How Dre thinks about creating perfect items and drawing inspiration from U2’s Bono
We always try to make the perfect thing, and you have to present [the consumer with] something great [that ]you would use yourself [and] would like. At my last startup, Bono was on the advisory board, and I had this meeting with Bono, and I had this dinner with him. […] He said basically, at some point, he stopped asking other people’s opinions about his music. He said if he likes it, then that’s enough for him and for the band. And he said, statistically, if he likes it, millions of people out there will also like it, but there will be millions as well who don’t connect to it. […] But when it’s good for me [and] the team, and good for the consumers we are testing it with, then it’s good for everybody.
Getting consumers to feel something different or the urge to try something different
People want every day—they want something new, even if it’s the same strain, if it’s in a different packaging if it’s red and not blue, then we say that could be different. It could be the same stuff, but it feels different. Even if it’s in a different bag, like, it feels different. All this plays into it.
Are you with great friends? Are you with some people you don’t know? Are you in a restaurant? Are you doing it illegally on a plane? It’s always something different. A different experience, right? So, this new brand is ready for that, and the most important thing, it doesn’t take itself so seriously like the others. It’s just liberating and in all aspects of it as well. And this, it’s a lifestyle brand, really, but it’s all about what’s in the back and not what’s on the back.

Andreas Neumann,
Chief Creative Director at Jushi
Drawing on inspiration from previous roles and getting fit to be in cannabis
I’m like a method actor in this business; like, I have to be, I have to become it. When I do a documentary, I become the person. When I shoot rock and roll, I become part of a band. I become it.
In cannabis, […] from the first day I was involved, I said I have to try every product out there. I have to know what this is about. […] I cannot do this during the day, but every night since then? Every night, I’m consuming.
I’ve learned so much about products because, as you know, it’s not as easy as trying [something] once and then knowing what it is. It’s a kind of journey. You maybe start out with vape, then you go to gummies, and you come back to flower. Then, you enjoy really flower, and then you maybe get even into concentrate, and then, you [go] back to the gummy.

Editors’ Note: This is an excerpt from our Monthly Playbook. If you would like to read the full monthly playbook and join the thousands of others you can sign up below.