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Key Take based on the updated wholesale pricing data for the period of January 2022 to May 2023, we can observe the following trends in the U.S. cannabinoid market:
The wholesale pricing data for various cannabinoids in the U.S. region from January 2022 to May 2023 displayed diverse trends. While some products experienced price increases (Delta-9 THC Distillate, Delta-8 THC Distillate, CBDA Isolate, CBGA Isolate, and HHC Acetate Distillate), others witnessed price decreases (Delta-10 THC Distillate, CBD Isolate, CBN Isolate, CBDV Distillate, and THC-O Acetate Distillate), and one remained stable (CBN-O Distillate). It is important to consider multiple factors when analyzing these pricing trends, including market demand, regulatory changes, and production costs. The data reveals that the market for cannabinoids is in constant flux, making it essential for businesses to keep a close eye on industry trends and adjust their strategies accordingly.
*Disclaimer some of the text from this analysis was generated with an AI system.
Editors’ Note: This is an excerpt from our Monthly Playbook. If you would like to read the full monthly playbook and join the thousands of others you can sign up below.
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As you leave the garden, your curiosity about terpenes is sparked. You realize that the captivating scents you experienced don’t just come from cannabis plants but from a variety of other plants as well. You embark on a journey to explore the fascinating world of terpenes and their role in nature.
Terpenes are not exclusive to cannabis plants; they can also be found in a wide range of other plants. They serve various purposes in these plants, such as attracting pollinators, deterring pests, and protecting against environmental stressors.
Imagine wandering through a vibrant, aromatic garden filled with plants that boast an array of colors and scents. You feel a sense of serenity wash over you as you take in the sweet, earthy, and fruity aromas surrounding you. As you stroll along, you come across a section filled with cannabis plants, each with a distinct fragrance contributing to the garden’s enchanting atmosphere. Intrigued, you stop to appreciate the uniqueness of each plant’s aroma and ponder the secrets behind their captivating scents.
Terpenes are a large group of natural compounds found in plants, including cannabis. They help create the fantastic smells and flavors we experience in many plants. There are different types of terpenes, but the ones most important to cannabis are called monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes.
As you explore the garden, you pick a ripe, juicy mango from a nearby tree, savoring its sweet, tropical scent. You then stroll through a grove of pine trees, inhaling the refreshing, crisp aroma that fills the air. These delightful fragrances, created by the terpenes myrcene and pinene, are also part of the unique and alluring scents you encounter in cannabis plants.
Monoterpenes are the simplest kind of terpenes. They create strong, fresh smells in many plants, including cannabis. Some examples of monoterpenes are myrcene, limonene, and pinene. Because they are small, monoterpenes can easily get into our cells and interact with our bodies. This means they might have various health benefits, like helping with inflammation, pain relief, and anxiety.
Venturing into a dense forest, you find yourself surrounded by towering conifer trees. The fresh, resinous scent that fills the air is primarily due to the presence of the terpene pinene. Pinene not only contributes to the enticing aroma but also helps protect the trees from fungal and bacterial infections.
As you continue exploring the garden, you come across a spice garden filled with cinnamon and black pepper plants. The warm, spicy scent of cinnamon and the sharp, invigorating aroma of black pepper capture your attention. The terpene caryophyllene is responsible for these enticing fragrances and offers potential health benefits related to inflammation and immune function.
As you continue your journey, you stumble upon a field of wildflowers, each with its own unique scent profile. You can’t help but notice the harmonious balance of nature at work, where terpenes serve as the key ingredient that connects plants to their environment and helps them thrive.
Terpenes also play a role in the way plants communicate with one another. Some plants release certain terpenes into the air when they are damaged or under stress, which can act as a signal to nearby plants to activate their defense mechanisms.
In a lavender field, you find the terpene linalool emitting a calming, floral scent that is often used in aromatherapy to help people relax and reduce anxiety. In the plant itself, linalool helps attract pollinators while repelling harmful insects and pests.
As the sun begins to set, you take one last look at the garden, marveling at the intricate tapestry of scents and flavors woven by nature. You leave with a newfound appreciation for the mysterious world of terpenes and their potential to enhance our lives through their captivating aromas and potential health benefits.
In summary, terpenes are a diverse group of natural compounds found in many plants, including cannabis. They create the unique scents and flavors we experience and serve various important functions, such as attracting pollinators, repelling pests, protecting against environmental stress, and facilitating communication between plants. This rich diversity of terpenes not only contributes to the incredible scents and flavors we enjoy in nature but also provides valuable insights into the complex world of plant ecology. Moreover, research suggests that terpenes might also have health benefits.
Editors’ Note: This is an excerpt from our Monthly Playbook. If you would like to read the full monthly playbook and join the thousands of others you can sign up below.
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In September 2021 German voters elevated a coalition of three political parties, colloquially known as the Stop Light Coalition, into power in Berlin. They were elected by voters to implement a wide range of progressive issues. Included among them was creating Europe’s first legal recreational cannabis market. Cannabis activists, businesses, and aspiring entrepreneurs have been fixated on Germany ever since. With good reason. A wealthy population of 84 million and a leader in the EU with the largest medical cannabis market in Europe. A multi-billion-dollar market rivaling California was just a few years away. Pitchdecks were created, business plans developed, and deals were made. Breadcrumbs from politicians and political insiders suggested the Coalition would propose legislation that would create a market similar in structure and intent to Canada. Not ideal but not bad either.
This all changed in late March when word began to get out that the Coalition was toning down its plans for cannabis quite dramatically. An official announcement in early April revealed a plan more in line with Malta or Catalonia than Canada.
Instead of a nationwide commercial market, the coalition draft legislation sets up:
Why the sudden change of heart? The reason cited most often are international treaty obligations and pushback from the European Commission. Some even cite the failures of the California recreational market.
But it’s not Brussels or California that’s made the coalition change their tune. All politics is local they say and that’s true in Germany as anywhere else. The Coalition is facing discontent and a surge in the polls for the conservative opposition. Opinion polls are favorable to cannabis legalization but not overwhelming as in the US.
Just as politics, personal agendas, and issues completely unrelated to cannabis derail Congressional legislation like SAFE Banking in the US so too does Germany. Canada and Uruguay have navigated UN Treaties and Germany as its most important member could have pushed the EU Commission into accepting a broader, more ambitious plan.
Regardless of your opinion on the new legislation, it’s a major step forward for cannabis reform in the EU’s biggest and most powerful country. Just as California led the nation in the early Prop. 215 days with a non-profit model Germany can still lead the EU to brighter days for cannabis consumers and eventually businesses.
Editors’ Note: This is an excerpt from our Monthly Playbook. If you would like to read the full monthly playbook and join the thousands of others you can sign up below.
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Editors’ Note: This is the transcript version of the podcast. Please note that due to time and audio constraints, transcription may not be perfect. We encourage you to listen to the podcast, embedded below if you need any clarification. We hope you enjoy!
What is the actual truth behind cannabis harms and benefits? Dr. Peter Grinspoon, Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School and author of “Seeing Through the Smoke: Cannabis: An Expert Doctor Untangles the Truth About Cannabis,” shares his expertise on various topics related to cannabis. From the challenges of having non-judgmental conversations about cannabis between doctors and patients to the potential benefits and harms of cannabis, Dr. Grinspoon provides valuable insights across the board including.
The Government’s funding into cannabis research: harms vs. Benefits
The process of re-legalizing cannabis and how it affects institutional knowledge.
The truth behind the gateway theory of cannabis
His Perspective on Andrew Huberman Podcast
The potential for cannabis addiction and how it’s been greatly exaggerated
The urgent need to teach the endocannabinoid system in medical schools
A must-listen Rapid Fire
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Buy his book Amazon
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[00:00:00]Bryan Fields: What’s up guys? Welcome back to the episode of the Dime. I’m Brian Fields with me, as always, as Kellen Finney. And this week we’ve got a very special guest, Dr. Peter Grinspoon, primary care doctor at Mass General Hospital, instructor of medicine at Harvard and author Dr. G Grinspoon. Thanks for taking the
[00:00:18]Dr. Grinspoon: time.
[00:00:18] How you doing today? Doing great. Thank you so much for having me in your show. Ah, awesome. I’m
[00:00:22] excited
[00:00:23]Bryan Fields: to dive in and hit a ton of topics. Ke, how are you doing? I’m
[00:00:25]Kellan Finney: doing really well. I’m really excited to talk to Dr. Peter Grinspoon. I’m really excited to talk about cannabis and the medicinal side of it.
[00:00:34] Um, and just dive in. Uh, how are you, Brian? I’m
[00:00:36]Bryan Fields: excited. I’m excited. And obviously we have to just get for the record. Dr. Grinspoon, your location, please.
[00:00:44]Dr. Grinspoon: I’m in Boston and it’s a absolutely spectacular, uh, spring day in Boston. Everything is blooming. Uh, I couldn’t be nicer. Uh, well, you know, in the winter we freeze.
[00:00:52] In the summer we melt, but this spring is very nice and the fall is very pretty. Yeah, I love it.
[00:00:56]Bryan Fields: I think it’s best that we just kind of prevent the winter from ever happening here on the East Coast and [00:01:00] let ke on the West Coast kind of take all,
[00:01:01]Dr. Grinspoon: I think climate change is taking care of that. Honestly, it’s been very mild, the winters.
[00:01:06] I was pretty
[00:01:06]Bryan Fields: sure that wasn’t real. That’s what I was told.
[00:01:11] So Dr. Grinspoon, for our listeners on invite, you can give it all
[00:01:14]Dr. Grinspoon: background about. Well, I’m a primary care doctor. I’ve done that for 25 years. Um, I have a little bit of an atypical path to medical school. I was a philosophy major and a religion and sociology minor at college. And then I spent five years, uh, working for Greenpeace on the anti-nuclear campaign.
[00:01:30] Um, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I got to travel around the world. I got to go to she Noble with a little guy, Geiger counter. Um, I’ve been in. Then I went to medical school and residency. Um, been a primary care doctor ever since I’ve been involved in the cannabis issue my entire life for several reasons.
[00:01:47] The first of which, uh, briefly is that my, my brother Danny was a pioneering medical cannabis patient in the early 1970s. Um, right when Nixon was gearing up his war drugs, my parents illegally bought cannabis for him, and it like [00:02:00] vastly alleviated the symptoms he was suffering from, from chemotherapy. And then the second, uh, reason is that my dad, Dr.
[00:02:06] Lester Grinspoon, was a very sort of legendary, uh, psychiatrist at Harvard who, uh, came out with a book in 1971 called Marijuana Reconsidered, which was reviewed in the front page of the New York Times book review, in which flat out called for the legalization of cannabis about 50 years, um, before everybody else did.
[00:02:24] Not everybody else, but before like mainstream America sort of adopted that. Um, and then, you know, I, I’ve been treating patients with cannabis my entire medical career. I’ve been a medical cannabis patient, and I feel like I have a pretty panoramic view of the issue from having witnessed the legalization movement, like from a front row seat, my, my entire life.
[00:02:43]Bryan Fields: I, I, that’s incredible. I can only imagine early on seeing some of the challenges and the differences, obviously seeing your dad get involved and then helping your brother. So talking about the openness of it, it must have been a topic that was always open in your household, but I’m guessing you saw it from a different perspective because not everyone else got to experience such an open conversation about [00:03:00] cannabis
[00:03:00]Dr. Grinspoon: and its benefit.
[00:03:02] What was really interesting is that our, our living room was always full of like the most interesting pro-social and influential like academics and scholars. My dad was very social. We had all kinds of people like the astronomer, Carl Sagan, or like the poet Ellen Ginsburg, all kinds of people, and they were having the most interesting, like non-stop motivating conversations about how to impact the problems in the world and about different academic intellectual subjects.
[00:03:28] It was like the most inspiring thing a kid could be possibly exposed to. Then I’d go to like school and there’d be like the DARE program and they’d be like, cannabis, these, like the same old policemen like waddle in every year and say, cannabis makes you a motivational. And it was very confusing as a kid.
[00:03:43] And then as a teenager I finally figured out that like the DARE program with complete BS and like what I was learning at home was actually the truth. So, so I went through a career in medicine. I was sort of immune to a lot of the nonsense that unfortunately they teach us in medical school about cannabis.
[00:03:57] I knew that it was a, a medicine, at least for one [00:04:00] indication cuz I saw my brother benefit. I mean, there’s nothing more impactful than witnessing the alleviation of suffering, um, in a family member, which is why 94% AER of Americans now support legal access to medical cannabis. So yeah, growing up was really just had a really huge impact on my career trajectory.
[00:04:18] What was it
[00:04:19]Kellan Finney: like, uh, kind of making, like from a social perspective kind of dabbling and letting the public know that you were pro cannabis and had this history? Was it like always kind of just out in front of everyone or did you kind of have to learn how to navigate those conversations as your, as a primary care?
[00:04:41]Dr. Grinspoon: Well, I definitely had to learn how to navigate the conversations. Cause I’m a big, um, believer in like meeting people where they are and, and, and trying to get along with ’em and come to some common understanding. I mean, certainly there are these still some, like a few hardcore anti-cannabis psychiatrists that are still bunkered in the 1950s that, that probably like greatly disapprove of what I do.
[00:04:59] But I [00:05:00] think most doctors are coming along in this issue and, and the patients are so far ahead of the doctors. They’ve been nothing but curious and interested in, in medicinal cannabis. Of course, it isn’t for everybody and some people can’t take it because of whatever psychosis or they get addicted to it or whatever.
[00:05:15] But for a lot of people it’s a, it’s a great tool to have in your toolbox is a primary care doctor. And I think that’s pretty increasingly every year accepted by both patients and doctors. Do you think conversations
[00:05:27]Bryan Fields: that are currently happening are, are very open and, and judgmental? Or do you think it depends on where you are and depends on the doctor when those conversations are being had?
[00:05:35]Dr. Grinspoon: Well, more of the conversations are being open. I mean, I think with like a 25 year old, my conversations would always be pretty open, but now you have like an 80 year old come in and sort of whisper, I’d like to try some medical marijuana for my arthritis. All my friends are trying it and you know, they look like they want to draw the shades and they as if a SWAT team’s about to smash in.
[00:05:52] And no, it’s unfortunate with all the stigma, they shouldn’t be made to feel guilty or bad or that they’re somehow doing anything wrong. So [00:06:00] I think the con who I’m having normalized conversations with is greatly expanding as, for example, older Americans are embracing medical cannabis and are desperate, eager to learn more about it.
[00:06:13] Has
[00:06:14]Kellan Finney: that been one of the motivations for the book, is trying to get that message more broadly out there?
[00:06:19]Dr. Grinspoon: Oh, there were many, many motivations for the book, but certainly that is one of them. I just think there’s a lot of nonsense. Honestly, the, the anti side doesn’t have a monopoly on the nonsense. There’s nonsense on the pro side too, are the extremes of both sides or both making claims that just aren’t true.
[00:06:34] So what I really wanted to do is point out how dysfunctional it is that we have two different narratives about cannabis, depending on who a random person goes to, what doctor, lawyer, politician, business person, policymaker, social worker they go to, they can get that it’s a, you know, benevolent, uh, wellness aid or that it’s like this evil, dangerous narcotic.
[00:06:53] It sounds like two different plants grown on two different planets nourished by two different sons. And I trace how we got to these two [00:07:00] different belief systems. And then I, I go through each of the harms and each of the benefits and try to, uh, debunk and really solidify what we do know and very honest about what we don’t know yet.
[00:07:09] And try to come up with a sort of a middle path, not a middle path, but like what, what I truly think is like. The most true take on each of these flashpoint issues on cannabis that hopefully we could all either agree with or at least live with so we can move forward without the acrimony of, um, you know, the last 50 years.
[00:07:29] So I think as we’re merging from, you know, the pretty widely, uh, agreed upon failure of the war on drugs, we, we need to come together on cannabis. And it, it just doesn’t work for us to have like these non uh, overlapping views of cannabis in different segments of our society. As far
[00:07:46]Bryan Fields: as you’re aware, is there any other areas of medicine that have such wide disparities between pros and cons as cannabis?
[00:07:55]Dr. Grinspoon: Well, I think in other drug policies, I mean, you know, opiates, uh, you know, some of the [00:08:00] conservatives are like, like, we shouldn’t share needles, you know, and now they’re like, we don’t want safe consumption sites or to give people Narcan. We don’t wanna support drug use. And I’m actually personally 15 years in opiate recovery.
[00:08:10] If you’re gonna use an opiate, if you’re withdrawing, you’re gonna use an opiate. You don’t care if the. Needle is safe or not. Um, so I think harm reduction is an area that I think there’s still a lot of, I, I think the drug related issues because there’s a lot of good science and there’s a lot of evolution and progression and thought, you know, harm reduction is great.
[00:08:29] Less people will overdose on fentanyl, whereas a lot of people are still, uh, have these stigmatized views of addiction and of drugs and of drug users, uh, from the war on drugs. So I would say any drug issue, um, has its, uh, polarization. But really cannabis seems to be a flashpoint for all of this. And I, and I go into this a lot in my book, is it just that it happened to be, you know, the symbol of the 1960s or is this something about the way the cannabis unlocks our thoughts and helps us be like mindful and [00:09:00] interconnected and creative and think out of the box that, that governments hate and wanna suppress?
[00:09:04] I mean, I talk a lot about what is it about cannabis that engendered all this controversy? What about
[00:09:10]Bryan Fields: for teens? Obviously that’s a hot flashing point where everyone’s worried about that. It, it, it’s harmful for teens and some of the research that’s come out, some people have been pretty against it.
[00:09:19] What’s your opinion
[00:09:20]Dr. Grinspoon: on that? Well, first of all, with the caveats, if a teens dying of cancer, like my brother Danny, I don’t think anybody would argue against it. And then, you know, as I did the book, the, the evidence for like treating teens with autism, um, was a lot more intriguing and solid than I thought it was gonna be before I wrote that chapter.
[00:09:38] And, you know, people are so afraid of using T HCN teens because of legitimate concerns about, you know, affecting the developing brain. But they’re happy to, the psychiatrists are happy to bombard the same, for example, autistic teenagers with Adderall, Haldol, Thorazine, all these heavy duty tranquilizers, psycho stimulants and neuroleptics.
[00:09:57] Like how could you argue, it’d be very difficult to argue [00:10:00] that Adderall is like better for your teen brain than, than a small dose of THC with C B D is. So I think there’s a real double standard when it comes to cannabis. But that said, I think that. Helping teens avoid and delay cannabis use The Just Say Wait campaign is an area that both sides can find a lot of common ground on.
[00:10:19] Uh, I think virtually everybody thinks that there’s enough data that teens should refrain from using cannabis use. Now, of course, teens won’t because they’re programmed to take risks. And it’s not a big secret that cannabis is interesting. So I think parents shouldn’t like freak out if their teenagers try it.
[00:10:37] But really try to have a sensible conversation about, you know, what the harms are, and, uh, reality-based conversation, not the DARE program where you try to scare them by saying things that aren’t true and then they reject your entire message. I believe in telling teens the truth and just explaining, we’re concerned about this.
[00:10:52] You have your whole life. You know, wait till you’re, I. People say 25, but no one’s gonna raise the drinking age of 25. Some people say [00:11:00] 21. I think most of the harm gets done before age 18 and that a really good line in this hand would just be like, we don’t accept this before age 18, and you just have to wait.
[00:11:08] But you know, again, the, the debate is not so much, should teens use cannabis is how to talk about teens. Do you pretend that it isn’t fun and interesting and lie to them, or do you tell them the truth and say, you know, this is difficult, but you just have to wait because it’s really, really bad for you and you really don’t wanna hurt your.
[00:11:26]Kellan Finney: So there’s kind of like two sides to canvas, right? There’s a, a recreational side where people consume it for enjoyment and pleasure, right? And then there’s this whole medicinal side of the conversation as well. What do you think is the best way to kind of separate those two buckets and kind of help society move forward with, with those two very different topics, you know what I mean?
[00:11:46] Or
[00:11:47]Bryan Fields: or
[00:11:47]Dr. Grinspoon: use cases? That’s a little bit of a trick question. It’s a great question, but it’s a trick question because I talk about my book, how it can be a very elusory sort of a fine line, a slippery line between recreational and medical use. You know, there’s some people that say, [00:12:00] All use is medical use. And I think of the time, like I went to a WHO concert at Outdoors at Fenway Park and shared a joint with my cousins and it’s like, that wasn’t medical.
[00:12:08] That’s using cannabis. That’s not medical unless you define medical so broadly that like having fun is a medical use that doesn’t make any sense. So I don’t agree that all use is medical. Um, that is a recreational use. Um, some use is definitely purely medical. Like my brother Danny Barfing chemotherapy dying of leukemia.
[00:12:27] That’s medical. You know, I’ll a patient say that works as a construction worker and she’ll be like really sore after, you know, lifting heavy objects all day. And then she’ll maybe take a puff or two after work and then that’ll like rejuvenate her muscles and sort of her frustration level from, you know, having been at work all day.
[00:12:43] And then she’ll be able to go out and do some activity like play ice hockey with her friends. Like is that medical or is that recreational? Sort of both. Right? It kind of fits in both. It’s recreational but it’s also medical because it’s healing the problem that was preventing the recreational. So I think a lot of the uses sort of.[00:13:00]
[00:13:00] Somewhere along the continuum between medical and recreational, and then there is some instances of pure medical and pure recreational. Are
[00:13:07]Bryan Fields: there any findings from your book that when you were doing research that really surprised you, that you were unaware of before kind
[00:13:12]Dr. Grinspoon: of diving in? Absolutely. Um, I was sort of aware, like surprised with how much we do know and, and also surprised with how much we don’t know.
[00:13:20] Um, for example, as I mentioned, alluded to before with autism, I, I thought it was skeptical, but then I read all the literature and it’s really suggestive. It’s not definitive, but it’s really suggestive that it can certainly help people, uh, autistic kids with some of the self injurious and aggressive behavior, self-destructive behavior, C b D with a little bit of THC mixed in.
[00:13:40] Again, it’s hard to argue that that’s more dangerous than Adderall or Thorazine or hell all or whatever. These drugs, they’re giving these poor kids. Um, so I was really surprised. For some of that, and then for some of the harms, like I thought that it was like a slam dunk, that it was bad for teens. But a lot of the studies are like, based on observational [00:14:00] studies, like these kids did more poorly on this IQ test, but then you read the limitations section of the study and it’s like, well, we didn’t factor out smoking.
[00:14:09] You know, other drug use, like methamphetamine wouldn’t affected other drug use, uh, poverty. You know, I mean, poor kids do worse than IQ tests than than privileged kids. I mean, so a lot of the research was really, really biased. I mean, again, um, for the last 50 years, the US government has only funded research into harms of cannabis.
[00:14:28] They have not funded any researchers or any research into benefits. So there’s been a big finger on the scalp pointing towards finding harms and not finding benefits. So I was surprised at how, um, much we do know about some of the benefits and I was surprised at how sort of still concerning but not definitive, uh, the results were for some things like, uh, you know, teenage brain issues.
[00:14:52] I mean, and certainly I don’t advise the teenage use. I’m a very big believer in just say, wait, uh, because where there’s smoke there’s often fire. But I [00:15:00] saw that there was more smoke than fire. Do you think a lot
[00:15:02]Bryan Fields: of the reasons why the doctors are more keen on providing the Adderall versus cannabis is just based on the scientific studies behind it and the comfort level in prescribing that?
[00:15:09] Or do you think there’s other nuances behind it?
[00:15:12]Dr. Grinspoon: It’s based on the scientific studies that were done and promoted. Um, you know, you had pharma doing and promot. All these studies about Adderall and the ones that showed that it was bad or didn’t work, wouldn’t, they just wouldn’t publish. You don’t have to publish a study.
[00:15:25] I mean, I think the laws were changing a little bit on that, and the ones that were published that showed Adderall helps A D H D were pumped directly into the brains of our nation’s doctors. I mean, a lot of the medical societies are really compromised by pharmaceutical money. It, it’s really hard to believe that there’s a firewall between what they believe about these drugs, you know, pro Adderall, anti-cannabis, and.
[00:15:45] Funding they get from pharmaceutical companies. Um, now that said, Adderall is a extremely effective treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, uh, critical medicine. There’s a shortage of it right now, which is tragic and is harming a lot of people. It’s not bashing on Adderall. I’m just making the [00:16:00] point that the studies of cannabis, the only ones that doctors got and get to this day are the ones about harm.
[00:16:06] Um, most of the studies done were looking for harm. And then there’s another thing called publication bias, where if you find a harm, it gets in all the newspapers, you know, c n n marijuana causes your leg to fall off, whereas there’s no headline. Marijuana doesn’t cause your leg to fall off cuz that’s boring.
[00:16:23] That’s also true with the benefits Marijuana cures Pain gets on all the headlines. This study showed that marijuana didn’t cure this particular type of pain in this particular dose. That’s a boring headline. So something called publication bias, um, also affects doctors. What they get fed, uh, really inter, really impacts what they think and do.
[00:16:42]Kellan Finney: And like the physiological interaction of Adderall with like the, the human body is taught, right. It’s really well known in medical school. You probably take a test on how the molecule Adderall interacts with your body. That’s not taught though about cannabis. Correct? Like the endocannabinoid system isn’t taught in medical [00:17:00] school.
[00:17:00] Do you think that that contributes to a lot of doctor’s hesitancy, kind of prescribing it and, and working with the cannabis?
[00:17:07]Dr. Grinspoon: Yeah, well first of all, what they’ve taught us historically in medical school, like nonsense. I mean, it was like warmed over drug war nonsense. Like I was in medical school in the mid 1990s.
[00:17:16] Like I couldn’t believe what they were teaching us. Even at a good medical school, a complete nonsense. I think it’s getting a little bit better cuz no one really gets away with, uh, sperm damage, brain damage, bro, brass, all that stuff. But, um, I, it is really tragic that the endocannabinoid system is not taught in medical schools.
[00:17:35] It’s currently taught in 13% of medical schools and, um, you know, that’s growing, but it’s taught more in Europe and in other places. Sorry, it’s a little bit noisy here. So I’m changing the, uh, changing my room. It’s, um, currently taught to 13% of medical schools and you know, that’s really nuts whether you’re pro anti or neutral about cannabis.
[00:17:55] How could you not wanna insist on understanding the endocannabinoid system? I mean, the [00:18:00] endocannabinoid system is this central system of. Neurons and neurotransmitters that we all have. They’re very ancient. It’s like 500 million years old. Uh, humans have only been using cannabis for 5,000 years. The endocannabinoid system far predates humans.
[00:18:13] It just happens to be the receptor system that cannabis sort of bootstraps to work its effects. And, um, you know, it was late to be discovered because of the war drugs. And then it was late to be, it is very late to be incorporated into medical school curriculum as a hangover from the Warren drug. So again, it’s only taught in about 13% of medical schools.
[00:18:32] Hopefully that’s growing. That’s in the US and other countries. There’s certainly, uh, discussing the endo cannabinoid system and, and I think there’s a lot of pressure for them to open it up in the us but I, I think it really cripples, um, American physicians because they don’t have like the, the basic, um, intellectual mechanism to understand how cannabis works.
[00:18:52] I mean, it sounds ridiculous that with a fibromyalgia patient, you know, that’s a certain type of chronic pain syndrome that it could. [00:19:00] Numb your pain. It could help with your perception of the pain, so it’s less noxious to you. It can, um, help with your anxiety about the pain. It could help your sleep and it could help your quality of life.
[00:19:10] It could do like five different things. And it just sounds like magical thinking until you understand how central the endo cannabinoid system is, that it controls memory, learning, fear, extinction, temperature, reproduction, appetite, temperature. Um, and once you understand the endo cannabinoid system, what cannabis does, both in terms of benefits and harms and what it can’t do, make much more sense.
[00:19:32] So we urgently need to, to be teaching this in medical schools.
[00:19:36]Bryan Fields: How do we go from 13% to 90%? Is it federal legalization or, or something?
[00:19:42]Dr. Grinspoon: Well, federal legalization would really help. But I, I just think there has to be a lot of pressure on the medical schools, and I think there is, I think there’s a lot of public outcry.
[00:19:50] I mean, I think there’s a lot of pressure on doctors right now. You know, they used to get away with just, uh, repeating a couple sentences that they got. I don’t know, from the American Medical Association with the American [00:20:00] Psychiatrics Association, you know, cannabis is in a medicine, it’s dangerous. Don’t use it.
[00:20:04] I mean, now that Americans across the board have woken up to the fact that they’ve been sold a bill of goods about cannabis, and now that 94% of Americans support legal access to medical cannabis, they’re asking their doctors, and their doctors have to say something and they don’t know what to say. So it, it creates a lot of very awkward experiences, you know.
[00:20:24] Then of course, you know, studies have shown that like 60% of people want to get their information from their doctors, and like 2% actually do end up getting their information from doctors, cuz the doctors don’t know much about it. Then they end up getting their information from the bud tenders, which is equally inappropriate because bud tenders.
[00:20:40] Really nice people know a ton about cannabis, but they’re not medically trained. Of course, they shouldn’t be giving medical advice, but then the doctors criticize the fact that the bud tenders are giving them information, but the patients wanted to go to their doctors first and the doctors couldn’t help them.
[00:20:55] So it’s just a mess all around. If doctors and nurses and physician [00:21:00] assistants and all the healthcare providers aren’t up to date and educated on, on all about cannabis, the good and the bad. Do you think one
[00:21:07]Bryan Fields: of the challenges is the fact that modern medicine is used to working with a single compound and cannabis is a variety, and big pharma is unlikely to sponsor some of these trials in order to help some of that research come
[00:21:15]Dr. Grinspoon: forward.
[00:21:16] Absolutely. I mean, that’s a very complicated topic. Cannabis has about 500 different molecules in it. It’s a complicated plant, many of which are psychoactive, which is why different types of cannabis strains, or we call ’em QRSs, some make you like relaxed, uh, stuck to the sofa, listening to the Grateful Dead.
[00:21:33] Others make you wanna go out and, you know, interact and talk to people or clean your house or like whatever. In my case, write a book. Um, so it affects people differently. And, you know, I don’t even think the f d A has a. Pathway for approval of a botanical medicine. And even if they did one with 500 different compounds, we’re not talking about like ginsy, which is one compound.
[00:21:55] And then who’s gonna pay for it? It’s very expensive to get, uh, a drug through the, [00:22:00] through the, um, approval process like millions of dollars and people can just grow their own. So there, there isn’t much financial incentive. And then we’re still fighting a lot of stigma and a lot of like institutional momentum against cannabis.
[00:22:13] It’s still schedule one in the Controlled Substance Act. The dea e a has been a disaster in cannabis since before birth. So as the National Institute of Drug Abuse n Ida. So we’ve got a lot of work to do. I mean, again, the patients have got it, but the physicians are getting there and the sort of infrastructure is fall as, as usual is sort of, uh, falling behind.
[00:22:34] Do you think
[00:22:34]Bryan Fields: some
[00:22:34]Kellan Finney: of these private companies could potentially start to spearhead some of this like fundamental research that’s needed to help educate the masses?
[00:22:43]Dr. Grinspoon: Well, absolutely. I mean, that’s always a little bit of a loaded question because Right search, but there’s bias, right? Well, the tobacco industry did a lot of research and then, you know, they’re like, Hey, there’s a lot of trust.
[00:22:56] And then, you know, that raised another interesting issue with like, you know, which I know [00:23:00] we discussed a little bit before the show, like what is the heart and soul of the cannabis industry? To a certain extent it’s all these spectacular, wonderful, pro-social people that have been fighting, risking everything for legalization, um, which was the right thing to do.
[00:23:15] And to a certain extent, it’s being colonized by people from tobacco, alcohol, and pharma who have resisted legalization cause they’ve viewed this competition. And now that they’re losing the legalization battle, they’re having a, well, if we can’t beat ’em, let’s join them attitude. And they’re, they’re sort of joining a lot of these companies and sort of kicking over, which is.
[00:23:32] You know, the prohibitionist are like big marijuana, this, big marijuana that, but the cannabis industry is actually a very complicated mixture of like, sort of really lame people from the tobacco, um, alcohol industries, people from the pharma industry, some of which are like great people and others just wanna make a buck like everybody else.
[00:23:50] And these really great people from the cannabis industry. So it’s a really heterogeneous group and it’s very difficult to, um, to, to kind of generalize about like the [00:24:00] cannabis industry or big marijuana or whatever they call it. But I just don’t think there’s a lot of trust from any industry. I mean, look what alcohol did.
[00:24:07] They managed to get people to think that drinking red wine was good for you. And now we know that up to three drinks a week can cause cancer. I mean, they snowed everybody. So I think they could, but there, there’s a big trust barrier that I would be very difficult to overcome. Uh, w with good reason, uh, historically.
[00:24:23]Bryan Fields: My mom loves that red wine fact.
[00:24:27]Dr. Grinspoon: I’m trying to get alcoholic patients to stop drinking. Uh, and they’ve said, I am worried about my good cholesterol. It’s like, you lost your dog, you lost your wife, you lost your car. You have blackouts, you know, three times a week your liver’s dying and you’re worried about your good cholesterol.
[00:24:43] I mean, it really amazing how much they, they snowed people on that.
[00:24:46]Bryan Fields: Yeah, for sure. I dunno, one of the things I think is most important is the public’s perception of cannabis. And I think with influential people like Interhuman coming on and speaking about cannabis more so on the harms, I think that’s, that’s challenging for a lot.
[00:24:58] So I’d love to get your perspective on what [00:25:00] he said on the psychosis and high th h c and some of the potential harmful side effects of it.
[00:25:05]Dr. Grinspoon: Right. Well, first of all, I thought he made a good faith effort to be two-sided on this podcast. And he really did make disclaimers like I’m, I’m not trying to, uh, demonize anybody or demonize this.
[00:25:17] And he, he did talk about his concerns with, uh, psychosis and, and the teen brand and so forth and high doses. I thought there were a lot of inaccuracies in this podcast, but you know, I think any specialist in any field that listens to a generalist, uh, do a podcast probably is afflicted by the same thing.
[00:25:33] You know, he is a podcast on bipolar, which sounds interesting. I’m interested in bipolar and I’m gonna listen to it one day. I’m a little bit skeptical because I know that some of the cannabis stuff wasn’t true. So I’m feeling like, how do I know what’s true in the bipolar podcast or not? But I’m sure if I were a bipolar specialist and I listened to the bipolar podcast, I’d be like, oh my God, this isn’t all true.
[00:25:52] So I think it’s very difficult to take that broad a topic. I thought the, the most true thing he said, um, in the entire [00:26:00] podcast was, I am not a cannabis user. Because if he had had some lived experience with cannabis, he certainly, uh, would’ve understood some of these things better. But, um, he says that it increases schizophrenia.
[00:26:10] It. Increase rates of schizophrenia. That’s like, glad out. Not true. The rates of schizophrenia have been stable across the world at about 1% of the population straight from the mid 1950s. When about, you know, maybe a hundred thousand people worldwide were using cannabis. To this date where 400 million people are using cannabis, it is absolutely impossible that the rate of schizophrenia would not go up if you go from a hundred thousand U users to 400 million users.
[00:26:37] Um, it’s simply not true. However, cannabis can trigger schizophrenia earlier in people that are genetically susceptible to it, which is a big deal. If you get schizophrenia at age 21 instead of 25, that’s four years where you’re not learning adult skills, not learning how to take care of yourself to work, to live in an apartment.
[00:26:56] So in that sense, it can precipitate, it can be one of many factors. [00:27:00] Alcohol, tobacco, amphetamine, steroids, many factors, uh, can trigger. Schizophrenia earlier, so it’s not, cannabis is not blame free in the psychosis area. Cannabis can also, um, trigger a substance induced psychosis. A very small percentage of people can become psychotic using cannabis or using psychedelics or amphetamines or steroids.
[00:27:22] I mean, there are psychosis related side effects. And then further, if someone. Psychosis such as bipolar or schizophrenia could, cannabis could be really destabilizing to them and it’s really recommended that they stay away from it. I mean, everybody’s different. Some people find a way to to, to incorporate it into their care, but in general, I recommend against it.
[00:27:42] So cannabis is not blameless, um, with psychosis, but it certainly doesn’t cause schizophrenia. So this is a perfect example of how the discussion is actually quite nuanced. And if you don’t have the background, you’ll just, you’re sort of susceptible to whatever, uh, whatever specialist you talk to. So if you talk to a [00:28:00] specialist, like an old school psychiatrist that’s still fighting the drug war, they’ll say, yeah, cannabis causes schizophrenia.
[00:28:06] And if you don’t have a very robust background and haven’t heard all the different theories, does the same gene cause cannabis and schizophrenia? Does sort of, uh, the people who are prone to schizophrenia have a attraction to cannabis because they’re self-treating their symptoms? Or does the cannabis.
[00:28:23] Triggered the schizophrenia. There are all these different theories. It’s a very, again, a nuanced discussion. And it’s very hard for someone to take like 50 years of like thousands of researchers and sort of summarize it in a way that’s gonna be a 100 accurate. Do you have
[00:28:37]Bryan Fields: any concerns with high THC products?
[00:28:40]Dr. Grinspoon: Well, there was one study that came out that tried to link the rates of psychosis to the levels of T H C in different European countries. And I just savaged the study. It was the most ridiculous study I’ve ever seen. I, I I 10 different points against it. Um, you know, for example, they say 50% of the cases of [00:29:00] psychosis in London and Amsterdam would be avoided if people didn’t use high.
[00:29:05] Um, THC cannabis, which they described as greater than 10%, that the police confiscated high T HC 10% is like, if you could find th HC this’s 10% in this country, you wouldn’t consider that high. You’d be like, why is there only 10% t h c? So it was a ridiculous study. I don’t think that you’re more likely to become psychotic with high t h c unless you want make the argument that smoking, you know, one joint of 5% th h c would make you psychotic more than smoking half a joint of 10% th h c because you get it more quickly.
[00:29:36] But no one seems to be making that argument. It’s sort of like saying that port wine is twice as dangerous as regular wine cuz it’s twice as strong. Sure, you might get drunk a little faster, but it doesn’t trigger alcoholism any, any more robustly. Um, the one harm. The main harm, uh, two main harms of very high T HC are one, it is very easy to over consume.
[00:29:57] I’m the one at the parties who people [00:30:00] say, is there a doctor in the house? The people who took the same three bong hits they did in college when it was 4% t h c, now take three bong hits cuz they wanna try it again cuz it’s legal and end up like on the floor with their head spinning like, oh, I’m gonna throw up.
[00:30:14] Like, it definitely is a miserable, um, experience. So I think people can accidentally over consume. Nobody dies. But it’s an awful experience for, you know, many of us have been there, done that. You know, people go to Amsterdam and take space cakes and like hide in their closet for two days. Like, it’s really not fun if you take too much cannabis.
[00:30:32] And, um, that’s the main thing. I I, I do have some concerns. I mean, people argue the, the prohibitionist argue that the concentrates are dangerous cuz they’re so potent. Um, you know, the cannabis advocates argue, well, we’ve always had hashish for hundreds or thousands of years. And that’s the concentrate.
[00:30:49] But you know, you think of these teens and like, you know, when I was a teenager, I mean, I, I did start smoking at age 13. I don’t recommend that for teenagers. We didn’t know as much about that. Back then, and of course at age 13 I didn’t [00:31:00] care, but you know, we’d smoke a puff or two of like 4% t h c. Now these teens have access to these easily concealable vape pens with like 80% t h c, and, and you do sort of worry that they’re like blasting their brains out.
[00:31:13] So I do have some reservations. I’m not arguing to make them illegal, cuz all that does is put it on the illicit market and then the teens end up with the same vape except who knows what the heck is in it is like gonna cause eval lung syndrome. So, um, I’m not a big believer in criminalizing these things.
[00:31:29] I think we need to educate and regulate, but I am a little bit worried about sort of the like teens blasting their brains out with like super high T H C. So I’m not, I have, it’s not that I have no reservations about the high, uh, T h C concentrates, but I just don’t think they necessarily contribute to psychosis.
[00:31:44] The the last point is that as my dad always used to point out, as I mentioned, he was a cannabis specialist. And as any cannabis user on Earth knows and as cannabis. People that don’t use cannabis don’t know. And that’s why, as I mentioned very early, I think lived experience is a very important [00:32:00] part of understanding the cannabis experience.
[00:32:02] People titrate to their own level of comfort. So nobody wants to take more because they get anxious and uncomfortable. So if you get some and it’s too strong, the next time you just take one puff. So I really think that, that that fear is a little bit overblown, particularly cuz people tend to titrate to their own level of comfort and enjoy.
[00:32:22]Kellan Finney: So the, the dose is in the poison or the poison is in the dose. Right. And so do you think for all drugs? For all drugs, for sure. And so do you think that like, so with alcohol, right, you can’t go buy a hundred percent ethanol as a, a consumer, right? Like you can get moonshine, which is close, but it doesn’t really sell that well.
[00:32:40] Clear to make
[00:32:40]Dr. Grinspoon: attention ever clear. Yeah. But only drink it. It’s disgusting. And like, why would you drink Everclear as opposed to drinking twice as much vodka.
[00:32:48]Kellan Finney: So do you think that, uh, like a, a cap on T HC products for recreational purposes is like a potential approach to regulating the exposure that people are gonna [00:33:00] have to high t
[00:33:01]Dr. Grinspoon: HC products?
[00:33:02] I think we need much better education and much better labeling. Um, I remember speaking to a bunch of addiction psychiatrists at a dispensary. It was a really fun event. And they had a candy bar which had 1100 milligrams. Each piece had 110 milligrams. Like if I take 10 milligrams, I’m good. If I took 110 milligrams, one square of chocolate, I’d be like, yeah, have a horrible experience.
[00:33:24] And if I ate the whole chocolate bar, I might even end up in the hospital. And the thc, you needed like an electron microscope to see infused with. Th h c was written really small. And you hear all these stories if someone eats part of a chocolate bar and puts it in the fridge cause they don’t wanna waste it, and then someone else doesn’t see the wrapping or there isn’t any wrapping and they eat it and they have the same awful experience and they could drive and they could crash into people.
[00:33:45] So I really think that the labeling is critical, but I don’t think cap, t h c caps work at all because again, people titrate to their own level of comfort. If you. Criminalize certain levels of heat. C they’re just gonna end up [00:34:00] more dangerous on the illicit market. And then finally, if a medical patient, many of my medical patients, they’re elderly or they’re veterans or they’re just impoverished patients, I work as a primary care doctor in a inner city clinic, it just makes it twice as expensive.
[00:34:13] You have to buy twice as much of the 10% cannabis as you would the 20% cannabis. Maybe it would cost a little less, but generally it makes it more expensive for people. And then that will drive them to the illicit market. So I don’t think the THC caps work at all. Maybe, maybe some attention could be given to the, to the very high end of the concentrates just to reign them in within reason, not enough so that it goes immediately to the illicit market.
[00:34:37] But, but beyond that, I’m not a, not a believer in, in TC caps for the reasons I just described. If someone does have
[00:34:43]Bryan Fields: over consumption, is there certain things that they can do in order to help regulate their body? Or is it just kind of like wait it out and uh, hope for the best?
[00:34:50]Dr. Grinspoon: Well certainly wait it out and hope for the best.
[00:34:52] Um, sitting in a quiet place, talking to friends,
[00:34:56]Bryan Fields: any food or, or things you can consume and helper to help [00:35:00] kind of lower that feeling.
[00:35:01]Dr. Grinspoon: Well, people say that consuming c b D, you know, changes, um, the. The shape of the cannabis receptor and that that could make it bind less tightly and that C B D, um, can mitigate some of the effects of T hc.
[00:35:13] I don’t think that’s been well proven. Um, I, I think it’s worth trying. Other studies have shown that T H C can increase the serum levels of the THC because they compete for liver enzymes in exactly the same way that grape use does. It just uses up the liver enzymes. But I think some people believe in using C B D, um, but, uh, I don’t really think there’s a good antidote just yet.
[00:35:33] Um, now I do wanna say that if like your heartbeat’s going at a 200 beats per minute, or if you’re having a full-blown anxiety panic attack, like if you ate that 1100 milligram candy bar, or if you’re having chest pain, then you, you should call 9 1 1. I think most of these, uh, episodes can just. Um, addressed with like calm reassurance and waiting it out.
[00:35:54] But if you, for example, happen to have taken an accidental overdose with a really strong [00:36:00] edible that could actually be in a medical emergency and you know, better safe than sorry, get some again, nobody’s died. But cannabis can trigger arrhythmias, especially if you take too high a dose and you know, there’s some concern that it could trigger if you have an unstable cardiac condition, that it could trigger a heart attack and.
[00:36:17] Most people know if they have coronary disease. And then you could educate them, either don’t use cannabis or use it very gently, use very low doses. Don’t take an edible that’s unlabeled, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But a lot of times you could have heart disease and not know that you have heart disease because you’ve never had a heart attack before any symptoms.
[00:36:33] So you just wanna be careful of the dosing. And finally, in my experience, the main I I, I told that sort of story of like the boomer who took the same thong hits, but I think usually the culprit is the edibles. People take edibles that are unmarked or they don’t understand the difference between five or 20 milligrams.
[00:36:50] And you know, Went to dispensary in Maine just to visit, and they had these sodas with a hundred milligrams, like nobody drinks half a soda. And if like someone who doesn’t have a tolerance drinks a [00:37:00] hundred milligrams of cannabis, they’re gonna be in trouble. So I think a lot of it could be avoided by common sense.
[00:37:05] And then I already said finally, but really finally, I think a lot of this is a self-inflicted industry, uh, injury by the cannabis industry. Uh, you know, they’re getting all this bad press press about pediatric overdoses. And if you just have a bag of gummies that looks to a four-year old, like a yummy bag of gummies, like the job of the four-year old is to eat all the gummies.
[00:37:24] And like the four olds not gonna read or understand the th h c warning to the extent there even is a good t h C warning. So I think we’re playing by fire, just making it into chocolates. Into gummies in the first place. What about
[00:37:36]Bryan Fields: driving? Well high, obviously your book kind of expands on that, but I’d like to get your perspective on a, how do we regulate that with everyone having different tolerances, and B, do you see that being a current issue?
[00:37:45] And if not, will that be one in the future?
[00:37:48]Dr. Grinspoon: I don’t think it’s safe or ethical to drive one high, particularly cuz you could crash into some innocent person and like kill their whole family. It is more dangerous to drive when you’re high than when you’re not high. The studies have shown that like people [00:38:00] feel like after a couple hours of smoking they could drive, but that the, the deficits in the driving lab can last like three to four hours, not just one to two hours.
[00:38:07] So you actually feel like you could drive before you actually can drive. And the things that get worse, you know, the joke is that people who are drunk speed through the red light and people who are high, like stop gently at the green light. You don’t really want to do either. But what they find in driving labs is that people don’t respond to signals as quickly.
[00:38:24] Like they’re spacing out listening to the dead on the green light or, and there’s more lame deviation. But that said, on average, if you look at all the studies driving at, you know, just above the legal limit of like, Like a hundred alcohol. The legal limits like 80, your increase of crash risk is like 14 times and driving high, all things considered is about one to two times more dangerous, uh, than driving, uh, non stone, which is about exactly as much as Benadryl or the opiates we were all allowed to take.
[00:38:54] Or the gabapentinoids for pain or the antihistamine. I mentioned Benadryl or the [00:39:00] benzodiazepines, the Valium, the Klonopin prescription medications impair you in the same way as cannabis does. So the question is why are we having such a strict double standard against cannabis? Uh, if people really wanna stop, uh, driving deaths, uh, they need to focus on alcohol and educate people about all the prescription drugs, not just medical cannabis.
[00:39:19] And then the final thing I’ll say is that it it, it also depends on the dose, but also on how you use it. Um, the college kid who uses takes five bong hits once a month is gonna be like completely impaired and an utter menace on the road. The. Medical cannabis patient that takes a small puff twice a day for five years is probably not gonna be very impaired, probably on the lower end of the Benadryl, Valium, opiates, gabapentin, um, antidepressant scale of things.
[00:39:47] So it sort of depends on the dose and the context. So cannabis is dangerous to drive on. It’s not at all recommended yet. As with everything else cannabis related, there’s a huge double standard and sort of a moral panic that’s [00:40:00] been sort of fluffed up with, again, I don’t think it’s safe or ethical to drive when you’re high, but I do think that to a certain extent this has been a moral panic that’s been fluffed up, um, as an argument, um, against, uh, legalization.
[00:40:11] And if I could just say one more thing, they check blood levels, they check survival levels. None of this stuff works at all. It literally doesn’t work because a medical patient who uses it every day could have very high levels and not be impaired at all. And someone who. Hasn’t used it in six months, who took an edible four hours ago, could be completely zonked out, utterly unsafe to drive and not have high levels.
[00:40:33] Um, the drug recognition experts don’t work at all. If you’re black or Hispanic, you’re impaired. I mean, it’s a disaster. So I just don’t think that we can police it now. I think it would be great if we came up with something to police it. But again, a lot of it comes to common sense and education. And of course you police the person who’s like weaving down the road, but you have to ask yourself, you really want to arrest the modest medical cannabis user who’s not impaired at all.
[00:40:59][00:41:00] And you know, similar to your person who took an opiate the night before for their back pain. Yeah,
[00:41:05]Bryan Fields: that’s,
[00:41:06]Kellan Finney: that was just gonna make that point is that, uh, medical patients tend to have like a higher baseline level of THC in their blood. So right now, I know, I don’t know what the exact measurement is, but you can get a D U I for.
[00:41:20] Being hot, driving high and it’s tied to
[00:41:23]Dr. Grinspoon: blood levels. Correct. Is that five nanograms per milliliter or something
[00:41:26]Kellan Finney: Per deciliter, right? Yeah. Yeah. Um, totally. So I mean, is there, in your mind, is there a way that we are gonna be able to police this at all with like a standard like measurement device as B a C or something like that?
[00:41:39] Do you think that that’s the way that it’s gonna be policed? Because like if they’re, if an officer is making a judgment call, if someone is impaired or not, they’re gonna need some sort of of number to tie that to
[00:41:50]Dr. Grinspoon: numerically, right? I, I absolutely agree. I mean, if you have a certain level, that means you’ve used cannabis within the last three weeks.
[00:41:58] It doesn’t mean that you’re impaired. So they can’t [00:42:00] respect, but everybody’s looking for this, this is like the holy grill because it’s gonna be a huge industry. Certainly if a police officer pulls over someone who’s like blatantly impaired, you wanna figure out what they’re impaired on and how impaired and, um, They’re looking at saliva tests, at drug tests, at like sweat tests, at, um, urine tests, and they just haven’t got there yet either with the biological testing or with the drug recognition experts.
[00:42:27] I mean, I, you know, I sort of, half jokingly, my book suggests they should just get some cannabis users to, you know, um, help with the drug recognition. I mean, the police officers don’t know anything about cannabis. How would they have any idea if you’re stoned or not? And it’s sort of a coin toss. They, they’re wrong about a third of the time.
[00:42:44] And, um, you know, they have false positives at least 10% of the time, which means an innocent person is going to prison and they have false negatives, like they miss it like 33% of the time. And it begs a question that if like a third of the time a police officer [00:43:00] is evaluating you, you’re high, you’re nervous.
[00:43:04] And they miss it. How impaired could you possibly be? So I, I just don’t think we’re anywhere near, uh, solving this one. And, and you just have to read the newspaper headlines really skeptically because people puff up their discoveries and then you read in the limitation section of the studies, well, we actually missed 99.9% of the cases.
[00:43:22] But, you know, the headline, uh, always makes it sound better than it is. You have to read the studies for yourself. Yeah, I don’t know how many
[00:43:28]Bryan Fields: people do that. I think the headline is really what people like to take away, especially in today’s day and age. So let’s slightly switch gears. Cannabis for pregnant women.
[00:43:36] In your experience or in some of your research, have you find it to be safe or something that people should stay away from?
[00:43:41]Dr. Grinspoon: Well, keep in mind that my other hat is a primary care doctor. And as involved in the cannabis legalization movement as I’ve been my entire life, I’m still like so cautious about giving anything that could be, be potentially harmful to a pregnant woman.
[00:43:55] And we don’t know the cannabis is safe. We very hard to prove you can’t [00:44:00] study it on pregnant women. A lot of the. Harm data has been hyped up. We don’t know how dangerous it is because it’s been very exaggerated. But I think anything during pregnancy is guilty until proven innocent. So, you know, there are exceptions if a woman’s having very severe nausea, vomiting, that they require being in the hospital and they’re being given these, again, despite the autistic kids, these heavy duty neuroleptic medications that are very bad for the fetus is hard to argue.
[00:44:26] The TC is worse than that. So I think there’s certainly exceptions and it certainly does help women with morning sickness, but I tend to ask people to avoid it because we don’t know that it’s safe. Now that said, as my wife pointed out when I was writing the book, you can’t just tell pregnant women not to take anything if they have a blistering migraine.
[00:44:42] Tylenol’s not safe. Ibuprofen’s not safe. You know, opiates aren’t particularly safe like they have to take something. So, and what I do every moment as a primary care doctor is say, is this whatever I’m using cannabis or any other drug, less harmful or toxic than whatever else I would be using. And we just need to have [00:45:00] more neutral.
[00:45:01] Unbiased studies about cannabis to try to get a gauge of how harmful or, or blameless it is. So we know whether it should be a tool with pregnant women, but at this point we don’t know enough to recommend it. Do
[00:45:13]Kellan Finney: you think that the form factor will significantly affect how safe cannabis really is? I’m sorry, the form factor?
[00:45:20] So if you’re smoking it versus eating it, right?
[00:45:23]Dr. Grinspoon: Oh, or not, it’s probably just about the thc. I mean, you know, can it affect the placenta? Can it enter the placenta more quickly? Can enter the breast milk more quickly as the serum levels rise more quickly. Certainly. But I think it’s all gonna come down to, you know, with the fetus and then with the newborn, the endocannabinoid system is like critical to any everyth.
[00:45:44] Every process and you have this newly forming, very vulnerable endocannabinoid system. And the question is, these extra doses that we use when we smoke or take an edible, these super physiological doses, they’re like huge doses. Mm-hmm. They sort of take over the endocannabinoid system and we just don’t know.[00:46:00]
[00:46:00] But using these huge doses of cannabinoids due to the developing endocannabinoid system, it might not do anything harmful or it could be really, really bad. We don’t know yet. And again, from the perspective of a primary care doctor, sort of anything is guilty until proven innocent with the understanding that if someone’s suffering, they need to take something.
[00:46:19] Um,
[00:46:20]Kellan Finney: so I have a question. When you, when you smoke cannabis, you’re in the molecule, THC is going into your blood. When you eat cannabis, it’s processed by your liver in the 11 hydroxy. Right? So is there different pharmacokinetics associated with those different a, those different APIs or those different molecules in the blood?
[00:46:38]Dr. Grinspoon: That, that’s part of why it lasts longer. When you take an edible, you know, you smoke, it lasts a couple hours, you know you shouldn’t drive for four hours, but you know, you go on with your day, you take an edible, it can last for like 6, 8, 12 hours and it also, it takes longer to kick in. So it’s definitely metabolized very differently.
[00:46:56] And also the quality of the high and ultimately the quality of [00:47:00] some of the medicinal effects is we’re gonna, once we start actually studying benefits and not just harms, might be very different. People describe the edible version of getting high as more like psychedelic and spacey, and it can be more stressful.
[00:47:12] Um, for some people it might be dose related. Um, so it, it affects the quality of the high, the quality of the experience, the metabolism, the timing of onset and offset. And I think it very well in the future we might discover it to have, um, different medical uses.
[00:47:28]Bryan Fields: I wanna read a quote from your book and then get your opinion.
[00:47:30] Cannabis was widely embraced by medical institutions between 1840 and 1900 as more than 100 papers were published in the Western Medical Literation recommending its clinical use for various ailments. How many average people do you
[00:47:43]Dr. Grinspoon: think would know that? Um, I would say, if I’m just gonna guess pull something outta my rear end, I would guess a fifth.
[00:47:51] Uh, cuz there a fifth of Americans seem to be like very diehard cannabis enthusiasts. And, and they would know a lot about the history. I mean, anybody who read my [00:48:00] dad’s book, marijuana Reconsidered in 1971, which I mentioned at the very beginning, uh, which was, uh, in reviewed in the front page of the New York Times book review and was a bestseller like Would, would know that.
[00:48:09] And I think it’s a very common, uh, part of like cannabis lore. I think your average American that’s just grown up under like the last 50 years of drug war nonsense would’ve no idea that we’re not actually legalizing cannabis. We’re re-legalizing it and it went really well. And you know, it’s really interesting.
[00:48:26] We re-legalized alcohol after 11 years. There was still the infrastructure, there were still people remembered the same generation, remembered going to the package store and buying some beer, where now it’s like several generations later. And a lot of institutional knowledge, a lot of the knowledge that physicians used to have has been lost about cannabis.
[00:48:44] So, uh, they’re just a lot of things that people are rediscovering and they’re like, wow, I didn’t know it was legal in the us. Um, I mean, it’s really kind of fun to watch people relearn this stuff.
[00:48:54]Bryan Fields: Yeah, it was really powerful. When I saw that. I was shocked to see like, how many people probably would believe that.
[00:48:59] Let’s do a quick [00:49:00] rapid fire. True or false? Cannabis stunts,
[00:49:03]Dr. Grinspoon: brain growth. False, unless potentially you’re a teenager with heavy use before the age of 18, it could potentially have a negative effect on the brain. Though honestly, stunts brain growth is a little bit too general. It the very specific things that they’re worried about, about, um, impulsivity and a certain part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex.
[00:49:26] Um, so I would say no, but so
[00:49:30]Bryan Fields: true or false, today’s marijuana is not just a plant. It’s genetically modified, potent, and contains toxins.
[00:49:36]Dr. Grinspoon: Every crop that we have is, uh, genetically modified. We’ve been breeding them for thousands of years. So like that’s a strawman argument. You, you couldn’t possibly find a plant anywhere that we eat that hasn’t been genetically modified.
[00:49:51] And um, honestly, if you buy it legally, the pesticides are tested for. The fertilizers, they, they only use fertilizers that are allowed. There [00:50:00] are no heavy metals. Uh, there’s no fungus. So ironically, if you’re concerned about that, uh, legalization is like by far the safest way to go so that the cannabis people using is safe, monitored, and, and regulated
[00:50:12]Bryan Fields: through false, genetically engineered marijuana may cause mass
[00:50:15]Dr. Grinspoon: shootings.
[00:50:17] Well, the word may as a philosophy major, like I guess may, if you get stoned, burn your finger, drop the gun, it goes off accidentally and kills eight people. Sure. But generally speaking, cannabis has not been associated with violence. That was the whole Alex Barron thing. I debated him at Yale Law School.
[00:50:33] It was a bloodbath, and believe me, I wasn’t the one covered with blood. He was trying to argue that cannabis causes psychosis, which causes people to be violent. Now he’s just exploiting stereotypes against the mentally ill. People who suffer from psychosis are far more often to be victims of violence that are really persecuted and need empathy and compassion not to be targeted.
[00:50:57] Um, I think that the, there’s been no consistent link [00:51:00] whatsoever, uh, to cannabis and violence. So I would, I would, I couldn’t possibly str push back against that claim more strongly.
[00:51:06] True
[00:51:06]Bryan Fields: or false.
[00:51:06]Dr. Grinspoon: Cannabis is, Cannabis can be addictive. Um, I think it’s particularly addictive to teens who learn to treat their boredom, anxiety, anger, loneliness, um, with a drug that makes you feel better than to self-soothe.
[00:51:21] They don’t learn like normal coping skills, that they use too much cannabis. So I think it can be addictive. It’s also reinforcing, it makes people feel good. Anything that’s reinforcing could be addictive. However, the rates of addictive addiction have been greatly exaggerated because the ways in which we describe it, the psychiatrist, for some reason have been in control of this, I guess.
[00:51:40] Have been dealing with a lot of the cannabis addiction. Um, they include tolerance and withdrawal. Now, we don’t include tolerance and withdrawal when we prescribe opiates, when we try to determine if someone’s addicted, because everybody who’s on medicinal opiates has tolerance and withdrawal. They’d all be addicted.
[00:51:55] So I think the way we, uh, define addiction ropes in [00:52:00] unnecessarily, in pathologizes, many of the medical cannabis users, which is doing them a great harm. So I think cannabis can be addicted for addictive for teens and for adults, but it’s not nearly as addictive as it’s been claimed to be. So it’s sort of like true, but very exaggerated.
[00:52:17] True or
[00:52:17]Bryan Fields: false. Marijuana more than doubles the risk of developing opioid use disorder or initiating non-medical prescription
[00:52:23]Dr. Grinspoon: opioid. False. The gateway theory of drug use was, um, a complete fever dream of the war on drugs. Unfortunately, a lot of doctors and psychiatrists still cite this, uh, much more com.
[00:52:35] I mean, you know, everybody who develops opiate addiction drank milk as a child, but the milk didn’t cause the opiate addiction. There’s just an association. Um, you know, cannabis is thought much more these days to be a gateway off of addiction, off of opioid addiction, off of alcohol addiction as opposed to a gateway onto addiction.
[00:52:53] So I like a hundred percent flat out disagree with that statement. True or
[00:52:57]Bryan Fields: false, cannabis can help cure
[00:52:58]Dr. Grinspoon: cancer. [00:53:00] That’s complicated. Um, cannabis has not been shown to help cure or treat cancer in humans. There’s very intriguing laboratory cell and animal data, so I wouldn’t be surprised if in 10 years we use it as an adjunct, uh, to chemotherapy.
[00:53:16] But right now it has no role whatsoever in treating the cancer. Cannabis is incredibly helpful in treating the symptoms of cancer, the anxiety, the pain, the insomnia, the lack of appetite, uh, the nausea. So cannabis is critical in cancer care. It’s hard to find an oncologist that is in a supporter of medical cannabis, but at the same time, the cannabis does not treat the cancer.
[00:53:38] And I sort of strongly disagree with these. Rick Simpson oil advocates. I mean, they’re harming people to the extent that people will use that instead of going to an oncologist. We’re much better at treating cancer than we used to be even 25 years ago when I was in medical school. I have patients that have had lung cancer that are alive.
[00:53:54] 20 years later, he used to be dead in a year or two. Uh, we’re, we’re getting really good at [00:54:00] treating many types of cancer and it just breaks my heart when people are like, oh, I’m just gonna use Rick Simpson Oil. I haven’t even met with an oncologist. I think that’s very dangerous. What is one
[00:54:09]Bryan Fields: factor statistic about cannabis that would surprise
[00:54:11]Dr. Grinspoon: others to learn?
[00:54:14] There’s so many. Um, well I think it’s interesting that the first time people use it, a lot of times they don’t get high and people don’t really understand why that’s the case. My dad had a theory that sort of, the brain receptors had to be kindled, but I remember as a teenager we smoke and smoke and smoke and be like, are we high yet?
[00:54:32] Am I high? And a lot of people experienced that the first time that they used cannabis. And believe me, if you’re high, you know it, especially the first time cause you’re not used to it. But, so I think it’s a really interesting fact that the first time you use it, a lot of times nothing happens. When you got started
[00:54:45]Bryan Fields: in the cannabis industry, what did you get?
[00:54:47] Right? And most importantly, what did you get
[00:54:49]Dr. Grinspoon: wrong? Well, I was lucky to get a lot of things right because I learned from the best I learned from my dad. He was my mentor for my entire life. And he’d been, he was like the world [00:55:00] leading expert on it. Like since 1971. I was born in 1966. So for my entire adult in childhood of life, I’ve had like the world’s best mentor.
[00:55:09] Uh, you know, the things I got wrong about it. Um, you know, for a while I was thinking it, it isn’t addictive. And I mean, you know, and then as I treat patients and learn more about it, I mentioned the rates of addiction are exaggerated, but definitely can be addictive. I mean, a lot of what I got wrong about it is because the US government lied about the harms so much for so long that today many cannabis advocates.
[00:55:35] Reflectively reject any study that shows any purported harm. And I think that’s a very dangerous state of events, which is why in my book I tried to focus as much on what are the harms as, what are the benefits? Um, and I think I fell into that for a while before, particularly before I went into medical school because, you know, I even had people say, why would I have, uh, why would I get a Covid vaccine?
[00:55:56] The government lied about cannabis, they’re lying about covid. And that’s a really, [00:56:00] nothing scares you more as a doctor than to hear that kind of thinking. Um, so I think just because not only did the government lie about cannabis for the last 50 years, like flat out lie and only support research into the harms, there wasn’t a very fine line between what the government was saying.
[00:56:17] About cannabis and what the medical community was saying. There was very little, uh, thinking for yourselves on the issue. My dad was able to do it. Dr. Andy Weyle was, um, Norman Zi. A lot of doctors were able to, but, but many doctors didn’t. They just bought the party line. So I think that there’s a real credibility gap and that affected a lot of, um, cannabis users, myself included, until I was forced by a, my interest in the issue, and b, by my medical training.
[00:56:41] To take a, a very deep look at the, at the literature,
[00:56:45]Bryan Fields: before we do predictions, we ask all of our guests, if you could sum up your experience in a main takeaway or lesson, learn to pass onto the next generation, what would it be?
[00:56:54]Dr. Grinspoon: Be humble and learn things with an open mind. Um, because a [00:57:00] lot of this stuff is more complicated than the little sound bites that we get.
[00:57:03] So I just say, Humility is an important part and to be open to the fact I might have been wrong about that, I wanna rethink that. Be willing to, to rethink things because you know, you could either, you know, get your backup against the wall and say, Nope, I’m sure of X. Or you could say, well, your whole life is X true, or is X not true?
[00:57:19] I don’t have a on cannabis. I say very early in the book, I don’t have a monopoly on the truth. And a lot of this stuff’s really complicated. So I think humility is like the most important factor.
[00:57:30]Bryan Fields: Alright, prediction time. Dr. Grinspoon, what specific topics in cannabis is no one talking about now that historians will study in the future?
[00:57:40]Dr. Grinspoon: The ways, just like psychedelics and cannabis is a psychedelic that cannabis can help with insight, motivation, understanding yourself, mindfulness, connecting with other people, and the vast potential cannabis has in therapy, in psychotherapy that we literally have just ignored because the psychiatrists have been programmed to be so [00:58:00] anti-cannabis.
[00:58:01] Well said, Kelly.
[00:58:04]Bryan Fields: I
[00:58:04]Kellan Finney: agree. I think that in a hundred years we’ll look back and realize how important plants have been to like human consciousness.
[00:58:13]Dr. Grinspoon: Amen to that.
[00:58:15]Kellan Finney: Right. Uh, what do you think, Brian?
[00:58:17]Bryan Fields: Uh, I don’t know. Uh, I thought about the, it’s my question, but, but, but
[00:58:23]Dr. Grinspoon: as I’m saying, I
[00:58:24]Bryan Fields: was allowed to see that, but, but as, as I’ve said before, I don’t think about an answer.
[00:58:27] Cause I don’t think that’s fair for the others. Um, I, I think the entourage effect, the endo cannabinoid system. I think there’s still so much to learn that it’s hard to imagine what historians will look back on and pinpoint specifically on, on how critical it was. Dr. Dr. Gson, you breaking down on the endo cannabinoid system and how critical it is for human beings.
[00:58:45] And the fact that it’s not studied in, in medical school continues to just alarm me at a very, a high rate. I mean, how can you make accurate recommendations when we’re not even sure how it works? I think we’ll unlock different areas and, and be surprised and shocked on what these findings done, which [00:59:00] hopefully can influence medicine in variety of different ways.
[00:59:02] Plant medicine being one at the core. Absolutely. So, so Dr. Gitman, for those who want to get in touch, they want to read the book, where can they find you?
[00:59:13]Dr. Grinspoon: Well, the book comes. On four 20 and it’s gonna be in all bookstores. You could find an Amazon or Barnes and Noble or book seller. And, um, the easiest way to get in contact with me or to find the book or all these great events, uh, like dozens of great events, is to check out my website, which is just www.petergrinspoon.com and grinspoon spelled written like smile spoon, like fork.
[00:59:38] So it’s www.petergrinspoon.com and you can get the book, you can read about the book, you can see all the fun events, you can see a lot of media hits. Um, you know, it’s a fun website if someone really, uh, with an artistic sense who designs it. Yeah, it is
[00:59:52]Bryan Fields: great stuff. I really appreciate the conversation.
[00:59:54] We’ll link it up on the show on so that everyone can find it. Thanks
[00:59:56]Dr. Grinspoon: for taking the time. Thank you guys so much. I really enjoyed our [01:00:00] conversation.
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Editors’ Note: This is the transcript version of the podcast. Please note that due to time and audio constraints, transcription may not be perfect. We encourage you to listen to the podcast, embedded below if you need any clarification. We hope you enjoy!
Do you love good food AND good weed? Get your aprons readybecuase today we are diving into home cooking-infused style.
We sat down with Christina Wong and discussed the following:
*Warning this episode will make you hungry
About Christina Wong:
Christina Wong is a CLIO Cannabis and MarCom award-winning storyteller and seasoned PR & communications pro who spent over a decade in the food & restaurant industry working with well-known chefs, restaurants, hospitality, and cannabis brands including Papa & Barkley, Raw Garden, and Tender Greens. A culinary cannabis educator, recipe developer, content creator, and baking show host, her imaginative and delectable creations have earned numerous awards and accolades, including a pie that KCRW’s Evan Kleiman called “f*&%ing delicious.”
She’s created custom desserts for events with Qveen Herby, Cypress Hill, LaGanja Estranja, Luna Lovebad, and Tommy Chong to name a few. Additionally, she’s partner + culinary content editor of The Clever Root, a digital publication about cannabis food, drinks, hospitality, and everything that grows; co-host of Mogu Magu, an AAPI food + culture + cannabis collective; and a member of the HiVi Higher-Ups, an inclusive community of cannabis advocates and activists.
#cookingwithcannabis #infusedcooking #cannabis
Subscribe to Christina’s Substack: https://fruitandflower.substack.com/
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[00:00:00]Bryan Fields: What’s up guys? Welcome back from the episode of The Dime. I’m Brian Fields, and with me it’s always this Kellen Finney. And this week we’ve got a very special guest, Christina Wong, cannabis food drink, travel writer and creator. Christina, thanks for taking the time. How you doing today?
[00:00:14]Christina Wong: Hey guys, how are you?
[00:00:16] I’m great,
[00:00:16]Bryan Fields: thanks. Excited to dive in Kellen, how are you doing?
[00:00:20]Kellan Finney: I’m doing really well. Really excited to talk to Christina. Really excited to learn about how cannabis and food are paired and how they should be paired together. Um, and really excited to have another West coast, uh, representative on the podcast.
[00:00:32]Bryan Fields: Finally. Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know if we can talk about that. We got a lot to dive into today, culinary wise, no cita for the record, please, your location.
[00:00:40]Christina Wong: I am in Los Angeles, California.
[00:00:43]Bryan Fields: All right. Ke,
[00:00:44]Kellan Finney: that’s, that’s for you. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, it’s been a lot of East Coast Scott, people on recently, you know what I mean?
[00:00:49]Bryan Fields: I can’t cheer for that one. So, Christine, if our listeners aren’t fooling your, you can give it a little background about yourself.
[00:00:55]Christina Wong: Yeah, I am a cannabis food drink and travel writer creator, [00:01:00] podcast host. Um, I started my career in pr working in food and restaurants. I did a lot of work with the farm to fork movement and teaching people about how to eat healthier food, organic food.
[00:01:10] And then now I find myself in cannabis and I, as I was learning about from farmers, like how does it grow all the way from seed to shelf? I was looking at the landscape and I realized that, you know, this is very similar. To organic food and being able to use these stories and these analogies to help teach people how to appreciate their cannabis in the same way that they’d appreciate their food and make choices that align with their values and their ethics and their lifestyle.
[00:01:39] So that’s what I do now. I create beautiful culinary con cannabis. I create beautiful culinary cannabis content, um, in that teaches people about how to eat and dose their weed.
[00:01:53]Bryan Fields: Yeah, I mean, you, you absolutely do. And I think one of the things that people are gonna be surprised to hear is that the intersection of culinary and [00:02:00] cannabis isn’t just the gummies or the brownies.
[00:02:02] There are other things. So ta talk to us today. What is currently happening and where is that intersection for, for culinary and
[00:02:08]Christina Wong: cannabis? Absolutely. And so like I think people have been cooking and baking with cannabis and there’s al things have been passed around. And of course, like the column and High times, um, ganja Gourmet has had so many beautiful recipes.
[00:02:21] But when we think about edibles today, modern edibles, it’s mostly gummies. Chocolates. There’s a growing category of savory snacks, which I am obsessed with. I think it’s great. Less sugar is better, but also, um, cooking and baking with cannabis at home can be a really affordable and accessible way of getting access.
[00:02:41] And you can control what you’re putting in. Uh, a lot of the products that are available on the market, um, you, you don’t always know or you know, is it made with a distillate, is it made with Delta eight, delta nine? It, it can become. It can become very confusing. And so learning to cook and bake at home was really [00:03:00] overwhelming at first.
[00:03:01] Like my mind, like my head hurt, it was exploding. And I was just like, wait, am I g? How fucked up am I gonna get? Am I doing this right? And I had so many concerns and I was Googling, I was looking in Reddit, I was going in forums, and it was incredibly overwhelming. There was so much advice, and the question I kept coming back to was, all right, but.
[00:03:21] How much, how much flour do I use to get this much in my edible because, and everyone’s like, oh, just make it and try, take a nibble and try it, and you’ll find out. And I was like, no, I don’t, I don’t like that. I, I would like to know with some certainty of how much I’m getting. And so, um, for a lot of people in states where it is not legal or maybe it’s medical accessible or.
[00:03:45] If you are able to grow at home, it can become a very cook. Learning how to cook and bake at home can become very affordable. Like I’ll say like you go spend what, $25 on a bag of gummies. You can go spend $25 on a pretty [00:04:00] like low mid grade on sale, um, batch of flour and turn that into more edibles than you would get in that bag of gummies.
[00:04:09] Where did you get.
[00:04:10]Bryan Fields: Involved in this. How did you get first get hooked on the idea of it? Were you always interested in cooking and then applied it with cannabis? Were you a big fan of cannabis and then applied to cooking? How did you get started in this? I love
[00:04:19]Christina Wong: food. F food is, food is life. I mean, the pursuit of eating food, cooking food, um, I’m not a professional chef by trade or by.
[00:04:29] Training. I just love to cook. I’ve spent a lot of time working in the culinary and the food industry, talking to chefs in my previous career doing PR, branding and marketing for a restaurant group. Um, I wrote a lot, a ghost, wrote a lot of recipes, so that’s where I learned just kind of that, that. Food world.
[00:04:45] And then I was baking a lot. Um, I just really enjoy baking cuz I like to eat it. And a lot of like, the baked goods have too much sugar. They’re too sweet. So I enjoy making my own recipes. And I got my start in the cannabis industry because I worked [00:05:00] at Papa and Barclay. They’re one of, um, California’s leading wellness companies.
[00:05:04] So they have the topicals, they now have edibles and gummies and all sorts of things. But it was working there and just learning about the plant from the farmers. And there’s this one guy there. I call him my master teacher. His name is Hector, and he is a medical patient, so he uses high doses of cannabis to manage his pain.
[00:05:21] And he loved to cook and bake. So he’d come to my office and he’d bring me like whatever he baked, and we’d sit there and talk in my office and I’d ask him so many questions and he was so patient to explain to me. And he, one day he handed me one of their tinctures and he is like, here. Uh, take this bottle of tincture.
[00:05:36] There’s so much of it. It’s free here in the office and like, start with this and you can dose it properly. So I used the tinctures to learn how to dose properly and then that built my confidence of how to make this at home. Then that kind of expanded out. But, um, he really taught me everything and it was really nice to have somebody who was trusted, who cared and was patient enough to answer [00:06:00] all my questions.
[00:06:01] Had
[00:06:01]Kellan Finney: you, um, eaten edibles prior to kind of going on this journey? Like, I’m thinking of like, you know, in college, maybe having a brownie or two that maybe wasn’t exactly dosed
[00:06:11]Christina Wong: properly. We’ve all had that experience. I had a, uh, somebody left a quad dose edible in my fridge and I just kind of left it there for a long time and I was like, I don’t know what to do with this.
[00:06:22] I wasn’t a huge cannabis edibles consumer. I had smoked a little bit. I had a terrible experience when I was young and like I. Giant bong rip and I ended up barfing for hours and so I didn’t actually touch cannabis for a very long time. I was around it. I was a lot around a lot of friends. I was very like, I was just like, this isn’t, I thought that it wasn’t for me.
[00:06:40] I, my body didn’t respond well, and it turns out I just didn’t respond well to humongous. Amounts of cannabis in T HC in one dose. And so once I learned about like low dose and starting low and going slow, that’s when it all changed for me. And so before I knew anything before that job and pop in [00:07:00] Berkeley, I was like, one day I was like, oh, let’s eat that edible in the fridge.
[00:07:03] Let’s, let’s have some fun. And I popped that quad dose. Oh boy. It was not good. Like it, it was just like this wall of high hit me. It was so horribly uncomfortable. Um, My partner at the time had one and like he saw creatures and he was freaking out. I was trying to get him to calm down. Like he was like, no, it’s not safe here.
[00:07:24] I was worried he was gonna get in the car and drive. And so, um, it’s interesting, you know, I got into, I, I get into like little TIFs with people about dosing for edibles and a lot of people who are high dose will say, um, you know, like, oh, you know, anything under 50 milligrams is weak and I don’t feel anything unless it’s 500 milligrams or more.
[00:07:43] And it’s like, okay, good for you. But for most people, um, you know, eating an edible that has too much for you has adverse effects and it doesn’t feel good and it isn’t going to help bring new UR users, um, into trying it. So by providing low dose, [00:08:00] safe ways to experience it, and then for my recipes, you can just increase the dose to your personal level and what you want.
[00:08:07] But that quad dose experience like. It was really intense and while I didn’t go to the hospital I knew I was gonna be fine, but like, You know, there’s this Reefer Madness 2.0 going on in the media, and you see these reports in the news of like, you know, hospitalizations among children who’ve been who’s consumed, or people who’ve consumed too much marijuana have increased by however many, you know, thousands of percent.
[00:08:31] I was like, one, it’s more accessible, but also there’s a lack of education about how do we dose, and these articles that are written for beginner levels are not dosed for beginners. And that’s my biggest
[00:08:42]Bryan Fields: concern. I think that’s a massive concern and I think so many people have that horrific edible story mainly with the brownie and always lean on that when they see edibles now, especially the the people who are kind of curious.
[00:08:53] Cause I think you’re exactly right that the people who are interested but are just so fearful because of that previous experience. If they have an off-put [00:09:00] experience, like the next time they’re pretty much gone forever, right? They’ll probably never try cannabis again. And I think that next experience is so critical.
[00:09:06] So, For someone at home, right? They, they wanna set up the dosing, they’re interested, they’re liking to try. How do they know dosing? How does that work? Because in my experience, I’ve got a friend who’s always like, the more the merrier, which I think you might find not to be accurate. So how would you go about getting started with dosing?
[00:09:24]Christina Wong: I think dosing’s really personal. I think like, let’s start there, right? Dosing is very personal to each person and. I might need, I need 10 milligrams. That’s, I started at five. I’ve now gone up to 10 and ten’s a good place. I could probably do a little more. Um, but my smoking tolerance is significantly higher.
[00:09:42] I can dab and do bong hits cuz I smoke a lot. That’s actually my personal preferred method of consuming rather than edibles. But with edibles, I think if you don’t know, Start low, start at five milligrams and just start increasing until you feel it. And so for some people who are medical users or have a much [00:10:00] higher tolerance, their body maybe processes it differently.
[00:10:03] Um, they might need 20 milligrams, 30, 50 hundreds even. Um, but I’m like, I always say, if you don’t know, start low. And how do we know how to dose math? Like there’s, you know, Canna Kamath is very real and there’s a lot of variables that can affect the dosing, which is why I think that typically when I read articles that explain how to make canna butter, how to make edibles for beginners, um, They’re, they’re riffing on articles and things that have written by somebody else in the past and in the past.
[00:10:42] The people who are making edibles tend to be high dose consumers. So they’re passing along verbal knowledge. They’re passing along, um, an oral history of how they do something. And so the flower that was used, um, or you know, you’re using shake or trim because you don’t wanna waste the plant. That [00:11:00] shake and trim has much lower potency.
[00:11:02] But now, Not everybody has access to shake and trim. Uh, the easiest thing we all have access to is flour from the can cannabis dispensary. So those that cannabis has a percent T hc, we can do the math work backwards and make certain general assumptions to, so I can say, okay, if I’m making one batch of pop brownies, let’s assume my pop brownies are, I make nine squares of brownies.
[00:11:27] That’s pretty big. That’s like a nice, that’s a nice like, Mouthful, the brownie, um, that’s five milligrams times nine. You only need 45 milligrams. It’s very, very small, like less than like a nickel sized amount. It’s like 0.25 grams when you do the math to get five in one brownie. But if you wanna do a hundred, then you need to multiply that up.
[00:11:50] And I think that people are very surprised at how little cannabis you actually need to get those effects. [00:12:00]
[00:12:00]Bryan Fields: I think that’s perfectly well said. I’m just laughing thinking about the fact that difference between milligrams and grams quite different.
[00:12:07]Christina Wong: Absolutely. And like what was like, so like the thing that I got into a whole tiff about was like this article written in like, it was like a major like news and culture publication, in which I know their audience is, middle America doesn’t really have access to legal cannabis yet.
[00:12:24] And the article said, you know, like, okay, for a beginner batch of brownies, You should start with about an ounce, which would be 28 grams, and I was like, no, that is not a beginner dose. Let me do the math for you. If we do the math, then each brownie, I’m gonna cut my bra, pan and brownies into 16 squares just to be right.
[00:12:46] Just to give you the benefit of the doubt. Each brownie about this big would’ve been between, and the range that they gave, because there’s so much variable in there, would’ve been anywhere between 300 to [00:13:00] 400 milligram per bite of brownie. I’m like, that is gonna make anyone sick. Most people, majority of people who might grab this article unknowingly make it and, um, The journalist I was talking to is like, well, you know, I admittedly know more about the science than the dosing.
[00:13:17] And I’m like, then why are you writing this? Just quote me. I let, like, let me help you do the math. And so that’s kind of my gripe right now where I’m like, people are writing recipes that are saying, okay, use a one-to-one ratio. I’m like, one to one ratio of what? There’s so much variation in that and uh, I think we’ll say like, well, you don’t use the whole batch.
[00:13:39] You like dose out a little bit and you taste how you feel, and then you add this and subtract that. And I’m like, that’s confusing. Can we just like, when we make, when we look at a recipe, like I, I look at this from the perspective of a home cook of a home baker. If you’re looking at a recipe and you’re following the instructions, it should provide the amount of flour, the amount of information, and [00:14:00] all the instructions to get you to that safe dose.
[00:14:03] So I like to start my recipes at five milligrams per serving. If you want more, if you want 10, you just double the amount of flour I. You want 20, you quadruple the amount of flour. And then, um, I’m also doing a partnership with Skunk Magazine, with a culinary cannabis magazine that I’m starting. And we’re going to do high dose recipes.
[00:14:22] So I’m going to start writing the high dose version of my recipes, possibly using keif or concentrates because that won’t affect your flavor as much. Cuz if I’m doing a res, I think I was calculating out cookies, a batch of cookies today. And it would’ve used like. Five grams of flour and I’m like, that’s gonna affect the taste.
[00:14:43] So a concentrate, like, um, like I have a strawberry jelly concentrate in my fridge. That would be a much better way to use, um, to get the better cannabis flavor paired with the cookie.
[00:14:57]Kellan Finney: So if you’re making like cookies or [00:15:00] brownies, does the medium in which you introduce the cannabinoid change, right? If you’re making like something savory versus something sweet, are you using butter?
[00:15:09] To, to dose the, the cookies versus the tincture to dose the other ones. Does that kind of change in terms of the medium? I
[00:15:15]Christina Wong: start with the food first, so whatever. Okay. He calls for what is the best, like, I’ll start with the recipe. So if I’m making pasta, uh, like a handmade cannabis pasta, olive oil would be my choice.
[00:15:27] If I’m making a cake, Probably butter pie butter. Um, I know that, you know, typically mc t oil or coconut oil is the best fat binder to get the most T HC possible, but coconut oil isn’t necessarily the best thing to cook and bake with because it has such a strong overpowering coconut flavor. So I’ll use coconut like I made a coconut, a pineapple coconut cake, so that would be appropriate.
[00:15:54] So for me it’s food, food and flavor first. And the oil or the fat that carries the [00:16:00] t HC is second. So, uh, maybe it could be a cannabis milk, like I have a recipe for cannabis infused coffee creamer so you can make, so I just basically infuse cannabis milk and then pour that into your coffee. And you’ve got cannabis and coffee in the mornings.
[00:16:15] Um, you can use that to make ice creams, smoothies, um, Boba milk tea. Man,
[00:16:22]Kellan Finney: I’m getting hungry. Yeah.
[00:16:27]Bryan Fields: Do any strains or terpenes influence the con, the concoction of the meal? Do you, do you try to lean in certain areas because you know they influence the taste at all? How, how do you think about that? I.
[00:16:37]Christina Wong: I do, I like to pair the terpene profiles and the strain profiles with the food because just like any herb, like right, if you’re cooking with oregano and you’re making a pasta sauce, you’re not going to use a pound of oregano.
[00:16:49] It’s gonna overflow power. The flavor. You only need a little bit. And so, uh, for me, the fun part of cooking and baking with cannabis is not only do I have, um, a plant and an ingredient. [00:17:00] That affects the flavor. And there’s so many variety, right? If you’re cooking with a limine versus something that’s high in a lolol, um, some of it cooks off for sure.
[00:17:08] So it’s very subtle. But with food, it is all very subtle. It’s how do these flavors work together? And I find that with baked goods and cannabis, the cannabis actually like that earthiness of it helps offset and balance the sweetness that comes from desserts, which I really like. Um, Any strain with the limine is a great pla.
[00:17:32] If you don’t know, just pick one of those because Le Laminine is like that lemony citrus scent and citrus pairs fairly well with most dishes. So it’s a safe bet. Um, but also it’s effects, right? Like not only do I have an ingredient that. Has interesting flavors and notes and nuances. Now it can affect how somebody feels.
[00:17:53] So I can pair a dessert or a dish or something with how I want someone to feel, or for an event, [00:18:00] which is even more fun.
[00:18:02]Kellan Finney: Have you ever cooked with just the flour? Right? Like, I’m thinking of making like, uh, like a vegetable medley right in the oven, and then just kind of grinding up some flour and sprinkling it on top, right?
[00:18:11] Because you can decarboxylate the flour mm-hmm. In the oven at like 150 sea for like 10 minutes, right? Yeah. So you can kind of like garnish it at the end and then like finish it. Have you ever done anything like that? It’s just a afraid of thought.
[00:18:22]Christina Wong: I, yeah, you can totally do something like that. Like if I was Okay, so like, or the dose though, right?
[00:18:27] That. Uh, not really. I mean, not really. It depends on what, it depends on what you’re making and you have to consider, right, how evenly is it spread? Okay? So if I was say something like that. Grind. Grind your cannabis flour and, um, measure out how much you need. So let’s say you make, right? Yeah. You’re making one dish for yourself or maybe you and another person.
[00:18:46] So whatever your dose is, times, however, Calculate that amount and then you could just decart grind it. I would make a gremolata and like make this with like anada. What
[00:18:57]Kellan Finney: is a gremolata? Sorry.
[00:18:59]Christina Wong: That’s [00:19:00] kinda like a toast. Okay. So lemme tell you what I would make. Yeah, thank you. So, and especially since it’s spring, I would get some really nice, fresh, I should should write this down.
[00:19:08]Bryan Fields: I mean, we’re recording this.
[00:19:11]Christina Wong: So catch yourself some asparagus and then like, just kind of like pan sear it, toss it a little bit with like a little bit of olive oil. And then, um, I would probably shave like salted cured egg yolk. And then I would make like a bread crumb herb, like a gremolata, kind of like a, a crunchy crispy topping that goes on top of it.
[00:19:31] And I would put the ground flour in that. And depending on your dose, again, if you’re very high dose, that’s. Gonna be a lot and it might not taste good cuz you’ll get the weedy taste. But at very low doses, like it’s like a tiny amount so it won’t affect it, it’ll balance much easier. And then I would just sprinkle that with the breadcrumbs and the herbs like on top of that asparagus.
[00:19:52] And then put like a nice soft poached egg on top. Magic.
[00:19:58]Bryan Fields: I mean, that sounds, that sounds [00:20:00] delicious, but like my problem’s gonna be, I’m going to eat the whole thing and Oh, for sure. I don’t know how, like, thinking about the dosing standpoint, like, I don’t know how I would tell myself, all right, this is gonna be four servings and then I’m gonna get started.
[00:20:11] And I’m like, well, this is how, how do you that.
[00:20:15]Christina Wong: That’s why I like to make things low dose, because I’m, I don’t need to have this one dish give me like, the full punch of my full potency. A lot of times I’ll eat edibles or I’ll dose throughout the day and it gives me a nice base high with my edible, and then I can smoke to feel if I wanna feel more high or less.
[00:20:35] So it’s, it’s kind of like this, I don’t need to, it’s like comparing it to a shot. I feel like there’s this thing in cannabis edibles culture where it’s like, well, that’s weak. I just want to eat this one brownie and get like high to my head and fucked up. And to me it’s edibles don’t need to be about getting fucked up.
[00:20:54] It can be, I just wanna feel better. It’s. I don’t wanna have that wall of high hit [00:21:00] me where like, I can’t function for a couple of days. I mean, like, I love a really good solventless high. Like it just makes you feel really wonderful and you can choose that. You know, you could, let’s say you’re like, okay, like I, you know, it’s gonna be delicious.
[00:21:13] Make it less so then you can, you can always eat more cookies. You can always eat more asparagus.
[00:21:20]Bryan Fields: No, I think that’s perfectly well said. And I think for me, like that changes the mindset of what, what I was thinking about. Right? I was thinking about going into, especially the pasta dish because of my household pasta is a constant with my Italian wife, but I was thinking about the fact that like, it’d be so hard.
[00:21:33] So try to dose that out, especially if it tastes as delicious as it seems, but using it as just kind of like a precursor for, for the later on just, and kind of mellowing yourself out is a good way for, I think for home cooks to kind of get started and get experimenting so they don’t overdo it, especially early on.
[00:21:48] So I guess the first step is how do chefs that wanna experiment with home cooking, get comfortable with taking flour and then converting it into a usable form? What, what do you suggest?
[00:21:58]Christina Wong: I would say, one, you [00:22:00] should subscribe to my newsletter on CK because I have a d i Y edible section that explains step by step I say in bite-size chunks.
[00:22:08] So a lot of times I’ll read these articles. I’ll, if you Google like how to make edibles at home. There’s a lot of articles, there’s a lot of stuff out there. They’re all optimized for seo, and you don’t really know exactly what and subsisting through all the information, I was like, what? And we’re always looking for what is the best, what is the most efficient way?
[00:22:25] And what I learned through the whole process was I. Everyone’s answers and the way that they do it is correct, it is accurate. It’s just a matter of what works for you given the tools that you have available. And like start, like if you follow my newsletter, I’ll give you a base I like to recommend. If you don’t have anything, you’re just starting out.
[00:22:45] All you need is an oven and a mason jar. The easiest thing to start off with. You don’t need anything fancy. Like the stove top method is great. It’s actually like I sensed, um, some butter samples to a lab and that was the most efficient. But I don’t really have [00:23:00] time to sit and babysit butter oil on the stove for hours.
[00:23:03] So to me, I. A mason jar, you put in your flower, you seal it, decar in the oven, it’s low smell, and then you open the same jar you put in your oil, you put it back in the oven at a different temp, and you can leave it and walk away and come back when it’s done. And then you already have it all in one jar, less dishes, less mess.
[00:23:22] It’s all in one thing. And, um, But that will teach you, like if you follow my step-by-step, it’ll answer all those questions. Um, it’ll teach you how to do canna math, and then all of my recipes provide the exact amount of cannabis flour. I’m assuming 20% because, um, if I’m making a big, broad generalization of what most people have access to these days, you know, here in California our flower can be any, you know, in the 30 to 40% thc.
[00:23:51] So if somebody knows that they have a high percent T hc, they can adjust the math. But for most people, I think 20% is a good [00:24:00] safe assumption. If you don’t know, you know, 20, maybe 25. Um, I like to make like overgeneralizations because worst case scenario, your edible might be a little bit weak, right? It’s a week five or it’s a week 10.
[00:24:14] Okay, cool. Then you can smoke or you can have a little bit more. But I never wanna give somebody the math that would. Accidentally
[00:24:21]Bryan Fields: be too much. And just to confirm and clarify, that would be the potency of the T H C, correct.
[00:24:26]Christina Wong: Yes. So when you, if you go to the dispensary and you purchase a flower on the label of your jar of flour, on the bag of flour, it will say there’s this much percent T hc and it’s usually anywhere between 50% to like 35.
[00:24:42] And even that is controversial. But I will leave that for another episode and another conversation like it’s, you know, there’s so many variables. The method that you infuse, the temperature that you infuse at how long the type of oil you’re using. How you’re baking it, that will all affect the potency of T H C and [00:25:00] the end result of the edible.
[00:25:02] But if you’re making it at home, at least you can start with the math to get you in the ballpark a about. How much to start so you can feel confident knowing that like this brownie is around five milligrams, instead of being like, I don’t know, taste some here, try it and see what happens. And then we end up with seeing creatures on the wall.
[00:25:24] And I think that’s what happens to a lot of people. And um, I think for some of the higher dose edibles consumers who are like, oh, it’s not a big deal. Like just, you’re just gonna fall, go to sleep. And I was like, but it is a big deal because people don’t wanna feel that way. It’s uncomfortable. It puts, you know, it can be a scary experience if you don’t know.
[00:25:45] And you know, it could set you off for the rest of the day. You can’t pick up your kids, you can’t, you know, do your work or you, whatever plans you had. You know, like sometimes I had to cancel the whole next day because I couldn’t function.
[00:25:58]Kellan Finney: Yeah, and I mean, it is a, a [00:26:00] slippery slope, right? So if you’re estimating like 20%, I mean, and I take one gram of that flour, that’s 200 milligrams, right?
[00:26:07] So that would be eating every gummy in two packages at once after I bought it from like a normal dispensary, which is just, it’s a lot, right? And you don’t even think about that when you’re looking at one gram of flour in terms of like comparing it to, from a reference perspective.
[00:26:23]Christina Wong: And I understand, you know, why like edible, the, the way that we are taught to make edibles right now, it’s been done that way because typically it’s high dose consumers who need to cook because they can’t buy or get access to that.
[00:26:38] And so for somebody who needs a hundred milligrams, 200 milligrams, um right. And like right now at dispensaries, The high dose products, right? The syrups, the like a hundred, the a hundred milligram, like I just got crackers the other day, or a hundred milligrams a box. Um, those are selling really well because high dose consumers want that, cuz they want to eat that and they can’t get [00:27:00] enough, but it’s very expensive.
[00:27:03]Kellan Finney: Yeah, I mean that’s like you go to the medical dispensaries, they have access to significantly higher concentrations and it’s because they’re using it for medical purposes over, uh, recreational purposes. So there is a different, and I think that’s probably like the. Best place to draw a line in the sand where you differentiate between people that utilize cannabis for medical purposes, to treat illnesses and people, people who are utilizing it to kind of just like alleviate stress or for wellness purposes.
[00:27:32]Christina Wong: And even people using it for medical, just because you have a high tolerance doesn’t mean it can be like a Russian roulette of dosing. You know, like they still wanna know how much, so at least you can also do the math. It’s just a little bit less risk for the person who is, um, the medical
[00:27:47]Bryan Fields: user. He’s like, someone, someone here is gonna go to sleep
[00:27:50]Kellan Finney: really soon.
[00:27:53]Bryan Fields: So let’s go back to the oil in the oven, right? We, we’ve finally cooked the oil. Now we feel good. How long does that stay good for?
[00:27:59]Christina Wong:[00:28:00] I mean, it’ll, it will degrade over time. Even if you like, I’ll, I’ll like pre decarb and set it out. It’ll degrade over time. Um, that’s also why I don’t like to pre-make my oils and my butters and sit them and like, and then like dose them out little bit like I.
[00:28:14] According to how much and substituted my recipe, cuz that’s how I end up with like little bits and bobs and jars of oils and flour and I don’t remember the potency and they sit around and it’s wasteful. So I infuse exactly what I need for the recipe that I’m making. So then there’s no waste and it’s fresh.
[00:28:31] I got it.
[00:28:32]Bryan Fields: That’s very smart. So I guess like taking the next step would be for those home cooks at home that want to get started a little more hesitant. Maybe not on the dessert side. One in incorporate into the cooking. What do you think is the easiest way to kind of experiment to get comfortable with infused cooking?
[00:28:46]Christina Wong: I’m gonna say olive oil, um, on my breastfe, like, and any, we can do any oil really. If you’re comfortable, like, um, because that’s a cooking oil, you can ma make that. I know that one cup has, I [00:29:00] believe, 16. I forget how many tablespoons I have to Google that one, but, right. I know. One cup boil has X number of tablespoons.
[00:29:07] I want this many. One tablespoon is five milligrams. So if you’re making pasta at home, um, you could say like, okay, like you just wanna dose yours. Your wife is like, I don’t wanna have dose. You can measure out your one tablespoon of olive oil, drizzle it over your pasta. Good. Um, use that with cooking oil.
[00:29:25] That’s a great way to incorporate it. I mean, it’s, I like baked goods, but there’s a lot of sugar. I mean, like, I just like eating them. And I started making really beautiful cannabis infused desserts because I looked around at the space and I saw, you know, most of the edibles and desserts I see that people bake are like really ugly looking brownies.
[00:29:44] And I was like, I love brownies. We can do more. We can be better about, like there’s more beautiful things we can make and also it helps change the image and destigmatize what cannabis can be. You see a beautiful lemon bar, a pie, a ca, a gorgeous layer [00:30:00] cake, and that’s something that you can bring. To a family dinner, to, you know, put on the table alongside a party and someone’s like, wait, I had no idea.
[00:30:08] Wait. This has cannabis in it. And if you know that it’s low dose, you can comfortably share it with people knowing that like they’re gonna have a positive experience.
[00:30:17]Bryan Fields: Any sort of masking of the flavor or any sort of hesitations with that.
[00:30:22]Christina Wong: I tried. I don’t like to advocate for masking the flavor. I think that that comes from if you’re cooking and baking with a dist, distillate, or an isolate, um, I get asked this a lot, you know, how do you mask the flavor?
[00:30:34] And when I eat edibles that have that weird bitter aftertaste, that’s usually from where it comes from. I like to celebrate the natural weedy flavor because to me, that tastes delicious. And there’s a way to parrot, um, a nice solventless like a rosin. Whole flour, um, hash, I love edibles made with hash and ice water hash.
[00:30:54] I think the, it feels good and it tastes good. It’s just like kind of pushing past, we’re [00:31:00] associating the bitter taste and like this wheated, but come on. We drink wheat grass. Wheat grass is gross and we could, it’s gonna be okay. So I like to work with the flavor of cannabis and parrot instead of trying to mask it.
[00:31:15]Kellan Finney: Is there a huge difference between like, um, different cannabinoids, say like a strain that has one-to-one, c, b d tot hc? Do you notice like a difference in flavor pairings with those kind of strains?
[00:31:26]Christina Wong: I think with like the one-to-one with like the cannabinoids, the cannabinoids doesn’t necessarily have the flavor.
[00:31:31] It’s the terpene profile, and then ter, like the terpenes and the tea and the cannabinoids will start to burn off at a certain temperature. So it all varies, but when I’m baking and cooking, I try to keep my temperature below, like around 340 degrees or less. Um, if you’re making something and it goes a little higher, it’s okay.
[00:31:52] Like it’s not gonna ruin the batch. You won’t get more high. If anything, maybe if you go too high temp, some of the t h will convert [00:32:00] to cb. Is it c b N? And you might feel a little sleepier. Um, but generally, like I try to keep, so I adjust my baking temperature down to 340 degrees and I add on a little time at the baking so that it will account for that.
[00:32:15] So it’ll still bake nicely and it’ll preserve as much of the THC and the cannabinoid flavors as possible, or the terpene flavors as
[00:32:22]Bryan Fields: possible. So just to confirm, if you wanna put someone you’re cooking for, to sleep, literally C B N.
[00:32:30]Christina Wong: I think CBNs a great way. I haven’t really gotten down to the math of like Decarboning, to get to cbn.
[00:32:36] That’s a whole other level. You know, for me in my journey, I’m really new with this. I only really learned how to start infusing, uh, a few years ago when I started working at Papa and Barclay. And that’s what I find this to be such a fascinating. Place. Cause I’m looking around, I was like, wait, like how?
[00:32:51] I’m trying to understand these recipes, but they’re being written in a way that are not accessible to like the average person who doesn’t know anything about cannabis. [00:33:00] So how can I flip this? How can I do this? Where we can learn about, um, how to make that. But I love cbn. I mean like if somebody wants more C B N and they want, like that’s how they want to incorporate it, I would say.
[00:33:10] Go buy a tincture that has e b n, that’s an mc t oil base, or even a, um, an alcohol tincture. And you can use that to dose. I mean, if somebody just wants to learn how to do this at home and like add it into their food and like get comfortable with that, buying like an oil-based tincture at your local dispensary is the easiest, most foolproof way, cuz like, I’ll make a batch of cookies and I’ll leave the same, the same everything.
[00:33:36] And I’ll just add like that. The amount of oil that I’m adding in from the tincture is so concentrated that it’s almost negligible for baking. What
[00:33:46]Bryan Fields: about the onset? When people are like eating the, the brownie or the pie, how long should they expect to feel before they dive into that second slice?
[00:33:55]Christina Wong: Like a standard edible, I would wait 90 minutes to a couple hours to see how you [00:34:00] feel.
[00:34:00] Um, with the, with the new nanotechnology that are, that’s available in edibles. I think I love them in drinks because, so what, okay, let me ex go back and explain. So typically with an edible, when you eat, when you ingest the edible, the THC goes into your stomach and your liver converts that delta nine THC into delta 11.
[00:34:21] So it will feel significantly more. Potent than you would smoking. Um, traditionally someone’s making a brownie and they’re like, ah, you know, I smoke this many bowls, I smoke this much joint and this is how I feel. Let’s multiply that by how many number of brownies, and I’ll add that in. That is the incorrect way.
[00:34:41] To measure how much to put in because what you smoke, the way you feel and how smoking hits you and gets absorbed in your bloodstream hits very differently than when your liver is processing it. So, uh, a lot of this new technology that’s available in cannabis infused drinks and edible that you’ll [00:35:00] see fast acting on the label, they’ll say nanotechnology.
[00:35:04] And that’s like, um, emulsification. So imagine you’re making a salad dressing. Or mayonnaise, right? You have to, you have to combine. Lemon juice and an oil, a liquid in an oil are two things that don’t wanna mix together. So nano technology mixes those and emulsifies that and breaks it all down so it’s smaller and it absorbs when you eat it faster.
[00:35:29] So you’ll feel the effects within like 15 to 20 minutes. But at home, we don’t have that technology to do that yet. And so if you’re making your edibles at home, it’ll take, I’d say wait at least 90 to two 90 minutes to two hours. What about making drinks at home? Same? So if I’m making drinks at home, uh, it depends on the drink and what I’m doing.
[00:35:49] If it’s a milk, can you give us an example? Yeah, like, uh, like what kind of drink I’d make? Yeah. I wrote this really, I came up with this really cool drink called [00:36:00] the Humboldt Fog Latte. Uh, for. And it’s a cannabis leaf tea and matcha. And, um, it’s like, and then it’s made with like a steamed milk. It’s a twist on a London fog latte.
[00:36:13] So a London fog is like an Earl Gray with like a steamed milk and some brown sugar vanilla. So a humbolt fog is cannabis leaf. Tea with matcha and a seamed infused milk. And so what I loved about it was I saw this beautiful video from moon made farms in Humboldt, where you could see the clouds just billowing in through the pine, like the redwood forest and the pine trees and the mountains.
[00:36:38] And so when I pour the milk into this Humboldt fog latte, you see it swirling like the clouds in the mountain and it just tastes really beautiful. And I made an infused milk. To put in with that. So any beverages? I’ll do milks. I wrote a tea, a cannabis tea recipe, cuz that’s something people ask me for too.
[00:36:55] They don’t want the sugar. Um, honeys have sugar or like, maybe they, they don’t want [00:37:00] milk, um, or oils or butter. And a lot of the cannabis tea recipe was just like, just add a couple droppers of like an oil or butter and tea tea. And I’m like, no one wants to drink oiled butter tea. And so a alcohol based cannabis tincture.
[00:37:15] Would be a great way to do that. So, um, I made that and I’ve been drinking that at home. So I basically take a very high proof vodka and shake up the de carbed cannabis ground cannabis, and then that will extract it in the same way. And then you can add that and measure that in, in a similar way that you would do with oil.
[00:37:34]Kellan Finney: The coffee is so dangerous. I drink so much coffee that that would be just, I have to make it ultra moose.
[00:37:40]Christina Wong: That’s ultra. I’m like, I have cannabis coffee in the morning all the time. Either it’s either I’m enjoying like a bong hit or a joint in the morning with coffee, or if I’m making an infused creamer a little bit, I’m like, my first cup of coffee is infused and not a lot, just a little bit for that interaction of the caffeine and the coffee to come together to like work.
[00:37:59] Its science [00:38:00] magic in the brain. Yeah, and like. That’s it. Actually, my next podcast episode, dropping next month is gonna be all about cannabis and coffee and how the science of that works to make you feel so good. Like why? There’s a reason why it’s called the hippie speed ball. It makes you feel real good.
[00:38:13] Yeah, I’d have to write that
[00:38:14]Kellan Finney: down. Only add this creamer to cup one, not cup 12 as well.
[00:38:19]Bryan Fields: Right. Start your day the right way with cannabis infused coffee. I mean, that is, that is hard. Right Way. Folders right? Watch out. So bad. Cease desist. And
[00:38:29]Christina Wong: there’s a lot of like cannabis infused coffee brands coming out now, and it’s like, I love it.
[00:38:33] I love the I, I love that this is becoming a product that people can enjoy because it expands our minds of what cannabis edibles can be. It’s not just chocolates and gummies. It can be coffee, it can be tea. There’s like these really beautiful, like savory, like puffballs. It’s like I’m a cheeseball fiend.
[00:38:50] Like I love junk food and like cheeseballs are my favorite. And what? Sumo snacks and Chef Roy Choy just came out with a spaghetti and meatball flavored like, Cheese ball puff and [00:39:00] amazing over.
[00:39:01]Bryan Fields: So for those health conscious individuals that are interested in, in infusing, I know I’m switching the gears hard on that one.
[00:39:08] Yes. What she said, if they’re not interested in using the oil or the butter, what ideas come to mind? If they’re not looking for the dessert, they’re looking for a healthy meal, would you, would it be in a dressing type? What would you recommend?
[00:39:20]Christina Wong: Yeah, I would say like you’re cooking oil, uh, that’s olive oil is great.
[00:39:24] Um, he healthy fat, use your healthy fats, avocado, oil, um, tincture, alcohol tinctures are great though, like I mentioned, there is alcohol in them, but you can also cook, like when I make the tea, I just boil like that little bit of the alcohol in with the water and it boils off most of the alcohol, so it’s very light.
[00:39:42] Um, also there’s a lot of really great powders that are available now. Those are generally made from isolates and distillates. But they’re flavorless and you can purchase them and just add them and like dose them exactly how you want in your food and your drink. And I think that that’s a really great method.
[00:39:58] Like to me, like [00:40:00] just like cannabis, just like food, there’s a huge range of possibilities. There is fast food, there’s michel and star fine dining, and there’s everything in between. And we can make different choices based on our budgets, based on what’s available to us and what is the most convenient that fits into our lives of how to get
[00:40:19]Bryan Fields: that dose.
[00:40:21] What is the number one takeaway people can do to improve their home infused cooking today?
[00:40:27]Christina Wong: Do math, learn the math. I know it feels hard. Math is hard. We’ve been taught that math is hard. And if my parents knew right now that I’m sitting here shouting about how math is important, they’d laugh because as a child, I sat and cried over my Kumon homework as my dad, like hit my hands.
[00:40:42] And now I’m like, everybody do. But um, besides that, besides learn the math, I’d say like, Don’t be, be open and curious. Know that less is more. [00:41:00] And ask questions. I think that, you know, ask questions and if you don’t feel satisfied or you don’t feel good about somebody’s answer, like go ask again. Ask somebody else.
[00:41:08] Find someone who maybe align, who like you look at and you’re like, oh, this person probably aligns with my values. Like I just got this comment on Instagram recently, and I don’t know if it’s said, uh, I don’t know how I feel about it, but I guess it’s a compliment. But she was like finally an age appropriate cannabis educator and I was like, age fuck.
[00:41:26] I’m old, but also, Yes. Um, right, like everyone’s needs are different. So find somebody who you feel aligns with your values, what you’re looking for, how you want to experience cannabis, and ask them questions. I’m so happy to answer questions and dms. Like I had somebody, I was talking somebody through how to, how much flour to use to make a tincture that would be like five milligrams t h c in one like dropper.
[00:41:54] And so we like did the math together and this person was finally like, yes, I’ve been searching and [00:42:00] Googling and asking for two months, and like in this short conversation, like I feel more confident about what I’m doing or how much to use than I have in like those several months. And I’m like, yes. So ask questions.
[00:42:12] Don’t be afraid. Uh, less is more. You can always eat
[00:42:15]Bryan Fields: more cookies. What is the best meal you’ve used, infused, and the worst meal you’ve made Infused best.
[00:42:22]Christina Wong: I don’t know. Every, every meal is the best because it’s always different and it’s what I’m eating right now. I know, but like I’ll say, one of my favorite things that I’ve made cannabis infused is a cannabis infused pesto pasta.
[00:42:35] So, um, I, when I’m growing and I have extra leaves, so like we trim off the fan leaves, and so most people are like, oh, those are, you know, that’s trash. No, you can eat those. They’re really good for you. And they’re really healthy. So I’ll take the leaves and I’ll make a pesto out of it with a little bit of basil.
[00:42:51] So I make a pesto and then I’ll take the leaves and I press them and I make a handmade pasta. So, Fresh eggs for my [00:43:00] chickens, I’ll infused olive oil and then I make handmade pasta and press those leaves into it, and then cut it into like pepper strips. And then that gets tossed with the cannabis leaf pesto, a little bit of ricotta, some lemon zest, peas, mint.
[00:43:15] And it’s a beautiful, beautiful springtime dish. It’s beautiful. It’s impressive. It’s using all the parts of the plant so you’re not wasting, um, and it’s something that like you would see at a nice restaurant. The worst thing I’ve had, I would say, I dunno, the worst I’ve made. I make a lot of really like bad dishes, but I think like the worst experience when it comes to edibles is when I go to an event or a dinner or a party and there’s infused food, there’s infused everything I.
[00:43:43] There’s infused beverages, there’s a dab bar, there’s a flower bar infused food, and if things aren’t labeled and I don’t know how potent they are, and there’s no other alternative of food or drinks that are not infused, that’s a bad [00:44:00] experience because I went to one. And I was just standing. I did a huge fat dab, and then I was like, P, and then I became paranoid and I was standing there and I’m like, I’m so hungry.
[00:44:11] But everything here is infused and I don’t know how infused they are. And I don’t know how much more, I don’t know how much more high I can get because I also need to get back in the car to drive home. And I also don’t wanna be like I, I don’t, but I was very self-conscious of. How I would be or feel at this event.
[00:44:31] And so I’m saying like at, if you’re hosting, if you’re branding, you’re hosting events and you have edibles, um, always have uninfused snacks and drinks and beverages because when you’re high, all you wanna do is eat. And when there’s nothing but infused food, it’s very difficult. So, um, whenever I’m hosting infused parties or events, um, at.
[00:44:50] On my own, I generally like to put the infusions on the side, so I’ll make sauces and like different things that people can add on so that they can [00:45:00] dose on their own, um, according to their own potency. So if somebody has a low dose, they don’t have to add the extra sesame oil, they don’t have to add the extra sprinkle.
[00:45:08] Um, but generally I like to have a lot of like smoking things and then like nice cold, hydrating crunchy things for people to enjoy. It’s
[00:45:19]Kellan Finney: pretty funny. It’s like back in prohibition when they’re like, Hey, we’re throwing, uh, this party with all this alcohol. We should probably also serve water, right?
[00:45:27]Bryan Fields: Yes.
[00:45:29]Christina Wong: Plenty cannabis events.
[00:45:35]Bryan Fields: It’s gonna take a second to salivate over the meal. You just said you were gonna prepare. That mean that was, that sounded spectacular. I mean,
[00:45:40]Christina Wong: one of the most fun things I did, I also wrote about an article about how to do this for thrillers, but it was, um, I did a Chinese hot pot.
[00:45:47] So hot pot is like a Chinese fondue, basically like you just do like boiling water broth. And then you dip different meats and vegetables and seafoods into it to cook and then you eat it with sauces. So, uh, we [00:46:00] did a whole infused hot pot and all of this, we had like sauces from Pot Lee. There was, um, ch infused chili oils.
[00:46:06] There were shrimp chips. So all the things around it were infused so that people could kind of add and mix and match and make their own. Um, but the food itself was not, and it was such a nice way to ex. Experience it. I mean, and there’s a cultural element. It’s bringing in cannabis and for me personally with my culture and um, being able to destigmatize it within my community.
[00:46:28] How do
[00:46:28]Bryan Fields: you dose that with the sauces, especially the delicious ones? I just wanna put more on top. How do you dose
[00:46:32]Christina Wong: that? So like, I’ll say like, okay, like here’s like an infused sesame oil or chili oil. One teaspoon has this much, so somebody can say, okay, this much, and like, you’re not going to eat it all.
[00:46:45] You’re kind of like dipping, but at least like you can keep a tally in your mind. I always joke, I’m like, We should really have sharpies where you can like tally on your arm, like how much you’ve had over the period, like over the evening. Um, [00:47:00] because it’s like between a D I’m like, I also know, okay, an edibles gonna last a lot longer.
[00:47:03] It’s gonna kick in, it’s gonna take this long to kick in. If I smoke, it’ll feel this way. Um, so it’s a lot, it’s a lot of information to remember and for, and a lot of this is so new, um, that. As event planners who are coming up with this, we’re not think, we have to really think about the end user experience.
[00:47:24] What is somebody walking into the experience going to feel and assume that they know nothing and that they’re an, um, a beginner, and how do we help curate the best experience possible for them? So they’re going to continue to come back and tell their friends, and we’re working to destigmatize ca Cannabis across all of our cultures and communities.
[00:47:43]Bryan Fields: When you got started in the cannabis journey, what did you get? Right? And most importantly, what did you get wrong?
[00:47:48]Christina Wong: What did I get right? Oh man. I don’t know. I’m just, I think really tapping into community and finding people [00:48:00] who, and, and finding a. Culture and community of people who align with what I believe in is really incredible.
[00:48:07] I would say there’s the most incredible women I have met in cannabis are incredibly supportive and I would not be able to do what I do without them. Um, you know, I found a amazing community of aaps in cannabis, which for the first time in my life, um, has made me feel like I belong. Like I’ve never felt like I really belonged with other, like Asians growing up.
[00:48:30] And. Finding everybody here. It’s like, I’m like, oh, wow. Like we’re all kind of like the rebellious kids and aligning with people like that. Like we’re not lazy, we’re not dumb, we we’re not unsuccessful. And being able to kind of work through that with like our own like family traumas or intergenerational trauma and like.
[00:48:49] Finding healing in a community has been incredible. Uh, one of the things I got wrong, I think, um, I came in with a lot of stereotypes. Um, you know, uh, a lot of habits and [00:49:00] things like really learning about the racist history of cannabis prohibition and, um, changing my language from saying things like black market to legacy market.
[00:49:10] Um, I think those are important. Um, I still, you know, I still make mistakes. I still make a lot of assumptions. I’m still learning a lot as I’m cooking and baking. Um, I’m trying to be open to hearing what do high dose medical users really need, right? What do high dose edibles users need and want, and how can I, I, I’m talking about low dose, but how can I adjust my recipes and my approach to cooking and baking that can accommodate and that can like serve them so that they can have better tasting edibles too, because I’m sure that.
[00:49:41] Everybody wants to eat good food and we don’t wanna taste food that tastes like chlorophyll.
[00:49:47]Bryan Fields: Amen. If you could sum up your experience in a main takeaway or lesson learned to pass onto the next generation, what would it be?
[00:49:54]Christina Wong: Hmm. Be open-minded, be curious, ask [00:50:00] questions. There’s so many incredible people who know so much, and my mind has been opened by just meeting, um, so many people.
[00:50:09] Even, you know, I grew up in a very, uh, you know, Corporate, traditional kind of, um, life and experience and coming into the cannabis industry. People come from all different kinds of backgrounds and it doesn’t make them any better or worse or whatever it is. Like set aside whatever prejudices and things that you may have in your mind and come in with an open heart and an open mind to hear people out because.
[00:50:34] People who’ve gone to jail, people who haven’t gone to school, people have done like, you know, maybe been trappers their whole lives. They have some of the most fascinating, most interesting perspectives, um, to add to the story. And I think that, and actually diversifying too, like surrounding yourself with people who are very diverse in this industry, cuz there’s.
[00:50:53] I see so many different facets of this here and um, for me, I’m trying to find this place [00:51:00] where, like, where can my voice make the most difference? How can I help, uh, destigmatize and bring in more people and teach people how to have a positive experience?
[00:51:13]Bryan Fields: That’s really well said. Alright, prediction time.
[00:51:16] Christina, it’s 2050. What does the world look and view infused meals as? Are there events or experiences that are currently happening in 2050?
[00:51:27]Christina Wong: 20? What is that like 30 years from now? 27. 47 ish. Damn. I’m gonna be so I’m gonna be like an old lady by then. Yeah, same. I’m like, oh man, what does that look like?
[00:51:41] You know? And, but if you had asked me what like. 30 years ago, what this, I couldn’t have imagined it this, this was culinary. Candace was not something that I imagined would even be a thing, and yet here we are and it is, and it brings it people together. I would like to hope that it’s legal. [00:52:00] We’re not basing this type of discrimination and like just unfairness around the world and that this plant is be, we’re using food in cannabis to bridge, um, Cultures to bridge conversations and bring people together.
[00:52:14] I mean, like probably we’re gonna be able to just buy cannabis infused food like off the shelves like you would any other, I think that would be cool, right? If you could go buy your package to this. I mean, it’s already there, but it’s at a dispensary. And if. I would like for cannabis to be treated similar to how we look at alcohol and be available in the same way because alcohol is technically more damaging and it’s more easily and readily available.
[00:52:43] And so I think if we can educate better and make it accessible, and you know what I also really dislike about a lot of, um, The censorship that’s going on right now is that there’s a lot of censorship. So for me as a creator, it’s difficult for me to put things out and educate and [00:53:00] say the words and things like I’m going through and like covering up the words cannabis or like the California label when I’m making Instagram and like TikTok videos because those get flagged by ai.
[00:53:11] And I do that out of necessity. But I think that that’s actually bad because those labels are important and they’re there for a reason. And if we’re covering them up, then like it’s defeating the entire purpose and like censorship doesn’t work. So I hope that like all of our work will continue to push for more education and like, I hope that it doesn’t just become a silent type situation where it’s like, I, I, I hope that culinary hands doesn’t become just like a pharmaceutical and a pill that you can pop.
[00:53:40] I know that, that there is applications for that, but I think the joys of eating and food and comradery and cannabis together is really the magic of the plant. That’s
[00:53:53]Bryan Fields: really well said ke. You wanna take a swing?
[00:53:56]Kellan Finney: Uh, 2050. That was the, the year [00:54:00] what cannabis infused events are gonna be happening. Uh, I’m gonna take a, a wild swing here.
[00:54:06] Uh, I think that it will be interplanetary. You’re gonna go, yeah. Right. I mean, like, there’s a
[00:54:14]Bryan Fields: lot of uses to hemp. And
[00:54:16]Kellan Finney: cannabis, right? There’s nutritional value we can make rope outta hemp. There’s all these cannabinoids that are valuable for medicinal purposes. Right? Sounds like a pretty good, uh, item to take with you if you’re gonna go cultivate items on another planet, right?
[00:54:33] And all the camaraderie stuff that we just mentioned, right? Helps people bring people close. So I’m gonna say that there
[00:54:40]Bryan Fields: will be infused dinners
[00:54:41]Kellan Finney: in 2050 on other planets. That’s my, uh, bold commission.
[00:54:47]Christina Wong: What if, what if we’re not on planets and we’re living in a post-apocalyptic zombie
[00:54:52]Bryan Fields: world? Oh man, I’m gonna need the infused overdoses.
[00:54:55] Food. High dose. High dose. Very high. Yeah. I’m [00:55:00] fighting zombies. I’m gonna need those high doses on the regular.
[00:55:02]Kellan Finney: Alright. You’re fighting zombies.
[00:55:04]Bryan Fields: It’s 2050 Bryant. So for, for me, I, I think that. This is the big like barrier that can help change people’s perspectives. I think with cannabis, everyone assumes smoking, which I know people has their stigmas with, but I think when people start mixing food with cannabis, it’ll change perspectives because you can think about going to someone’s house and someone’s cooked a prepared, a home cooked meal, and that beautiful taste and smell when you walk in.
[00:55:26] If that’s infused and lightly, the way he described Christina, he changes people’s perspectives. Mm-hmm. Almost instantaneous. And like my hope one day is to go to one of these high-end fancy restaurants and to have. And infuse dinner where it tastes as beautiful as it sounded today, because I think that is the type of experience that, again, changes people’s perspectives.
[00:55:43] And I think by 2050 hopefully will have high-end culinary restaurants that serve world-class meals that are infused.
[00:55:52]Christina Wong: You know what I like? I would like it to be not high end. I would like it to be casual and approachable that you can get right. The high there is honestly, [00:56:00] like there is high end like fine dining dinners with the chefs and they do the 10 course and the blah, blah, whatever.
[00:56:05] I’m bored with that. Like only that’s so inaccessible to the average person and like, right. Like. Can I get a cannabis infused salad dressing or a drink? Just like I wouldn’t, like w would you like it with or without? Can I go to a restaurant and a bar and order a cannabis drink instead of a glass of wine?
[00:56:24] I would love that cuz I don’t really like drinking that much. It doesn’t agree with me. Um, but like, Yeah, I agree. Like I just, you know, I was telling somebody yesterday that when like cannabis is love and when, and food is love, and I made a batch of glazed pecans for her to bring to a friend’s father who, um, is going through like medical treatments and really, really loves these.
[00:56:48] And so I made them and we were talking about it and I was like, you know, I’m like the, the pure act of her. Giving these to them of me making this to give to her for this person is an act [00:57:00] of love. And food is love because it’s healing, it’s nurture, it’s nourishment. And um, when I worked at Papa and Barclay, that was, we would talk about that a lot.
[00:57:09] Like this balm, this topical that’s made that you give to someone. To take away their pain. To take away their stress and like rubbing something on someone’s body that’s pure love. And I think the more of that that can happen, the less you know, it’s we’re gonna start breaking apart that war on drugs and this like Reefer Madness 2.0 that’s going on right now.
[00:57:34]Bryan Fields: Hundred percent. Really well said. Yeah. So for our listeners, they wanna get in touch, they wanna subscribe to your CK to get some of these recipes. Where can they find
[00:57:41]Christina Wong: you? You can find me. Um, easiest ways on Instagram, I’m at fruit and flower, all one word spelled out and on my CK newsletter and podcast is fruit and flower.dot com.
[00:57:54] My new podcast has dropped. It’s available on, um, Spotify, apple Music and [00:58:00] as well, so, But my newsletter is the best way to find me. You can also check out my website.
[00:58:05]Bryan Fields: Awesome. Will link up on the show. Thanks for taking the time. This was a lot of fun. You’re very
[00:58:08]Christina Wong: welcome. It’s a pleasure being here. Thank you.
[00:58:10] Thank you.
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