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Each month we spend hours analyzing market research, data trends and private conservations to will keep you in front of the ever-evolving cannabinoid industry. Read the entire Report here

One Report, Once a Month, Everything you need to know

The article below is an excerpt from the Monthly Playbook.

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Join the 1,512 others who are receiving high-signal, data-driven analysis to be in front of their peers in the cannabinoid space! If you have found value in our insights, please share this with another canna-curious individual to grow the revolution!

Each month we spend hours analyzing market research, data trends and private conservations to will keep you in front of the ever-evolving cannabinoid industry. Read the entire Report here

One Report, Once a Month, Everything you need to know

The article below is an excerpt from the Monthly Playbook.

The marathon in the CBD industry is far from over, as prices and players continue to be volatile. With a large CBD player closing its doors, others operating in the space have a growing opportunity to gain market share. On the other side of the coin, companies manufacturing CBD are twiddling their thumbs, waiting for further guidance from the FDA and USDA, which hopefully will come before the industry is bare bones. Lastly, commodity prices continue to soar. We believe this current environment will allow companies to expand their revenue streams and harness the true versatility of the cannabis plant, whether this involves using the hurd for building materials, the chemical waste streams for commodities, or the phytochemicals for medicine.

Kellan Finney

After the Harvest & Trulieve deal, many industry insiders have called this upcoming month the “summer of canna love.” Will other large MSOs feel the need to quickly respond? Will urgency, the main theme of our May report, play a vital part in next steps? According to our research, the answers to both are a resounding “Yes.” As the industry continues to blossom, we recommend leaning into these feelings of urgency by conducting your own strategic moves during this time of consolidation. Our favorite approach is the smaller scale roll-up, and though it’s not as heavily celebrated or scrutinized as the Trulieve deal, it’s just as crucial to the development of your operations.

Bryan Fields

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Join the 1,512 others who are receiving high-signal, data-driven analysis to be in front of their peers in the cannabinoid space! If you have found value in our insights, please share this with another canna-curious individual to grow the revolution!

Each month we spend hours analyzing market research, data trends and private conservations to will keep you in front of the ever-evolving cannabinoid industry. Read the entire Report here

One Report, Once a Month, Everything you need to know

The article below is an excerpt from the Monthly Playbook.

The Future Of Lumber And Its Effect On Cannabis Consumers – June 2021 Monthly Playbook

At the time of writing this, July 2021 lumber futures are trading at $1540 per contract, which is a 337.5% increase in price from last year. The interesting thing about lumber future contracts is that they include both the finished lumber products, like as 2’ x 4’s for framing houses, along with pulp which is a byproduct of the milling process. The pulp is used to create paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard, and other consumables. While the housing boom requires finished boards and is driving the price of lumber future contracts up, the pulp industry operates differently.

Typically, only half of the fiber used for paper manufacturing processes is derived sawmill pulp, and the other half comes directly from wood that was purposely harvested for paper. 5,6, The glut of pine trees in the United States is escalating the stock price, helping cushion sawmill margins.

The Future Of Lumber And Its Effect On Cannabis Consumers

The cannabis industry is heavily reliant on paper products to package and label goods. The main product we believe could be the most effected by the increase in lumber and pulp prices is the pre-roll market. The total domestic market for pre-rolls in 2020 was ~$1.9 billion with ~200 million joints sold in the adult-use markets.

The average retail price is currently around $10.00 for a 0.7 gram cannabis pre-roll.7 If processors experience a 300% increase in packaging cost for pre-rolls (including the rolling paper, filter, packaging, and label), the consumer will most likely have to foot the bill. This spike in pulp pricing will inevitably lead to an increase in price for paper products. Considering the uptick in online shopping this year leading to increased demand for cardboard, we recommend locking in packaging inventory for the summer to avoid any dramatic price increases.

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From executive-level strategy to technical know-how, our actionable insights keep you ahead of the pack!

Join the 1,512 others who are receiving high-signal, data-driven analysis to be in front of their peers in the cannabinoid space! If you have found value in our insights, please share this with another canna-curious individual to grow the revolution!

Each month we spend hours analyzing market research, data trends and private conservations to will keep you in front of the ever-evolving cannabinoid industry. Read the entire Report here

One Report, Once a Month, Everything you need to know

The article below is an excerpt from the Monthly Playbook.

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The impact of the Corona virus will affect all industries,
especially cannabis & hemp,
but Eighth will make sure you stay informed. 

Quarantine Marketing

As people struggle to cope with the shift from physical to virtual, companies are trying their best to maintain their customer base and continue to take part in engaging dialogue. Find out the three ways we’ve been seeing companies take action. 

The impact of the Corona virus will affect all industries,
especially cannabis & hemp,

Corona & the Cannabis Industry

Some retailers are comparing the increase in sales volume due to consumers stocking up for social distancing to the sales volumes seen during 4/20 and Black Friday. Caliva CEO reports seeing less foot traffic, but a 70% increase in web traffic, a 109% increase in delivery, and a 600% increase in new customers….

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Action-Oriented problem solvers ready to go

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From executive-level strategy to technical know-how, our actionable insights keep you ahead of the pack!

2021 Predictions Graphic

As we get closer to federal legalization, 2021 will contain the building blocks for a successful national cannabinoid industry. Here, we break down what we’ve heard, what we’ve read, and what we hypothesize will happen in the upcoming year. 

2021 is the year of M&As.

With the varying regulations across stateliness and the challenges that come with them, domestic brands have yet to claim a dominant share of the national market. As industry titans like Columbia Care, Curaleaf, and Trulieve watch the states get closer to federal legalization, they’ve doubled down on their efforts to properly position themselves in the market, develop a greater degree of product consistency, and push for more widespread brand recognition. This is being done through M&As. In late November, the Subversive Capital Acquisition Corp. announced that they were in the process of purchasing Caliva and Left Coast Ventures and that the deal would be completed by January 2021. This is simply the first of many to come. Expect to see MSOs paying premium prices to scoop up businesses that have sizable and hard-won brand recognition and loyalty.

Prepare for Amazon and national brands.

This future widening of the distribution network brings up another point: national brands. Right  now, can you think of the #1 brand that dominates the market share nationwide? Trick question – it’s impossible! Each state has its own most popular brand, but none are nationwide premier brands. 2021 will change this and we have a few ideas on who this will be and why. 

Nielsen predicted that Amazon will be entering the market soon and we believe them. The massive logistics company can help alleviate the current distribution challenges, but whenever outside kingpins enter the space, it’s likely they’ll bring in some other game-changing pros and cons.

CBD products become normalized. 

Between Lord Jones’ success in global beauty store, Sephora, and Nielsen’s recent prediction that conglomerate Amazon will enter the CBD space, it’s clear that major established names will continue to enter the cannabinoid space. The billion dollar predictions and growing number of CBD regulations has created an environment that more established retailers feel safe entering into, so in 2021, expect to see your favorite companies dipping a toe into the cannabinoid pond.

Stigma no more.  

With many states and cities hurting as the true economic impact of COVID begins to hit, government officials will call for financial reform. In comes the cannabinoid industry, a potential goldmine of tax revenue, job opportunities, and unfettered economic growth. In 2021, cannabis (and, by extension, cannabinoids) will shed the last of their remaining stigma and be embraced as a viable, safe industry.

2021 will be a major year for regulations.

US MSOs will have to transition to the same GMP and food safe regulations imposed on Canadian LPs. Be proactive and start working toward these now. It takes a sizable amount of resources to ensure that you’re meeting these standards and when (not if) this is mandatory, it will be a mad dash to the finish line. Avoid the rush and start as soon as possible.

Influencer Partnerships will emerge.

Equity partnerships with influencers is the best growth hacker, especially in an industry where traditional advertising has been barred. Big brands like Cholula, Fitness Performance Tech, and Body Armor have always been on the hunt for the next best partnership opportunities, and as athletes begin to open their own dispensaries and cannabinoid brands, the public will start to see synergistic marketing efforts between the two. Expect this to be a common occurrence in the space as regulations continue to soften and the big industry players duke it out to see who will be the top dog.

Pricing Will Start Trending Down. 

The increase in clone pricing could be a sign that companies are turning to indoor hemp cultivation for smokable flower where the main method for cultivation relies on clones instead of seeds. Furthermore, the decrease in overall licensed and planted acres of hemp could be another signal that indoor cultivation is providing a viable product for the market. As such, prices are significantly down when compared to a year ago. 

CBD isolate prices also continue to trend down, and this could potentially open opportunities for new consumer adoption. Lower COGS means lower consumer prices which means a new pricing tier, and this will allow a larger number of people to try CBD products.

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