the women who are “changing the world”.


#Cannabis #WomeninCannabis #420Brunch

At Eighth Revolution (8th Rev), we provide services from capital to cannabinoid and everything in between in the cannabinoid industry.

8th Revolution Cannabinoid Playbook is an Industry-leading report covering the entire cannabis supply chain 

The Dime is a top 50 Cannabis Podcast 

 Contact us directly at [email protected] Bryan Fields: @bryanfields24 Kellan Finney: @Kellan_Finney 

[00:00:00]Bryan Fields: What’s up guys? Welcome back to an episode of The Dime. I’m Brian Fields. I’m with me as always, as ke Finnie. And this week we’ve got a very special guest, Jane West, founder of Jane West. Jane, thanks for taking the time. How you doing

[00:00:13]Jane West: today? I’m doing so great. Thank you so much for having me. I’m thrilled to be on the

[00:00:17]Bryan Fields: show.

[00:00:18] We’re excited to have you Ke, how are you doing?

[00:00:21]Kellan Finney: I’m doing really well. I’m really excited to talk to Jane and other Colorado local, helping push the industry forward. So how

[00:00:27]Bryan Fields: are you, Brian? I’m excited as well. Jane is our most shouted out guest on our podcast, so it’s nice to have her in the hot seat and, and to learn and dive in and all things about her.

[00:00:36] So, Jane, for our listeners, can give a little background about yourself.

[00:00:40]Jane West: Yes. Um, I started in the cannabis sector at 38 years old in 2013, right at the dawn of adult use cannabis in Colorado. Um, I, in my background, I have a master’s degree in social work and I worked mainly for nonprofits producing events, but I’ve always been a cannabis [00:01:00] lover and once it was clear that you could walk, adults could walk into a store and get this wide variety of products and the normalization that would go along with that.

[00:01:08] I wanted to make some cannabis friendly events and that we were in a gray zone for a while in Colorado. And so I founded Edible Edible Events Company. We produced one event a month, and uh, the first event was January 24th, 2014. It got tons of press. Um, so much press actually that, um, my corporate employer asked me to resign from my position, and that was just for like being.

[00:01:34] Just holding host weed party. So that made it onto the cover, The Denver Post. Um, at the time I definitely was not ready to go all in in cannabis, and I definitely didn’t even see myself as a ceo. I, you know, and I was, at that point in time, all my sponsorships were coming in bags of cash, as they almost still do.

[00:01:52] So, uh, Point is, um, it really gave me a lot of notoriety. I pivoted and started [00:02:00] producing events with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, uh, classically cannabis. We even did an event at Red Rocks, um, on a high note, and that made like the cover of the New York Times. Um, but because of the popularity we were getting, uh, Mayor Hancock, who definitely has been like pretty anti-cannabis.

[00:02:16] Um, despite all the benefits that has brought Denver and Colorado. Um, He was like, These events are getting out of, out, you know, the too gray. And they sent a SWAT team to my four 20 Waken bacon brunch at a small, uh, female owned bakery. And that was, that was became a pretty big news story too. I ended up with criminal misdemeanor charges and wasn’t, you know, able to do anything related to cannabis for 18 months.

[00:02:43] And it was at that point that I founded Women Grow because women, I mean, I had been on all. Different articles from like Al JIRAs to cnbc, sp, you know, features on marijuana in America. And women were reaching out to me from all over the world, How do I get in the campus [00:03:00] industry? How do I do what you do?

[00:03:01] I wanna work for you, I wanna do this, I wanna do that. And you know, I wanted to help them find their place. I almost immediately. Identify that this is, has to be, they have to organize themselves state by state. Because I tried to help a few individuals and just learning how different each state was going to evolve and how critical it was.

[00:03:21] You had the right business context in your state. Um, was like the gonna be the. The central issue that most of them faced instead establishing a cannabis business, um, where they live. And so we, I found a women grow. I worked on that for 18 months, hire the next generation of staff. And then in 2017, after having about two and a half years learning the sector, meeting so many people, traveling to so many states, being in so many girls and learning so much, um, I went on on my own and started building my own brand.

[00:03:51] So I started with consumer product goods, glassware of line of dugouts, everything custom designed for what I saw and what I wanted, you know, my aesthetic [00:04:00] of cannabis to be like. Um, and then over time we’ve gotten into actually branding cannabis. It’s one of the number one questions I get is what should I buy and where should I buy from?

[00:04:10] And even if I’m looking at someone’s, you know, menu board, it’s very hard for me to provide. At the same time I’ve watched the way the cannabis industry is involved, and I think it is really important to be supporting locally owned diversely held cannabis businesses. And so I do both of those things by expanding my brand with cannabis operators.

[00:04:33] So, so we now have cannabis partners and 12 states and five provinces of Canada. Um, and they carry, Jane must branded products in day and.

[00:04:45] I’m glad

[00:04:45]Bryan Fields: you shared those things. And before we dove into the, the consumption lounges, I wanna speak more specifically about your background. Like did you, were you always a trailblazer? Was it something that you recognized earlier before the cannabis started or was something that you kind of just fell into and [00:05:00] recognized your, your fit?

[00:05:01] How did that work?

[00:05:02]Jane West: Um, I mean, I’ve always been pretty driven and I’ve always been fairly irreverent, which I think you need around here in the cannabis sector, um, with so many opinions out there. Um, what I really wanted to do, um, throughout my twenties and thirties, I worked in New York, um, at the United Nations, and I really wanted to work in disaster.

[00:05:22] That was like my first big, like, that’s what I thought I would be doing. And so, um, like for the American Red Cross, I worked with, um, African refugees and like that, that was what I wanted to do, um, and in emergency services. And so, um, I was wor and that that’s what led me to get my master screen social work.

[00:05:40] Um, but yeah, I, you know, I think that I’ve always wanted to do, I, I find inspiration in a lot of places. And I also am always trying to just like pave my own path. And now that’s even more important. People are [00:06:00] watching what I’m doing all the time and also like trying to model their own businesses out there.

[00:06:05] And I wish there I had more people that were the CEOs and owners of their cannabis companies that I could watch. And want to emulate or want to model my business after. And there’s just not enough independently owned businesses out there, um, for me to have a bunch of comps. And so, um, so I try to just keep showing people that there’s a way to do this and to build your business without selling out to public trade companies, without selling out to s without, um, you know, like letting your idea get so diluted that it’s not even.

[00:06:42] Inspiring anymore because that is like the only way to keep going around here, especially in year eight now that I’m in, is to be inspired and motivated that you can actually do something really different. Um, because otherwise it’s just, it’s just not [00:07:00] worth it. It’s so hard. It’s so much work.

[00:07:02]Kellan Finney: Was that, uh, some of the motivation behind the brand name?

[00:07:07]Jane West: Yeah, definitely. I mean, I, um, with, with everything related to Jane West, uh, some of my first inspiration. And, and what I wanted to have the brand be like in terms of like our shelf presence and our brand impressions. Um, well first of all, it’s really important to make cannabis simple for everyone. I agree.

[00:07:25] In my opinion. Cause it’s still, like, for most people it is still very confusing. And I still have people that like pick up my, like steam rollers and things and like are like, Do I put my mouth here? Like all the time? And you’re like, Oh my gosh, wait. We’re like trying to tell ’em about terpenes and they literally don’t know how to, you know, use, use this device.

[00:07:44] And there’s reasons for that. We all know because all the suppression of, of, of quality educational information is the most likely to be suppressed and removed. Um, we went into the studio after all my glassware and dugouts landed. [00:08:00] In 2017, it made 25 videos just showing people like, This is how you use this.

[00:08:05] This is how you do this. You put a half a cup of water into the bomb. Like that’s how much you know, information that people need to like, use these basic thing, um, basic products and have a better experience. Um, and so with a cannabis flower and the branding, it’s about making it simple and understandable.

[00:08:21] So we do everything in day and night. I don’t feel like sat sati and enga you. They’re, those are not, those words I don’t think are going away anytime soon, especially from hearing the way people talk in dispensaries and there is a truth to it and what people are looking for in their flower and the way the flower’s grown.

[00:08:39] And so day and night is, Is that same delineation and it’s instantly understandable and it’s translatable. Like we have partners in Spain, in other countries, and um, it helps people. And then everything we do is in dosed sizes, so it’s the right amount of flour. I think 0.35 grams is like a serving size.

[00:08:58] So that’s the size of my [00:09:00] joints, and that’s the size of, that’s the amount of flour in each one of our prepec pipes. And that’s the per, that’s the amount of flour that fits perfectly in the bowls we’ve designed, um, to really just have that like replicable, trusted, reliable cannabis experience, um, and really give people the confidence they need to be better consumers.

[00:09:20]Bryan Fields: That intention of

[00:09:21]Kellan Finney: detail is unheard of. I mean, I, I’ve seen so many different bull sizes for long. It’s wild. So like, I have to give you mad

[00:09:28]Jane West: props. There’s so many parts about bulls. I’ve studied them so much and that’s why the, um, the triangle bowl on my steam is one of my favorite things because you want the most green as possible.

[00:09:39] Yeah. But because glass wants to be a circle, most bulls are big circles. You char the top of it and then, you know, That’s your experience. So there’s so much that can be done to innovate in Classware. It’s amazing.

[00:09:52]Bryan Fields: And, and staying with the, the packaging. Right. I know you said day and night the, the products on the website were white and black.

[00:09:58] And I thought that was a very [00:10:00] creative way of delineating between the two because I was assuming there’d be more color in influx on it, but then I thought more about it and that color is abundantly used by everyone else. Yeah. And the simplicity of it is helpful and people who are overwhelmed because it’s comforting to see something and say, Hey, this makes sense to me.

[00:10:17] So is that kind of the inspiration behind.

[00:10:19]Jane West: Definitely that is def, like that’s definitely a component of it. And also just like if you walk through, um, the makeup section of any major department store, like almost all the packaging is, is even though makeup is colorful, almost all the packaging is like simple, black and white.

[00:10:36] Um, and also just having people be able to. I mean, most women buy, there’s so many products sold in day and night from creams to cleaning supplies, you know, And so having that like understandable purchasing pattern is also really useful for people. Um, additionally, oh wait, was I gonna, No, you’re gonna have to [00:11:00] edit this part out where I’m thinking about the thing about Black.

[00:11:02] Oh, I know what I was gonna say. Um, beyond that, I need to make sure that my brand. Has universal like, uh, representation across all of North America. because we have shelf presence on over 500 dispensary shelves. And in Canada and in, like for instance, Florida, there’s crazy rules about what you can and can’t have in terms of your outer packaging.

[00:11:28] And so no going into designing everything, knowing that. That even if I come up with the coolest thing, I’m not gonna be able to have it on the outside of the package anyway. Um, and then that’s what really led to like that simple just JW logo design that we do have trademark now, um, because, um, that JW meets or exceeds all standards across North America for being able to brand a cannabis.

[00:11:53] product

[00:11:54]Kellan Finney: I think it’s so clean too. You look at a lot of the most successful consumer packaged goods, right? Like [00:12:00] Apple, if we’re gonna call an iPhone, a consumer packaged good, right? Like the packaging is so simple, but I think it resonates with consumers so well. And so I give you mad props on that. And I mean, I think cannabis too just has so much noise in it that it’s actually refreshing to see something that’s so clean and simple.

[00:12:16]Jane West: I wish it was even cleaner. But the pa, the, I mean, the packaging loans are just completely outta control, which

[00:12:21]Bryan Fields: is, Yeah, well, they’re, they’re making it easier by making it harder for every single person, but I think it’s really smart of you to associate the, the makeup tendencies, because I think consumers, when they’re purchasing products, especially for the first time, they like to lean into things that they’re familiar with.

[00:12:35] So how do we get more women to feel comfortable kind of making that move into cannabis, right? Ones that are maybe more common with wine and looking or are open to that. How do we change that and move them in?

[00:12:47]Jane West: Well, I, I, Think of multiple things. Well, number one, the cannabis industry is becoming like almost b2b, where.

[00:12:59] Like we [00:13:00] are listening to ourselves and forming this industry, and all the companies are listening. Um, but also, you know, we’re now we’re dealing with these public markets and all these other things, but that all of that, the finance sector, uh, VC world, publicly traded companies, those are we female friendly places already to begin with, you know?

[00:13:18] And so there’s ways that the cannabis industry is, is evolving, that women are still being addressed by the major companies. As if we’re some niche market. And so that is one thing that definitely has to change is that like we are regular consumers and heavy consumers and there should be a wide variety of products for everyone.

[00:13:40] Just because it’s for women doesn’t mean it’s like smaller and a color and has like lipstick on it. You know, like that’s, that’s two pigeonhole. So all companies seem to do better, um, in terms of offering a wide variety of products. There’s a lot of products out there for women’s needs for, from like, uh, [00:14:00] different, you know, period pain or, um, sex enhancement and things that just aren’t widely available.

[00:14:06] And, um, they, if they were more widely available, I believe more women would be incorporating them into their lives. Um, so that’s one part. Um, the second component is that, um, okay, wait. I was writing the thing. Sorry, I made notes. Oh, do people probably don’t just stop talking in the middle of the thing. Are you gonna edit

[00:14:27]Bryan Fields: We can do, We can do it if you want.

[00:14:29]Jane West: Okay. Um, the other thing that, the other component of it is normalization and so, That’s what I tried to do from the very beginning, back in 2013, like they were posting, or major publications were posting articles about my events in an art gallery with live music and chefs and women in like, you know, cocktail dresses.

[00:14:53] But the pictures that were being run alongside of it were like a guy with a bong in his lap. Because it was like [00:15:00] weed events are back. Right. And. Without social use, without like being able to go in public and with, without any shame, like consume cannabis like you would, not in the back alley, not, you know, and not in like some of these lounge situations that are evolving either, like without social use, that part of normalization where you see.

[00:15:22] That cannabis is for everyone, That everyone can benefit from it, that everyone consumes it. That it’s not like the stoner stereotype that is still prevalent and is still the imagery that is being utilized with articles that are out there. You know, there’s just, it’s not a picture of, you know, an older woman in her backyard enjoying a joint, you know?

[00:15:44] And so, um, it has a lot to do for me with what we can do to make it better, is to normalize. The consumption of cannabis in a manner that it, it seems every day it’s not abnormal. [00:16:00] Um, and like when I look at Bravo television shows, which I’ve been approached by so many different people for so many different things, but ultimately, The weed parts keep getting cut, you’re still not seeing it, you know, and it’s because like advertisers don’t wanna be up against it and major networks aren’t gonna carry someone inhaling and exhaling.

[00:16:20] Like I’ve seen the list of the rules. And without that out there, without that imagery, like people are still gonna, it’s still taboo, It’s still in the back alley, It’s still something that’s not commonplace. And so, um, that’s really a key component, like for the amount of. Close up shots they have of a wine glass in all the television shows, like really directed towards women.

[00:16:44] Um, if just a temp of that was a close up of a joint or a, or a woman standing there like with the bong in her hand, like normal, the, that’s what’s really gonna start changing minds.

[00:16:56]Kellan Finney: Yeah, you speak of normalization, right? And you mentioned [00:17:00] how the VC world is significantly different, right? And so with your brand, I think your brand was one of the first brands to be listed on a crowdfunding site, Republics, right?

[00:17:10] Yeah. Yep. So can you kind of talk us through that conversation with Republics? I mean, clearly they thought your brand was.

[00:17:18]Bryan Fields: Not ruffling

[00:17:20]Kellan Finney: any feathers. Right, Right. To be able to be listed on there so you’re closer to normalization than a lot of the other brands in industry or companies out there. So you kind of talk us through the process of being listed on republics, those conversations that occurred during that

[00:17:34]Jane West: process.

[00:17:35] Yes, definitely. So after raising 1.2 billion, 2 billion from VCs for my first Roundup products, like, and it took a really long time because I was not gonna just have like all rich white guys owning, you know, running the comp, owning the most key equity components of the company. And so my company is 80% held by women and people of color.

[00:17:54] Um, but after like that round, I wanted something different and I wanted to [00:18:00] show. Other women, other small business owners, other locally own businesses. Like there’s another way other than just having these one on one conversations with one investor where like you could spend a whole month and then it’s, then they’re gone and what have you done?

[00:18:14] You’ve made impressions on one group, but by being able to have a crowdfunding page as a cannabis company, you’re able to. I’m able to have all of my products on one page, show them everything I’m creating. I can’t even do that in the real digital world where all of my glassware and dugouts have to be on one site and the CBD has to be on another site and the content has to be on third site, and they all need different bank accounts.

[00:18:40] So, you know. Being able to have my whole deal page out there for hundreds of thousands of people to see was huge. And that is the key component of what I’m doing. And in terms of building brand equity and building the company to me, and a brand impression where someone leaves going, Jane West is a cannabis, global [00:19:00] cannabis brand, that’s a win.

[00:19:02] And so having people that didn’t even invest but went into the site and read it all, that’s like, that’s a huge win. When I started looking at crowd funding and the different, um, things that the Obama’s 20 thirteens Job Jobs Act allowed everyday people, you know, created this retail investor land. Um, uh, I was really inspired.

[00:19:21] And I also found, and this is also like good advice, I think, for people who are trying to find their way in the sectors. Like when you get inspired by something, keep going there, keep going in that direction. Cause I was looking at people’s decks for the VC world and. It felt like, so kind of out of my league and different terminology, and then when I’d go to the crowdfunding sites and talk to other CEOs that did it successfully, it would, it was really inspiring to see like how they did it and they’re able to do it themselves.

[00:19:48] Um, so I went to Republic. I did have to like constantly prove to the s sec that I’m not plan touching and, and I still am not, I’m still selling, you know, packaging to our partners through licensing and royalty [00:20:00] agreements. Um, but that was really hard to do. I’m very motivated and I encourage, um, the other, your listeners to go to Main Vest, which is really embracing cannabis.

[00:20:11] It’s it’s true debt structure. So our recent safe round on there didn’t do very well. The fact that you can have, you can be plant touching an edibles company, a cultivation. And have your, your, your brand listed, have people investing in you. Also for people starting new businesses, I direct them there because you have to have all your financials, you have to have your business plan, You have to show investors what you’re building.

[00:20:35] And so for new entrepreneurs to see that and to be able to drill down into all those different businesses on main best, or the few cannabis companies that were on Republic, that’s really valuable. It’s almost. Like going to a cla, a crash course and creating decks for cannabis brands. So, um, the other reason I was really excited about crowdfunding and the work that had to go behind it was, It was [00:21:00] clear that I was preparing my company for the next level.

[00:21:03] So in order to do it, in order to raise funds on these SCC regulated sites, I need gap compliant reviewed financials. I need to be, you know, ready to be audited at any time. I, um, need to really have tight awareness. All of the numbers of the company and being, going through that process, um, and going through the review stage.

[00:21:25] Now I can date back three years, which is, you know, critical for if I’m looking to an exit. Um, because that was like a requirement of doing it. It was not fun, like completing a Form C and all these documents like, It was definitely one of those things that I questioned whether or not I would be able to actually do it, like mostly on my own.

[00:21:46] And, and I did, and you can, and other people can too. And so, um, but the process of doing it and answering all those questions and knowing the kinds of questions that, that you have to be ready to answer for in terms of invest relations [00:22:00] that is like such. Incredibly valuable experience. Um, and I, and that’s one of the reasons why I encourage so many other people to like, just at least look at it and consider it.

[00:22:11] Additionally, I’m not a wealthy person, , and I don’t know that many wealthy people. And so, um, when people were like, Oh, you’ll have a friends and family round, that’s where you just like, call people up and they give you like $50,000 and I’m like, Oh. I, I don’t know those people . So, so equity crowdfunding also allows for people like my parents and my brother and my business partners and my old colleagues to get to like actually have a piece in the company at the amount that they are able to do, you know?

[00:22:44] So, um, and additionally, once I started learning more, Fundraising to begin with and what an accredited investor even is like, This is back in the day, but still, But I was like, Oh, this guy wants to gimme 5K and that person wants to gimme 10 K. Maybe like, [00:23:00] I think I got a few small people. Then the next question was, will they accredited investors?

[00:23:05] Uh, no. What’s an incredible investor? Oh, someone who’s already rich . So you can only take the money from people that are already rich. So, um, learning about that and how much everyday people are kept out of being able to invest in startups they believe in, um, was bothersome to me. And so seeing this option, like, and being inspired by being able to build my audience and build my brand.

[00:23:29] Build my network. Uh, that was what really like sold me on equity crowd funding. And so at this point we have over 3000 investors from 42 countries. Wow. And every US state and territory. And so that alone is a huge brand equity builder. Um, dispo in, in addition to that, you end up with funds that you can use to fuel your company.

[00:23:52]Bryan Fields: It’s amazing. And the story of going through it has gotta be incredibly challenging. And as you’ve listed out in cannabis is even harder, which just kind of layers [00:24:00] on top of everything. But I think it’s really commendable that you were able to accomplish that and even more so that the response has been so many people across the globe investing in someone like yourself who’s leading the charge forward.

[00:24:10] But there’s one topic that’s really important to me that I wanna get your opinion on being stoned and parenting. What, what are your thoughts and do you think the word being high is part of the problem?

[00:24:22]Jane West: Um, well, I think the word being stoned is worse than being high. Um, I know for a long time people were like trying to get the word elevated out there, you know, But it is, it is what it is.

[00:24:34] Like normalcy to me would be just, If someone’s like, Oh God, I was so drunk last night, you’re not gonna believe what I did. And like listing off the thing. You know, if someone is as comfortable being like, I was so high last night, I da, da, da. You know, if conversations are happening more normal like that, like just calling it what it is, you know, um, versus trying to like reframe it all.

[00:24:58] That’d be good. Um, I [00:25:00] think one of the issues, it’s, it’s what people think it. The most concerning part is when you use this terminology is when the person using the terminology does not use bot cannabis at all and doesn’t even quite understand what they’re talking, you know, what, what exactly they’re saying.

[00:25:20] Um, I think the words are problematic because of the relation to other drugs that maybe are, you know, more, um, You know, hard, harder drugs and things that like, getting high. Like what do they even mean? Uh, what are you even talking about ? So, um, I do think it comes down a lot to framing and one of my biggest things that I’m trying to help women especially, um, talk about is like, what are they afraid of?

[00:25:50] You know, what are you afraid of? And most women will say, um, it’s about losing control. That’s what they’re, you know, worried about. I mean, if [00:26:00] you’ve watched girls be like, I drunk, people are more out of control than any type of like stoner I’ve ever seen. So really like learning like what its effects on you, that it’s, you know, it’s just not quite what this stereotype is, but again, This goes back to being able to social use, to being able to have your friends at maybe a festival go over to the side and instead of getting a 24 ounce beer, smoke a joint and then have like a normal afternoon altogether, enjoying yourselves with your substances of choice, um, that’s gonna really trigger people like, Oh, this isn’t quite what I thought it would be.

[00:26:40] Um, you’re reminding me of when I first started the events and I went to different cater. To be my caterer for the event. And I got turned down. I was surprised. I mean, I’m bringing them business right for once a month for an event that’s gonna get a bunch of press. Um, and like one woman was like, Well what will [00:27:00] happen when people start vomiting from the weed and then they’ll blame it on the food.

[00:27:05] And I was. Why is that’s not what’s happens, you know, and just, you, you, you, it was really like, it really highlighted for me, like how far we have to go with educating people about cannabis. Um, hopefully, With everything that’s occurring on in psychedelics, that all of this will like become part of the bigger conversation.

[00:27:28] Cause women are saying the same thing about ketamine, about mushrooms, about L S D. And I think once we get more women utilizing these products in safe environments, Confidently cause it’s really about confidence. You know, it’s, these are psychoactive drugs we’re taking. So if you’re already predisposed to think that something might go wrong, it might.

[00:27:51] And if you’re already predisposed to be like, I love cannabis and this is gonna make my day so much better, , then it probably will. Um, [00:28:00] and so it’s really just about changing those viewpoints.

[00:28:02]Bryan Fields: It’s all about, It’s so important too, because I wanted to share stories. I was with couple of friends and we were gathering around, and one of my friends.

[00:28:12] Not shaming so much of my, my buddy, but saying that, you know, he had a tough day at work and went outside to smoke a joint and then continued to parent and was completely normal and she was upset about that. And I asked her, I was like, Have you ever grabbed a glass of wine after a tough day and continued to parent?

[00:28:28] And she goes, Yes, but it’s different. And that’s when I was like,

[00:28:33]Jane West: Why? Culturally, I mean, in my opinion, it is not different at all. In fact, actually, I mean in my. Especially when your kids are a little bit younger. A few puffs definitely makes like an hour of play dough so much more fun. Million times. And yeah, and I just absolutely know.

[00:28:53] It’s almost like insulting candidly to patients and individuals that use cannabis every single day for [00:29:00] even their medical purposes that like you’re assuming they’re incapable of. Taking care of their lives. We’ve proven in all of these states over and over again that that’s simply not true. Um, and so yeah, again, more normalcy, but it is, it’s unfortunate that there’s these like.

[00:29:17] Hire these, hire these judgemental standards and like so much subjectivity around the topic. Um, and it’s why like so many women are turning to like vape and they like edibles. Um, and maybe not so much smoking, but the smell of. Cannabis or the smell of, you know, combusted cannabis. Um, and that’s one of the things I’ve always tried to change because I love flour and there’s a reason flour is still king.

[00:29:43] Even though as like, I’m sure Helen does in like 20 14, 15, you’re like, There’s never gonna be flour again is gonna take over the world. Everyone’s just gonna eat it and bath it and put it another scanner. And so that’s just not the case cuz Flower does what [00:30:00] women want out of pills. It’s like an almost immediate, um, effect that you’re looking for.

[00:30:07] And so I know that’s out there and that’s why I’ve always tried to create small, dosable flower products of quality product that will re like, lead to a reliable, reputable experience and, uh, get more women to try it. Alcohol is a poison, and I am inspired by some of the more, like, uh, there’s a lot of influencers out there in like their twenties that are talking about that, more about like how it is, it’s not healthy for you, It’s not, you know, it’s, it’s inhi, it, you know, lowers your inhibitions, but is that necessarily the right thing?

[00:30:45] And for a lot of women, like, like I smoke cannabis before yoga. Almost every time, and like, and it helps me with the breathing. It helps me with my mind, body awareness. And so, um, just more people [00:31:00] talking about how they incorporate in their lives would be helpful. Unfortunately, we don’t have. You know, the, the places to build those audiences, we can’t talk about it openly on Instagram and these different places, and there’s not a lot of educational content that’s customer facing.

[00:31:17] So it’s really just about like waiting time and having more and more people utilize the product and things to their friends. And then that’s really how most women that I know have started trying new products is like one of their friends tries. They really like it and then they have that confidence and they try to, and they realize how misinformed they had been.

[00:31:44]Kellan Finney: Do you think that consumption lounges are like the needed catalyst to kind of finish the transition from a cultural stigma perspective? Right. Because it’s been legal in Colorado since 2014 and it’s just been like a really slow grind. Yeah. You know what [00:32:00] I mean? Changing all of these people’s opinions, but I think like you’re speaking on.

[00:32:04] Seeing other people consume it in these different form factors. And the best way to do that would be a consumption lounge. Do you think that is the catalyst?

[00:32:11]Jane West: Um, I, in a, in a way I do. I, It’s just not enough normalization. Because it’s still like this one little place you go and the vast majority of consumption, I don’t know anywhere where there’s also alcohol.

[00:32:24] So that’s also not normalization, you know? And so, I mean, to me it really just needs to be like a little bit like what New York did, cuz I’ve been in New York a couple times since. Um, you could just smoke on the street. And I do like that. Like I walk out of, you know, the hotel I always like, I love seeing at the standard and I walk down the block and yeah, there’s no like kids around and I light up a joint and I smoke it and I know like I’m, I’m safe there.

[00:32:49] And so that, that those types of changes are what I, I, I think need to happen more. Um, Like, I’ve [00:33:00] seen also, like in my, a lot of the women and people that have moved to Oklahoma, um, where there’s like just this really robust cannabis family. Um, and that, that’s where I’ve seen more like normalization, where like it is, there are kids there and they’re just on the other side of the yard, but it’s okay that you’re consuming this over on this side and it’s very normalized and, um, and just part of everyday life.

[00:33:25] And that’s, those are the things that we really need to start seeing more.

[00:33:29]Bryan Fields: One of the things that excites me most about cannabis is the fact that I, I think as more women become, let’s say, on board in certain areas, women are the decision makers and the couples. So as those trends continue, move forward, I feel like there’s a massive unlocking that will will continue to happen.

[00:33:45] I read a statistic that said, 43% of all couples say the woman is the decision maker in the family. And for me that is probably a hundred percent. She is the decision maker. So do you think as women become more comfortable with cannabis, we will see the changing of some of these stigmas, maybe the adoption on [00:34:00] shows on Bravo?

[00:34:00] Do you think things like that will happen? I hope

[00:34:02]Jane West: so. It better, I mean, how much longer is this gonna keep going on? Um, You know. Yeah. That was some of the major, major talking points when we first started, when I was doing my first pitches, was like, women are the chief medical officers of their family, you know, buying even like CBD products and different things for their kids.

[00:34:19] Um, and so, um, and they, they control what comes in the house. They’re making those purchasing decisions. Absolutely. And so that is why it is key to be able to, um, have those right products directed at them and have a dispensary experience that’s tailored to them. Um, I feel like there’s a component here with interstate commerce and the ability to purchase products like we purchase our current products like on Amazon and online like we do.

[00:34:52] Um, that maybe will be a big domino if we can, you know, if I can get Flower from Humboldt and this product from [00:35:00] there and, and have this network of, of, of, uh, businesses that. I’m purchasing from that isn’t just limited to my geographic area and the one dispensary on my Corner that it, which is not the way really anything works that we consume daily.

[00:35:19] Um, so that, that, that will hope, that would really make a lot of change in my opinion. Um, but you’re just, no matter what your product is right now, You’re limited to in the dispensary setting, um, to who is willing to drive to your location and come into your retail store and purchase it from you. And so reducing some of those barriers, um, for these products would be excellent.

[00:35:44] And we know people are buying alcohol online and getting cases a bit shipped to them. And we additionally, Schedule one drugs are being shipped all over this country every single day. You know, the VA sends them everywhere. And so the ability to do [00:36:00] this is right there. And so, so having so like that would really into the actual existing purchasing patterns of women right now,

[00:36:10]Bryan Fields: what is one way cannabis has helped you that most others do not realize?

[00:36:16]Jane West: Oh my goodness. What is one way. And cannabis has helped me that most others do not realize. Um, Well, I would repeat the part about yoga and the fact that I truly do consume cannabis, um, in relation to exercising and, uh, working out even. Do

[00:36:43]Bryan Fields: you have, do you have a specific product that you go to in those examples?

[00:36:46]Jane West: Um, No, I mean, just like all the different, you know, I go to yoga a lot. That’s like my fa my number one thing. And, um, and so just like all the classes are different, like I’m down with that. So at night I’ll definitely be more likely to consume a [00:37:00] night. Varietal. Um, and if I need like a little more energy cause I’m not really feeling the class, then I would definitely go with more of a day varietal.

[00:37:08] Um, for things like uh, orange Theory and like the more like boot campy workout classes, that’s like definitely more of a gummy that I’m gonna take about 45 minutes before the class. Um, but really just like it gets you more into the music, it gets you more into not thinking about like how many more reps you have to do.

[00:37:25] Like, you’re just more in flow. And I think a lot of women wouldn’t necessarily think that. Um, but also, you know, there’s reason there’s not like wine and yoga classes. There’s like, if you really take a look at it, you start to see some of the differences out there, you know? Um, and so yeah, it’s really just additionally, I.

[00:37:47] And this comes a little bit from my social work background too. I feel like cannabis helps you clear your mind and, and in a way that sometimes it’s hard for me to [00:38:00] describe because it’s not about forgetting. Because you know, oh, you’re forgetful. Or short term memory or whatever. Like, it’s about just like clearing your mind from all the small thoughts you have every single day that are keeping you up, that are distracting you.

[00:38:13] From being present with your children, from being present in your job from like, at like all those little noisy voices. Um, I think women have a tendency to have more of those and really, like, can cannabis, I, I believe many of the women in my network, I know it helps them. Calm those voices, focus on themselves, go inward and be like better and be better.

[00:38:40] That’s like better with Jane and Is has always been our number one, um, tagline, and it does, it just makes your day better and it makes them better. That was

[00:38:49]Bryan Fields: perfectly said. Uh, I do have to go back and ask about the SWAT brunch though, because it would, you’d be wrong to not ask about that. Ah, were you shocked?

[00:38:59] Were you [00:39:00] surprised? Oh my gosh, I was so shocked. What, what was the feeling when the SWAT walked in?

[00:39:03]Jane West: Okay, first of all, it was Easter Sunday too, so like, there was lot, there was lots of, there’s so many things going on that day. Um, it was 4 20, 20 14. And it was a small bakery on Broadway. And, um, a gentleman walked in at the very end and I thought he was a reporter the way he was like standing or whatever.

[00:39:22] And he had bought a ticket, which was key. Cause that was part of their whole like bust is that like I could buy a ticket online, so it must have been public. So, uh, he came in and came over and, and was asking me, Oh, are you Jane? And none of that. And he like reached in his pocket. I thought her sure he was getting.

[00:39:38] A business card to give me, and instead it was a badge. And then as soon as we turned, that was when like, I mean there were like people with guns. There were at least six men in all black. And then there was the gentleman, and then there were some more professionally dressed guys. And basically, uh, Mayor Hancock had sent this same team to like five different event [00:40:00] events that were happening on that four 20 to like shut everybody down and.

[00:40:04] And give criminal charges and stuff. And so, yeah. Um, we had just been talking like, just moments before we walked in about like how we could do this brunch every week. Like there’s so much demand, you know? And um, and the one thing I do remember, I mean, there’s lots of parts. I remember there were women outside painting pots, painting pots with a pot with thing and like everybody’s laughing, having a great time.

[00:40:30] Um, there was a couple there were at. Six couples at that, at that event that had flown in from other states. And uh, and there was this one couple from New Jersey that like, I, I mean, that guy got so white. I, he was so afraid that like something was really gonna happen legally to him, you know, as an nd And that, that’s a part that like really I felt the worst about.

[00:40:53] And my memories of it was, How scared people suddenly were of like, Oh my God, we, [00:41:00] it was, it was wrong. They are gonna bust us. You know? And so, and that’s, that just contributes to more of the anxiety and fear related to cannabis. So, um, it was quite a morning and then, so then the whole, it, it also was at the very end, which was a good thing because they couldn’t find it.

[00:41:15] Cause it’s kinda a private event. Uh, they couldn’t find where we were at first. And so, uh, and then, and then I went that afternoon cuz I, the other job I was trying to work up at the time to make money was to like, uh, run people’s booths at events. And so I was running a concentrate company’s booth with all these vintage pinball machines up at the Denver mark for.

[00:41:39] For the big cannabis cup thing. So, uh, I went up there in the afternoon and just tried to forget about it.

[00:41:45]Bryan Fields: Uh, it’s a pretty classic story though, right? You’re saying a bunch of people painting and then you’re like, someone asks you, how’d your day go? And you’re like, It wasn’t bad. The SWAT team visited and they didn’t stay.

[00:41:52] They, uh, they just

[00:41:53]Jane West: wanted them. The, they did everybody and, you know, made it hard on everybody. But that really was the first, you [00:42:00] know, that was only month three, and it was the first time that. The war on drugs and the war on people and how, um, it’s all just about enforcement. Like what they choose, what they, I hate to say they, what, what is chosen to be enforced versus what you can get away with.

[00:42:20] And who, um, really like took home, because I was in the courtroom at least six times over that summer following that. And every time I was the only white lady. I, most times I was the only white person and everyone else being seen in front of the judge, um, were, you know, black and brown men mostly. And, and these are the end being Denver is a really white city.

[00:42:45] So if these are all the people getting tickets and criminal charges for this product that is being widely sold, like what is going on? And so, and that was what really started, like I started, you know, getting more connected with ssdp and I started [00:43:00] adjusting my talking points so that I would be using part of my platform to address like how, um, Stark.

[00:43:08] The, the differences in enforcement and who’s really, you know, winning and losing from legalization.

[00:43:15]Bryan Fields: Since you’ve been in the canna industry, what has been the biggest misconception?

[00:43:20]Jane West: Oh my goodness. Uh, the biggest mis that people are making money . Um, is it, I mean, when business really decide, it’d be more like that, that.

[00:43:31] You know, it’s profit and losses all together. So, um, finding, you know, so that’s one big misconception is that, you know, there’s a lot of product to sell, but it’s very expensive to sell it. Um, in terms of misconceptions, um, I would have to say also like the, I’m learning a lot more about psychedelics and things and like, I, I want all the miscon, like it’s the best if we can.

[00:43:58] Knock over as many of these Dominos as [00:44:00] possible from the beginning. So I do wanna have like a mushroom line. I do want women to try these other, uh, psychedelic drugs confidently. And so, um, I think that just everything related to the schedule of drug, these drugs that we as a country have removed access to, and especially the most natural ones, cannabis and mushrooms.

[00:44:25] Totally can grow your own. Totally. You know, you can do this on your own. Um, medicate the self medicate with these product. , Um, and, and teaching people that, that this doesn’t have to be something that you are going to a retail store and purchasing this thing, um, that it is something that like should at least be accessible and, um, and something that you can be far more hands on with.

[00:44:52] Then than you expect. My neighbor, um, grew a plant. He went and bought a clone and he put it in the, [00:45:00] in the backyard garden last summer. Just, and didn’t do anything different to it than, um, the tomatoes right next to it. And he ended up with 22 ounces. You know, I like harvested it and dried it and put it together and sure, maybe it wasn’t like true and perfect like boni style, but it was great and that was so much flour.

[00:45:21] And so I think one of the things that, that cannabis consumers, especially as we start to normalize it, need to be talking about and demanding is home grow and the ability to grow your own and grow a plant in your backyard and consume it. And um, and that’s something that I think people do have a misconception.

[00:45:39] About, about how hard it is, um, because it really is meant to be grown outdoors. , it’s a plant and so it’s not as hard when you’re doing it the right way, uh, like outside. And so, um, that’s something that I hope people start like thinking about more. Like, wait, why can’t I just quote to myself

[00:45:59]Bryan Fields:[00:46:00] Before we do predictions, we ask all of our guests.

[00:46:02] You can sum up your experience in a main takeaway or lesson, learn to pass onto the next generation, what would it be? Hmm.

[00:46:12]Jane West: Um, I would mainly want you to remember that we are only serving a small slice of. The audience that cannabis can make better and whatever product, whatever brand, whatever business you can envision that you would wanna buy from, that, you would want, you should be pushing to make that a reality.

[00:46:40] Because, um, what we see right now is the result of. Publicly traded companies and lots of different decisions being made about what’s out there on the shelves. But what people need is, you know, the answer to that when you’re throwing your hat in the ring and you’re getting into the cannabis sector. Like, keep following [00:47:00] your dreams of what you wanna see out there, especially if you don’t see it right now.

[00:47:04] Um, and then I guess the second thing that I always remember and it really helps is, uh, I don’t know anything about. At all. I don’t know anything. I, every day I’m learning new things. You can never start assuming that you are necessarily an expert, and that’s kind of how you become an expert. Um, and so just keep following that path because.

[00:47:29] There’s only a small slice being offered right now to, to two small business owners of what you can and can’t do in the sector, and there’s so much more out there. Don’t limit yourself by the playing board that’s been created, and that exists in 2022. Start building a new playing board for two, three years from now and um, and then you’ll be able to have more of an effect.

[00:47:56] On what you do and your future and your [00:48:00] business when you’re part of actually the wing.

[00:48:03]Bryan Fields: So well said. Love it. Thank you. All right.

[00:48:06]Jane West: Prediction. There was one thing that I haven’t gone through yet that I was, that I, I was gonna mention do it cause it’s like this little note card that I made when I first like started the brand and it was my inspiration behind the Jane West component because there’s just not autonomous brands out there with, there are in almost everything else.

[00:48:24] And so from the 18 hundreds. Basically in the 18 hundreds, the following men started companies selling alcohol. Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels, Gerard Heineken, Joseph Seagram, Jose Krivo, and Ed Anheiser, Fado, Bacardi, Ado Bush, Joseph Cos, Frederick Miller, Richard Hennessy, John shs, and Peter Smirnoff.

[00:48:49] And every single one of those. Is still in American homes and on shelves today, and they all started their alcohol companies within the same like 50 years of each [00:49:00] other. And every single one is their actual name. And so like that was one of the like, okay, this is, I, I blew, like, that was one of the inspirations behind having the actual name brand.

[00:49:11] And, um, you know, backing, I think there’s, that’s one of the reasons why there’s a lack of trust and a lack of identification with so many cannabis brands is that there’s just not a face. There’s not a person behind it, you know, it’s like, A tree with like one of the balls removed or something, and like, it’s just not memorable or identifiable.

[00:49:33] And so the more people that start businesses and really are like defending and building something for certain, like the reasons they’re in it for, I think that’ll build more consumer confidence too. I love it.

[00:49:46]Bryan Fields: Cool. All right. Prediction time. Yes. Jane? Yes. With with new markets set to open. What can Newark consumers understand about buying legal cannabis products to help them [00:50:00] on their new journey into the cannabis space?

[00:50:04]Jane West: Um, I think that new customers should, It’s always good to kind of keep a log of what you’re buying and how the experience, how the experience went. I would stay diverse, keep, you know, trying new things and trying different things. Um, but as you continue on your journey, you’re gonna wanna start asking questions.

[00:50:27] Like, for me, the question is more like, who grew? Who owns that company? Where is this flower coming from? Is it grown outdoors or indoors? How was the extract? Taken from the plant. I think that’s one of the first questions that customers need to really learn about is like, what is the difference between distillate and full spectrum oil?

[00:50:51] Then we start going down all these different rabbit holes. But the point is, is that like you, you should be asking questions. It’s always helpful to be documenting your experience. [00:51:00] Make sure that you know, these are small businesses that are, hopefully, hopefully there are small businesses in your neighborhood and community that you can.

[00:51:11] You know, invest in by going. And being a customer there. So find the business that you really wanna truly be supporting cuz it really does matter and every day some of the best purveyors and some of like the best products out there, you know, these businesses are, are having a really hard time because they don’t have the audience, they don’t have the ability to advertise.

[00:51:32] So make sure that you are spending your cannabis dollars consciously. and, um, and enjoy your journey, ? Um, I would definitely, for like new consumers, I would, um, also like decide something you’re gonna do when you, after you’ve consumed it, and like prepare yourself for that. Like, whether that’s like something you wanna do creatively or.

[00:51:55] Like for me, like cleaning my house, things like that, that just make it better. [00:52:00] Um, you know, kind of like prepare yourself, like you’re gonna go on a little journey and, um, be ready for it and be excited about it. And I have a feeling that you’ll be better afterwards and, um, keep discovering new things about cannabis products.

[00:52:18]Kellan Finney: I think that a lot of new consumers favor high potency cuz it’s like one of the only metrics they can grab onto in terms of like what they’re getting in terms of bang for their buck. So I would say to try to avoid making purchasing decisions based on potency. And then I think the other thing that a lot of new consumers that happens to a lot of new consumers is they

[00:52:40]Bryan Fields: kind of get.

[00:52:42] Maybe brainwash.

[00:52:43]Kellan Finney: I don’t, I think it’s an aggressive word, but I can’t think of another adjective. They kinda get brainwashed from Bud Tenderers, right? Yeah. Especially in

[00:52:51] Colorado.

[00:52:51]Bryan Fields: Influence influenced,

[00:52:52]Kellan Finney: Influenced, that’s a much better word, influenced, especially in Colorado, because most dispensaries in Colorado are vertically integrated, and so [00:53:00] when they walk in and they’re like, Hey, what products should I buy?

[00:53:03] Or this, the bud tenders automatically been trained to help push the stores product like that they grew. So I think that. That’s the other thing to just be really aware of is when you walk into dispensaries, the first product that the bud tender is going to put in front of you is most likely something that makes the dispensary the most money with the highest margin, and it may not be what you’re really looking for.

[00:53:25] So those are kind of the two things that I

[00:53:27]Bryan Fields: would say. What, What’s your thoughts, Brian? I think being open to new experiences. I think sometimes people get associated cannabis with like the college experience. Like I had this edible one time in college and it made me really sleepy. Well, that’s not the same type of edible you’re gonna have now.

[00:53:41] And I think people can get past. If you don’t wanna smoke, you don’t have to smoke. You can consume in other ways. And I think as soon as we can. Unlock the stigma and remove that and allow people to feel more comfortable. Being present is such an unlocker in so many ways, and being able to reset your day after you’ve done a million A things.

[00:53:57] And the more specifically I’m thinking about my wife, who’s, [00:54:00] she’s a school teacher, she’s dealing with those challenges and she comes home, she’s leading the child, and she has to deal with me and then. She, she tries to go to sleep and there’s 10 do million things on her mind and just trying to help her reset.

[00:54:10] I think if she can find a low and slow product, but, and then not, and not get caught up in that and just kind of take the notes, like you said, Jane, I think that can really make a difference for

[00:54:18]Jane West: her. That’s really about confidence, you know, That’s what people need to, to feel good about trying this new product and really have a positive experience.

[00:54:30] Love it.

[00:54:31]Bryan Fields: So, Jane, for our listeners, they wanna get in touch, they wanna learn more, and they wanna buy Jane’s products or invest. Where can they find you? Ah,

[00:54:37]Jane West: well, um, you can go to jane west.com and find out everything about what we’re doing. There’s tabs there for signing up for an investor newsletter and also every single product I need is there in the shop, and it’ll take you out to the different stores that you can buy it from.

[00:54:51] You can follow us on Twitter, Atj West. Um, Instagram’s deciding whether or not I get my account back, but you can follow a shop, [00:55:00] Jane West and, um, yeah, just, you know, support. We have partners in 12 states that are like my growing some of my favorite flower and perfectly sized products, so find out if they, you can find our map of partners online.

[00:55:15] I’d love for you to stop by some of those dispensaries where I know you’ll get a great experience and the education that you’re looking for.

[00:55:22]Bryan Fields: Awesome. We will link those up in the show notes. Thanks so much for taking the time. Thank you for having

[00:55:27]Kellan Finney: me. Thank you.

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Editors’ Note: This is the transcript version of the podcast. Please note that due to time and audio constraints, transcription may not be perfect. We encourage you to listen to the podcast, embedded below if you need any clarification. We hope you enjoy!

This week we are joined by Graham Farrar, President of Glass House Brands, to discuss:

  • Applying Ag Technology for Cannabis
  • Quality, Consistency Cost
  • Thinking about Interstate Commerce differently
  • Is California Cannabis a limited licenses state?
  • And so much more

About Glass House: Glass House Brands is a rapidly growing, vertically integrated, California-focused organization that strives every day to realize its vision of excellence: compelling cannabis brands produced sustainably, for the benefit of all. Led by a team of expert operators, proven businesspeople, and passionate plant lovers, it is dedicated to delivering rich cannabis experiences with respect for people, for the environment, and for the community, and an abiding commitment to justice, social equity, and sustainability.

Cannabis is NOT a Crime: Help others: https://www.theweldonproject.org/missiongreen

Get in touch with Graham & Glass House 

#Cannabis #CaliforniaCannabis #Cannabiscommunity

At Eighth Revolution (8th Rev), we provide services from capital to cannabinoid and everything in between in the cannabinoid industry.

8th Revolution Cannabinoid Playbook is an Industry-leading report covering the entire cannabis supply chain

The Dime is a top 50 Cannabis Podcast 

Contact us directly at [email protected] Bryan Fields: @bryanfields24 Kellan Finney: @Kellan_Finney

[00:00:00]Bryan Fields: What’s up guys? Welcome back to another episode of The Dime. I’m Brian Fields and with me it’s always is Ke Finney. And this week we’ve got a very special guest, Graham Far president of Glasshouse Graham’s Graham, thanks for taking the time. How you doing

[00:00:12]Graham Farrar: today? I’m fantastic. Thanks a lot for having me, Brian and Ke happy to be here.

[00:00:16] Enjoy watching the show. Happy to be a part of it.

[00:00:17]Bryan Fields: Excited dive in Ke,

[00:00:18]Kellan Finney: how are you doing? I’m doing really well. Excited to talk to another West Coast brand and company, kind of holding down the California market. How are you,

[00:00:27]Bryan Fields: Brian? Yeah, Graham, no doubt on the West Coast, but I think there’s East Coast going on live as we speak.

[00:00:32] Whether or not that’s good or bad, we can kind of dive in. So, Graham, for our listeners that a, a little unfamiliar about you, can you give a little background about yourself?

[00:00:40]Graham Farrar: Yeah, sure. So, um, I’m a 20 year cannabis grower. Started out doing it for fun back in college. Um, and then, you know, I’ve grown in closets.

[00:00:47] I’ve grown in rooms, I’ve grown in garages, houses multiple houses About seven years ago, um, started Glasshouse Farms in a greenhouse. And, uh, Santa Barbara is 150,000 square feet. Uh, we thought it was the biggest thing in the world [00:01:00] at the time. Uh, and it was, and, uh, we got that role. And this was in Prop two 15.

[00:01:04] So under the medical market, Then Prop 64 came along. We liked how things were going. We bought our second greenhouse, it was 350,000 square feet. Um, uh, again, thought it was the biggest thing in the world cuz it was, Um, but got that going. So for the last seven years we’ve been growing, you know, a pretty decent scale in California, half a million square feet.

[00:01:23] Um, then we, I started dispensary, which was the pharmacy up in Santa Barbara. I did this with my partner Kyle. He was the real estate and investment side of it. I was the operations side. Uh, we liked the partnership and how things were going. We eventually decided, uh, to put all these pieces together, um, informed glasshouse.

[00:01:40] Brands, which we then took public and became, uh, about a year ago, became a public company. Uh, reason we we did that is because we’d identified what we thought was a unicorn greenhouse. Uh, we call it our SoCal farm. Uh, it is in a amazing climate in Camillo. It’s about as good as it can be for cannabis cultivation, 72 and sunny.

[00:01:59] It’s also [00:02:00] five and a half million square foot facility. Which makes it the second largest greenhouse in the United States. Um, it is, uh, now licensed and so it’s the largest greenhouse, uh, that’s ever been licensed for cannabis and human history. Um, it is not all the way filled up, so, uh, it’s a, the first phase is about a million and a half square feet, which is what we’ve got turned on.

[00:02:17] Now. The other 4 million square feet are still doing what they were doing, which was growing tomatoes and cucumbers. It’s an amazing thing. People focus on the size. I’m actually more focused on the technology and the quality. Um, Because my belief is, uh, quality, consistency, and cost. You know, first you gotta do it great, then you gotta do it great every time.

[00:02:34] Then you gotta do it great efficiently. Um, our goal is to grow the best cannabis at the, you know, most cost effective, affordable price. One, you know, make the mo most consumed cannabis brands in the planet. Uh, and grow the best weed that you can get everywhere. And this, this farm is meant for that cuz of where it’s located, because the technology it.

[00:02:52] Because the team we’ve got, uh, and so right now we’re putting that together. We’re vertically integrated. We’ve got every single license type we can, you can have in California [00:03:00] cannabis. Um, we started the year with three stores. We’ve got eight now. We’ve got three inter construction. Uh, so we’ll probably be a top three retailer with 11, 12 stores by the end of the year.

[00:03:09] And then we’ve got our brand. So, uh, really the tip of the spear for us is, uh, is creating brands and products that consumers love. Uh, Glasshouse Farms Top Five Flower Brand, um, has been for two plus years. Uh, we acquired Plus gummies recently, which is Top five. Edible Brand also has been for years. Uh, California’s kind of special in that regard, which is, you know, if you said you’re number four in Florida, that kind of means you’re last in California.

[00:03:32] It means you’re, you know, better than 16 other, a hundred other brands nipping at your heels every day trying to kick you off the shelves So, um, we’ve got, you know, I sometimes say California lives in the future. Uh, our consumers are some of the most educated out there, um, you know, was 27 years since medical cannabis happened.

[00:03:48] Right. And, you know, I, I, I think sometimes people think I’m, you know, uh, arrogant about California. Not that at all. It’s just like if you had someone who had been practicing football for 27 years and someone had been practicing football for [00:04:00] two years, who would you expect to be better? Right? Like, this is what we do out here.

[00:04:04] This is where the culture comes from, and the genetics and the people and the operators. Uh, and so all it’s super competitive. We think competition breeds excellence and uh, we’re really happy to be out here doing what we’re doing. Just to, just

[00:04:15]Bryan Fields: to expand on the football reference, that would be careers in the nfl you have multiple careers in the nfl, so Yeah, that experience is definitely gotta be compound.

[00:04:22] So I wanna stay with the cultivation facility where there hesitations when you’re going through that conversation. Obviously taking on a greenhouse of bat size is massive, right? And like that type of conversation has to be pros and cons. Can you take us behind the scenes on, you know, some of the variables you were thinking about when you’re making that?

[00:04:36] Sure.

[00:04:37]Graham Farrar: So, um, as with cannabis, everything gives you anxiety because, uh, I think every day is Monday and every weeks a year in this, in this industry. Um, the, the thing that made it make sense for us, um, It’s, it’s special. There’s a couple factors, right? It’s special. There is not another one of these out there.

[00:04:53] It is truly a unicorn. My opinion, it’s the most valuable asset in US cannabis. So, you know, across the board it is in [00:05:00] the right place. Climate wise, right place, culture wise, white place, Appalachian wise, I, you know, consumers across the country show. A preference for California brands. So you can grow less extensively here because of the climate.

[00:05:12] And then people will pay a premium and, you know, prioritize it because of where it’s from and you know, how advanced, uh, you know, the genetics and things like that are out here. Um, but then the other thing is we’ve got a team, right? And we’ve, if you tried to do this greenhouse, like this was your first try, the results I would expect, or the results you saw in Canada, right?

[00:05:30] Which is you had good growers, but they didn’t know the plant. They went too big, too fast, and they had massive, you know, massive problems with it. We started Glasshouse Farm seven years ago. We’ve been growing half a million square feet of greenhouse cannabis for, you know, five, six years, right? So do we know everything to do?

[00:05:45] Absolutely not. Have we learned a lot of things not to do? Absolutely. As well, right? So to have that team, this greenhouse is only about 30 minutes away from our existing facilities to have that team and that expertise. And, you know, I, I sometimes say experience is what you [00:06:00] get right after you needed it, right?

[00:06:01] So like we’ve got that experience from having done it. So What we did at this new farm, Triple is tripled in size, our cultivation, but we’ve tripled in size twice before. So like that’s a path that we’re familiar with and you know, it’s. This is like, you know, you’ve been going to the corner store, now you’re gonna make the trip, uh, you know, to the next date.

[00:06:21] It’s not like you’ve been going to the corner store and now you’re trying to fly to the moon because we’ve been doing this and it’s in the similar climate. And then the technology there is just amazing. I mean, positive pressure greenhouses, roof washing robots, onsite power generation, mega water, solar panels that make it green water recycling.

[00:06:38] It’s like for our team to have those tools in that climate. Right. I. It. I think people forget sometimes people didn’t go in a warehouse. Because the sun breaks the plant. They went in a warehouse to hide from prohibition, so they didn’t get in trouble. And what they found is if you have consistent good climate, you can grow great wheat.

[00:06:58] Our goal is, you know, so think of [00:07:00] indoors, shorthand for good, climate control, and lots of light. This entire greenhouse is built to provide good climate control and lots of light. Partnered with Mother Nature and the one lighter in the sky that has no inflation and is free of that sunlight versus going in a warehouse, throwing mother nature away, recreating it with fossil fuel powered light, and then twice as much fossil fuel powered air conditioning.

[00:07:21] We wanna chase down that quality in partnership with Mother Nature and deliver indoor quality, basically outdoor cost, and I think that’s something that the market’s gonna be excited.

[00:07:31]Kellan Finney: When you guys were kind of determining to kind of grow in a greenhouse versus the traditional outdoor kind of Humboldt method or like the indoor method that you just described, how did you kind of run through the numbers to determine like your roi if this is, like you said, one of the first times it’s ever been deployed in cannabis, were you guys using.

[00:07:51] Um, economic numbers from like the tomato industry and just kind of applying them to the Candace industry to determine like how successful it was gonna be and how to actually [00:08:00] approach it with a greenhouse of this magnitude.

[00:08:03]Graham Farrar: Yeah. So one of the, one of the things that we had, right, which is because of that seven years experience, we of course did lots and models and lots of forecasting, but we weren’t, we weren’t doing that.

[00:08:15] Out of thin air, right? Like we have half a million squares. So we had about 300,000 square feet of cannabis that we’ve been running for five, six years. Um, we, uh, added 600,000 square feet of cannabis in the new farm, right? So we have the data that we then, Actuals, right? Like not forecast, but actuals, which within extrapolated to what we’re gonna do, and then applied, you know, some true ups of, hey, it’s a positive pressure greenhouse, you can get 30% more light.

[00:08:42] 1% more light is 1% more yield. What is, what is that? How do we conservatively model that out? Um, so really it’s that experience that we had coming into it that gave us the confidence to do. Happy to report that six plants, you know, on site there for six months. Uh, we’ve done mini harvested, we’ve planted a million square feet, we’ve harvested [00:09:00] it again, replanted again, harvested, you know, again, now starting again on the third, you know, the third planting in there, um, that we’re already, you know, six months is very early in the greenhouse operation.

[00:09:09] We’re already starting to hit many of the metrics that we forecast. So I think where we can get over the next 12 months is gonna be, uh, outstanding. And, you know, you mentioned tomatoes. Tomatoes are 5% margin. You. You grow a tomato for a dollar, good day, your go home happy, you sell it for a dollar and 5 cents.

[00:09:26] That’s what built this facility. That’s the thinking that built this facility is how do you run and survive and make money at 5% margins, Right? So we’re gonna apply that to cannabis and I think we’re gonna see, you know, much, much better margins in that. Does the tomato

[00:09:40]Bryan Fields: growing also allowed for diversification internally?

[00:09:42] So obviously we’ve seen the California prices move up and down, sometimes down, and tomato is a little more stable. Does that give your team a little. Uh, effort in knowing there’s some more priceability in this effort? Is that part of the

[00:09:51]Graham Farrar: thinking going? So tomatoes are a, a tough business. I would not, I don’t know anything about growing tomatoes.

[00:09:57] We are just a, uh, landlord, uh, [00:10:00] to the, to a tenant who’s growing tomatoes and cucumbers there. So I, I, I claim no tomato expertise at all. Um, but I think what’s, uh, what I look to right is. Cannabis is an amazing plant. It is also a plant, right? Yeah. And so this greenhouse was built to grow plants with quality, consistency, at high efficiency, right?

[00:10:20] And that is what we wanna do. Right? And I think there’s, the beautiful thing about cannabis is, There’s so many right ways to do it. Like regenerative living, soil, uh, outdoor sun grown. Amazing, right? Indoor, I’m just pushing for the most, uh, you know, bud structure and size and thc. Like, not my personal thing, but great because there’s, people want it, right?

[00:10:45] This, this is made like I wanna grow the best weed that you can get. That’s what I’m trying to do. I think cannabis makes the world better place. I think the more OIDs, the more people’s body, the better, healthier we are. And so I want to create, you know, I call it the casamigos of [00:11:00] cannabis for the whole foods consumer.

[00:11:01] Right? Which is, it’s, it’s always a good answer, right? It’s good in a mar, It’s good in a margarita, it’s good in a shot. It’s good on a Tuesday. It’s good on a Friday. You can, it’s affordable luxury, really. But you know, it’s not, it’s not 1940. It’s not Jose Quavo, right? It’s, it’s a great thing. And then the whole Foods part is because we’re trying to do it in a very environmentally conscious way, and I think cannabis people care more than the average about that.

[00:11:25] Just like Whole Foods people do, which is, you know, sun-grown. Feel really good about that compared to artificial lights, solar panel, water recycling, uh, on, you know, co-generation systems, uh, maximizing the light. You know, we did a study that showed that we generate one 27th, the carbon dioxide program of an indoor.

[00:11:43] Right. Or one 10th of the electricity of an indoor grow, right? Like when the esg a where we live here, big consumers care about it and eventually the investment community and cannabis is gonna care about it too. And so being able to check those boxes, I think is, is phenomenal. I had

[00:11:59]Kellan Finney: one more quick [00:12:00] question regarding the tomatoes and kind of, uh, cultivating different crops in the same, on the same property.

[00:12:06] I know that one of the main, uh, pesticides used in tomato growing is Michael Butin. Right, Which is very illegal on Yeah, sure. It’s on on your canvas. So is there. Extra effort that’s got, that goes into, uh, creating like very separate water systems and, and kind of cross contamination and just like, uh, containment if you will.

[00:12:30] Like what is that kind of effort that goes through growing multiple crops on the same site that are using different nutrients.

[00:12:36]Graham Farrar: Yeah. So I think, you know, one thing to keep in mind is that most greenhouses are not, uh, living by themselves. So whether or not that’s, you know, it’s 126 acre piece of property.

[00:12:45] Yeah. For most people, that would just be their neighbor versus their tenant. So relatively, we actually have a lot more control than the average farmer would because we actually control the place. Um, the other is we have pos, we flower and positive [00:13:00] pressure greenhouses. One of the benefits of positive pressure is the air.

[00:13:03] There’s very few ridge vents, which allows you to get more light in. And the ridge vents that there are, are actually, um, the pressure relief valves. And so what they’re doing is the air’s going out, which means that things aren’t coming in, coming in. And so that limits it a lot. And then of course we’ve got, you know, the testing that’s required by the state, which is yeah, 60 to six different pesticides down to parts per billion level.

[00:13:24] Yeah. Obviously is a, you know, it’s a category one, you know, any recorded amount of milo is, is a. Is a disqualify or the whole bachelor fail. So we know that what we’re doing is, uh, is successful. And you know, part of that is because we’ve got more control than the average person, both facilities and the structure, uh, than most greenhouses out there.

[00:13:43] I mean, it’s more,

[00:13:43]Kellan Finney: it’s honestly more impressive with all

[00:13:46] that

[00:13:46]Graham Farrar: happening. I can try and be effusive about just how special this farm is, but there is really nothing. Uh, nothing that replaces walking through it. And it, it is, it is big, but again, it’s the [00:14:00] technology and the design and the climate that it sits in.

[00:14:02] You could grow great weed outside, across the street. Now you take that and you put this facility on it with the glass house team and, you know, give, give us a couple more months. I mean, they’re doing great already, but a few more months in here. And I, you know, I think you’re gonna be growing stuff that many people, many, your, your normal consumer is not gonna differentiate, Oh, this is greenhouse, right?

[00:14:22] Like, they’re gonna say, This is great weed. And you know, this historical of indoor greenhouse, outdoor is, in my opinion, Bs. Right? Like, you shouldn’t care. How something got to be what it is. You should just care what it is. And if it’s grape flour, the good, no, a great nose, uh, you know, the potency that you’re looking for, the structure you’re looking for.

[00:14:40] Like, can you grow the best weed if you’re in the world, if you’re ruining the world in the process, I don’t think you can. Right. So figuring out how to, you know, harness. Nature and the sun to grow consistent quality at a cost that’s affordable is I think the key and that’s what we’re focused on. Right.

[00:14:57] Do do

[00:14:57]Bryan Fields: many competitors of yours have the similar [00:15:00] technology? I know from your background, ad tech is a big thing, so obviously that was something that was very attractive to you when you were looking for this, this unicorn facility. Do other facilities imply this? And if not, I mean, does the industry recognize how, how paramount this technology is to making better decision?

[00:15:15]Graham Farrar: No, it, it is very not common. I, I’ve, uh, um, I’ve maybe been in one, um, I’ve never, I’ve not, I haven’t been in another positive pressure greenhouse in the United States. I know there’s, uh, a couple, you know, in other countries, but that is like, that’s not a common technology. This is actually Kubo, which is probably, I’ll call it the Ferrari of greenhouse Builders.

[00:15:34] It’s their ultra klima model, which I’ll say is like the, you know, the , the, the Formula One version of that. Um, It’s like, you know, it’s patented technology. Not everybody can, can do it. It’s uh, actually pretty, you know, restricted for cannabis because of licensing deals they have. So, you know, things like that that allow us to control climate in a way that we’ve never been able to.

[00:15:54] It’s very much like growing indoor, but you’re harnessing that naturally, almost perfect climate that we have, [00:16:00] right? So we can make it cooler in the greenhouse with wet walls and forced air with no hvac, right? And we’re already in a spot. You know, 95% of the time the weather’s basically perfect for cannabis.

[00:16:11] So now we can control humidity, we can supplement co2. Uh, we have ebb and flood floors that we built in our nursery. So we can handle all of our plants with automation. Uh, we have automated planting lines, uh, that do a lot of the stuff, uh, you know, mechanize. I love that stuff because how efficiently you move plants doesn’t degrade the quality of your product.

[00:16:33] It just means you can have the same quality at a lower cost. Right. And so if moving plants may better quality, we, we’d move plants by hand, but it doesn’t, Moving plants efficiently means better, better weed cuz it’s more consistent at a lower cost because one guy’s moving 500 plants at a time. Right. And it’s, you know, I’d say the glasshouse way is anywhere where we can make a CapEx investment.

[00:16:53] To improve consistency or quality and reduce cost. Ideally, all three, we do it. And that’s the mentality that we [00:17:00] brought to this. And I think it, it puts, you know, our operation on a plane that not, you know, many or anyone elses Did

[00:17:06]Kellan Finney: you guys develop a lot of that automation internally or was this kind of automation that just kind of came with the package of, um, the operators you decided to go with to build the greenhouse?

[00:17:17]Graham Farrar: So, a little, a little bit of both. I, I would not say, you know, our sweet spot is not inventing necessarily new things that we have, you know, done some things that are custom design and, and things like that. Really, I think what, what we excel at as having enough cannabis background that we can recognize.

[00:17:33] What agriculture is doing well and be some of the first ones to apply it to cannabis, right? So like our ebb and flood floors as I mentioned, right? We have a, a bay there. We, we harvest about 28,000 plants, uh, a week, which means we need to veg and replant and 28,000 plants. So if you think about that, there’s kind of three ways you could do that.

[00:17:51] You could irrigate it from the top. But that’s bad for pathogens and inconsistent and high labor. You could put emitters in it, but 28,000 times [00:18:00] in and 28,000 times, that is a ton of resources. Or you can use an ebb and flood floor, which is basically a two inch deep swimming pool, right? So what we do is we flood this floor up, the plants absorb all the water they need from the bottom, totally consistent, zero labor.

[00:18:13] Um, it’s automated. And then when they’re done, we’re done. They drain the water back. off We capture the water and the fertilizer, both expensive and valuable commodities, both for business and for the environment. We clean it and then we put it on the bay next to it. So it’s zero labor automated, totally consistent and doesn’t waste to drop a water or fertilizer, right?

[00:18:29] Like it’s an amazing system. We didn’t invent ebb and flood floors. We stole that from uh, some, you know, somebody who does um, 5 million tomato plants, right? Like that’s how they do it. We just are one of the first ones to do it with cannabis. That’s

[00:18:43]Bryan Fields: brilliant. Yeah. It turns out you’re not the first person ever to grow products, right?

[00:18:47] You could just adopt technology that other people use. So I guess going on that, Graham, what technology that you do not use today do you dream of or hope for in the future That could be applied to cannabis?

[00:18:58]Graham Farrar: Yeah, so I think, um, I [00:19:00] think there’s interesting things out there. I think some, there’s a bunch of data stuff and how we process and analyze that data.

[00:19:05] So one of the things that we’re big on is collecting, uh, analytics, you know, all the way down from where people are, how long it takes, and logging the outputs, logging the yields, logging the conversion ratios, uh, lots of data cuz. Our belief is that even if we don’t necessarily know a lot of things we use today, but having that data set over time in the future, we’re gonna be able to come back and mine it for better things.

[00:19:27] Um, I think the other thing area that I really look at, um, is post-harvest. I think, you know, the cultivation side, a call is 80% science and 20% art. Once you harvest a plant, I think it, it’s flipped right? Where it’s like 80% art and 20% science. And so I think there’s a lot we can do there. You know, with some of the things we’re doing is we have this really nice dry room that we’re building and about to bring online.

[00:19:51] It’s more like a dry room complex, but it has, it’s totally programmable. Uh, you can do things like shift the air direction and change program, the air [00:20:00] exchanges, and you tify do you tify control the ramp downs and it’s all in a plc so you can program it. And what I wanna do is develop a recipe, uh, so that when we say, Hey, this is a, uh, you know, Cushman.

[00:20:11] This is the Cushman’s recipe. After you harvest it, you’d say, Hey, I harvested 4,000 wet pounds. I’m putting it in there. Run the Cushman’s recipe. 80%, 50%, and 24 hours. I’m making this up. 50% to 11% over the next 10 days. You know, three air exchanges a day. And this is the best that we figure it out. And then we can do that every time.

[00:20:30] And then what we can do is continuous, incremental improvements. So we’ll play with things. We’ll say, Oh, this is what’ll make that 3% better. Now it’s 3% better every time. Oh, this will be another 3%, 6% better. Right? And it gets you out of that kind of ad hoc thing and. I think that is a, is a big issue where we, we want to be able to nail this.

[00:20:47] We wanna be able to do quality, consistency, and cost all through the process. The other thing is, I think eventually we’ll find automation, uh, for trimming. Right now we hand trimm everything that goes in our jars. It’s not the most efficient, but it’s the highest [00:21:00] quality. Um, and again, quality, consistency and cost in that order, right?

[00:21:03] And so I think we will find ways that we can automate, um, that, and keep the quality and improve the efficiency. So I think that’s some good, good stuff that’ll be in the pipeline.

[00:21:13]Kellan Finney: Yeah, so focusing on quality and consistency is, is great for moving the product in that one market that you guys currently are in in California.

[00:21:23] What are your kind, what’s your plan for, say, expansion, right? How are you gonna create the same. Quality and consistency by building a new facility in a new state. What are your thoughts on, on that kind of an expansion?

[00:21:35]Graham Farrar: Yeah, so, um, so my view is, uh, if, you know, you should grow plants where plants like to grow, and not every plant was, not every state was meant to grow cannabis.

[00:21:45] So, you know, I’d say my perspective is you grow weed where we’d like to grow. That’s California. It’s where the culture is, it’s where the genetics is, it’s where the history is. I mean, you can see it, right? The illicit market tells us what people want and. California cannabis across the [00:22:00] world, right? Like, you know, New York, they’re smuggling California weed into New York.

[00:22:05] Florida is much closer. Michigan’s closer. Illinois’s closer, right? They’re not smuggling the weed from those places like this is the, it’s the illicit market there. They’re not following the rules. They’re not, you know, they, they can get whatever people want and what they want is we from all the way across the country in California.

[00:22:20] So listen to that, right? Grow plants where they grow. I do not expect that we will open up cultivation facilities in other spots. I think we, you know, we could do licensing deals with plus field, handful of other, you know, brands out there, but grow plants where they like to grow in the California sun, put ’em on the shelves so they’re, you know, across the rest of the country.

[00:22:38] Um, That’s the future. I see. So I’d say it’s very unlikely you’ll see us standing up cultivation in other states, probably see us do some licensing work. Um, and then, you know, really we’re, we’re out there we’re, our plan is to figure out, uh, you know, when in California, um, one of the benefits of California and it’s.

[00:22:56] Competitive climate, as you know. And you’re right, which is [00:23:00] nice, but more importantly, you know when you’re wrong cuz a consumer will tell you and then you pivot, you double down where you’re winning, You move where you’re not, you figure it out. You know, I’d like to see us with a top three brand in every category and probably three or four top 20 brands in every category.

[00:23:14] If you can win in California, you can win everywhere else. The inverse of that is, is not true. So, uh, I think, uh, despite California’s like training an altitude, right? You don’t do it. You don’t train an altitude because it’s fun. You do it because when you meet people who didn’t, you win, right? Yeah. And that’s, that’s what we’re out here, you know, slogging through, but also honing ourselves and getting better and dropping our cogs and improving our quality and tripling in our scale.

[00:23:39] And, and, uh, and that’s, I think, gonna pay dividends down.

[00:23:43]Bryan Fields: And another thing that your team has going for you is the economies of scale. Obviously with the facility that big, you don’t have to open up another cultivation facility, or maybe you do just in the future, but that is such a massive facility that other brands are gonna have to open up multiple facilities just to compete from a a space standpoint.

[00:23:57] So I think between consistency and the [00:24:00] economies of scale, your team’s already leveraged yourself ready for the future. So going forward on that, there has to be challenges and surprises when scaling a facility to that size. So is there one that comes to mind that say, Hey, like going in, we thought this, but actually it turned out to be.

[00:24:13]Graham Farrar: Yeah. Um, anytime you’re doing something, uh, big and anything time you’re doing something in cannabis, uh, there are certainly surprises. Um, you know, I think, you know, one of the things that we did is, uh, is, is we, we really tried to focus on like the water recycling and things like that. And, you know, one of the, one of the, you know, the ways that we did this with the mediums that we’re using and stuff like that.

[00:24:34] And anytime you’re changing something that. Be, you know, I was a tech guy, so I did a lot in, in software and I would call it the bug tail, right? Which is anytime you make a change. There’s always some unintended consequences behind that, right? And the only real way to get through that is you try and minimize it, but then you gotta just, you know, figure it out.

[00:24:52] And so, um, you know, as we’ve gone through this, obviously the scale is an issue. A new facility is an issue. Learning the systems is an issue. Uh, we [00:25:00] brought on, you know, hundreds of new people, uh, like in, so you know, if you can hire at 75%, you’re amazing. Which means if you hire a hundred people, there’s 25 people who shouldn’t be there.

[00:25:10] Then you then like, and of course you have this all going on at the same time, and then you have this with plants. The plants, at the end of the day, we’re just trying to make the plants as happy as possible. They get the final vote and they don’t care if it’s a holiday. They don’t care what your HR problems are.

[00:25:22] They don’t care if you don’t know where the maintenance thing is. Like they’ll die on Christmas, right? Like so you gotta keep them happy, uh, all throughout it, which is 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Um, I mean, certainly, I’m trying to think the one thing, like what totally surprised us. There hasn’t been a massive one.

[00:25:40] I’m knocking on wood. Um, it’s just kind of the collection of all of them, um, and the fact that they’re, they’re cumulative, right? So, or I’ll give you. We, uh, were in the nursery, uh, and we had a heat wave and it was the first time we’d have, it had a heat wave in there. So a bunch of our clones got, you know, metaphorically run over by that.

[00:25:59][00:26:00] But now you have these clones, right, which you’re then dealing with for the next three months, right? So now you have, uh, a less healthy plant going here. You have loss or whatever. It’s like, and you gotta learn all the way through. If you can start solid, which I think we’re getting our nursery to a really solid.

[00:26:14] Strong spot. Like that’s the heartbeat, right? Like 80% of the problems and flour actually started usually in your nursery. So, you know, getting that under and getting the white wash on the shades and the climate set up, like that’s now paying dividends throughout the whole process. But, you know, that week and three months ago, it certainly kicked our ass.

[00:26:33] And, uh, then we had to deal with that for, you know, the impact of that for another three months. Is there any future

[00:26:38]Bryan Fields: plans for opening up like a tastings room similar to the Napa style? What goes on out in California?

[00:26:43]Graham Farrar: So, um, right now you’re not allowed to have a license facility open to the public. I’m, uh, expected over time the stigmas, you know, will go down and, uh, just like it makes a ton of sense at a winery or brewery or whatever it, I think it’s actually gonna make even more sense with cannabis because I think there’s a lot [00:27:00] more embedded interest.

[00:27:02] Like most people know how wine’s made, right? Wine hasn’t been prohibited for 50 years. Cannabis has been in the shadows under the table for so long that you know the average person walking on the street. Like there’s all kinds of made trichomes and flavanoids and terpenes, and it’s a short day plant where the light cycle matters and photo period control and like.

[00:27:20] It’s a lot more like making wine than it is growing a vegetable. Right? And I think many, many good plant growers have learned that lesson the hard way, which is when you’ve grown the plant well, you’re have to not finished, right? Like now you’ve got a whole drying, curing, trimming, uh, you know, secondary cure process to go through.

[00:27:36] Um, so. I think that will happen. Uh, we can’t wait till it does because this place is literally around the corner from Malibu, a few miles away from the beach, Southern California climate. Like it’s a nice spot. It’s amazingly a high tech. It’s beautiful. Uh, I think people are going to eat it up. So as soon as we can do that, we will.

[00:27:53] Um, and I think it, you know, hopefully that stuff will be sooner rather than later. That’s just a stigma issue that needs to blow. [00:28:00]

[00:28:00]Bryan Fields: We’ve seen that brands can travel east, can they travel west in the future? Yeah.

[00:28:06]Graham Farrar: Uh, I’ll, I’ll be surprised. Um, certainly when, you know, when I talk about stuff, I don’t talk in, uh, in absolutes.

[00:28:12] When I say I think, you know, um, California is that, uh, California cannabis is, uh, Is, is gonna be the home for the brands. You know, I, I think it’ll be eight outta 10 brands, not a hundred percent. Of course, people can, can, uh, can grow great weed in many places, uh, especially if they’re doing it, um, inside where the climate, you know, where they’re at, doesn’t matter as much.

[00:28:33] But I’ll be pretty surprised, right? I mean, I’ll give you an example. Um, Florida, I think legalized bho like two months ago. Yeah. You know, that was 2018 in California. I don’t think you could get BHO in the door of a dispensary here today. Right. So when I say California lives in the future, that’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about is, you know, will somebody do something?

[00:28:53] Sure. But, uh, is it gonna be, you know, one out of 10 times probably, You know, So, [00:29:00] you know, I think the best weed for the most people wherever they live, is the right way to do it. And, um, So, you know, I think a national market is best for consumers, right? That’s why we have that in every other CPG product out there, right?

[00:29:12] You don’t go to Wyoming and pick your favorite Wyoming wine. You do what 95% of the wines, uh, wine drinkers in California and in the country do, which is pick a California wine, because that’s where 95% of the wine comes from, right? Like, you don’t go to. Texas and try and find a Texas strawberry to eating a strawberry Again, 90% of the strawberries in the United States come from California cuz it’s a great place to grow strawberries, right?

[00:29:34] So I think, you know, cannabis is eventually gonna be the same. What’s your

[00:29:39]Bryan Fields: perspective on interstate commerce? Obviously with California Gavin Newton’s recent bill, there has to be some excitement or maybe some trepidation. What’s your feelings on

[00:29:46]Graham Farrar: that? So, I, I, I haven’t, I have an entry interesting ish, uh, perspective, which I haven’t heard from too many other people.

[00:29:52] Right. So, um, I’ll start with the thesis that interstate commerce already exists today, right? We know, uh, that California products are across [00:30:00] the country. Uh, we know that, you know, there, you, you can get ’em in every state. So the idea that. If interstate commerce happens, like anytime you have a mutually beneficial transaction, it’s really tough to prohibit it.

[00:30:12] And what people want is California cannabis and products across the country. So, um, I think the, the first district court in a recent decision, uh, and a main residency requirement, acknowledged that there’s an interstate market. Uh, they also acknowledge that, uh, Congress’s prohibition does not invalidate the, the Constitution.

[00:30:31] And what that means is that the dormant commerce clause applies. And what the dormant Commerce Clause says is states cannot be protectionist amongst themselves. Right. And where they applied it is, uh, at a residency requirement. So they, they remain had a requirement. To get a license there, you had to be a main resident.

[00:30:48] So another way to say that is if you’re a California or any other state residents, you are discriminated. So you’re disadvantage other states to preference your, your citizens, right? And you can’t do [00:31:00] that. Uh, the Supreme Courts to steal their words on that, nothing to do with cannabis, but it’s hard to see how went and apply, uh, the Supreme Court in a, in a case on the dormant commerce Clause, said the dormant commerce clause ensures a farmer that the entire nation is his market, right?

[00:31:15] So what they’re saying is you can’t say, I don’t want. California cannabis, right? Like that’s unconstitutional. Think about what happens in the broad, in the national market when a tariff happens. Is it ever just one way? No. It’s a tariff war. So if Florida says, Hey, we don’t want California weed because we have weed growers, Well, what are the odds that California is not gonna say, Well, guess what?

[00:31:37] We don’t want Florida oranges. Right, because we’ve got orange growers. So those things are all equivalent. And does our, is our, are we still the United States of America? If that’s what we’re doing, I would say no. So I think that a ban on interstate commerce is unconstitutional. I think interstate commerce already exists.

[00:31:56] I think the only direction we’re going is further liberalization. Even if [00:32:00] it’s not legalization, it’s gonna get more liberal. So imagine people are already driving products across the country cuz there’s a price disparity. They will keep doing that because it’s a mutually beneficial transaction. Uh, and it’s only gonna get more loose and liberal.

[00:32:15] Now then contrast that with the fact that as we think about the legalization of cannabis, is there a single thing that has not been led by the. Nothing. The federal government has not done a damn thing. Right? So why would interstate commerce be any different than 100% of the legalization that has happened so far?

[00:32:36] 20 states for adult use, 40 states for medical, 100% states led. So take the pact and take. California recently signed the bill. It said, you know, interstate commerce when the time is right, there is, there’s four things that they talk about in. One is federal legalization, Don’t hold your breath. The other is, is guidance, um, uh, from the federal government that, uh, they won’t [00:33:00] interfere.

[00:33:00] You know, possible coal memo exists, right? Why? Why would this be different? That said, if you were compliant with state law, that they wouldn’t mess with you if you were compliant with two states laws. Do they start meth? I mean, that would be kind of inconsistent. Say, Oh, no, no, we only met one state. Right?

[00:33:14] So that’s not impossible. Um, and then the, the Trojan horse, uh, I think in there is. If the California Attorney General says that it doesn’t put the state its significant legal risk. California Attorney General is Rob Bonta. Rob Bonta is one of the most pro cannabis politicians out there, and the correct answer.

[00:33:32] Because intrastate commerce is no more or less federally illegal than in interstate commerce, is that interstate commerce does not put the state at significant legal risk any more so than intrastate commerce does. So that’s the right answer for him that would allow California to move. Oregon has a similar law.

[00:33:51] They’re ready to go. Logical choice is Nevada. Nevada doesn’t have enough weed. They have California tourists looking for California products. They’re more [00:34:00] interested in the retail sales and taxes. So then the question becomes, when California, Oregon, and Nevada all say, Okay, let’s do this, is the federal government gonna stay consistent with what they’ve done, Which is leave everyone alone because it’s compliant with state laws, or are they gonna be inconsistent and are they gonna start arresting whoever that truck driver was or whatnot?

[00:34:19] And if they’re gonna do that, are they gonna then start arresting all the people in those three legal states who are breaking no additional law? Then that, you know, person who drove the weed to Nevada was. I think that’s tough. I think, I think the momentum rolls with the states in that case. And, uh, you probably bust down the barrier and the states lead the way just like they did with everything else.

[00:34:37]Bryan Fields: Do you see that as sooner rather

[00:34:39]Graham Farrar: than later? I, I actually, I, I do now. We don’t forecast it. We’re not modeling it, we’re not trying to guess it. Everything that we’re doing from a business point of view assumes California only, and that’s the world. But if I start to think about it from that point of view, which is how long are people gonna wait for an the end effectiveness of the federal [00:35:00] government?

[00:35:01] When are they gonna realize that the way that we’ve done everything we’ve done is by ignoring and busting down those laws states first. and we’re putting the pieces together where you have couple producer states and a consumption state and they’ve got a shared border. And once you cross that line, Hey, no, your, There’s only kind of two ways to go, which is you go arrest everybody in every state, or you leave the guys who compliantly with both states’ laws had a transaction between states.

[00:35:30] I, I think it’s, uh, I think it’s tougher to go arrest everybody than it is to keep your head in the sand. And, uh, and then what you know now, do we get expanded coal memo guidance that says, Okay, as long as every part of the transaction is state compliant, we don’t care if it’s in the. Now you got the railways are federally legalized or federally controlled, so you could be shipping stuff.

[00:35:50] Airline airplanes are federally controlled, so you could be flying stuff like all of a sudden now you’re connecting markets. And um, I mean, I think it’s great for consumers, It’s great for the business. Like it’s the way our whole [00:36:00] country runs. To me, it just makes too much sense to think it’s gonna be otherwise.

[00:36:05]Bryan Fields: I hadn’t thought about the orange, uh, comparison until you, you did that because you’re right. Like that’s just a natural progression for okay, fine, and in retaliation, we’ll, we’ll do this. And now we’ve got ourselves a good old arms war of, of nobody wins and everyone’s just kind of at lost. So that’s a good comparison.

[00:36:19] And I think especially with Nevada, with the, the cannabis consumption lounges, you’re right. Like people even from the east coast are traveling out to Nevada hoping to get California brand. So it’s only inevitable that something like that kind of moves forward. That’s

[00:36:29]Kellan Finney: also played out though with the drinking age.

[00:36:33] Back in like the early eighties, late seventies. Right. But it was with the federal government and states. Right? So certain states had a drinking age of like 18 for three. Two beer. Mm-hmm. . And the way that the federal government was able to get states to change their law, to be in line with the federal government was by removing funding for roads.

[00:36:54] Right. So you’ve seen that kind of play out from a federal to state perspective as well. And it’ll be interesting to see how [00:37:00] it plays out state to state once commerce, uh, does come online. Cause I do think interstate commerce will come online. But I do have a question for you, Graham. There’s been a lot, I mean, interstate commerce is already existing, right?

[00:37:12] There’s cannabis that’s being across the country and people are being busted for it, right? And so they’re trying to. Get the product to where it’s wanted from a consumer perspective, but they are being busted in these gray markets. Um, which then kind of leads into this larger conversation that is the social equity kind of conversation.

[00:37:33] How does class house kind of handle some of those conversations? Is there anything? That you guys are doing personally to kind of help with the social justice aspect? Kind of walk us through that. Yeah. That topic within the

[00:37:45]Graham Farrar: industry. So, I mean, I Yeah, sure. So a couple things, right? You know, foundationally, the war on drugs is bullshit.

[00:37:50] I think we all recognize it’s not a war on drugs. It was war on people and specific people that, uh, you can find quotes from the Harry Anslinger and whatnot of the world that, that say that in [00:38:00] playing English. So the first thing the federal government should do, Is quit doing harm, Stop digging. Right? So like, we need to, you know, there’s a guy, Ali Dodson was in, uh, Alabama, I think it was, was just sentenced to seven years for selling vape pens off of Facebook.

[00:38:16] Never been arrested. Nonviolent, first offender, never been to jail. And they put him in prison for seven years for selling vape pits, right? Like he, he’s in prison and could invest. And us for doing what? He’s in prison. I mean, like we’re selling vape pens too, right? Like that’s wild when you put it like that.

[00:38:38] He didn’t have a license. It’s not exactly the same. But at the end of the day, like the impact on the world is like, so the federal government should stop doing harm. Quit digging, quit putting people in jail for, for cannabis. Um, and my partner Kyle, was a former police officer 25 years ago as a city cop, saw the drug wear first.

[00:38:55] Left the, you know, the force joined leap, which is law enforcement against Prohibition [00:39:00] because he said, This is bullshit and we’re doing, you know, this is harming communities and no one’s winning from this. He thinks all drugs should be legalized. And you know, in the case of Allie Dawson, he flew on his own dime out there to, to basically plead for this guy to the, to the federal judge and say, Hey, check me out.

[00:39:15] I’m a can. I’m a licensed cannabis grower in California. You know, I do in 15 minutes with this guy. You know, you’re putting him in jail for seven years ago. Like, don’t do it. Right? Like, we, we know these laws are gonna change, but you’re gonna take this father and like, you know, break his life for this.

[00:39:33] Like, judge didn’t hear any of that. I mean, it didn’t change, but we tried. So, uh, the other thing, you know, the next step in that, one of the reasons. You know, I think the relationship with Ali and specific was interesting is, you know, when you’re looking at seven years, you think about what your other options are.

[00:39:48] But if you go run away and you don’t turn yourself in, then you have no other options because pardoning, clemency, all the things that changed the law, you’re not eligible for. So, you know, I think thanks to Kyle and all his relationship [00:40:00] checked himself in like he was. Supposed to. And so now he’s a candidate for what we’re doing with Weldon.

[00:40:05] Angelos Weldon Project Mission Green, which is trying to get people like Ali, like, uh, Parker Coleman, like Luke Scarmazzo um, out of prison, right? I mean, Luke Scar, Maio is like, this is the craziest one. So Luke Scarmazzo was. Operating compliant with California state law just like us, right? Like same thing, you know, it was Prop 2 15, but he was following the rules in California.

[00:40:27] The feds arrested him and put him in prison where he still sits. So he’s literally in prison and could invest in a California company doing what he’s in prison for in the stock market, right? Like the, the, the hypocrisy of that is mind blowing. So, um, anyway, the solution. Welden Angelo Mission Green. Uh, the welding project, uh, the leading, I think, reformers for CLE cannabis clemency, getting these 2,700 or so people who are sitting in cages, uh, for weed outta jail.

[00:40:57] Uh, Kyle’s on their board of directors. I think a powerful [00:41:00] voice being former law enforcement, Glasshouse Farms donated $25,000 to the cause. Uh, we’ve since, you know, obviously built some other relations, uh, with well than other MSOs. You got more people participating. And I think, you know, I’d like to see more people doing what Kyle’s doing, which is standing up and saying, we’re part of this industry.

[00:41:17] There’s people who are suffering here. We need to do something to fix it. How do we apply? You know, how do we connect the flywheel of our success to stopping the damage and, you know, getting people outta jail and undoing some of the wrongs of the past. So I think it’s really important. Uh, and, you know, the industry is, uh, has that weight on their shoulder to.

[00:41:37] Move this ball forward. Yeah. I,

[00:41:39]Bryan Fields: I think it’s so critical and I, I love what your team’s doing, you know, taking from the forefront and leading directly and telling others like, This is what needs to happen. Come follow us. And, uh, I tip my hat to you and we’ll make sure to link all those up in the show notes for everyone who’s interested in participating.

[00:41:51] So,

[00:41:52]Graham Farrar: yeah, thank you for that.

[00:41:53]Bryan Fields: When you started your journey in the cannabis space, what did you get? Right? And most importantly, what

[00:41:57]Graham Farrar: did you get? Yeah. So, um, [00:42:00] so I was, you know, I’ve kind, I was a tech guy by training. That’s my back background, software.com, Sonos. Um, you know, that was like my kind of career, but I was always a cannabis lover by passion.

[00:42:09] So all the way back to, you know, college and in the background, uh, growing weed and I saw Prop 64 coming. Um, and, uh, You know, it was kind of what I thought was happened, which is you can’t, you know, keep the truth to steal a line from Jason Wild. The truth always happens. And the truth is that cannabis is not what people said it was.

[00:42:28] Right. It did. You know, every study that comes out, it doesn’t make you lazy. It doesn’t make you fat, it doesn’t, you know, it’s like, it’s basically take every study and everything they told us and 180 of that and your odds are better that you’re right than than wrong. Right. And so, and I saw that firsthand.

[00:42:41] I started using Canvas very young. My friends used it. People don’t get in fights. They don’t drive their cars fast. Like, you know, like they don’t do crazy things. Like they laugh, they giggle, they like, it’s like, you know, it makes us better, not worse. Um, and so I always believe that that would come to pass.

[00:42:55] Um, and that’s when, you know, we started Glasshouse Farms is when we thought, you know, we saw, saw this coming, [00:43:00] the. So I think right about that, right? I’m lucky in that I get to sit, uh, in this kind of intersection where I get to hear all the amazing stories of, uh, you know, people whose PTSD has help, people who sleep better, people have pain relief, people whose, uh, you know, kids in some cases, uh, have relief from seizures and ps I mean, you know, all this stuff, right?

[00:43:18] I get to hear that. So I like, I’m constantly feel validated and like it is making the world a better place. The thing I got the most wrong is thinking that if you gave people new information, That they would want to change their mind. So thankfully, 90% of people are like that, but there’s the other 10% who just don’t or can’t.

[00:43:38] Right. And so I don’t know if that’s the people who. Taught DARE for 50 years. And so it’s too painful for them to say, Oh no shit. I, you know, taught 50 years of class is the wrong thing. Or people who need, you know, drugs to be a problem because they had a problem or someone they know had a problem. And so they can’t admit that, you know, it wasn’t the [00:44:00] drugs.

[00:44:00] Right. Maybe something that we have going on our president, right? Like his sons has issues with drugs and he was a drug warrior, and if he now says, Oh no, that was wrong, Like you have to acknowledge a lot of pain. You have to acknowledge. It’s not the drug’s fault, but maybe, you know, your son needs help.

[00:44:14] Right. And I think those things hold back a lot of people. And I guess, uh, I’m sure I have blind spots, but that was, that surprised me that it’s like, Hey, look, it, it doesn’t do all these things that they told you it did. Oh no, that’s okay. We don’t care. We still hate it. Right. Like, that blew my mind. What is one

[00:44:29]Bryan Fields: factor statistic operating in the California market that would shock the rest of the industry?

[00:44:35]Graham Farrar: Hmm. Uh, That’s a good question. Um, I mean, I, So here, here’s what I would say, how few, how everyone thinks. California is an unlimited license state. It’s not right. The state level is unlimited. There’s no limits to them, but you only get a state license if you have the approval of your municipality. There’s 438 municipalities, [00:45:00] counties, and cities in California.

[00:45:01] 60% of them bann. Cannabis dispensaries. So California as a state is 60% prohibited, right? From a retail perspective. So I think, you know, one of the things, a stat, right? Uh, Oklahoma has one 10th of the people that California does and two times the dispensaries, 10th the size and twice as many dispensaries.

[00:45:22] We have 1000 dispensaries in California. There’s 11,000 liquor. Colorado, Oregon, Washington each have about one dispensary, one legal dispensary for every 5,000 people in California, it’s one dispensary for every 40,000 people. Right? So the, you know, the idea that we have, uh, eighth of the dispensaries per person.

[00:45:43] All of our neighboring states, I think is not something that people recognize, and I think it’s one of the things that we need to really focus on. You know, within our California world, which is oversupply, which people talk about a lot, and under demand are two sides of the same coin. If we had 10 times the dispensaries to connect, [00:46:00] Legal product to consumers, I think you’d have a lot more happy farmers.

[00:46:03] I think you’d have a much healthier ecosystem, and I think it’s doable, and I know it’s doable because it worked fine. Under Prop two 15, we probably have a 10th of dispensaries that we used to have. So we, The bad news is we broke it. The good news is because we broke it, we can fix it. So I think that’s something that we need to fix and it’ll help a lot of the issues that California’s having, which is give people a legal option, give ’em a tested option, give ’em an option to support legal farmers.

[00:46:26] The best way to get ready to elit market is not enforcement to outcompete them. And we do that. Yeah. I give consumers better service, better value, uh, than what they’re getting elsewhere.

[00:46:37]Bryan Fields: Before we do predictions, we ask all of our guests, If you could sum up your experience in a main takeaway or lesson, learn to pass onto the next generation, what would it.

[00:46:46]Graham Farrar: Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. So I think a lot of it takes, uh, it takes believing that you, you can do something. I mean, at the end of the day, stealing, steal Steve Jobs words, right? The universe was invented by people no smarter than [00:47:00] us. So, you know, find something you’re passionate about.

[00:47:03] Find something you think will make the world a better place if it’s business. Find something you think, you know, you can make money and build an, you know, sustainable and during business on, and then just go do it because, uh, you know, everybody else who was successful, like. They didn’t wait for someone to hand it to ’em, they went out and made it happen.

[00:47:18] And if you think you can do it, and you know you can get anywhere, as long as you don’t get up, give up. So just best way to get good is get going, go have at it. Don’t stop until you’re satisfied.

[00:47:29]Bryan Fields: Love it. All right. Prediction time. Graham, it’s 2027. We consumers prefer craft or commercial cannabis. And how will they tell the difference?

[00:47:40]Graham Farrar: I’m glad you asked that question. So, I, my, I think that there is a place for everything, right? And, um, well, I, you know, cannabis is much better than alcohol. I’m gonna use a, an alcohol analogy here, which is one of my favorite beers is, uh, plenty of the elder, uh, from Russia. Yeah, right. Amazing. You [00:48:00] know, couple of those things with steak, I mean, dinner, whatever, like incredible.

[00:48:04] To get a rush plane of the elder, you basically have to go to Santa Rosa and get it at the Russian River burning. Now I love it. Whenever I go, I grab a 12 pack and I bring it home and I, you know, carefully meter them out of outta my fridge. If I was at the beach on an 85 degree day, I would not want a plenty of the elder.

[00:48:23] I would rather, I would like a six pack of Pacifica. Easy drinking. Plenty of them. You can get Pacifica everywhere right now. Pacifico’s, not fucking plain of elder and pine of elders, not fucking Pacifico. They are both things. Good for different people, good for different times, and they both should exist, right?

[00:48:41] So I think the answer to your question is, How you define craft and how you define commercial? I’m not even gonna get into it because I, I don’t think anyone has a good definition. But I will say I think there’s awesome, and again, like wine is another example. Awesome. Opportunities I think we should have direct to consumer commerce for, uh, farmers [00:49:00] and humble, and I think they should be selling eights, uh, that they’re probably selling before they’ve even harvested it to people who are believe and are totally excited about what they’re doing.

[00:49:08] I think we should also have. Pacifico, you can call that glass house or whatever that is, where there’s gonna be products that you can get on the shelf of every dispensary across the country. Um, Casamigos good example. Is Casamigos hard to find? No. Am I glad it’s not hard to find? Yes. Right. Like 1942 s more expensive, better.

[00:49:28] I’ll call it better tequila, but it’s not better for my margarita on a Tuesday. It’s overpriced and would be wasted into Margarita. Like all these things should exist. So I think there’s room for everybody. We need to break the barriers down the walls between states. There’s plenty of audience for small batched producers.

[00:49:46] There’s plenty of audience for the casamigos of cannabis. Um, there’s even, and you know, frankly, there’s a whole nother level that none of us are thinking of, like, When alcohol and like those folks really show up, there’s a whole, I mean we’re not even there. Like, [00:50:00] my guess is Glasshouse ends up looking more like log Anitas than the big, you know, guys like we think we’re big-ish because of what we’re compared to.

[00:50:09] Right? It’s like if the only thing that existed was your local micro bro, you’d think log this was giant. But guess what? There’s a whole world of Budweisers and cos and you know, global behemoth, right? And. That’s, that’s real commercial. We haven’t, we don’t know what it looks like in this industry yet. So I think the answer is, and, and they ex deserve to exist too.

[00:50:29] I think the answer is all the above. Consumer wants. It should be, it should exist for them to choose from. Yeah. You’re

[00:50:33]Bryan Fields: a big fish in a small pond and soon will be a. Small fish in a gigantic

[00:50:39]Graham Farrar: pond. Yeah. And I, and I think that’s one of the things that I’d like to see Glasshouse do, right? Is we have a foot in the, in the prop two 15, you know, days of, uh, of medical markets, right?

[00:50:50] We have a foot in the scale and, you know, efficiency side, I think that we can help, you know, carry a flag for where cannabis came from. With some [00:51:00] success against what, you know, what will come right in, in a way that not, not a whole bunch of people can. And we really, this, this company’s made of people who love the plant, um, who’ve been growing it for a long time.

[00:51:11] I, you know, my head growers, we went to high school together. We’ve been growing weed together for 20 something years, right? Like, He’s here cuz he loves weed and like I do wants to make the best weed that we can get to as many people as possible. Like, there’s gonna be, people come who’ve never even seen this thing.

[00:51:25] I, they don’t know what Prop two 15 is. They don’t know what medical is right to them. It’s a spreadsheet and, and uh, and I hope we can hold the line a little bit against that and, and keep some of the history that’s there and, and keep it moving forward in, in the future. Ke.

[00:51:38]Kellan Finney: I think that it depends on the product skew.

[00:51:40] So I think if someone, a consumer’s gonna go purchase like flour, that they’re gonna break up with their hands and put into their favorite smoking device, right? I think that that most likely, that section of the market would most likely be a craft market, um, that is dominated craft product that’s dominated.

[00:51:57] But if you’re looking at. Vape pens [00:52:00] or edibles that are derived from the extraction of the plant and consumers never see the bud structure, all these other qualities that go into cultivating a high end cannabis plant, I think that that is gonna favor more of like a commercial operation where there is a ton of um, kind of cost cutting that goes on, which is.

[00:52:24] When you would see more industrial operations, when they start cost cutting, it kind of, uh, decreases the quality, right? And so I think that a lot of, like the lower quality flower will end up being processed to generate all of these other form factors that are proliferating the industry. That’s my guess.

[00:52:43] What do you think? I mean both.

[00:52:45]Bryan Fields: Both will absolutely matter, right? At the end of the day there’s, there’s opportunities for both. And it depends exactly like you guys both said on the consumer preference. And I think the fact that some people think can only be one or the other is, is too single minded and that’s not how life works, right?

[00:52:58] Like at the end of the day, [00:53:00] that’s just not really how the world works. And I think the beauty is still yet to unfold. And I think there’s many consumers out there that may in the future, baby craft, maybe craft is their choice. Maybe they. They’ll be not right. It’s still so early. And just a matter of, of putting great products in front of people and people like yourself, Graham, who, who love the plant and do things in order to give other people here on the East Coast.

[00:53:19] An opportunity to experience that is, is really what you can hold for in the future of the

[00:53:23]Graham Farrar: industry. Yeah, I think the, the skew level, uh, nuance is, is a great call and I think, you know, in, in any given sector, There’s conos and there’s, and, and there’s not, and most people aren’t Conos, right? Yes. Agreed. But it’s tequila, wine, beer.

[00:53:39] Like, I like beer probably more than most. Like I’m willing to go, you know, make a special trip to get something. But I’m certainly not anywhere on the spectrum of like, conos, right? Like, have I brewed my own beer? Uh, of a handful of times, yes. But, you know, not, I’m not a knoe and for tequila, the same thing and that, So I think there’s gonna be, and that’s the, I think the thing is [00:54:00] right, If you give us a national market, There’s enough connoisseurs yes.

[00:54:03] To keep a whole bunch of farmers doing special things in, in an awesome spot. And then there’s the main, you know, the middle of the triangle, right? Where people who want that cost amigos thing like you, you know, you get it everywhere and they’re happy and satisfied with it. And it gives ’em the right brand feel and quality and cost value intersection like, and that’s great.

[00:54:22] And then you’re gonna be, there’s gonna be people who just want the, you. She most banged for their buck. Right. And that’s the, you know, you know, the Coors Lights and things like that. And, and, and again, none of those were wrong. And I don’t, this, this industry surprises me that they, like, they wanna fight against.

[00:54:38] Too often I think they wanna fight of like a, Hey, I’m 1942 and I hate casamigos. Right? Like, what? Like we’re all loving tequila, like you’re doing your thing, working our thing. Like, can’t we just be tequila drinkers? Like, and that’s, you know, I hope we can get past that. I think it’s mostly a reflection of the pain out there and people wanting a place to put it, uh, more than it is like a, I mean, if the consumer wants to [00:55:00] buy it, how can you say it’s.

[00:55:01] Right,

[00:55:01]Kellan Finney: Right. I mean, I would buy some brick weed just for like the reminiscing factor of like taking back to high school. You know what

[00:55:07]Bryan Fields: I mean? Are you taking a shot at me

[00:55:08]Graham Farrar: with that one? My bet is if you did, it will get you amazingly stoned too. . There’s different turkeys that’s in that in like profile, and if you haven’t smoked it in a while, it’s almost like a.

[00:55:19] Taking a tea break and uh, and going back. Going back cuz I, Oh wow. done it a couple times and it’s a different, different high. It’s, it rock your world a little bit. Can

[00:55:27]Bryan Fields: imagine. So Grant, for our listeners, they wanna get in touch, they wanna buy glass house products. Where can they find you?

[00:55:33]Graham Farrar: Um, so I mean, most dispensaries in California, um, uh, certainly our stores, which is the Pharmacy and Natural Healing Centers, um, you can go to glasshouse farms.org, which is our website.

[00:55:44] Um, and then also keep an eye Plus, plus gummies, uh, is our brand and is awesome. Uh, I love that it works really well on both medical and the rec side, um, because it’s easy to titrate. So whether you’re looking for, uh, you know, treating something with one of the high ratio CBDs or just fun on a Friday night, it does both of [00:56:00]’em Sleep.

[00:56:00] Gummies are amazing, especially ones with CBN and the Half Man, I half not. So it gets you down quick and it keeps you, keeps you asleep as well, so that’s awesome. Um, uh, Forbidden Flowers. Field extracts. Uh, Mama Sue, which is, uh, one of our partners, uh, Sue Taylor. Awesome woman. Uh, used to be a, uh, a Catholic principal now a cannabis.

[00:56:21] Evangelist, uh, you know, senior black woman and like, you know, talking to a whole different demographic and going to our senior shutters. She’s amazing. Um, so you know, all those things. But, uh, I would start with the pharmacy and then check out the website. Yeah,

[00:56:35]Bryan Fields: we’ll link it all up in the show notes.

[00:56:36] Thanks so much for taking time.

[00:56:37]Graham Farrar: This was fun. Yeah, it was great talking you guys. Thanks for

[00:56:39]Bryan Fields: having [00:56:40]Graham Farrar: me. Thank you.

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Editors’ Note: This is the transcript version of the podcast. Please note that due to time and audio constraints, transcription may not be perfect. We encourage you to listen to the podcast, embedded below if you need any clarification. We hope you enjoy!

This week we are joined by Brady Cobb, Founder of Sunburn, to discuss:

  • Florida Cannabis Market
  • The Why behind Sunburn
  • Publix effect
  • Sunburn vs. Trulieve?

About Brady Cobb: Brady Cobb is the founder and former CEO of Bluma Wellness, which was recently acquired by Cresco Labs. He founded One Plant Florida in 2018, a boutique-style medical marijuana company and that holds one of the fourteen medical marijuana treatment center licenses in the State of Florida. Cobb is a lawyer, entrepreneur and advocate for cannabis reform in Washington, DC, where he works with lobbyists and representatives to better the state of the industry through law. 

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At Eighth Revolution (8th Rev) we provide services from capital to cannabinoid and everything in between in the cannabinoid industry.

8th Revolution Cannabinoid Playbook is an Industry-leading report covering the entire cannabis supply chain

The Dime is a top 50 Cannabis Podcast 

Contact us directly at [email protected] Bryan Fields: @bryanfields24 Kellan Finney: @Kellan_Finney

[00:00:00] Good to go.

[00:00:01]Bryan Fields: What’s up guys. Welcome back to the episode of the dime. I’m Brian Fields. I’m with me as always as ke Finney. And this week we’ve got a very special guest Brady, Cobb founder of sunburn cannabis Brady. Thanks for taking the time. How you doing

[00:00:10]Brady Cobb: today? Good, man. My pleasure. Thanks for having me.

[00:00:12]Bryan Fields: I’m excited to dive in. Ke how are you doing?

[00:00:14]Kellan Finney: I’m doing really well. Looking forward to talking

[00:00:16] to Brady today. How are you, Brian?

[00:00:17]Bryan Fields: I’m doing good. This is our, uh, live first edition here at been seeing a capital conference. So before we dive in Brady thoughts on how the been seeing a capital

[00:00:25]Brady Cobb: conference is.

[00:00:26] I think it’s high energy. It was, uh, I think it’s, I think something like over 2000 attendees, which is up from, even from the Miami show, I think it kind of continues to demonstrate the interest in the sector with everything going on. Uh, you look at the federal macro, you look at a lot of the state based adoption.

[00:00:40] You look at the eyes from the street, traditional, you know, investors are starting to take a peak. It’s a great place to come. I’m very, very happy with the attendance and the energy. It seems like people are pretty stoked to be here. Yeah, absolutely. I think it’s

[00:00:51]Bryan Fields: a great energy and a great conference. And for our listeners that aren’t familiar about, you can give a little background about you and how you got into the cannabis space.

[00:00:57]Brady Cobb: Yeah, so I, I was a, I’m a [00:01:00] lawyer, but I say I’m in recovery. Um, on like my 11th step. But my, my passion for cannabis, you know, not a lot of lawyers have big passions for cannabis. I’ve been a user of the plant and, and a big fan of the plant. You know, since way too young, my mom would probably not be happy to hear the actual age.

[00:01:16] Uh, my passion for it comes from my family history. So my father in 1977 and 1983, he was one of the biggest smugglers of cannabis in the history, the justice department. Uh, so every kid wants to be like their dad. He went to prison. I wanted to avoid that part. So instead of running shrimp boats full of weed into Florida from Columbia, I decided to go to law.

[00:01:33] Uh, learned how to change the laws. And he died in 2010 and that was kind of the seminal moment for me to put up or shut up and go do it. So I started doing a lot of the regulatory work in the early years out west, uh, did the first kind of Canadian transactions representing AF RIA and others as they looked to enter the us, uh, took my first trip to Lemington back in like, you know, 15, uh, Emily Paxio was the only other person I know that was actually up there at the, the us side, but, you know, Liberty health started that company founder, uh, [00:02:00] exited when they went to biomass route, bought another license, uh, called three boys’ farms, turned that into BMA, one plant focused, exclusively on premium.

[00:02:07] We live and die with the quality of our flower hands. That’s it. So sold that to Cresco. I actually just had a great breakfast with Charlie this morning to catch up. Uh, corporate cannabis was not for me. So Wes management team, we exited last. And we’re back in the game, we just acquired the med med assets in Florida.

[00:02:23] So we’re getting ready to relaunch those.

[00:02:24]Kellan Finney: So, uh, after your second successful exit, what was the motivation for kind of jumping back in with sunburn?

[00:02:30]Brady Cobb: It’s a great question. So two, two twofold answer. Uh, number one, I can’t sit at home and the industry is still we’re in the second inning. Uh, maybe for me.

[00:02:38] And as I look around, we do, uh, we’re data geeks. So as we studied the marketplace, You look at the data points and I’m big fan of headset where a client headset, they demonstrated to us that there’s a gap in the market. When I say there’s a gap in the market, most of the MSOs, most of the big operators in the state, especially Florida, 70% of the market share in Florida is average product or worse.[00:03:00]

[00:03:00] We specialize in high end product and there’s most of the brands from a brand positioning standpoint where huge believers in the brands are ultimately, what’s gonna. They’re all very generic medicinal and feel kind of very similar to each other. We’re we’re gonna go be a very, we’re gonna adopt cannabis culture.

[00:03:16] So that was number one is we saw a gap in the market we saw, okay. There’s a lane for us. Second thing is I’ve always, I’ve been waiting 25 years to launch this brand. We’ve literally been working on the brand for 20 years. Uh, we, my creative director who was a screen, uh, screenwriter play actor out in LA, we went to Florida state together.

[00:03:33] He began interviewing my dad when we were at Florida state together. And when I told him the story one night over beers, and he’s like, there’s no way that story’s true. I took him out to introduce him to my dad. And he started interviewing him. You know, we have all the Miami Herald articles. We have interviews with the federal judges, the DEA.

[00:03:47] So we probably have a thousand hours of audio, all his Columbian partners, all his partners, every the, the appellate court judge who had to sentence him, the federal judge who had to. So we built this story and it’s uniquely authentic. And I think [00:04:00] outside of burner’s story in cannabis, there’s really now authentic cannabis brands out there.

[00:04:04] They’re all made in, in a marketing office somewhere, and we believe it’s gonna differentiate us. And I’ve been waiting to release this IP. It was actually supposed to go out as a multis series, Netflix. and we sold it to imperative entertainment. In 2014, we bought it back from ’em when they didn’t actually launch it.

[00:04:18] We didn’t put it in BMA. Blue mode was not called sunburns. I didn’t control the cap table right now. Cresco, as much as I love Charlie would own my dad’s story and I would be jumping off a bridge. So we’ve been waiting for this moment to go back and relaunch it. We think it’s a perfect time. As brands are starting to really matter to go do it, getting the capital raise to go do it was fucking hard.

[00:04:39] uh, but what kept me going was the opportunity to launch the. Tell the story. So you always knew

[00:04:44]Bryan Fields: you’d be back in the game. It was just a matter of

[00:04:46]Brady Cobb: time. I took some time off. I mean, I had a hell of a run from Liberty from soul global in the AF RIA short to Liberty health to three boys, one plant where we built out a business that had 25 million CapEx needs with 14 million, [00:05:00] uh, got to scale, you know, we had the second highest volume on a per store basis.

[00:05:04] We’re the only ones that were there, kind of clipping away at Kim. Um, And she’s done a tremendous job in, in what she’s done in Florida, but just different business models. And I knew I was coming back, but I needed some time off. We took a month off and just sat in Aspen, uh, and just turned my brain off. I didn’t answer my phone for like three weeks after we left and then it was okay, let’s do some consulting.

[00:05:23] So we focused our consulting as a team cuz I kept the whole team together. It was really humbling for me. One. I left Cresco and said I was leaving my whole team go. We’re going with you? I go, I don’t have anything. They go, we’ll figure it out. So we did some consulting work. We focused on California and Arizona for turnarounds.

[00:05:36] Two reasons, a plenty of work, a lot of turnaround opportunities out there. B uh, Studying those markets and what was moving in those markets, especially Arizona, cuz that’s the most recent state to go from medical to adult use. I wanted to see what makes successful in a flip. So we went out there, we studied, we started running swats on those markets.

[00:05:55] We’ve been running a SWAT on the Florida market since 2018. 400 pages. [00:06:00] We just digitized it with Microsoft BI, where we’re actually now scrubbing and actually pulling data every day to see where pricing is, marketing, branding, discounts, everything. And we saw the opportunity in that if the stores that do really well in those markets, that flip are well located stores with high quality product that have ample parking, the tertiary locations and shopping centers don’t do as well.

[00:06:21] So we looked at them, we looked around and okay, we wanna come back into Florida. That’s where we all. I moved my grow team across the country. Once I moved them from California and Colorado to do one plant, I, they didn’t want to go anywhere else. I didn’t want to go anywhere else. So we said, we’re doing it here.

[00:06:32] Then we looked at what’s available of all the licenses that were available as we were doing SWAT analysis on all the licenses that were available. Med men was, it was a clear winner, uh, with the store locations and the ample parking. I mean, they spent three and a half million bucks a store on. build up They’re palaces.

[00:06:47] Um, and they did the hard work were main street locations, Alton and 13th and south beach with 40 parking spots. CMAA street and west Palm Deerfield beach pier Sarasota, right in downtown. I mean, these are sites that fit right with [00:07:00] what we wanna do. I don’t want a hundred stores. I want 25 stores. Cause I ultimately believe our goal is to use the stores like apple used stores to immerse the consumer and the.

[00:07:10] And then ultimately be able to sell it elsewhere. Um, our whole plan is I don’t need 150 stores or 50 stores. I need 25. Well located stores immerse the consumer in the brand. And when the wall comes down and brands matter, now we have a hyper local brand with a cult following, hopefully knocking on wood that everybody would want to distribute otherwise and not have that retail exposure because in my humble opinion, as soon as traditional retail can sell cannabis, they’re gonna fucking.

[00:07:35] sell it And they’re really good at selling stuff. That’s

[00:07:37]Bryan Fields: what they thrive on so quickly. I’d love to know like the, the sunburn. I know it has some, some history with you and your dad. I’d love to know quickly on that. Just for our listeners. Don’t know. The premium standpoint, I know pricing is, is a big factor in the Florida market.

[00:07:50] So I’d love to know how you go about attacking that. Cause I know Floridas are looking for deals and you’ve kind of narrowed down exactly how to approach the market specifically and harder to have these premium products

[00:07:59]Brady Cobb: still sell. [00:08:00] Well, that’s a great question. So on sunburn, the DEA task force, the, the joint DEA DOJ task force that was commissioned in 1981 to take my father down the year I was born, he was ultimately indicted in 1983 was dubbed operation sunburn So it’s our little tip of the hat to every OG, anyone that’s ever taken a chance to keep the plant, anyone that’s ever smuggled, Florida’s probably by the way, Florida’s got a rich culture in that. Yeah. You know, is the smuggling capital of probably the drug smuggling capital of the United States. If you’ll go back from the sixties all the way up to.

[00:08:30] Present day there’s a groupers, right? Yeah. There is square groupers. There’s, there’s a, there’s a seizure in the paper or bales found floating every couple days in Florida. So it’s our little way to make it authentic and unique to Florida. And that’s why we named it sunburn cannabis. It’s also a middle finger to the DEA and the federal government so, uh, the second piece of it on pricing is, and that’s a great question.

[00:08:53] You know, the average pricing in Florida right now for an eighth is I think, as I saw it yesterday on our system was right around 42 bucks pre. [00:09:00] So the way we distinguish it is I have a hard time discounting a product that’s high quality to me. I hear the word discount. I believe it implies there’s something wrong with it.

[00:09:10] And I think that’s why you see the heavy discounts across the big three in Florida, because there is something wrong with it because the cultivation facilities were thrown together rather quickly. There’s not a focus on cultivation. So it’s a lot of average product. Well only right now we have 700,000 in change patients.

[00:09:27] There’s 23 million residents. So the black market is kicking everybody’s ass. As I’ve always said, I don’t compete with Kim rivers or Boris or George Artos. I compete with the black market. That’s always been when we built one plant, that was our mission to the team is we are gonna grow good enough flour and put good enough saltless concentrates on the market that people will go get their card.

[00:09:47] They will stop buying from their local plug, sorry. And they will come into the stores and it worked. I even had some of the local plugs coming into the stores to buy product and getting their medical cards. So for us, it’s [00:10:00] about, I reward people for buying. So the thing in Florida, that’s often overlooked from a CPG standpoint, and that’s where having a guy like Ryan Martin on my team is, is critical.

[00:10:09] Who comes with 25 years of alcohol experience. It’s commonly known in CPG. It’s not much talked about in cannabis, but there’s something in Florida called the public’s effect. And when I say that, I mean, Publix has a 70 share of the grocery market. That’s unheard of almost nationally for one grocery. And by the way, they own win Dixie’s real estate too.

[00:10:25] So take their share up even more. So at Publix, the consumer in Florida is conditioned to look for. Because on any given day, there’s a BOGO on any aisle. So the consum, the Florida consumers kind of pre-programed to look for a deal. What we attacked it as cuz we had a higher quality product is I will reward you for buying more on a bulk deal.

[00:10:44] I’m not just gonna discount it. So we, you work on, you have to pricing architecture and you have to be disciplined to set it up in a way that you still achieve the. Net price after discount that you want, but it’s gotta be tied to quality and look at what jungle boys just did. So they launched with no [00:11:00] discounts, $45 ACE, and they set the single week.

[00:11:02] The, the, the one week record for most ounces sold per store. The closest, I think truly, truly was had the leader at four and change 400 ounces plus or minus per on a per store basis. Was the record. Our highest ever we ever got was right around three 80. They did a thousand out of a store in O on no discount.

[00:11:19] Premium product premium flour, proper genetics. Couldn’t couldn’t keep it in stock. They actually had to shut the store after the first three days, coz they ran out of everything that shows anyone can talk to me about price compression. All they want that lives in the mid tiers and down. you have a proper product on the shelf.

[00:11:37] It’s gone. That was our experience. Our inventory at one plant, we were net 40 days and it was all gone. We had a problem of replenishing the stores. So as long as you put quality out there and you commit to that, you’d feel less pricing compression pressure. If you don’t, you’re gonna have a problem. What do you think is, uh, causing all these other, uh, operators to not maintain that high quality on the shelves in these markets?

[00:11:57]Kellan Finney: You think it’s like multiple variables? You think it’s like [00:12:00] a combinate compounding?

[00:12:01]Brady Cobb: I think it’s commitment. You gotta. I think they’re kind of tied to, they’re tied to the beast almost in a way. And I say that, I mean, you go out, you go multi-state, you go public. You are now beholden to earnings reports.

[00:12:16] And when you’re beholden to those earnings reports, you can’t pull your cultivation facilities offline, especially in a vertical market to do retrofits, cuz you’re then gonna miss your earnings. Unless your lunatic CEO in this market want to miss earnings and have your stock down 80. , it’s not gonna be a fun ride.

[00:12:31] So the minute what what’s often overlooked in cannabis and it’s, I think it’s largely not, not taking a shot here, but I think it’s just it’s fact largely, most aside, aside from like Matt, Darren, and Ben, there’s not a lot of, of CEOs that, that have actual cannabis cultivation experience and or commitment to the plan, uh, and understand what it means to do premium at scale.

[00:12:54] It’s hard. It’s a. You know, it’s when you’re, when you’re a big wholesaler in Illinois, you’re just churn stuff out. You [00:13:00] want stuff on the shelves to do that premium at scale, nobody’s really done it yet, to be honest cookies try, but I think they got too big, too quick. Uh, they went and did the licensing route instead of maintaining quality.

[00:13:11] So the, the weed you buy from cookies in Michigan is not what you used to buy in Melrose in LA. And that’s their problem. So to do it at scale, it takes commitment. You kind of gotta know who you want to be versus who you don’t want to be, because it’s what you say no to that will define success in my opinion, not what you say yes to.

[00:13:25] So do you want to have 900 skews, every ratio, product known to demand, or do you want to focus on flour and saltless concentrates? That’s what we do. We’re disciplined. That’s what we’re focusing on. We’ll offer edibles, but like the ancillary products that are 3 to 4% of sales nationally, that’s just, that’s not.

[00:13:41] Happy to have you go to truly even buy that. If you want high quality flour, come here. You want ROSN come here. You want a good ROSN vape? Come here. Um, that it, it it’s. I think your question is a great one. I think it’s just largely the decisions you make on the front end of a cannabis business are gonna affect the decisions you can make on the [00:14:00] pricing on the back end.

[00:14:00] I think that was overlooked in the gold rush to get online and to get to scale. So I think it was just a matter of, okay, just get it going. And then once you’re going. It’s really hard to pivot, cuz remember, let’s say you wanted to change your garden. You’re talking about being offline from a product standpoint for six months, minimum, the decisions that we’re making right now in the garden from a genetic standpoint, we’re not gonna see the benefit of until April.

[00:14:26] So it’s, it’s a, it’s steering an aircraft carrier, you know, you’re trying to turn around something you can’t just, it’s not a quick turn, so you could throw as much money at as you want, but unless you’re committed to it, I think it’s just, everyone got too big too. We’ve seen brands

[00:14:40]Bryan Fields: can go east can eventually brands go west.

[00:14:42]Brady Cobb: So that’s on my, you know, our, our B a in the office, our big, hairy audacious goal in the office is to plant the flag in California, build sunburn in Florida. We already did it with one plant once. Uh, we produced flour and concentrates that we were able to take out to California and show off and it worked.

[00:14:58] My whole thing is it can [00:15:00] go east to west. We are gonna be, you know, biggie smalls going out to the LA rap game. That’s the goal amazing, uh, that is 1000% the B a for my crew is going east to west and, and showing that Florida, by the way, Florida it’s often overlooked has a as deep of a cultivation and cannabis, history and culture.

[00:15:19] As California, as deep Florida has been known for me for a long time. Huge, huge. And by the way, it’s people have been growing weed and moving weed through Florida. For 50, 60 years. Yeah. So at the end of the day, there’s a lot of really talented growers. There’s a lot of really passionate people. It’s a part of the lifestyle.

[00:15:35] I mean, you’re in the Florida keys, you’re sitting on a dock, you’re smoking a joint. Uh, it’s been there for a long time. We just, we lagged in the state adoption. So that’s our goal go west. What is one factor

[00:15:46]Bryan Fields: statistic operating in the cannabis industry that would shock most individuals?

[00:15:51]Brady Cobb: That’s a, that is actually a, that’s a great question.

[00:15:53] Let me think about that for a second. I would have to say. With all of the something we just talked about [00:16:00] with all of the price compression, I was shocked to see the average frontline price is still around 40 bucks in Florida. You hear price, there’s a price impression article every three or four days and every earnings report they talk about it.

[00:16:12] I think the other thing is the true size of the black market. When you study the size of the black market, it is fucking huge and that we haven’t even scratched the surface yet. Not yet. I know

[00:16:24]Kellan Finney: I was looking at some data and it said the black market could be like 60 to 70 billion. And we’re looking at like the total med and rack market of like 30 billion.

[00:16:31] So it’s just absolutely insane how big that market is.

[00:16:33]Brady Cobb: And that’s the thing I think on a branding side and a culture side, people understand most consumers, most, most of the big companies that are out there operating right now believe they have to reintroduce this category to consumer. my argument always has been now they know exactly what it is.

[00:16:52] They’re buying been buying it in glad sandwich bags that are fucking rolled up for how long and Starbucks parking lots. This is not rocket science. You may have to teach them [00:17:00] a new, okay, this is a CBD three to one or whatever it is, or this is now a tincture. This is how you use your pen, but they understand it.

[00:17:07] It has its own culture. It has its own movies. It has its own language. It has its own, uh, you know, music is, I mean, you didn’t go to a. Look back. How far, how far back could you go? Where a concert where cannabis, wasn’t a part of it to make enhance it. It’s been making people be able to tolerate their in-laws for generations.

[00:17:25] So at the end of the day, it’s like, you don’t have to run away from that. Then I feel like so many companies shy away from it. It’s okay. No, we’re gonna be clean. I hate the fucking word normalize. It drives me nuts. No, it already is normalized guys. There’s a huge. Excellent. Three to four exercises of the legal market on a good day.

[00:17:45] And everyone’s been totally fine buying from a shady guy out of a car or gal out of a trunk and glad sandwich bags like no one cared. So you think you have to create this experience where you shy away from the culture. I couldn’t be in more violent disagreement with that. Let’s do a quick rapid [00:18:00] fire hit me.

[00:18:00] True false. The

[00:18:01]Bryan Fields: location of dispensary is just as important as the quality of the product in the store. True. Psychedelics has a

[00:18:07]Brady Cobb: medicine yay or nay 1000. Homegrown yay or nay. Yes.

[00:18:12]Bryan Fields: True or false. You have the most appearances on the high-rise podcast.

[00:18:15]Brady Cobb: I, Matt, Matt from Nita might have me. McKinley might have me, but I think I’m close.

[00:18:20] What non

[00:18:21]Bryan Fields: recreational state do you think is under the radar and PO to turn

[00:18:24]Brady Cobb: heads PO to turn heads, uh, non recreational state PO to, I mean, obviously Pennsylvania is probably, I think gonna be a relatively good one. Um, non. Alabama North Carolina north. Carolina’s gonna be a big one. We’re they have a big economy too.

[00:18:41] They’ve got north. Carolina’s gonna be a big one, Alabama. We’re we’re going, we’ve been working on our Alabama piece for about a year. That’ll be, you know, organically. We’re going after that. The regs are gonna be pretty strict outta the gate though. I mean the initial draft of everything’s non no smokeable in Alabama in Alabama.

[00:18:57] So it’s gonna take a second. Yeah. What year [00:19:00] will Florida be at Dell use? I believe 2020. when Florida goes rec will medical

[00:19:05]Bryan Fields: operators be allowed to

[00:19:05]Brady Cobb: switch to recreational? Yes, that’ll be actually I believe the tech, the framework will be such that the existing licensees will service the market. What causes more disruption in the cannabis

[00:19:15]Bryan Fields: industry, interstate commerce or federal legalization?

[00:19:20]Brady Cobb: I think it’s federal legalization. I don’t interstate commerce to me and I had gotten much, you know, the Canali all have a dartboard. They. they, my fixtures on it. They throw darts at it because we had a few debates on this. I don’t think interstate commerce is not gonna be that disruptive to operators and brands.

[00:19:36] This notion that everything’s gonna go California and be shipped across the country, by the way, flower, degrades quickly, uh, as you’re shipping it and moving it, it degrades even quicker. Um, I, I don’t see it by the way. It’s gonna take a second, cuz you gotta think about it from a state based perspective.

[00:19:51] The state regulatory systems that are already in place. Are going to allow for those operators in those states and those products in those states to be [00:20:00] protected, the states are gonna have their own rule. You’ll never convince me that this will not be rolled out the same way as alcohol and federal legalization.

[00:20:07] I believe always have. I’m a huge advocate, safe banking will be the first domino to fall. And then you will see a three tier alcohol system, the alcohol distributors, not in a million years. Are they gonna let someone else distribute the product? So at that point, they’re distributing product, interstate commerce, and then alcohol, if you look there’s dry counties, There’s dry cities.

[00:20:25] It’s gonna be the same framework there already have it. I, I’m not saying this on conjecture I’m in DC. I’m we’re meeting with the alcohol lobby. I, you know, raised a lot of my capital for sunburn from the alcohol industry. The reason they’re investing in is because they see the potential for brands retail’s gonna get hurt in the long run.

[00:20:41] I think the biggest disruption’s gonna be federal legalization and what it does to retail cannabis specific retail, cuz the minute it’ll be the C stores first followed by the big boxes. The minute that they can have high margin items like cannabis. Total wine will get rid of half the cigars and it’ll be pre-rolls and gummies.

[00:20:58] Yeah. At the speed of fucking light, [00:21:00]

[00:21:00]Bryan Fields: 10 years from now rank these markets by size, New York, California, and

[00:21:04]Brady Cobb: Florida, California, Florida, New York.

[00:21:11] When you started

[00:21:12]Bryan Fields: your journey in the cannabis space, what did you get? Right. And most importantly, what did you get wrong?

[00:21:17]Brady Cobb: I got right. Staying committed. and honoring kind of what my gut always told me was don’t take the shortcuts. Don’t don’t just go do a, take a job or do a deal just to do it. It’s what you say no to not what you say yes to cuz once you do that, if you go the wrong route and you go corporate, you get pigeonholed in.

[00:21:33] The thing I did wrong is is it’s it’s a hard lesson is managing your cap table and making sure you’ve got the right shareholders in your deal. It’s why we took so long to get our capital raised is we were very selective on this deal. On who we brought in, that was a lesson and a learning from last time, because I wouldn’t have sold one plant Florida.

[00:21:51] We were just hitting our stride, but I had shareholders, I, and I would’ve never gone public. Uh, we had shareholders that wanted to sell and they had control over [00:22:00] me and I had to do it. So, um, it was a great learning experience to sell the business and go through that whole process and, and everything afterwards.

[00:22:07] But that was a big lesson cap table. Protect your fucking cap table. If you want to set this up the right way and, and go the long route. If you don’t have the right shareholders, it gets, it can be really challenging. And then you’re, it’s the weird experience of you’re in the bunker fighting and you’re getting shot at, from inside the bunker.

[00:22:22] That’s not a good feeling 20 years from now. We

[00:22:25]Bryan Fields: will look back and say that was bar Barrack. I can’t believe we did that in the cannabis industry. What is that?

[00:22:30]Brady Cobb: A hundred milligram beverages. I think it’s a single biggest threat to normal, to, to having beverages be a real category by selling such high dose.

[00:22:39] Some of these high dose products. For the average consumer, if they go buy a hundred milligram fricking beverage and they open it up, think they can just drink it. That’s gonna be bad for the industry. Um, it also tastes terrible. It tastes terrible, but I, I think we need to do better as an industry on how we address the public and, and kind of market ourselves.

[00:22:58] I think, I think there’s, there’s a gap [00:23:00] there and I, yeah, it’s making sure we have the right products on the shelves,

[00:23:05]Bryan Fields: which product category are you most bullish on over the next

[00:23:07] five

[00:23:07]Brady Cobb: to 10 years beverage? Edibles and beverage, I mean, flour starts and ends. I still think the flower market will dominate, but as far as markets that are gonna go bigger, beverage is absolutely gonna be massive.

[00:23:18] In my opinion,

[00:23:19]Bryan Fields: since you’ve been in the cannabinoid industry, what has been the biggest

[00:23:21]Brady Cobb: misconception that it’s a bunch of stoners sitting around, um, conferences and just, you know, not, not sophisticated. And I think the biggest thing is also that if you’re in this industry, you’re perceived as, and, and you, and you do smoke that you’re, you’re.

[00:23:36] Able to operate a business and operate at a high level. I think that’s the biggest misconception about cannabis. And it’s one that I love dispelling kind of on a one-to-one basis. My wife, her family, uh, my wife’s family who was, you know, I never knew. And now they’re utilizing and using, using, using the plan all the time because they realize, yeah, I can function.

[00:23:53] I am actually in some cases, right? Sativa’s you’re, you’re functioning and actually performing better, same way. Psychedelics opens your mind [00:24:00] up and allows you to actually have some real thinking and creative. It, it, it takes away the stress that change. It allows us to think creatively. And I think that’s the biggest misconception.

[00:24:09] If you could

[00:24:09]Bryan Fields: sum up your experience in a main takeaway or lesson, learn to pass onto the next generation, what would it be?

[00:24:15]Brady Cobb: This is not for the faint of heart. Uh, this industry is hard, but you need to be, you need to be committed to what you want to do. Plan, identify, study before you make a move. And it’s again, I said it a few minutes ago.

[00:24:29] It’s not what you say yes to that will define your success. It’s what you say. No. Well set.

[00:24:35]Bryan Fields: All right. Prediction time. Brady hit me. It’s 2027. When consumers are purchasing flour, what characteristic do you think is most

[00:24:42]Brady Cobb: important to them? Quality, top quality is gonna, you know, quality is gonna drive. It there’ll be some markets.

[00:24:50] I it’s, it’s a, it’s a tough question because if you drill down into each individual market, different things, drive consumers in different markets. The consumer in [00:25:00] Cleveland, Ohio is gonna be at a different price. And want a different product than the consumer in south beach, Miami and, and the consumer in, in, in LA is gonna be different than the consumer in Bakersfield.

[00:25:13] So it’s gonna be quality and price they’re gonna, I think will be the two biggest drivers of product. Kevin. I agree. I think quality and price. Um, mainly quality though. I mean, in like more mature markets, you continue to see like the brands that maintain their shell space are the bronzes that are maintaining that same quality time and time.

[00:25:33] So I think quality for sure. What

[00:25:35]Bryan Fields: do you think. I think effects. I think when we talk about flour, my mom always asks, is this scary pot?

[00:25:40]Brady Cobb: I mean, it’s a fair question. I don’t

[00:25:42]Bryan Fields: know, mom. I hope to God, it’s not for everyone’s sake year, but like, if we know what it’ll do from like a, a feeling standpoint, I think that’ll help people feel more comfortable making that leap back into the category.

[00:25:52] Right? Like exactly. Like you said, Brady said people have consumed cannabis for tons of years, but they’ve been unsure of what exactly will happen to them. All the. So [00:26:00] if we can get closer to making them feel comfortable when they’re making that purchase, I think the category will absolutely explode.

[00:26:05]Brady Cobb: I couldn’t agree with you more.

[00:26:07] It’s a good point. And I think, again, that goes back to what I, my fear on some of these products that are really, really high dosage, why? Yeah. And by the way, on a beverage, the idea for a beverage is to be sessionable. You want to have two to two and two and a half milligrams. You can have two of ’em in a night, go to bed, feel like a million bucks and get up because I can tell you with gummies.

[00:26:27] As we’ve studied the gummy explosion where it’s year to year from 4 20, 20 to 4 20 21, it was highest growth item edibles with gummies representing 70% of that growth. I see it in my own house. So what used to be a date night with my wife and I once a week, where a girl’s night out for her, where they’d go have, you know, two bottles of wine or we’d have two bottles of wine, wake up feeling like shit.

[00:26:49] The next morning has now transitioned to. Split a 10 milligram gummy go have one glass of wine, have a fucking awesome time. Get up the next morning. She’s a yoga teacher and feel like a [00:27:00] million dollars. We have watched that my wife has had more people requesting her to how they get a, you know, how do they go see a physician in Florida after having that experience?

[00:27:10] That is what you’re talking about because they’re controlled you, you know, You know what you’re taking, you take it, you get to where you want to go. That is gonna be a huge thing. And I think one big differentiator from the black market that’s often overlooked is lab testing. Yeah. Yeah. Now we gotta do a better job of policing the labs.

[00:27:27] Sure. As we’ve seen by a lot of recent headlines. Sure. You know, they’re playing games, chasing THC percentage, just so I won’t even talk about why. I think that’s a terrible idea and we never played that game. But at the end of the day, to me, it’s, it’s incredibly interesting the consistency piece and that’s where.

[00:27:43] The MSOs will thrive by the way. I think they’re doing a great job of it. I think, especially you look at a Cresco or pure leaf, they’re trying to have that Frito lay experience. So what you buy in one state is the same as you buy in the other state, same experience, same, same journey, the whole thing. So for Brady far, our listeners,

[00:27:59]Bryan Fields: they [00:28:00] want to get in touch.

[00:28:00] They wanna learn more and they wanna buy sunburn

[00:28:02]Brady Cobb: cannabis. Where can they find you? We’ll be in Florida. We’ll be operational flip to sunburn, uh, in early November. And the website will be up in the next couple weeks. We’re just going through the approval processes with the. And, uh, off to the races, Instagram, Twitter, all that’s coming online too.

[00:28:16] So kind of early November, we’ll be launching, we’ll be flipping the first four stores in Florida over to sunburn, and then we’ll flip the rest of ’em over the next call. It kind of by end of January, we’ll be done with med med

[00:28:25]Bryan Fields: entirely. Awesome. Excited to have you, uh, to watch back and see how it goes. I appreciate it.

[00:28:29] Thank your

[00:28:29]Brady Cobb: time. Thank you.

[00:28:31]Bryan Fields: Appreciate it.

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The Fyllo Regulatory Database creates unparalleled visibility at every level of government with access to more than 800,000+ files and entries addressing regulations across the United States. Today’s leading MSOs, SSOs and law firms rely on Fyllo to accelerate research, track licensing opportunities and make better decisions. To learn more or schedule a demo, please visit hellofyllo.com.

President Biden announced a pardon of federal cannabis possession offenses and called for a review of cannabis scheduling under the Controlled Substances Act. President Biden’s directive to review scheduling doesn’t change the current federal restriction on cannabis.

Editors’ Note: This is an excerpt from our Monthly Playbook. If you would like to read the full monthly playbook and join the thousands of others you can sign up below.

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