Patience in Cannabis breed Opportunies
Another month in the books and progress continues on all fronts. It wouldn’t be possible to summarize the current state of the industry without mentioning the Schumer draft of a mega bill which was recently introduced. While many have dissected the draft and discussed ad nauseum the positives and negatives, we’ll take a reoccurring theme for this monthly piece forward. The introduction of the bill shows the magnitude of the numerous issues Congress must address but these are necessary steps to unleash the industry.
Opportunities such as the cannabis industry require a strong mental fortitude to continue to paddle against the flow, time and time again
Identify Opportunities
While I’m optimistic, I’ve recently found myself becoming impatient. Is it possible, given the speed of the industry, that we’ve normalized this fast-paced train? Is it possible for any reduction in speed of the freight train that is cannabis that will not make me and others like myself feel frustrated or impatient? Recently, we found ourselves in a conversation with a well-known company that does NOT have any immediate channels into the cannabis industry.
We’ve been helping them identify opportunities and entry point strategies so they can position themselves for success. What caught me off guard was their collective negativity of the bill and the hesitation to proceed into the space. Opportunities such as the cannabis industry require a strong mental fortitude to continue to paddle against the flow time and time again. These steps, as hard as they are now, will allow many to reap tremendous rewards if they can continue paddling.
we are still in the infancy of a
billion-dollar industry
and you have to
be in it to win it
Lack of Progress
It’s easy to get impatient and discouraged at the lack of progress. As we analyze the space month to month, the various uphill battles, and the need for banking, social justice, etc., it’s easy to say maybe we should wait this out. Remember, we’re still in the infancy of a billion-dollar industry, and you have to be in it to win it!