Bryan and Kellan sit down with Chris Walsh, the CEO of MJ Biz Daily in today’s episode.

As a former business journalist and reporter editor, Chris Walsh has extensive knowledge of the business world. Today he provides insights into demonstrating the credibility of the people and business of Cannabis.

Listen today to hear:

  • How the Cannabis Industry started and is still developing
  • Cannabis business uncertainty
  • DEA raids on legal cannabis dispensaries
  • Creating MJBizCon, a professional cannabis conference and expo

Chris Walsh set out to prove that the Cannabis industry is a legitimate professional business. He oversees the editorial, events, marketing, sales and new products divisions of the largest B2B media, research and trade show/conference company in the global cannabis industry. Visit more information.

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After 15 years of experience in Financial services, Jason Malcolm was hungry for a challenge. As the Principal of Arcview Management Consulting, Jason helps budding Cannabis businesses flourish in the quickly changing cannabis industry.

Bryan Fields @bryanfields24 and Kellan Finney @Kellan_Finney gain insight into Jason’s knowledge on the Cannabis market by discussing:

  • The competitive cannabis market
  • Launching cannabis programs
  • Licensing structure and complexity
  • Strategic feedback that leads to success
  • Hurdles that operators are faced with
  • Lessons learned for future generations
  • Don’t forget to hit that share button!

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Arcview Management Consulting is a global management firm with extensive knowledge in cannabis and hemp to better help companies succeed and scale in the industry. You can learn more by visiting

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Action-Oriented problem solvers ready to go

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Bryan and Kellan sit down with Money Coach and Brand Builder, Jordan Highley of Make More Capital.

After working as a public school educator, Jordan Highley wanted to provide financial education to individuals who are looking to build generational wealth. Make More Capital is his financial education brand that seeks to empower ambitious people on how they can cut out expensive fees and keep more of their profit.

Listen to The Dime Podcast to hear Jordan discuss:

  • Money Management
  • What Cannabis company first caught his eye
  • Background into the History of Cannabis
  • Removing the Stigma of Cannabis
  • Impacts of Global Cannabis being legalized

After listening to today’s episode, you can learn more about Jordan’s work by visiting and following him on Twitter @makemorecapital

Let @bryanfields24 and @kellan_finney know what you think of today’s episode on social media!

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What is Delta-10 THC?

The Dime has its first returning guest, Dr. Matt Moore, principal scientist at Benuvia Manufacturing to discuss Delta-10 THC. Before listening to today’s episode, check out our prior session with Dr. Moore where we discussed Delta-8 THC (link:–Matt-Moore-epgkvn) or our intro to Delta-8 episode (link:

Featured in today’s episode:

· Delta-10 THC

· Tetrahydrocannabinol clinical research and analysis

· Lawmakers lack knowledge about cannabis

· What should be on the radar of people in the Cannabinoid space?

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Benuvia Manufacturing is a leading developer and manufacturer of high-purity, pharmaceutical cannabinoid ingredients and products.

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Listen today to hear Cannabis journalist and author, Andrew Ward talk with hosts Bryan @bryanfields24 and Kellan @kellan_finney about the world of Cannabis culture and writing.

You will also here insights about

  • Educating the Public about Cannabis
  • THC Caps and Future Legislation
  • Inspiration for his book The Art of Marijuana Etiquette
  • Professions in Cannabis

After working for a startup, Andrew Ward was trying to find a sector of the marketing and writing world he fit into and could be passionate about. He saw the newly budding cannabis industry and threw himself into the field. Now with over 500 published pieces, Andrew is a key figure in the cannabis community. You can purchase Andrew’s books on Amazon as well as other favorite retailers

You can support The Dime Podcast by following us on Social Media or by sharing your favorite episode with a friend. 

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Action-Oriented problem solvers ready to go

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From executive-level strategy to technical know-how, our actionable insights keep you ahead of the pack!

Bryan Fields @bryanfields24 and Kellan Finney @Kellan_Finney sit down with Peter Vogel, the CEO of Leafwire. Leafwire was founded to provide a welcoming and safe community for Cannabis business professionals. This community allows entrepreneurs, investors and individuals interested in cannabis to connect, share news and collaborate. With Leafwire, everyone grows together.

Featured in Today’s episode:

  • How Leafwire has become the LinkedIn of Cannabis & Hemp Industry
  • How investors can find upcoming businesses to invest in
  • What is new and upcoming for Leafwire
  • How Leafwire is helping people network in the Cannabis industry

You will also hear what Peter thinks the biggest misconception in the Cannabis Industry is as well as advice he has to share.

Peter Vogel is the CEO of Leafwire. After working in Technology startups for 20 years, Peter Vogel decided to step into the Cannabis business industry. You can join Leafwire to learn industry news and to network to

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